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User Name:mushine
Last Visited On:Sep. 19th, 2005, 09:45:25, PDT
Registered On:August 08, 2005
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:hey hey, my real names sammy,just to let you guys know. cause i just put any random name when it comes to put you'r real name. i don't know where this randomnis came from, but i just felt like putting it down.

now, i like alot of fanfics and fanart. i'm very interested them and like them alot. but what really pi$$es me off is when some idiotic auther starts an awsome story, but doesn't finish it. like really, if you don't want to continue a story, at lest give us a warning so someone would at lest volinteer to continue the story, but some lazy @$$ authers would just eaisly just give up because no ones giving their comments anymore. like really people it's life.

and trust me i'm not the only one who feels this way about not finishing fanfitions. and if you'r one of those people who feel the same way, then YOU ROCK!! and if you'r one of those lazy @$$ authers, then you deserve to besome a hob o with no job because you never finsish what you start. like eally, i won't get so pissed off when you at lest warn me you'r going to stop, so i won't keep on hoping, but if you don't, then you deserv to become a hob o. so i don't want any excuses if i end up meeting you in real life. i don't want any " oh! i'm soooo sorry, my account was hacked in" type of crap cause it's obvously fake. so screw the computer you quiters work on, screw the keyboard, and screw you. (( p.s i'm talking about a certin someone and all the other authers who work really hard with their stories, and just quit before they finish it. if you'r one of the authers who finish the stories, then you deserve to have you'r good dreams granted by some geenie, or angel or whatever. ))

ok, i mean it, if you guys don't feel like finishing a story, then at lest TELL US DAMN IT!!! because, i'm sick and tiered of some irrisponsible auther not finishing A DAMN GOOD STORY BECAUSE THEY DON'T FEEL LIKE IT!!! that makes me sick, and if you'r one of those people who's reading this, then i hope you become some hob o who will get hit by a damn city bus. cause you don't know how much it pisses me off when some loser doesn't finish hus/her story. AND LOTS OF PEOPLE FEEL THIS WAY. ow that i'm calm, i'll leave before i start swearing.