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User Name:Grumblebear
Last Visited On:Aug. 27th, 2011, 19:50:22, PDT
Registered On:June 06, 2006
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:ON ME:
I'm just a chick from FL who likes to write when I find time in between class and studying for a degree in [insert whatever college degree my merry little ADD ass is pursuing this month here]. I'm a huge anime fan, and have been for as long as I can remember. I'm a virgo and also year of the sheep, so I'm a perfectionist and fret constantly over my writing. I read and re-read my work until I'm absolutely sick of it, just to make sure it's perfect (well, written perfectly the way I want, but the grammar and punctuation mistakes slip by me all the time). I have a penchant for AU type fics and the tastefully lewd.

- I ask for reviews in order to get feedback on my writing, whatever that feedback may be, positive or negative. I accept both in the spirit they are given, and take no offense to criticism (so long as it's delivered in a constructive manner).
- I do not beg for reviews. I shouldn't have to beg for something that's a common courtesy. I write, you respond. Simple.
- I don't hold my chapters hostage, demanding a certain amount of reader response before releasing a new chapter. I will however tell you what I have been sorely tempted to do in the past, due to the myriad of silent readers (people who read, enjoy, and don't review. EVER.) out there. I'd stick my stories on a private forum somewhere, where people had until the next chapter to respond to the previous one, or else loose their viewing rights. Not saying I will, just that that's what silent readers make me WANT to do. Seriously people, I can sit down and labor through writing and proofing 5000 plus words per chapter, and you can find time to read it and check a box or two, but you can't then be bothered to to bang out a quick, simple Thank you or I liked it or It was garbage or Flying laser space monkeys, etc?? Okay, that last one was a bit off, but honestly, it's insulting and discouraging and makes me want to do stupid things like in the example above.
- So, please. Don't be one of these people. Leave a damn review.

Chapter previews, music downloads and awards/recognitions page for A Fool's Redemption: http://grumblebear9.livejournal.com/

08/27 - Chapter 19 is out! Music will be uploaded to the journal by the end of the weekend. Enjoy!

08/21 - Well, I had intended to post chapter 19 this weekend, but as I was going back through it Saturday afternoon I realized there were still some things I needed to work on, so I'm gonna push back the release by a few days, next weekend at the very latest. It's a pivotal chapter, so I need to make sure everything is in order before I put it out for people to read. It'll be well worth the wait though. Promise!
08/02 - Well guys, it would appear that MediaMiner has been abandoned by both its mods and web team (at least that's what people are assuming on the forums, due to the complete lack of responses from either and the endless problems this site has had for over a year now). I tried to post the reedited versions of AFR ch 1-5, but the formatting ends up completely screwed no matter how many workarounds I use, so the version on this site is going to remain the original one, cuz I'm not going to make it completely unreadable just to update it to version 3. The newer version is up at FanFiction.net as well as AdultFanFiction.com. Please read it there. I will continue to post new chapters on this site as long as I can, but with the way things are looking now, I don't see this site being around much longer.
07/07 - It's official. AFR is undergoing re-editing and some slight revisions. On a whim, I was reading through a few older chapters on my phone, in order to reacquaint myself with certain parts of the story (which, I'm embarrassed to say, I'd actually forgotten), and after about an hour of making sour faces at the screen, I decided that I needed to buckle down and fix quite a few things that are still wrong with the story. There won't be any changes to the plotline, but there are some spelling and grammatical errors that have managed to avoid my attention until now, as well as a few things that are (in my opinion) rather poorly written that need to be improved (adjective abuse, what?). It'll be a nice break from working on the current chapters (don't give me that look. 19 is done and 20 is started, I just need to step away from them for a little bit). Hopefully the editing won't take more than a few days. I haven't decided yet whether to reupload them in groups of five or in one big batch. Either way, I'll post on my author page when I've done it. Oh, and by the way, I'm amazed to see so many people are actually downloading the music files. Glad I'm not just spinning my wheels with that x).
07/05 - Music downloads for chapters 16 - 18 are up at my journal. And oddly enough, I already have chapter 19 written! Productivity is me. But I'll need to hold off on releasing it until 20 (which I'm about 3 pages into) is done, so I can make sure all the plot strings connect the way they should. Best to take the time tying up loose ends carefully now, rather than have to go back and re-edit a chapter that's already been released.
06/16 - Chapter 18 released! Took me almost 3 months to the day. I have a rather large amount of music uploads backlogged, so I'll get to those asap (yes, I know I keep saying that, but this time I mean it). Enjoy the chapter!

-Story progress and notes-

A Fool's Redemption: Chapter 19 released 08/27/11. This is my main fic.

Sons of Antiquity: Chapter 6 released 02/28/07. (Note as of 04/18/07: Temporarily on hold! But it will be finished eventually, promise!)
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