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"Ask InuYasha And Yu Yu Hankusho" Reviews/Comments [ 46 ]
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 Reviewed By: Drea Mae  On: July 24, 2007 20:32 CDT
O.O HO SHIT!!!! OMFG HE'S MY FATHER!!!!!!! OMG I CAN'T BELIEVED YOU BANGED ON MY MOM!!!! -cries- the dog never lies!!!! -sobs- ok i'm oh kiza! and thanks for the chibi of Hiei-sama -hugs it tightly- i will cherish it forever!!! TT^TT no questions for now...can't think of any ... -plays with hiei chibi plush!-
 Reviewed By: Ghostreader_Meep  On: July 23, 2007 22:27 CDT
*squeels as she glomps a chibi formed Naruto* OMFG!!!!!! I love you! (Naruto: I thought you loved me? Ghostreader_Meep: I do! But the author gave you to me!) Well, how about some questions, eh? Tis been rumored that Fruits Basket will be there, so hears some questions for them & the 'others'! For Kyo: So you think you can teach me some of those kick-@$$ karate moves? for Amane: Are you bisexual? This one's for Kaede(IY): If I used a spiffy transformation jutsu, would I beable to 'sit' Inuyasha? My last question for now is for Genkai: Did you have a relationship with Toguro? Is so what kind of relationship did you have? Keep writting! *glomps chibi Naruto*
 Reviewed By: Mrs Kurama [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2007 06:45 CDT
^^' sorry typo with shessoumaru's question i meant virgin >.< *gets shoot* owwwwwwwwwww....that felt good... jk jkjkowwww the pain!!! ... -Steals tensaiga and uses it to heal me- ahhhh much better...now to avoid sesshoumaru's wrath!
 Reviewed By: Mrs Kurama [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2007 06:43 CDT
well this is me again...mrs kurama this is me actually logged in on my account...i'm just to damn lazy to login that's all. Ok i got a few more questions... ok this one is for sesshoumar: how old are you really...and are you a version and would you rut..with kagome? jaken: are you a homosexual? miroku: would you hump a tree if it had a naked photo of sango on it? and last hiei: wheres your sword -hides hieis sword in kagomes skirt-...-snickers- ok update ^-^ and that's gonna be my last question...for now...
 Reviewed By: Ghostreader_Meep  On: July 16, 2007 15:11 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I think you should make the naruto gang come on the show! Question time! This one's for Rin: How the heck can u stand Jaken! This one's for Naraku: Where did you get your tatoo done? (the one on your back) For Kuwabara: was it your mom, dad, or sister that dropped u on your head as a baby? For Orochimaru (if the naruto gang is there): Where did you learn that tounge trick? And my last question id for Duck-Butt (sasuke): Has your hair ever met a comb? please answer, and continue writing! oh, and don't forget the disclaimer!=D
 Reviewed By: mrs. kurama  On: July 15, 2007 16:54 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
lmao! i dont have anything to ask now except this uhm -points at jaken- why do you annoy shesshomaru-dono to no end!!!! WHY CAN'T YOU SHUT YOUR BARF GREEN SNOUT!!!! >.< ok i'm done...update asap...
 Title: kawaii-miko
Reviewed By: kawaii-miko [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 15, 2007 07:27 CDT
sooo funny update soon!!! ok i have a question for youko,sesshomaru and kurama have you ever thought of taking a mate?and if you have who would it have been?Kuwabara hw do yu feel about every time your in a fic you look like a complete idiot?
 Title: kawaii-miko
Reviewed By: kawaii-miko [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 15, 2007 07:26 CDT
sooo funny update soon!!! ok i have a question for youko,sesshomaru and kurama have you ever thought of taking a mate?and if you have who would it have been?Kuwabara hw do yu feel about every time your in a fic you look like a complete idiot?
 Reviewed By: Sirona_Argante [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 15, 2007 00:01 CDT
Heh. I knew that you'd like her. She's my best friend, her name is Midori, you can probably meet her in the Hoseki Shrine in the Inuyasha world (she's one of the last members of the Hoseki clan), and I'll let you know when she's not with me off on some quest to rescue somebody or on a training mission. In fact, she's probably there now. Be careful, though. There are guardian wolves at the shrine that you'll have to get past, and they're very powerful. If you keep your katana sheathed and don't act threateningly, they should let you by. Midori's expecting you. Now, will you go?
 Reviewed By: Drea Mae  On: July 14, 2007 13:12 CDT
-pouts- u didnt answer my question did you ....-pouts more-... hiei: onna stop with that irritating pouting...-just keeps on pouting- update plz oh and dont forget your disclaimer...
 Reviewed By: ebil jelly  On: July 14, 2007 13:10 CDT
-laughs ...chokes on the sandwich i was eating-...ok i have a question for SHesshomaru...if i choked on my sandwich and died wou ld to revive me?
 Reviewed By: Mrs. Kurama  On: July 14, 2007 13:09 CDT
^-^ Wow...ok remember to put the disclaimer on... ^^' anywho uhmmmm i couldnt stop laughing!!!... uhmmmm can i tell them to do something like have a food fight...that'd be awesome oh and if you could add the cast of Fruits Basket would be awesome to ^^'
 Title: 0.0
Reviewed By: hermione_granger  On: July 14, 2007 10:19 CDT
I have a couple of questions, the first being for the Yu Yu Hakusho cast... well Kurama and Hiei more specifically: when are you two going to decide that you are more than just friends? 0_o my next question is a general question to all who feel like answering: Do you like the English voices who voice you? or do you prefer the Japanese casting? or do you think I'm mental for thinking that anyone else would voice you and that you're voices are truly your own and there is no such thing as Moneca Stori, Richard Cox, Justin Cook, Kirby Morrow, John Burgmier etcetera? My last question is for the ladies: If you were human and lived in the ficticious Harry Potter world where Ron, Harry and I dwell, would any of you date Ron? *hides wand behind back, preparing to strike* *smiles unconvincingly*
 Reviewed By: Solaira  On: July 14, 2007 01:14 CDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Hopefully my next question can be answered because it is for Onigumo. If you had a chance to redo your life with the full knowledge of all the pain and death you would cause as Naraku, would you still choose to become Naraku, and if so why?
 Reviewed By: Solaira  On: July 13, 2007 22:11 CDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
My question is for Kagura and Kanna. If you ladies were able to get free from your perverted master, what would you do with your time?
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