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"This Can't Be Good" Reviews/Comments [ 265 ]
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 Reviewed By: lone-puppy [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 29, 2004 18:00 EST
What thats an insane idea!!! he'll just end up as perverted as Miroku!
 Reviewed By: Kagome14: Eep! Don't look! I'm NLI!!!  On: November 29, 2004 17:29 EST
Eep! ^^ Lurving it like always. Who's the third person? o.O
 Title: Hojo
Reviewed By: Sozoku [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 29, 2004 16:36 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh I love your story so much! I enjoy every chapter you make, but I hate how the boys are treating Hojo. I know this would probably happen in the anime, but its still annoying. I was surprised when Miroku started to think badly of Hojo. However even though I hate the way the boys are treating, its so funny at times! You're so good at the jealous thing with Miroku, Kouga and Inuyasha. Oh, oh can you make Kikyo or Sesshomaru come back into the picture? I don't care how long I just want to see Hojo interact with the two again. *sweatdrops* I sure wrote a lot so I'm going to stop. *shakes fist* See what you make you me!!
 Reviewed By: erinlin (not logged in)  On: November 29, 2004 15:49 EST
You know, we could just climb down." "No one asked you," can't...stop...laughing! As soon as Hojo said "Ireland",a little bell in my head went dingdingding! I can't beleive it took me this long to figure out. Good use of mythology. I'm really looking forward to the rest of this!
 Reviewed By: lone-puppy [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 23, 2004 22:37 EDT
omg the best story ever! halarious yes!!! No how could u stop it ther! how could u stop it at all.. i read all 47 chapters in like 3 days (with some rests even tho i didn't want to). hojo is a complete idiot.. so thanx for continueing making him one :)
 Reviewed By: Tsukitani [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 22, 2004 15:55 EDT
When I read this (again!), I can't believe I satyed away from fanfic for so long! What is wrong with me?! Keep up the great yarn---I can't hold back the laughter inspired by Miroku's inner dialogue. You balance everything so well, especially the Kagome/Inuyasha angst. And fight the good fight against ff.net!
 Reviewed By: akuma_river [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 15, 2004 02:21 EDT
coolsa. Keep up the great work.
 Title: hey....
Reviewed By: Kitsu Kurasei  On: October 14, 2004 14:54 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I've been reading this fic for a bit, it's hilarious, but quite frankly, Hojo's an ass, just like I'd thought he'd be, *smirks* sure hope he crawls under a rock to die, I hate the guy!-Kitsu
 Reviewed By: Okaasan-7 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 14, 2004 07:29 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
I started reading this fic a couple of days ago and have been reading it non-stop except for the occasional exigencies of life such as earning a living, attending my daughter's concert and being sociable with my husband. That is to say it is really good. I particularly like Miroku's inner conversations. He's a character who is often depicted as a mere letch. I enjoyed how you left that in but also added in a more spiritual (and not just in the alcoholic sense) side. I originally started this on FF . net but moved over here to see this "Kurama Arc" you made mention of. Usually I find the author's conversations with anime characters just plain annoying but I was amused. I enjoyed that Kurama got bashed harder than Kuwabara (not that big a Kuwabara fan but he is pretty hard done by in fanfic) what with falling for the crayon restraining order and all. However, who's "Tusuke"? (there's a typo in the most recent chapter.)
 Title: XD
Reviewed By: Silver Neko [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 13, 2004 21:20 EDT
I still LOVE your Kurama-arc-things. . . YAY! Miroku got one of his own in! Goodies for Miroku! (PS: Do NOT let Kuwabaka tell it like it . . . isn't . . . again? ^^; *Doesn't like Kuwabaka*) Don't let my personalness get in the way though ^^; I can't write that gewd.
 Reviewed By: lil_rei_chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 12, 2004 14:19 EDT
great chapter. ^_^ can't wait for more!!! ^_^ DEATH TO HOJO!
 Reviewed By: skne  On: October 12, 2004 01:00 EDT
*snicker* "He'll do it. He's crazy." That brought me exceptional joy. In other news, this fic is quite fantastic. Best of luck with the rest of it.
 Reviewed By: sweets427  On: October 01, 2004 11:21 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i love this story, its so funny! and i really like the beginning/ending notes. i have a favor to ask though...could u get me hiei's boxers? :)
 Reviewed By: Kagome14 nli >  On: September 21, 2004 16:58 EDT
OoooooOooooOoooh!!! That's all I have to say XD
 Reviewed By: akuma_river [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 19, 2004 17:51 EDT
Interesting. So what is Kikyou going to do? Love the last part about Hiei. Come on do you really think it is a nasty way of proceration? I mean hell we are the only ones who do it. The main thing about nature may be proceration and reproduction but they still do it for the fun of it. Now the Sea Horse has it made, well the women do. Since the men are the ones who give birth. lol cools beans. Keep up the great work.
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