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User Name:DawnGoddess87
Last Visited On:Oct. 30th, 2012, 10:15:09, PDT
Registered On:October 10, 2006
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:Auroraruth
Biography:Currently stumbling my way through college...eh, if things don't turn out I can always go to beauty school and do nails....I love the smell of nail polish ^_^

Tried my hand at writing a while back...I've decided I read a lot better. I'm actually a pretty good artist, but can only seem to draw and paint in a realistic style so any anime style fanart is out! Lol.

So I'm a reader, a prowler, and occasionally I leave a review. Only nice ones though, seeing as I hate flames. Flamers can kiss my big white a-...sorry...


Odd sense of humor (we're talking WEIRD), slightly twisted, and I tend to talk to myself...a lot. I haven't gotten to the point where I'm actively arguing with myself (you know...in the VERY less than stable kind of way), but I'm looking forward to it a bit. Might prove to be fun...you never know.

Anyways I'm your typical Dallas-raised girl. Southern drawl, walk real slow, drive like homicidal maniac, and the word y'all is a REAL word to me...no really, I even type it out in IMs and everything. I'm a romantic at heart, can't get enough of a good laugh, and love a good dose of angst to top things off.