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User Name:Malik's girlfriend
Last Visited On:May. 23rd, 2007, 09:17:03, PDT
Registered On:June 06, 2003
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Other web site's I have done


Heres a new site I've done




I'm called Malik'slover on it.

My Pro file is?
My name Malik's angel
I live in morpeth in england
I go to Ashington college
I'm hot head and I do stuff before I think like Joey.
I watch: Digimon, Dragon Ball Z, Yu Gi Oh, Pokemon, Rugrats, Hey Horlod, Saved by the bell, Sabrina and Recess.

Malik is my most faveorite character from Yu Gi Oh.

I'm also badly in love with Malik, I just wish he was real so bad, hes so hot, sorry about that I just had to put this down in my profile.

I used to be called:
Care bear Bakura
Bakura and Malik's angel

My sister is puppy dog. her storys are good.

Job in the future: To make my own cartoons.
I have two planned out called Battlemon and Dragon oh.

Music I listen to is Westlife, A1, Natural, H and Claire, Gareth gates,Blazen Squard,boy zone, five,backstreet boys and Steps and Triple 8 and D side.

Bands I hate,S club junors, Rock music,Blue.

Favourite Characters

Yu Gi Oh
Malik, Tea, Bakura, Joey, Rex, Esper, Duke, Varon, Dartz,Amelda.

Dragon Ball Z/Gt
Jiisu, 17, Supreme kai, Trunks, Goten.

Matt, Sora, Kouji, Ken.

James, Tracy, Eevee, Charander, Chikorita.

Kimi, Phil, Lil, chukie.

Hey Aronld
Helga, Aronld

Saved by the bell
Zack, Jessie

Sabrina the teenage witch
The quiz master.

King bob, Spenllie.

Faveourite films. The lion king one and two. the lost boys,the men in black two,titanic and Star wars episode two. Rugrats in paris and Austen powers goldmember.

fave characters in films

The lion king 1 and 2
Vitani, Timon, Kovu.

The lost boys

Men in black two
Will smith

Jack, Tommy, Forbizzieo.

Austen powers
Austen, mimi me.

play station 1 and 2 I like final fantasy 8, final fantasy 10 and kingdom hearts.

fave character on the games.

Final fanasy 8

Fiji (I think I spelet her name wrong)

Final fantasy 10


Kingdom hearts


Boys that I think are cute are, Ben from A1 and Nicky from Westlife, Kenze from blazen squred,James from busted and Malik and Bakura from Yu Gi Oh.

My friends are, Amy, Amanda, Cheryl, Terry, Malcom, James, Carlolane,Damion,Lizey, Danel and Clair.

I am Friendly, kind, careing and a good friend.

Songs I like, The cheeky song by the cheeky girls, Like a prayer by mad house, Unbreakble by Westlife, Make it good by A1, Put your arms around me by Natural and Spirt in the sky by Gareth gates. Flying your wings of love (I don't know who sang it)

Faveourite couples


Characters I hate

Yu Gi Oh:Peagus,baned keith,bones,panik,pandora,Weevil, Malik's father, Raphael.

Digimon: Yolie/Joe/J.P.

Dragon Ball Z/GT: Hurcuel, Kurlin and all of the bad guys apart from Jiisu/17 and 18.

Pokemon: Brock

Rugrats: Suzzie, Tommy and Dil.

Hey Hornold
all of the characters apart from Helga and Hornold.

Saved by the bell: Kelly.

Sabrina the teenage witch: Josh

Recess: Maicky and Greechin.

Faveourite colours

Pink and Purple

Cat called Timmy and a hamster called Meko and Fish called Malik.

I love watching Yu Gi Oh and Malik is the best.

If you are 17 and over then you can read the lemon parts in too young to be a father, here's the site name.


Please don't read if you are younger than 16 or 17.

Tea is my favorite character from the girls, cause me and her are so much a like, we both care for our friends.

I hate reading Fics were Tea is getting killed and being bashed, that's so un right. But some of them can be funny.

Malik is my most favorite character, he's tottaly hot. I hate reading fics where he get's killed cause they make me want to cry.

I'm going to try and up date every day to one of the storys, emm I hate flames, they make me feel up set.

My most favorite fic is Star child by Princess of darkness and me. It's the best fic I've read.

Names I get called at college.

Yu Gi Oh
vannie annie
Their abit silly some of the names like.

I get bullied quite alot just because I used to go to collingwood school and that I've got loads a cats and there all my moms. I've just got the one. I never go out side that much cause theirs nothing to do.

Funny things that's happened throw the years.

1) When I was at school we went out to ford castle for the weekend. We did a few games out side we were blind folded and we had to go thorgh the woods holding onto the rope, I nearly slipped in the river, but this lad out of my class said don't worry I'm in frount of ya so you won't fall, but the funniest thing was that he fell in the river.

2) On my second week of college me Amy and Amanda were walking up the stairs to floor 3 but when we got their I neally fell down stairs.

3) This one is helerous some fire men came to the college to show us how to put a fire out, they took us out side and they showed us what happens in you throw water on a fire in it's on any thing electrical. and when they showed us I jumped put my skin and the my friends Terry and Malcolm were saying that I wet my self, but I didn't.

4) I will never forget this one. Me, Terry and Malcolm went into the lift for our lesson, but the lift woundn't move and we were stuck, Malcolm was having a tamturm, Terry was acting carm, and I was crying it was horrible. It took a few mintues till some got us out.

I hope you enjoy the fics, I'm a very friendly person.

I have entered a fanfiction compertion were you send in yu gi oh or sailor moon fics the link is below.


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