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User Name:Roll_Ends
Last Visited On:Jul. 03rd, 2006, 23:39:51, PDT
Registered On:January 01, 2006
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:HIYA!!!!!! I'm Roll and I'm very hyperactive! Friendly and oh! So happy! ^___^ And I like...HAPPY STUFF!

Hey, I'm Ends. I'm mean sometimes and I'm as dull sometimes. I like being gothic! And I hate my sister sunshine!

Roll: slim female, Long blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a white long-sleeve shirt with a pink rose printed in it and a white skirt with a pink sash or slash? Anyways, 2 white knee high boots and the toe top of the boots has fake pink roses stuck to it. 16 years old

Ends: muscular male, Blonde spiky hair, blue eyes, wearing a red muscle-see shirt, black leathered trench coat, black leathered pans that was tight, and black leathered combat boots. 16 years old
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