Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Hate ❯ Search and Rescue ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Love and Hate- Chapter 5: "Search and Rescue"

By Matoko Shizaki

Disclaimer: FUNimation owns YYH.

Notes: This is starting to heat up in action but the romance will still be there. Don't worry! By the way, any questions, comments, and or hate mail are welcomed. You can e-mail and or IM me at crazedpunkwashu@aol.com. Feedback is really needed on this one.

By the way, tell me if this fic made you cry. I didn't think it did that to me but one of my readers told me she was on the verge of crying in the second or first chapter.


Yukina felt like her heart had been ripped apart. Hope of her rescue seemed unattainable and watching Kuwabara's defeat had slowed her optimism ever more. Her sea-foam colored hair hung down in front of her eyes and she blew it away. Then, she remembered the mirror…

Gathering up her courage, Yukina spoke up. "Mirror, show me Kazuma Kuwabara." The mirror didn't stir and Yukina frowned. Just as Yukina was giving up, the picture faded and the image of Kuwabara sleeping peacefully shone brightly against the darkness. Yukina smiled shedding tears of joy. "Kuwabara! Thank god you're ok!" The hole in Yukina's heart was mended and her hopes revitalized. "He will come for me. Him and Hiei and all the others."

A hiss from the corner interrupted Yukina's celebration. "So, the idiot human still lives." Yukina spun her head around to face Zurui. "Heh, that won't last long…" he said. "You know, you'll never get away with this!" Yukina cried. "Oh won't I?" Zurui asked sarcastically with a sly smile. "We'll see about that."

Daybreak awakened the search party. Hiei was the first up and stood looking out over the endless dunes that suddenly were broken by the towering Maze Castle. "Hiei, who is this, this demon that took Yukina?" Kurama asked coming up from behind his partner. "Zurui, leader of the Former Head Demon Clan." Kuwabara grunted. "And what the hell does this bastard have to do with you and Yukina?!" Hiei turned away from the fuming redhead. "That is my past, something I wish to forget." "Well your not going to forget it when Yukina's life is on the line!" Kuwabara yelled. Hiei looked Kuwabara in the eye and said, calmly, "There's no use fighting. What's done is done. The only thing to worry about is the future."

The group started off again. Botan returned from scouting ahead and brought news. "Not much longer until we reach Maze Castle. They're keeping Yukina in the highest tower." Yusuke frowned. "Are there any traps like there were last time?" "Undoubtedly there are demons to fight on the way but other than that, no." Kuwabara spoke up. "That bastard Zurui is mine." Kurama turned to Kuwabara. "There will obstacles and some of us may have to stay behind while one goes ahead to get Yukina. In any case, that will be you." Kuwabara nodded. "Botan, is there any way we can get to the castle faster?" Yusuke asked. Botan rummaged through the sleeve of her kimono and pulled out her guidebook. Smiling, she nodded.

Zurui's silver hair flapped in the breeze as he stood near the edge of the chamber looking out onto the entrance of the castle. A portal ripped open right before the gate and the rescue party of five emerged. Yukina watched from where she was tied up. "They're here!" She thought merrily. Zurui grunted. "Those fools. They can't possibly make it past my three body guards…"

Kurama was the first to wander into the where the Test of Betrayal had been. "I remember this place all to well." Kuwabara said crossing his arms behind his head. Yusuke nodded in agreement and followed Kurama to the first chamber. The rock chamber the dark and musty, the only light a half burnt out torch. "Who's there?" came an eerie voice. In the middle of the room, a green demon sat meditating. "We come for Yukina!" Kuwabara called. His yell was soon silenced by laughter. "Then you must get by me, Hana, first."

Yusuke stepped forward. "I'll take this one." Hana chuckled and stood up. "Well, another fool has presented himself to die at my feet. Come then, let's not delay." Yusuke yelled and ran forward, his fist raised. Hana smiled and suddenly his hands distorted. Five vines sprouted instead wrapping themselves around Yusuke's body. Yusuke, not having his feet or hands to help him, chomped down on one of Hama's vines. Hama recoiled in annoyance, dropping Yusuke. The spirit detective held out his fist. "Shotgun!" As more vines sprout from Hama's wrists, they were reduced to stumps by Yusuke's shotgun technique. "Damn, you little brat!" Green blood oozed from the stumps and the remaining vines recoiled and hands formed again. "HIYA!" Hama let out a burst of spirit energy that hit Yusuke dead on and slammed him into the wall. Yusuke fell to the floor with a groan. "Now you will die!" "Yusuke! Look out!" Botan cried. What remained of Hama's vines dove into the rock floor coming up in a cage. "Hey, Hama!" Hama looked up upon hearing a voice. Yusuke came down. "Spirit Gun!" Blue light filled the room throwing dust and smoke up in the spectators' eyes. Yusuke hobbled out of the haze, a smile on his face.

Yukina watched the mirror intently as Yusuke and the others plodded up the stair towards the second chamber. "What next?" Kurama asked Botan. "Up next is the outdoor patio followed by Byakko's old layer." Kuwabara shuddered. "What is it Kuwabara?" Yusuke asked looking at his friend. Kuwabara looked straight at where the mirror was hidden as if he was looking at Yukina. "I don't know, I just have this strange feeling we're being watched by the demon dude." Yukina gazed at the mirror and sighed, the suspense too much for her to take.

The patio was smashed up and burnt, just like Kuwabara remembered it. A soft wind blew over top of the castle but other than that there was no noise. "The next demon must be hiding in Byakko's chamber." Hiei said. "Great, my favorite place…" Kuwabara grumbled. The group picked up speed, running fast and fast until they stopped at a balcony overlooking the river of molten lava that lay underneath the pillars.

"Doesn't look like anyone's here." Yusuke said putting his hands on his hips. "Don't be too sure Urameshi." Kuwabara said, listening closely. "I know someone's here, I can feel it!" Kurama kicked a stone off the balcony and listened. "Yes, he's right." A hissing laugh could be heard from the center pillar. In the blink on an eye, a toad-like demon crouched, his tongue darting in and out of his mouth. "Right you are my fascinating friends. You may have had an easy time with Hama but that's because he's as delicate as a flower (so speaking since Hama is Japanese for flower… ^_^;;) but I am," The demon toad pounded his chest. "As hardy as a cockroach. My skin cannot be punctured. I have never gained so much as a scratch from any opponent." Botan gasped. "That's the demon Ninku! He's wanted for three felonies including unnecessary human slaughter!" She exclaimed. Kurama smiled and produced the rose from behind his back. "I'll take this one."

Kurama leapt out at Ninku, the rose in his hand. "Rose whip!" The whip lashed out wrapping itself around Ninku's arm. With a gleeful smile, the toad said, "Looks like you've forgotten about this!" His tongue flew from his mouth with such agility but it was no match for Kurama's speed. The tongue darted back and forth, knocking down the pillars as it followed the youkai. Finally, Ninku drew back his tongue and hopped forward, spikes poking out from his body. "Take this you vermin!" Kurama jumped out of the way but the toad pinned him to the pillar with one spike stuck in his shoulder. "Ha! Such pitiful attempts! I will enjoy devouring you!" Kurama's legs kicked up automatically knocking the toad off. Ninku was able to latch onto another pillar instead of falling. Shooting out his tongue again, Ninku tried one last time to grab Kurama. The tongue just barely got Kurama and held him tightly.

Kurama's concentrated face broke into a smile. "What is there to be happy about youkai? Is it that you are finally accepting your fate?" Kurama shook his head as best he could. "No. Die." A leaf burst painfully out of Ninku's body and he let go of Kurama. "How did you…?" Kurama smiled and brushed himself off. "It's very simple really. Since I couldn't penetrate your outside skin, I attacked you from the inside… with one of these." Kurama held up a seed. "The Grass of Death?!" Ninku moaned. "Die." Another few leaves and flowers burst through the rough skin. "That's right. I planted one on your tongue when you grabbed me. Die, die." More and move vines, leaves, and flowers burst painfully out of Ninku's body until the toad dropped dead on the pillar.

"Hmm. They're better than I thought…" Zurui mumbled to himself. "No matter, they still must face Dotchi…"

The second to last chamber was as it had been left by the Saint Beasts years ago. Hiei looked around and then removed his robe showing only his pants and the bandage running up his right arm. "This one," he exclaimed as if enjoy the moment. "Is mine." Dotchi rose from his spot near the door leading to the patio near the last tower. "So, another opponent…" he said elegantly. Dotchi came into the light, his long black hair glistening. Suddenly, his looks changes and Hiei noticed that he was an exact copy. "Damn, what the?" Hiei stared at his clone for a second. "AH!" Rage seemed to overtake Hiei's body as his fists became encased in fire. Dotchi smiled. "Shall we start?"

A fiery punch from Hiei landed in Dotchi's left hand. "My, my, am I too much for you my small friend?" Hiei growled and kneed Dotchi in the stomach giving himself time to jump back. "So, you like to fight dirty…" Dotchi laughed while gasping for air. Hiei held out his right hand. "Jao Ensatsu Ken!!!!" he cried, a blue sword similar to Kuwabara's appearing in his hand.

"Hey! That looks just like my rei-ken!" Kuwabara yelled. "Shut up and watch will you!" Yusuke cried, his eyes locked on the two Hieis in the center of the room.

Dotchi copied Hiei's movements and summoned his sword too. Dueling in the center of the room, they seemed to get nowhere. Finally, Dotchi slashed at Hiei cutting his bare chest. "See how futile it is? You can't win…" Hiei smiled. "We'll see…" Hiei backed off and Dotchi stabbed him right through. "Hiei!" Kurama cried. Suddenly the Hiei in front of Dotchi disappeared. "It's just an illusion." Dotchi felt a cold sword slice through his heart. The demon transformed to his original appearance and fell to the ground dead.

Control demons streamed from the walls, attacking the killers of their master as the door to the last patio opened. "Go Kuwabara!" Yusuke called. "We'll hold them off so you can get to Yukina!" Kuwabara nodded and summoned his rei-ken. Charging out the door, he remembered the miniature window, the only entrance to the chamber. "Spirit sword, grow!" Kuwabara commanded. Using the blade as a pole vault, he sailed into the window.

Yukina turned her head and a bright smile crept over her face. Zurui turned around too. "What the?" Kuwabara posed heroically. "To your rescue Yukina!"