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"Black Widow Miko" Reviews/Comments [ 506 ]
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 Reviewed By: Youkai Goddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2008 13:06 EST
I absolutely adore this chapter! The length of it more than makes up for the long wait. Besides, if people have to wait for something they want for a long time, it makes them appreciate it a might bit more. For my paper, we have to write a report about an intruiging mystery story we have come across recently and give a description on every character, a summary, opinion and short background on the author and etc. I wanted to know if I could do it on Black Widow Miko, because I told my teacher about it and she said it was a fine idea to do it on a story I go to watch expand and grow and etc. I turns out she's a big fanfiction fan herself! Though she mostly reads Harry Potter fanfition, she promised to check out your story. She would have made a better art or philosophy teacher or something. It might be a little embarrassing when she realizes the little "interactions" Hiei and Kagome have are a little descriptive for my "young mind".(She only says that cause she's twice my age.) Anyway, I wanted to know if I could do that. Now, to the actual review! This is really beginning to come out! I think Hiei could talk to Koenma about searching out for youkai specializing in mind-control and poisons. While I'm sure there'd be a lot of them, they would have to be pretty powerful which would narrow it down a bit! I wonder why Master Zang didn't say anything about training others? Actually, if none of the Ookami or Shippo or Kagome or etc hadn't done it, perhaps it was Master Zang himself? He wouldsurely have the ability to somehow paralize Sesshoumaru, and he's quite powerful. He might have the ability of controlling others. Though he kind of lacks a motive... It's so sweet of Hiei to ask Kagome to marry him! And I can just envision what Yukina would look like- as Hiei's sister, surely they would demand nothing but the best for her! I'm really beginning to despise Kurama. Seriously, I can't stand to read any fanfictions with him paired with Kagome anymore. I swore to myself to never judge other people's pairing preferences, but I really can't picture her with the evil kitsune. Most people portray him as entirely good, but your portrayal seems to bring back his Youko aspects, considering he had to be bad at some point if you really take the time to analyze his past. Poor Kuwabara must have had a heartattack when he saw the string! I know I would have if I didn't know what was going on. Kagome's love-life is a rather tangled web of intricate, delicate treaties, ne? A lot hangs over her head on merely her choice of who to mate or take into her bed. I can't believe that Ginjiro is Sesshoumaru's son. Is it not possible that Kagura could have seen someone to tweaking his aura? If Kagome can dull hers down to the point where she could pass as a normal human, surely Ginjiro could alter his own to appear differently as well, so to say? And while Genkai is powerful, she is far from infathable. Perhaps Ginjiro is related to Sesshoumaru, but that doesn't mean he is his son, right? Sesshoumaru wouldn't do that to Kagome! Kagura is delluded! And I'm getting a bit to personally involved with the story, neh? I'm nearly out of characters to write with, do I'm just going to wrap this up. Take your time with the next chapter and make it extra juicy, OK? -Till next time, Youkai Goddess
 Reviewed By: Seiteki_Tenshi(nsi)  On: February 16, 2008 12:58 EST
OMG YAY!!! wedding bells! YAY! i can see Kagome trying to find an excuse out of it though =/. she tends to do that. Kagome's confession was sorta what i was thinking it would be...that she truely didnt remember, and completely blamed herself...i'm so glad she finally knows Hiei loves her...and i dont think she should doubt Sesshy. Genkai said that Daitano and Eishu's auras were alike and they're dads were half-brothers...so i bet Kagura went out and got a cousin or something...>.< i just can't see Sesshy cheating... oh and who was the wolf George was talking about...i wonder if she had some answers...? maybe?
 Reviewed By: Kawaii-KeKe-Chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2008 11:25 EST
Oh, and I just wanted to saw update at your own pace, never mind how many people are screaming 'UPDATE!' at you! I noticed some of those reviews below, and know how iritating it is! I hope your family life is going well, and take as long as you need with the next update!
 Reviewed By: Kawaii-KeKe-Chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2008 11:22 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
My goodness! It always blows me away how you can make your chapters so long! Then again, you have much to write about! I'm always happy to see a new chapter up for this fic- it's the only one i'll drop everything to read immediately!! So, we eventually get the crux of the matter! At first I was beginning to think Kagome was possessed, but now I'm more of Hiei's thinking- the posioned food is an interesting theory- though it still doesn't clear up how Inuyasha got pinned to the tree, or how Sesshomaru was stabbed, with Kagome scratched and unconcious from a knock to the head! The murderer must be someone with access to the households, know Kagome and her mates well, and be extremely strong in order to have overpowerered the youkai...hmm! It'll be extremely interesting to see what Hiei's jagan finds in Kagome's mind, if he gets the chance!!It was nice to see Kagome wearing pink, and holding her own against Kagura! I've always been very interested in auras, and your colourful and descriptive analaysis of Kagome's aura was a delight to read! Kwua's shock at seeing the red pinky string between Hiei and Kags was a lovely touch! I can just imagine his horror at the little demon being capable of 'loving!'!!! I have to say, I've totally fallen in love with older Shippou! It must be the kitsune thing!! ^.^ Can I have him, if he's all loveless at the end of the fic? Tehee!Oft, the friction is beginning to build between Kurama and Hiei concerning Kagome! I can't believe Kurama would actually bed Kagura, unless he wanted info- but then again, she is quite good looking- though she doesn't compare to our favourite miko!! Hiei's constant wishing to lock Kagome up in a closet is so damn cute! And the miko offering Kuwa and Yukina the uchikake was very sweet- I ca just imagine Hiei respecing her for that. Hiei turning both Yemon and Kurama's presents into dust was hilarious!! Though Kurama's braclet is still on the scene, and I wonder if that'll come into play at all... Ginjiro's true father still hangs in the balance! I don't think Sesshomaru is the father- or at least, not intentionally...after all, Genkai said they were related, but never confirmed Sesshomaru was Ginjiro's actual father. Maybe I'm wrong! I liked the fact Hiei was the one to go after Eishu- perhaps he's becoming protective of Kagome's sons without realising it! But it was a lovely bonding moment. And the ending- perfect! Hiei's not only wanting to give Kagome everything she never had, but willing to put his own ideals aside! It'll be interesting to see Kagome's answer! Well, another rivoting and engaging chapter, leaving me much to thin about! Congrats on your awards for this fic and First meeting of the MYAMP! They are well deserved!! Until next time, and good luck! ^.^
 Reviewed By: Silvermisttaleweaver [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2008 11:03 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loved how supportively domineering dear hiei is over the full circumstances of Inu Sess and Kouga's deaths from kags PoV. Shizuru flustered is so perfect. She's always so unflappable. The tension in teh air is vibrating no matter how it seems like somting is ansered it is always gaining new questions. by this point my brain is shutting down on figuring it out, and just waiting! glad you're back and hope you had a great holiday with your family. Worth the wait
 Title: OMG!!!!!!!
Reviewed By: loopy911 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 15, 2008 04:21 EST
r u going to continue this story??????!!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Youkai Goddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 15, 2008 00:34 EST
I know you're probably sick of hearing from me, :P, but I just HAD to beg you to send out the next chapter before I have to burry myself in the report I have to do for school. Plus, I read the next installment of Kisses: Mistltoe or No, and I nearly cheered when I heard that you might be updating soon! Convince your son to give you twenty minutes or something! Tell him about all of your adoring fans! lol. (I'm not getting creepy, am I? Can if I am, just stop me. Please. I'm told I have issues with personal space. /joking/) Till Later, Youkai Goddess
 Reviewed By: gg  On: February 10, 2008 14:15 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
 Reviewed By: gg  On: February 10, 2008 14:14 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
 Title: Please
Reviewed By: Miyoangel13  On: February 08, 2008 10:55 EST
I'm going crazy. Please update before I lose my mind.
 Reviewed By: kokoronagomu [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 06, 2008 15:12 EST
kelly, i love your writing and i'm sure it is just as extraordinary as all of your other work but lately i have been finding myself unable to read character deaths and from what i understand of this story, character death is what drives the plot somewhat. i have been very hesitant to read this even when i have the rare opportunity i have been reluctant. i give you my promise that as those trepidations ease up i will give this story a chance, just not right now. . . just know that i love you and your wonderful and twisted imagination, i consider you as one of the greats. ~ kisses and hugs, ginny
 Reviewed By: SadBrokenWings [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 03, 2008 18:07 EST
Ah, scrap! You're driving me crazy, woman, honestly! But I can't be too hard on you because I'm not updating anything either, really. -insert embarassed anime sweatdrop here- But, REALLY, you have to update! I'm dyyyyying to read more, and I really hope nothing bad is postponing this chapter, personal-life wise, because then I would feel just awful for being so selfish in my demands for a new chapter. So, I wish you well, I am crossing my fingers that you get inspired really soon and post a new chapter, and I hope everything is okay! I would hate for my favorite author-ess to be in any sort of trouble! Then who would I get amazing ideas for drabbles from, ne? ^-^ Until we read again! (goodness, that was terribly corny...haha)
 Reviewed By: VB  On: January 18, 2008 16:36 EST
WHERE ARE YOU!?!?! you're killing me here. And can you write a chapter where Kurama gets gravely injured and doesn't appear for the next few because he's beginning to piss me off. But the main problem is we're finally getting somewhere and you stop!! Now I'm going to go find another story with Kurama in it so I can stop imagining murdering him in horribly gruesome, violent, bloody ways. Update soon kay?
 Reviewed By: Methos [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 06, 2008 17:42 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey, its been a long time since you up dated, and since I can't remember is I ever left a review I'm leaving one now! I want to say I love your stories, Hentai Bets is my Favorite, and the one shots are funny. Black Widow Miko has to be the most involved story I've read so far thats not an actual book. I totally love the way you've written every one and the personalties you've gave them. Well enough praise, I really really hope the next chapter will be out soon. It's been since October!! You've left poor Hiei crumpled in a wall and us wondering whats going on. Although I'm sure you've probably been trying to get things right and sound the way you want it! Well I really hope the next chapter will be out soon, keep up the great work!!!!
 Title: Lucky me - my first review!
Reviewed By: lijakaca [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 01, 2008 02:06 EST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I stumbled upon your other Hiei/Kag epic, Hentai Bets :D and absolutely loved it, so even though I like fluff more than angst, I thought I'd try this. Of course, as soon as I started I couldn't stop before I got to Ch. 13 and realized that it wasn't done yet!! NOOOO!!! Anyways, I just wanted to say your stories are great, I feel really lucky to have come across them - I've read hardly any fanfic (I think this is my 4th ever), and you've set the bar really high! I sometimes giggle during the sex scenes though, when Kagome says "Hai!" 'cuz in all the sex scenes I've read in raw manga, the women usually say, "Iya!" Not that I've read a lot of them... >.> ...ahem! Anyways... Thank you for re-introducing me to the sexiness that is Hiei, it's been so long since I watched or read YYH! Your dialogue is spot on, I can totally imagine him saying that stuff in his seiyuu's voice *sigh* Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go watch my VHS of the YYH movie - you made me go and drag out my VHS machine just to tide me over till the next chapter ^_^ Thanks for the excellent writing and characterization! Oh, and Happy New Year!!
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