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User Name:LostMyShoeInSheol
Last Visited On:Jun. 29th, 2010, 17:52:24, PDT
Registered On:October 10, 2008
ICQ Number: n/a
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Biography:I don't write much do to an inability to come up with a good ending but that doesn't stop me from enjoying really well written stores. I mostly read off my cell so if I feel the urge to review strongly enough I will try to make it worth while. I admit I am extreamly blunt, so if I offend..... Tough, I won't flame for flamings sake but I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. If you think I'm an @$$h0l3(1337ed for your reading pleasure) hey get in line, I've heard it all my life and it aint going to stop me now. I am currently enjoying the vampire chronicles by Anne Rice, Bleach (both anime and manga updates), Naruto(just the manga, I lost my place in the anime), and blazing thru one piece (both anime and manga). I'm up to about any series that I come across but if I can't get into it early on then chances are I won't watch/read it for long. Same goes for the fics I read, but I tend to keep to Bleach and Naruto. For bleach I'm up for most any paring sep yaoi(not a yaoi hater, just not my bag), though I lean somewhat twords Ichigo x Rukia. As for Naruto I prefer Naruto x Hinata parings, mostly because I like the Idea of a shy person working up the nerve to share their feelings, I don't know it just seems romantic to me, and I've always been a hopeless romantic -shruggs- just can't help myself. Well I think I have droned on long enough so if I think of anything else I shall add it.