Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mute ❯ To Capture a Voice ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello….The prologues only been up for a little while and already I've got reviews! Thank you so much! I live on those some days. The Full summery is:
After a horrifying mission, Hiei is left without his voice. Then the team and all those they love are separated, their safety at stake, but Hiei and Yukina end up in an unexpected place. After another terrible experience Hiei is pushed over the edge. Broken, can Yukina and their unexpected savior help him? Or will he forever be lost?
Well, here comes the beginning…..
To Capture A Voice
The mission had started out so normally. They were just supposed to get an artifact back. Yukina couldn't understand how one of them could come back in such a state. Hiei lay in front of her, Botan bringing him in so shocked she hadn't spoken. She hadn't even waited for the others and it had turned to be good thing as Hiei's life hung on a thin line. She felt sick. Oh Hiei what did they do to you? She worked fast to stop the worst of the bleeds she could find. He had to have been stabbed, beaten, and worse. So much worse.
As she moved her healing hands from one side of his body to the other to work on a bubbling wound on his left shoulder, Yukina had to stop to take deep, steadying breaths. Th-they didn't! Oh…Hiei! She looked at him, tried to steady herself more, his wounds still needed to be tended to, but as she worked now she cried. Hiei awoke as she worked steadily, guiding and nudging a broken rib to heal in its correct place in his rib cage. His ruby eyes that so matched hers roamed as though he hadn't the faintest clue of his whereabouts. He stubbornly tried to move.
Yukina stopped him gently, but the moment her kind, shaking hand seemed to restrain him he tried to move harder then before.
“Hiei! It's just me, Yukina!” she whispered, trying to stay calm, hope within her that a familiar voice might help. He looked at her. He shook.
“Shhhh, I'm just healing the wounds,” with that barely out of her mouth, he tried to leave again.
“Please Hiei, don't move. Things will get worse if you move. I already know. The wounds. They I can't heal,” Yukina said sadly. Hiei stopped moving, but not a word passed his chapped, bloodied lips.
In the next hour she let him get up.
“Are they your only wounds?” she asked, hoping there were not more she couldn't heal. Gently, Hiei removed the light blue tank top, and turned his back to her. Why Yukina didn't pass out, she couldn't even theory. In his back, someone had unmercifully cut, deeply, and savagely patterns and signs. The blood flow was still going well on some and others becoming infected. Yukina knew that this had been done to him over time.
“When did they do this to you? Was it before or…after?” Yukina probed, shocked at the amount of pain he had to have been tolerating. Hiei once again didn't answer her, and her worry grew.
“Was it before? Or...-” this time Hiei shook his head.
“It was after?” she whispered. Hiei unfortunately nodded. She felt sick at the thought of what had been done to him. She moved her hands to the bleeding and infected wounds and began the healing process. She eventually gave Hiei a small smile.
“It won't leave scars. The wounds, I mean,” she quickly corrected. She knew that the acts committed on him would leave their own scars, a worse kind with repercussions she didn't dare think about. They would be the type no one saw. Hiei nodded to show he had heard her. She helped him to move, wanting to help somehow, even though she already had in many ways. Suddenly Botan rushed in, completely breathless.
“I have to get you both out of here. Now! Something happened with the mission!”
“What happened?” Yukina asked as fear rose in her voice. Hiei's face mirrored her question.
“Nothing with Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama. They were leaving when…..when the real plot was revealed. This is much more serious then we thought. You all have to be hidden. All of you! The rest are already being picked up, please come with me,” Botan explained breathlessly.
“But where?” Yukina whispered.
“Don't know yet, but we have to leave now! We will keep you in groups until it's safe to bring you back here, back home,” Botan was getting a little annoyed now by all the questions, after all, time was of the essence. Botan grabbed Yukina's hand and began to pull her from the room; Hiei didn't leave.
“That means you too Hiei. Are his wounds healed?” Yukina didn't know how to answer. His body was fine and fit but his mind? She didn't know how it would affect him mentally. She didn't trust her voice not to betray some bit of emotion and just nodded.
“Please, let's hurry, you two are the last ones by now, you're in more danger then the rest.” Botan urged. No one spoke as they ran from the empty temple and in to the surrounding woods.
They made it to a clearing and Botan seemed ready to take off, when a blast echoed from the direction they had come from.
“Oh no! They must be right behind us!” Botan began to back up.
“We have to get farther aw-” Botan was cut off a blast going off between her and Hiei and Yukina. Hiei put himself behind Yukina as they flew through the air. He shielded her from the things they were thrown in to. His broken body taking a beating it shouldn't have been able to handle. They landed far from the clearing, the blast having that much power. Both bled, Hiei worst of all, but neither could move.
Hiei blinked trying to stay conscious, trying to move. Yukina was drifting in and out. Hiei tried to speak, but he couldn't. As he too began to drift in and out as his sister did, a shadow fell over them. Oh Kami. We'll both be killed. Yukina's going to be killed, and I can't do anything about it! His vision began to fade. The last thing he saw was a face of a young girl.
Yukina woke up warm and content in a small room she'd never been in before. Hiei was sitting on a chest of drawers in front of the wood door. Someone was banging on the door and trying to move it and the set of drawers and pissed off fire demon. The person was getting on Hiei nerves apparently.
“Come on let me in! I'm not going to hurt you or that girl. I'm the one who saved you. Your really stubborn!” The voice groaned and yelled.
“Did you put the drawers in front of the door?” Yukina asked hesitantly. Hiei, completely unashamed nodded a little too enthusiastically.
“I'm sure she means us no harm. She said she saved us. I'm inclined to believe her.” Hiei didn't move, but his ridiculous pride in blocking the door dissipated a little.
“Please Hiei. Let her in. I think we can trust her.” Hiei looked at her and back to the door when the nameless person began to pound again. He looked at her and then reluctantly got off the chest. The door flew opened fast and made the chest of drawers fly away. Hiei and Yukina exchanged glances. If she could do that before why did she not when Hiei was simply sitting on it? The girl entered, pushing auburn-brown hair out of her face. She grinned at them, her green eyes sparkling. She turned and gave Hiei and undeterminable look and turned to Yukina giving her the grin again.
“Hiya! I'm Hikari. I'm gonna guess your easier to talk to then that stubborn as-” she turned and glared at Hiei, who glared back, stopping in mid word, “When he woke up, he gave me a run for my money. Wouldn't stay still. Found you and barricaded the door. Been yelling at him for two hours!”
“Hiei, why'd you do that?” Yukina whispered. He gave her a shocked look and averted his eyes to the floor.
“Guess he was just worried.” Hiei looked at Hikari and resumed glaring. Yukina shifted to sit up but winced from pain. Hikari moved to push her back down, but Yukina was quickly up. She walked to Hiei. She looked him in the eye.
He wasn't glaring really. More like staring intensely. He looked forlorn, lost and almost dead. Hikari also took a closer look. Hiei being annoyed by the closeness of the two girls moved back against the wall.
“Hiei, that's your name right, are you feeling okay?” Hikari queried her new house guest. Hiei scooted farther away.
“You're not very social, are you?” Hikari laughed, “Let me see if you have any more wounds.” They could sense her power as she drew on it. Yukina quickly stopped her.
“I'll check! No need for him to try and hurt you.” And you don't need to know about that.
“Okay, I guess I don't need my head bitten off.” Hikari muttered, but she didn't leave. Quietly, Yukina went to work checking for any more wounds and trying her hardest to ignore those that resisted her healing talents. There weren't any of imminent importance. Those he did have were covered in bandages and were healing anyway. Her eyes filled with tears and she felt a hand reach out and stop her from continuing.
“Hey, are you alright? Are you hurting?” Hikari enquired. Hiei also seemed worried as his hand didn't leave her shoulder.
“I'm fine. He's got no injuries to worry about” Yukina stated hoping to hide the real problem.
“Are you hungry? I can make you something.
Fair warning, I'm not the best cook.” Yukina nodded but they got no reaction from Hiei. Gently Yukina tugged his hand. Reluctantly Hiei followed.
There was food in front of each of them, but Hiei was slowly feeling nauseous. Yukina was politely talking to Hikari and he was glad that no one had noticed his reluctance to stay near food. That was until some one decided to look over at him.
“Are you not hungry, or do you think I poisoned it?” Hikari muttered mostly to herself. Yukina looked at him worried. In truth at first mention of food he had been hungry, wouldn't have admitted it, but hungry nonetheless. The moment though, when food had been placed before him and the smell assaulted him, the first wave of nausea hit hard. It clearly wasn't just from the food, for Yukina was alright and eating. Now he felt like bolting. So he just sorta did.
“Hiei!” Yukina yelped when suddenly he was gone. She looked apologetically to Hikari, but Hikari looked completely ok with it, not offended in any way, shape, or form.
“I think the food was making him ill,” she said suddenly. Yukina thought for a moment. It was plausible, not likely in her mind, but plausible.
“Excuse me,” she whispered and went in search of Hiei.
She found him not too far away, just staring out the window. That's how they spent the next week, as guests in the home of one Hikari Spirit. Hikari disappeared all day that Monday and spent about two hours out of the house Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesday and Friday she was there. So when she disappeared again on Saturday neither thought anything of it. Hikari felt completely secure letting two complete strangers have control of her house. Well, Hiei was a stranger to her. Yukina and her talked at odd moments when both happened to be near to each other. Otherwise, Yukina spent her time with Hiei or finding Hiei. Hiei would disappear at every chance and stay as far away from the two girls as he could, but of course he was still keeping an eye on his beloved, oblivious sister, or three to be correct. On the rare occasions, when Hiei found himself trapped with both girls, he would sit dejectedly in the windowsill and listen to every minute of talking.
As much as Yukina enjoyed Hikari's company when she could spare a moment, she was suddenly desperate to hear Hiei's voice saying something. She was growing increasingly worried as each day passed and so far not one word had yet to pass Hiei's lips. Had his attack done more to him then she knew? Oh how that thought scared her. His disappearances also worried her. What if something happened to him?
Yukina walked down the hallway intent on finding her unbeknownst brother. She found him in a room far from where she started. He was just about to shut the door to the room. He stopped, eyes wide, staring at her. She opened her mouth to speak to ask if he was hungry or if he wanted to try and talk to her or anything for that matter as long as she knew where he was. Instead she got pushed. She was shocked, but the door shut and she could hear the gently snap as the lock moved into place effectively keeping her out.
No words came from Hiei, but other voices were speaking in the room, and she
didn't like the tone, unable to hear the actual words. Suddenly, everything was quiet.
“Ahhhhhhh!” Hiei's voice. He was screaming.
“I think he wants us to stop.” Those were the only words Yukina did hear from the hallway as she continued to stay against the wall. She went pale. She wanted to stop them, but she knew she couldn't, Hiei had known that they were there, that had to be why he had pushed her away. The screams she heard would be the last time she heard his voice in any way. She stood, and as she was about to pound on the door, two people ran her way slipping in stocking feet on the hard wood floors.
At first she was afraid, until she realized the one in the lead was Hikari, and the other didn't appear to be ready to attack.
“Why is he making so much noise?” Hikari demanded. His screams hit an ear splitting decibel and stopped. Just stopped. Yukina felt sick. Were they done already, had they gotten away?
“Annai, can you get the door open?” Hikari asked, having already tried unsuccessfully to get the door to budge. Annai, a black haired man with creamy white bangs, turned to the door and was about to force it open, when it flung open. Hiei's clothes were a complete mess. His breathing was hard, and inside the room were dead demons. Annai spoke first.
“What the-” Annai was stopped. Hiei had attacked him. Hikari pulled him away. He lashed out at her.
“Please, Hiei stop!” Yukina yelped as he lashed out at the two again. He turned to attack her but stopped. He looked at her, and they got a good, long look at him as he remained motionless. His eyes held no life. He was pale as ivory and had a bleeding lip, bite marks evident in it.
He turned and ran before anyone could say anything. Yukina expected to see and angry look on Hikari's face at Hiei's actions. Hikari, though, looked surprised and worried herself though.
“What the Hell?!” Annai yelled, “ I told you he was dangerous! Why couldn't you listen?” he ranted to Hikari.
“I wanted to give him a chance. He protected her so valiantly and was hurt. I just wanted to help him.” Yukina looked at her, surprised. She hadn't thought Hikari wanted to help Hiei much.
“I'll look for him,” she suddenly stated.
“You can't,” Yukina yelped too quickly, “What I mean is, he attacked you both. I'll find him. I don't think he'll hurt me.” She turned and ran down the hall.
“I don't care. I'm coming with you!” Hikari shouted, and followed before Yukina could decline the offer. Oh Hiei please be alright, Yukina thought. She knew he wouldn't be though. There was no way he could be.
………Viola! Chappie one! *giggles* Yea! ……..
Yukina: Oh Hiei san be nice.
Hikari: You talked!
Remember bud you can't talk I have that power…….actually this is going to be a really sad story……especially when I get to what happened to Hiei…….I get sick thinking about what I've got in store for him……
Hiei&Yukina&Hikari: 0.o;;;;;
Calm….calm peoples…the romance comes later…..yeah mushy romance!…..really a hopeless romantic shouldn't be able to combine angst and romance…..heck in my case I shouldn't even write romance…………no one can stop me Muhahahahahaha!......
Trio: 0.0;;;;;;
Right over the top sorry….chap two soon….if I can get my lazy but in gear….props to by beta Jen-chan!