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"DiD v. tKiSA" Reviews/Comments [ 149 ]
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 Title: *SOB*
Reviewed By: pyrzm [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 03, 2004 14:13 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Epilogue??? It's over????? *sniffle* Now what do I have to live for? What a great ride! But so many unanswered questions--like where's Zechs? Does he live with Wu and his naughty tyrant, or just come over for the occassional play date? Does Wu have the upper--ah---hand forever in that relationship? He sure seemed to enjoy the squishing. Oh, well. Hope you start a new tale soon. Hugs! P.
 Title: ch23 was great!
Reviewed By: Anonym  On: October 03, 2004 07:35 CDT
this chapter was great. ofcourse the whole fic is damn funny but the last two chapies were slightly vague for me, as I don't know much about Europe/US culture. it's nice to be on solid ground again and understand , in the figurative sense of the word, the whole thing again.
 Reviewed By: LadyDea1108  On: October 03, 2004 00:16 CDT
*is curled up on the floor laughing in convultions* that is the funniest thing i have EVER read!!!!!!!!!!! MORE MORE MORE OR YOUR INJUSTICE SHALL FACE THE SPORK!!!!! ^.^ wuman in a lacy white dress *clasps hands together* awwww!!!!!! back to the topic......MUST HAVE MORE !O.O! *bows* thank you
 Reviewed By: Yanagi [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 02, 2004 18:39 CDT
I hope i get evarything spelled right. it's hard to type when you're laughing your 'head' off. this is so good it should be illegal.
 Reviewed By: priscel [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 02, 2004 18:08 CDT
lol Does wufei have an obsession with the left butt cheek or something?! lol 'no matter what his baka said because he was Chang Wufei, Last of the Dragon Clan, and therefore was above such things. And then he'd squeezed Heero's ass before stomping off to sulk' lol YEP, in a lot of stories Wuffles is often the hypocrit, *snirks* but its appearant he's interested in Yuy's buns *jumps for Joy* Yea sacrifice relena, maybe the unknown dragon, that turns out to be a real dragon and not Wuffers, will marry her?!
 Reviewed By: Kewi  On: October 02, 2004 16:56 CDT
I love the sporks and Heero needs to get some from Duo pronto!!
 Reviewed By: Dark Princess(too lazy ta sign in)  On: September 26, 2004 21:35 CDT
LMFLAO i love it. i swear every time i read this it gets funnier and funnier. :D 14 hours 35mins after they start and bitcraft walks in. pulls a bugs bunny and then they just leave her ^_^ yeah gotta love it :D im so glad i was just randomlying clicking fics and this was the first :D when u started this fic :D
 Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli578  On: September 23, 2004 22:35 CDT
I can't say enough good things about your fic. This chapter had me pissing myself. The hours and the time passage and the painful ass-ness, it's all nifty ^_^
 Reviewed By: priscel *grins*  On: September 23, 2004 17:56 CDT
gah the word missing is 'different ways of saying/hinting at a guy spending...' *snickers* i had a bit more to add, I couldn't help but snicker as Duo heero constantly rumped lol telling us how long before just kept me sniggering especially when Duo kept conseeding to Heero's wannaLoveyaAllthroughThenightEventhoughYourassWillbeSorebutIdon'tRealizetha tUntilallThe'Ows'laterMarthon when he touched ooooh-make-toes-curl spot lol known as Duo's penis. lol Oi so Good, atleast Heero isn't all that promal with the cave man lingo he had when they were humping in the men's room lol
 Reviewed By: priscel *grins*  On: September 23, 2004 17:48 CDT
*laughs along with Trowa then thinks back to the beginning of the chapter* LOL I neva knew there were sooo many different ways of a guy spending time with palmala lol *hugs* update soon
 Title: Oh Kisama! (whateverthehell that means)
Reviewed By: pyrzm [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 23, 2004 17:12 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
My sides hurt. My face hurts. not as bad as D's butt, of course, or for the same reason. Damn,woman, you are too funny. The story has totally derailed from the original "fairy tale" motif, but who the h*ll cares.
 Reviewed By: Omni-sama [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 22, 2004 02:05 CDT
SPORK!!!!! XD I must say, I have been enjoying this fic series greatly. It's hilarious! As cliche as it sounds, keep it up! ^_~ I seriously get all giddy whenever I see that a new chapter is up (yes, I'm pathetic..leave me 'lone).
 Title: did you rev. ch. 21?
Reviewed By: Anonymous 00  On: September 20, 2004 14:38 CDT
hmmm .... I didn't notice any difference between the chapter posted at 16-09-04 and the one posted at 19-09-04 but then I didn't compare them word for word, and yes I've actually burned the whole thing so far, including the new ch.21 and the new Prologue on CD. Oh, I assure you there are only a few fics that become this treatment.
 Reviewed By: priscel--- Oi  On: September 17, 2004 21:57 CDT
a few more parting words... sneaks up behind trowa lifts trench coat to get a peek and then runs from a rainbow *cough laugh* bright Quat lol
 Reviewed By: priscel--- 'nuf said  On: September 17, 2004 21:55 CDT
'...stabbed him in his left butt cheek with a spork' rofl OI i hope that was a plastic spork! Hopefully Duo come's to defend Heero's buttcheeks' honor lol "...It's disco Vietnam!" *coughs* uh the crazy things the said in disco clubs back in the day lol
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