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User Name:Little Cherub kami
Name/Nick:littleisa, cherubkatan and kamibukurosama
Last Visited On:Nov. 12th, 2003, 11:08:10, PST
Registered On:January 01, 2003
Homepage:AIM: kamibukurosama
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:AIM: Goldenmoon537
AIM Handle:NekoSiberian
Biography:Once upon a time, there was a little cherub kami...
And they were three different kawaii little girls...
And their baka muses...
Brad: *sweat drops* ...*leans over and whispers to Schu* If that's the way they're going to treat us, why don't we quit?
Schu: *whispers* Cuz they would kill us or write really humilliating fics about us...
Brad: Isn't Isa-chan doing that to you already?
Schu: ... O_o
Ken: *pouts*
Brad: Great now we're being dragged into this...
Ken: suuuure, we're only people, we don't get choices! -_-
Schu: You had to open your mouth, didn't you Bwaddie!
Brad: ... I have no control over this situation! It was your Isa-chan's idea to start this!
Schu: ...oh yeah. *bops self* Evil fic writer...
Ken: I want a new job! ;_;
Schu: Don't we all?
Brad: Finally he's beginning to see things my way... *looks at Ken* I agree with you on that...
Ken: *bangs head* lemme out lemme out...

So the three girls, who were made up of kami-chan, Rach-chan and Isa-chan started writing fics togther cuz they knew it would make their muses even more insane.

Brad: I don't need anymore insanity...
Schu: Anything involving them would make anyone insane! Get it RIGHT! *hides behind Ken*
Rach: You know... I think we should humilate them anyway...

So out then the three girls, went about to write crazy fic, corrupt the masses... but generally write crazy fics...

kami: yes, they KNOW they like it...
Isa: Huh? *blank look then bops Schu* Why are you hiding?
Schu: Cuz you're evil
Brad: All three of you are evil
Isa: ...
kami: No, we're perfectly normal!
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