Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuusei no Solitude ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A friend of mine helped me thought of this story and I'm writing it for her! So if you want to kill me and give me death threats go ahead but I shall continue it nonetheless. I like the story line and the idea, plus I'm a sucker for AUs. So this is my AU and I hope you like it. Even if you don't I'm still continuing it.

Ryuusei no Solitude

By: Koritsune Dragonrider

Rating: PG-13

Warning: Violence in this chapter

Disclaimer: I do not own nothing that is relate to the Yu*Yu Hakusho series.

Summery: Kurama was never shot by the hunter, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Shizuru are demons, and Hiei never left the Koorime Island, because Hiei's a girl! Here is an AU with a lot of twist!

Pairings: Kurama/Hiei Yusuke/Keiko Yukina/Kuwabara

Chapter 6

Kurama and the others walked in a tavern and were greet by the sound of laughs, songs and brawls of youkai proving each others strengths. Kurama looked around to find the contact Yusuke had found for them. Since the incident with Kuwabara he had the others find employers for them and so far no mix ups.

"Where's the contact, Yusuke," asked Kurama as they took a seat.

"He won't be here for another hour," said the Toushin. "I'm going to arm wrestle."

"They're half, if not all, drunk, Yusuke," said Keiko as Shizuru went to get drinks.

"I know," said Yusuke. "That's why I'm going to win." And he walked off to find a good challenger, Kuwabara followed him.

"Boys," growled Keiko pulling her mass of hair in a pony tail but some still fell around her face. (A/N She has long hair in this series, for the most part) "I'm cutting my hair."

"You would look cute in short hair," said Shizuru setting down the drinks. "Same shit as in the last tavern. Why do they say it's their best when it tastes like piss?"

"To earn money," said Kurama as a laughing roar came from the direction Yusuke and Kuwabara went. They looked over at their friends to find Yusuke had beaten a drunken patron in an arm wrestling match and was daring Kuwabara to beat him. Kurama turned back to the girls. "It's all about the money."

"When is it not about the money," asked Keiko. "It's stupid. The Makai is all about beating up the next person or the money. When is it not?"

"When the Makai doesn't exist anymore," said Kurama and tool a sip of his beer. Over the next hour the girls talked about what they would do with their share of the money as Kurama looked at the patrons. Some were pretty, mostly the waitress, and would make potential bed mates but nothing that strikes his interest. After the hour was over Kurama was about to leave when a burly demon stepped next to his seat.

"Are you Youko Kurama," asked the demon.

"Depends upon whose asking," said Kurama taking a sip of his drink, not looking at the demon in the eyes. Some demons can control you with eye contact. He had that happen to him once and didn't plan on a second time.

"I'm the one who employed you," said the demon not moving. "I would like to negotiate."

"Just a minute." Kurama signaled to Shizuru and she gave a shrill whistle that could be heard over the tavern noise. A second later Yusuke and Kuwabara returned. Kuwabara was rubbing a sour arm and Yusuke laughing at his friend's failure to beat the demon at arms wrestling.

"Yusuke, shut up," growled Kurama and Yusuke stopped laughing, a chuckle escaping a little. "Is this the guy?"

Yusuke looked at the3 demon and nodded. "Yep, that's him." Then he took a seat next to Keiko, taking two tankards of beer from a waitress and placed one in front of Kuwabara who sat next Shizuru.

"Okay," said Kurama too the demon. "You can join us."

The demon sat next to Kurama and kneaded his hands on the table. Kurama took a glance at him and saw the demon was brown haired with piercing grey eyes. His eye seemed safe.

"So, where do you want us to raid," asked Kurama.

"A palace of a lord," said the demon. "Should be easy for you."

"Depends upon the lord," said Kurama as the others made sure no one was listening. "A minor lord is fine but a high lord's are another problem."

"The place I want you to strike is Mukuro's palace."

Everyone at the table looked at the demon like he asked them to jump into a volcano. The demon could sense their agitation and for good reason. Mukuro was not only a high lord but a powerful one and not someone to reckon with.

"You're asking for a death sentence!" said Shizuru in a harsh tone. "You're mad!"

"Kurama, let's go," said Keiko and Kurama stood up to leave without a word. The demon chuckled.

"Well," said the demon, "obviously the great Youko Kurama isn't all that great. Backing out of a raid."

"I didn't become the Touzoku no Ousama (2) by being stupid," growled Kurama.

"What will people say when they hear this," said the demon in a casual manner.

"I have no intention of giving up my title." Kurama leaned angrily at the demon nest to him.

"Kurama, don't," begged Keiko but the fox didn't seem to hear her.

"He's yanking your tail," said Yusuke tugging on Kurama's arm. "Don't go for it."

"Just tell us where and when and we'll be there," growled Kurama not hearing his friend. The demon smiled triumphantly.

"Perfect," said the demon and Kurama's friends groaned.

"Shit," they said knowing they had a rough task ahead.

(Scene change)

"Okay," said Kurama, "Mukuro's mansion is basically a fortress so . . ."

"What do you mean basically," asked Yusuke looking at his friend. "It is a fortress!"

"Yes," said Kurama. "Let me continue. Someone has to scout it out first, someone small. I noticed they have cats to keep down the mice and rats there."

Everyone was silent for a minute then Kuwabara groaned.

"Oh no," he said.

"Don't worry," said Kurama, "Shizuru is going with you to back you up."

"I feel so much safer," Kuwabara said sarcastically.

"And what's that supposed to mean, otouto," said Shizuru as she walked toward her brother, cracking her knuckles.

"Nothing, sis," said Kuwabara but Shizuru started beating him up.

"I happen to know my Cat's Claw is better then your Rei Ken!"

"Ow," yelled Kuwabara.

"If you're finished," asked Kurama and Shizuru stopped hitting her brother. She kicked him once more in the side before rejoining them. Kuwabara groaned once and did the same.

"Shizuru," continued Kurama, "you and Kuwabara know what to look for; locks, codes, weakness, that sort of thing, right?" Kuwabara and Shizuru nodded. "When they have that we will go in and do our job."

The rest nodded and they went to work. Kuwabara and Shizuru went to their full cat forms and went to Mukuro's palace to scout it out. It was near dark when they came back.

"There's a broken window in on of the dungeons," said Shizuru. "No one's in it. The youkais there are strong but not too strong."

"The vault is located on the second level," said Kuwabara. "I'ts heavily guarded but the shift change is at midnight. That's the only time we'll be able to go."

"I've also snagged this," said Shizuru and handed Kurama a ring. "It's one of those new crest keys. One for every door there. That one's for the vault."

"Good job," said Kurama. "We'll start at eleven thirty and go from there. I suggest you get some sleep."

They nodded and Kurama took first watch. At eleven thirty Kurama woke them up and headed toward Mukuro's palace. Kurama and the two Nekojin crawled through in full demon form and slipped out to let Keiko and Yusuke in through a window. Yusuke checked around a corner and stood flat against the wall.

"Whoa, ugly," he whispered.

"Did it see you," asked Shizuru as a very ugly demon guard walked in view of them.

"Do I have to answer that," asked Yusuke and jumped away from the blow the demon sent at him. Shizuru ran up to face the demon.

"Cat's Claw!" she yelled and furiously scratched the demon. It howled and looked away from the group clutching its face.

"Rei Ken," yelled Kuwabara and sliced the demon in half.

"Come on," yelled Kurama running down the corridor. "Its yell could have alerted the whole fortress by now."

At that moment Shizuru sensed someone coming and pulled them into a room. They had to wait several minutes before Yusuke took a peek out.

"Damn," he said "There's still one out there."

"Not for long," said Kurama and took a seed from his hair and flicked it out the door. "I suggest you close the door."

Yusuke did and a second later they heard a scream and some crunching sound. The others cringed at the sounds as Kurama leaned against the wall. A few minutes later Kurama opened the door to find and empty corridor and a Death Tree chewing happily on a bone. Kurama flicked his fingers and the plant reversed back to a seed and landed on Kurama's palm. Kurama tucked it back in his hair and raced down the corridor, the others followed. They ducked behind more doors as soldiers went their way.

"Kurama, this isn't working," said Keiko hiding in a fifth room. "We need to get out of here!"

"Not until I complete the raid," he yelled.

"We'll die on this raid," yelled Shizuru. Yusuke waked in front of Kurama and pointed his finger at him.

"Sorry, Kurama," he said. "Rei Gun!"

The spirit blast hit Kurama in the chest and the kitsune fell unconscious. Kuwabara grabbed a chair and threw it at a window, breaking it and they ran out. Kurama wasn't happy when he woke a few hours later.

"How am I going to prove we've been there," he yelled.

"We're sorry, Kurama," said Yusuke, but it was either us or the raid. "There'll be another time."

"There'll never be another time!" yelled Kurama. He sat there furious as his friends try to help. Keiko walked to the silver fox demon and held out her hand.

"You have this," she said and in her hand was the crest key. Kurama took it and looked at it, then he smiled.

"Yes, I still have this," he said pocketing the ring and stood up. "Let's collect our money."


(1) King of Thieves= I thought it appropriate since that was what Youko Kurama was

Like? Hate? Please send comments through reviews! Please check my bio for a challenge I'm making. On mm.org it will be the next chapter.

Thankies too




Dark Raven, Hiei's Girl

Hiei's Shadow
