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"Purity 4: Justification" Reviews/Comments [ 2208 ]
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 Reviewed By: katamari damashii (not logged in)  On: June 09, 2005 18:26 EDT
Yay for Master Bunza! That's a great little touch - I "squee"d when I read it :D
 Reviewed By: chichiwvu NSI  On: June 09, 2005 18:25 EDT
That was a very good chapter, and i really enjoyed it. It's nice to see Gin and Belle spend time together, and Ryo and Kich.... oh man!!! >.< I bet that's a DVD toga will NEVER get rid of! LOL
 Reviewed By: kamackie21 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 09, 2005 16:56 EDT
O.o Belle doesn't wear panties hmmmm.....I think that'll please Kich (although he'll probably get mad about it first). I think there is a Gin temper explosion considering the over protectiveness of her male relatives coming. She'll kick all their a**es. Great chapter Sue! ~ teh mackie [mel told me i ranked a teh =)]
 Reviewed By: Zirra Nova(i know i know...i'm still being lazy)  On: June 09, 2005 16:15 EDT
great chapter sue...heinie...big girl...i was giggling so hard(trying not to fuul on laugh) that i fell out of my chair..my sisters dog officially thinks i have problems, since i almost landed on her..poor thing. oh well, great chapter, update asap, please, till then, Zirra
 Reviewed By: fairia  On: June 09, 2005 15:23 EDT
*falls over laughing* Oh..my..GOSH! The men in poor Gin's life are going to go apeshit, the whole lot of them. Reminds me of the time I showed up at my parents house with neon pink streaks in my hair... It'd be great if Gin wore that for a Halloween party or something. and Belle's right: Who doesn't want to feel like a fairie princess, even if just for a minute?
 Reviewed By: Aitu--not signed in  On: June 09, 2005 15:17 EDT
Oh it feels like so long since I have had the chance to leave you a well deserved review! Who am I, you might ask? Remember me!? The girl who likes to either talk in the Ron Burgandy voice or else sing out what she is typing while she is typing it??? te he he. But yes, my summer term just ended and we got out early so I don't have to head directly over the the prision otherwise known as work/the pharmacy! Wow. Unbelieve able... this is just soooo good! This story has developed so much and it makes me so proud of you just thinking about it!! So much fun stuff going on here that I am not even sure where to start...'the sex..' big girl, heinie, Toga filming Kich and Ryo.. Endless endless amounts of fun all put into one chapter. Gosh, I just love your characters so much-- you really have them down so perfect and developed-- kind of makes you feel that you have been with them since they were born and have watched them grow and develop. *sheds an imaginary tear* Guys never seem to know when they should keep their mouth shut *cough* CAIN *cough* hehehehehe. Oh, I would like to see Gin prove Cain wrong in his assumption that she cannot fight, te he he. Great job!!!!!!!!! Sorry I have been rather truant as of late, I promise to try to do better! Take care!! --Aitu
 Reviewed By: futekioosha [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 09, 2005 15:12 EDT
OuCH! *stich-in-side-can't-stop-laughing* Woah!! I thought I was cracking up last time...there are sooo many golden moments in this chapter it's unbelievable how much I laughed. I swear if Gin said 'big girl' one more time I would have died from lack of air! Sue you really did a number with this chahpter. The Kich/ Ryo interaction was great, and 'The Sex' *sniggers* funney as hell! I mean this whole chapter was nothing but goodness. I can't wait to see what Gin and Belle do on their girls night out...be at peace o queen of artfully crafted chapters. ~frankie~
 Title: oops!!
Reviewed By: hanyouwings [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 09, 2005 14:26 EDT
The last review by hanyouwings, yeah that's me hanyouwings21. I forgot the 21...hides behind big tree. I'm going to start using hanyouwings anyway because that's what I'm logged in as. Sorry about that! Ja ne...again!!
 Reviewed By: hanyouwings [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 09, 2005 14:22 EDT
I really love where this story is going, but I have a question. Just how strong is Gin? I mean, granted they may have been going easy on her, but she had to have put up a good fight with her brothers and the rest of her family. Plus, she showed them up when they were showing off the Kongousouha at Sesshomaru's house. Not to mention the fact that it is really hard to master a weapon such as the Kusarigama. Just curious. Plus, I think it would be pretty cool if she floored Cain... Anyway, ja ne!!!
 Title: Heinie! LOL
Reviewed By: DawnFire881  On: June 09, 2005 14:20 EDT
LOL you've done it again Sue! You made me laugh so hard that someone in my family has come in to check and make sure I haven't gone completely insane ;) The whole little underwear scene was just classic...heinie! Aw Gin, I just want to give her a huge hug, she's just so adorable. Though if I were in her shoes I'd probably get mad at Cain too! And calling herself a 'big girl' aww, LOL that's just too great! And 'Teh Sex'! Hahaha yay! That whole scene with Kich and Ryo was hysterical...and Toga got it all on tape! Oh boy, he is so going to torture Kich with that....and it's going to be great. I can't wait to see Belle and Gin go dancing...this should be very interesting! Wonderful chapter, Sue! :)
 Reviewed By: cj flutterbye  On: June 09, 2005 13:53 EDT
Gin is going to have to kick some butt somewhere along the line. Or defend herself or sometone else from attack before Inu, the brothers,and Cain change their opinion of her being a little gir. She needs to get them all to stop calling her baby girl too, start growling at them for it. Belle is planning something, dancing - that should be fun. Toga is going to have dirt on the twins for a long time! LOL - good thing he's fast!
 Reviewed By: EAP  On: June 09, 2005 02:44 EDT
Oh, Cain is going to have so much fun....The things your characters get themselves into, I tell you, its always an entertaining read. I like this chapter, especially the little flashback to Inuyasha searching Gin's apartment, that was really good. And Gin, she just doesnt understand...Master, I tell you....Wonderful scene there too. Good lock on future chapters!
 Reviewed By: inuyoukaimama (nsi)  On: June 09, 2005 01:00 EDT
ROFLMAO... "you can do me" Poor Gin. She's so naive. I loved that chappie! Cain just doesn't stand a chance. He's head over youkai and knows it's happening. Helpless like a small child? You really didn't even give him a chance against Gin. LOL. So how far does Belle get to push Kich before he really pushes back? She's to fearless for her own good! What, didn't she get the hint of the picture when he was at her apartment? Loved the chappies! Thanks again for sharing them with us!
 Reviewed By: Rawben...  On: June 08, 2005 22:23 EDT
lol! i love it! hehe... master... you'll bring that back up right? one of the funny things she does/says when she doesnt know what she's saying should come back up in the lemon! that'd be great! hehe... she's so cute! hehe... and i want a inu/cain fight~!!!! :P
 Title: LOL LOL can't stop laughing
Reviewed By: adamile [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 08, 2005 22:02 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
well this has got to be one of the funniest chapters " the attenna " line is one of your best lines in your stories yet, Sue. Loved it!!!! and that dogboy Papa Inu is sooooo protective of his little Gin. So cute, lol. Sue, I loved the arguement in the last chapt between Ryo and Nez abt pups. I know you don't have any plans to do a sequel to the Justification story, but I hope you will reconsider. I think a Nez and Ryo story having their first pup would probably be hilarious the way you'd write it. The feeling you put in Nez and her apprehension of having a baby is priceless as well as Ryo's rough and tough attitude. I know only you could write it with such liveliness and heartfelt tenderness. But if you don't thats okay and please don't be upset at me for asking. Your stories just make me feel good. Thanks again J.
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