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"Interviews of Teenage Mothers" Reviews/Comments [ 22 ]
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 Title: Pfft....BUAHAHAHAHAAAA! I've read the CCS and InuYasha ones and...
Reviewed By: iloveanimecartoons (NLI)  On: October 20, 2007 13:12 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
That was so about-to-get-me-kicked-out-of-this-library funny! That was Priceless! I'm so glad I didn't have to tinkle or I'd be in deep doo doo! The part about Tomoyo, Sakura and Naoko were OMG funny! THis is DEFINITELY a new fav! **wipes tears**
 Reviewed By: Anna Yolei (logged out)  On: June 10, 2007 01:32 CDT
I've re-read the CCS entry now that I'm a bit more well-versed in CCS canon, and I have to say I like it :) Chiharu/Yamazaki getting together so young makes sense, due to being together forever. It's interesting that you paired Shizuka/Serenity with Kaiba, and I think that could make for an great story of it's own, since the way they got together wasn't developed in much length here (which wasn't the point of this story). I look forward to your next work.
 Reviewed By: Xiassen [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 31, 2006 15:33 CST
Style of Writing: 6 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 7 of 10
Overall Rating: 6 of 10
completely original,never read anything like it,even on fanfiction.net.2 suggestions.1:*for YYH*,have Atsuko or Shiori interview.there's no real proof of them being teen mothers,but there's a possibility. 2:have the husbands' views on finding their girlfriend/wife pregnant.
 Title: GK only...
Reviewed By: Agent Ukiya  On: May 17, 2005 06:51 CDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 5 of 10
Overall Rating: 7 of 10
er...Megumi from Gatekeepers is very Out of Character...umm...I thought she likes Reiji Kageyama. Anyway, the Ruriko and Kaoru topic was alright but the Saemi thing...I don't know...Sorry if I made you cry or anything. I didn't mean to, ok? e-mail me for comments agent_ukiya@yahoo.com good day! ü
 Reviewed By: Gray17  On: April 20, 2004 20:32 CDT
So bascially write only nice reviews or you'll say mean words. Oooo, how scary. I write my reviews as I see fit. I've written doesn't of reviews some kind some not so kind, if the contents of a review of my or the wording pisses off the author, so be it. How they react to it is their perogative. Anyways, I have the answer to my question so I think I'll stop this before it turns into any more of a pissing contest than it already is.
 Reviewed By: Lord Archive [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 15, 2004 11:29 CDT
Gray17, a 'relatively reasonable question' isn't one that A) has already been answered in the already given notes and B) includes minor vulgarity. The Tea interview was written for fun and to reflect a typical hero cycle of mythology as it says in my notes and that is why I wrote it the way I did. There should've been no need for you to ask me why I didn't mystically write the fict adhering to manga canon long before the series was done because the question was already answered before your original critism. And while that review was appreciated, it was really out of place for something that was noted to be written for fun a year ago from the beginning. You took the Tea/Anzu passage far too seriously, and then you continued to press the point and insulted it all because it didn't adhere strictly to canon released a year after this was originally writtern and a month before your last review. Try giving a similar review to another existing fict and you will likely either be ignored or receive the same sort of retort I gave you possibly using words far less kind then mine.
 Reviewed By: Gray17  On: April 14, 2004 11:42 CDT
Praise the work and you say nothing. Call it sick and disturbing, and suggest therapy to you and you say nothing. Write a review mixing praise with criticism for one part of the mix and you say nothing. After further reflection and new information ask why a part was written the way it was given that you yourself seemed somewhat iffy on that segment, and you attempt to come down like the wrath of god defending the entire thing, including parts that never were under criticism. Note the attempt before the wrath of god part. Overall I'd say you need to be a little less touchy in your reaction to such relatively reasonable questions.
 Reviewed By: Lord Archive [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 13, 2004 22:22 CDT
Gray17, perhaps you missed the note in the story description of (This was made entirely for fun over the past year. Continuity and grammar may not be at my best. Or the comment in author's notes of Serenity's chapter about the Tea interview, While (Tea's) interview reflects a typical end of mythological hero cycle, I doubt that is how it would end as it would not exactly be a happy ending. While I had expected the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga to continue longer, but its ending does not detract from a little spam fict that COULD have been how it ended. Considering it an Alternate Universe along with the rest of the interviews and 99% of the fanfiction for Yu-Gi-Oh! out there. It has been made rather clear that Keiko's virginity was still intact into Dark Tournament arc. And do you really think that Tomoyo boinking Shaoran and Sakura was canon? These were done for FUN. Enjoy them for what they are or not, it's up to you. But if I had adhered strickly to canon, NONE of these interviews would be viable. I might do an 'Anzu' chapter that does use the end of Yu-Gi-Oh!, but I'll wait to see if 'Yu-Gi-Oh! R' to appear in V-Jump is truly a sequel or something else.
 Reviewed By: Gray17  On: April 13, 2004 17:17 CDT
Though I'm fairly sure that your're aware of it by this point, the Yugioh manga's over and the difference between your mark and the reality could hide a few planets. Given that you yourself seem to have thought what you wrong would be as wrong as it is for Anzu's part, I'm curious as to why you decided to write it as such given that it turns Anzu's section into crap and all compared to your usual work.
 Reviewed By: queenserena12345 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 01, 2004 19:14 CST
Now you have to do Sango and Miroku for Inuyasha!
 Title: cool
Reviewed By: ¶Æ¥C„58}žuU  On: February 16, 2004 16:44 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
cool! hey for your yugioh part of the story why not rebeksh? heheh that be funny!!!
 Reviewed By: Gray17  On: February 14, 2004 15:39 CST
Well first off, as part of my attempt at giving positive comments with the negative so I stop grinding perfectly good authors down, great story. The ages you decided to put were reasonable, and the pairings and the logic that went into the circumstances made sense. Overall, an enjoyable read. Now the negative stuff. Aside from the occasional grammar error, the only thing I have to complain about is some of the Yugioh stuff. Contrary to what you saw, the manga series is nearing it's end. The Ancient Egypt/Pharoh's Memories story arc is basically over, and taking into consideration what occurs in it, and the volume number it gets the series up to, I'm fairly certain it's the second to last story arc. Givin that Yugi's in good health at the end, and the general "everything's happy for our hero's" I have to state my protest at your guess at Yugioh's end, and my opinion that it worsens Anzu's section (I won't complain about your name choice, but I'll use whatever names I feel like). Anyways, otherwise it's a great little story. Ignore the people that are made quesy by the idea of several rather mature characters ending up getting a too early start on their family, especially as you've got several of them regreting their choices. I look forward to any future chapters you might write.
 Title: darkdemon11
Reviewed By: darkdemon11 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 12, 2004 21:43 CST
Overall Rating: 6 of 10
VERY Disturbing. I have read sick fics before but that was just *shudders* sicking. I wouldn't continue.
 Reviewed By: insanecherry  On: February 07, 2004 23:00 CST
hi, plz tell me tat u'r joking rit. if u'r not i wod suggest therapy. i must give u credit 4 creativity. keep up the good work. and plz pretty plz next fanfic let it b less distrubing.bye and t2l
 Reviewed By: Momma Cat yeah...  On: February 07, 2004 22:27 CST
*sweat drop* Actually I said that Seto thing twice and just realized it. Really? I thought Mai was around Tea's age. Although Isis is twenty I believe. Serenity, a two-timer? Never saw that coming...
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