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"Purity 4: Justification" Reviews/Comments [ 2208 ]
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 Reviewed By: katie janeway  On: September 29, 2005 02:26 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
 Reviewed By: katie janeway  On: September 29, 2005 02:16 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
All right - before I move on to Chapter 83...I just want to say that you know someone is an excellent writer when your heart breaks with the character's.
 Title: adamile
Reviewed By: adamile [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 29, 2005 01:31 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Whew! Well I am glad that you didn't mean for the lemon to be beautiful cause I was being a bit sarcastic when I said it was "very beautiful". For Gin maybe it was all she could get but Cain seemed so harsh and raw. Just was a sad sad scene. Well it looks like Cain's youki is gonna blurt the truth to him. I love Cain's youki(seems it is the more blunt and honest than what Cain could be). Really good chapter, Sue. I am glad your father in law is getting better. Have a nice weekend. Thanks again. J
 Reviewed By: WhisperingWolf [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 29, 2005 01:25 CDT
What will happen now dear authoress?
 Title: weird...
Reviewed By: Kikisuteru [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 29, 2005 01:10 CDT
I was listening to my random mix of music while reading this last chapter. When Cain was hailing the cab, "She Loves Me Not" by Papa Roach was playing and it almost seemed appropriate as to what Cain might have been thinking, by title at least. And then when he got home and plopped into his chair, the first thing I hear is "I'm all alone, I've opened my heart to see there's nobody home." It just seemed too weird to hear that at that moment. That song is "Storm" by Saliva, by the way...and this is my disclaimer to those songs...the only thing I own is a keychain with my name on it. :p But, wow...that was heart wenching...and Cain can be dense at times, can't he?
 Reviewed By: Sari-15 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 29, 2005 00:52 CDT
*Gasp* Wow...you always amaze us, Sue. She picks NOW to be the spitting image of her parents. First asking him for that ONE night...then not even letting him tell her he loves her! Dare I say it...I think Cain...feels USED! "She used me for my stripes..." *sniffs*
 Reviewed By: Raniatlw [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 29, 2005 00:52 CDT
Oh wow, sadness all around. I hope things get happy soon. Poor Gin, poor Cain. Update soon.
 Reviewed By: OROsan0677 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 29, 2005 00:34 CDT
Couldn't help but see the mention of your father-in-law; I'll pray that the surgery will go good!!!! I still have tears rolling down my face; I cried through out, mostly, this whole entire chapter, the one time I stopped crying was when you brought Kich and Belle back into the picture for a moment, and as soon as you mentioned Gin, I started crying again, and didn't stop lol! I have NO idea of what you're going to do next lol.
 Title: a lot to think about
Reviewed By: adamile [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 29, 2005 00:08 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Love your description of them making love. very beautiful. Gin seems so worried about Cain's feelings that it could be her own demise. She seems so weak its sad. Does Cain want her to go with him just because he wants her to? Well thats real nice! No commitment between mates just be with him and his "honor". That man needs a reality check. Well I hope that maybe Sess, Inu, or Yeah! Kagome. You go Kag! go knock some sense in that North American Tai youki putz! woohoo! with kag's temper yeah that would be some showdown! Yeah Cain with his sword and Kag with her temper! Woohoo! yeah and the winner is Kags handsdown!! Okay okay back to reality. Sigh! Yeah well hopefully someone with put Cain on the right track (right back to Gin). Anyway good chapter. thanks again, Sue. J
 Reviewed By: Firedemon86(nsi)  On: September 29, 2005 00:07 CDT
I'm crying my eyes out! Why could she just let him finish saying those three little word. AHH!! I want to smack Gin now, my computer had to fill in. AHHHH! I soo torn between crying and sadness to anger and the need to hit something. Sue you are the best writer only you can do this to me, make me angery and sad all at once. PLEASE UPDATE SOON! Oh what will happen next just tell me it doesn't get any worse.
 Title: chapter 83
Reviewed By: Drake Claw-Fang  On: September 29, 2005 00:04 CDT
It's me, the log-in ain't working for me. Anyhow...oh no....Inuyasha is going to kick Cain's ass all the way back to chapter 1 when he hears about Gin. Hopefully our local North American taiyoukai can get back in time to hide Tetsusaiga before the shoving of said-sword begins. Lol. Great chapter.
 Title: Darn it, I can't log in
Reviewed By: Yukiko-chan  On: September 29, 2005 00:02 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You are amazing, Sue. Every time I read a new chapter, I think 'I've never shed as many tears for a chapter as this one' and then a few chapters later, I find that it is possible for me to cry even more then I had before. I'm going to go insane with worry about Gin and Cain while I wait for the new chapter. Thank you for posting this chapter early. Despite the fact that this chapter was a tearjerker, I really needed to read something that you wrote because it always manages to cheer me up and after having my heart broken today, I really needed to something to cheer me up. So thank you again. Lots of love, Ramen, and Pocky, Marion.
 Title: Pain
Reviewed By: inuyoukaimama (nsi)  On: September 29, 2005 00:01 CDT
Pain and suffering. I'm trying to write this through my tears. Joo! Joo made me bawl like a new born babe. This incredible rush of emotion, from desperation to heartbreak just came crashing down over me. It's like a sea of despair, you set us adrift in. As painful as it is, it is incredible to see the emotion you wrench from the torment and torture of their hearts. ::goes back to kleenex and sniveling like a lost child:: C
 Reviewed By: LadyBlade (nsi)  On: September 28, 2005 23:58 CDT
*sniffle* So sad... but... at least now Cain isn't in the dark about what Gin really is to him. And vice versa... I think. either way it looks like we're in for a angst ride... I'm seeing Kichiro (and belle) butting in and making those two fess up... or maybe Cain does it on his own? Hmmm... hope no one gets it in their heads that Gin would be a good pawn/blackmail against Cain... *goes off to continue pondering*
 Reviewed By: rme2008 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 28, 2005 23:25 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 6 of 10
Overall Rating: 7 of 10
I have to agree with the comment posted in the last chapter. I have read all of your fics in this series, and I find them highly entertaining and well-written. I looked forward to Gin's story, but was disapointed with her characterization. In my opinion, she does not behave like the daughter of Inuyasha and Kagome. In the beginning, I though I could overlook some of her characteristics, but I find that I cannot become as attached to her as Ryo, Toga, and the others. She seems weak-willed to me. I do enjoy strong female characters, but I could have accepted a weaker Gin, however I feel the lengths to which she is portrayed as "innocent" too much. Innocence does not assume ignorance. I understand the motivations behind her role in the relationship with Cain, but I find her lack of fire annoying and incongruent with her family and characterization in the previous ficiton. I loved the girl who made the biggest diamonds in your last story, and was sadly disappointed when I did not find her in this fiction. Gin is passive, and while that can be taken as some sort of fight, I do not think it does her justice. And I find her role as the 'baby girl' to Cain distateful. He should not regard her as a baby anything, if he is to respect her as his partner. Sadly, I find the chapters of this story the easiest to skim through picking out the main points of the dialogue and plotline.However,I continue to enjoy your writing and look forward to future stories in this line.Thanks.
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