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User Name:Riyo Dragon
Name/Nick:Raja Jae'te
Last Visited On:Oct. 17th, 2009, 00:50:01, PDT
Registered On:August 08, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:RyuWolfD
Biography:Hello there, you have found my MM acount. At the tone the pre-recorded message will play. *Beep*

Name:Raja Jae'te
Age:Not Given
Eye Color:Brown-Black
Hair Color: Brown-Black
Likes: Anime, Mangas, Singing, Drawing, Browsing, Reading, Writing, Yaoi
Dislikes: Narrow minded people
Sports: Track and Field (Thrower); Australian Football (Ausie Rules)
Gender: Female
Yami? None
Demon Side? One very odd one.
Random opinionated people in my head: More then I need or know what to do with.

Unknown voices: HEY!

Raja: Be quiet!

Powers? Shapeshifting, slight empathy

I also have an account on FF.com it's Amethyst Wolf Dragon and I have all the same stories.

Shit to brag about: MomsDarkSecret is my mom! ^u^

Thank you for listening to this pre recorded message. *Beep*

(Finishes listening to the old message)

Ok, wow. That is ancient! For those who care, I'm now in collage, and have worked up a good bartending habit (made up over 15 drinks), and have discovered that every charater that I like or, make up or write about stays in my head. That's annoying.

Ok, I think I'm in something of a transitional phase in obsesions. Meaning that no one is riding rough shot over any of the others. A good thing since it helps me avoid thinking up new idea so that I can concentrate on the ones that I've been working on for the longest.

Acting is getting written slowly but surely. The other things that I'm really working on are a HP story called 'The Sinners' Arch' and my YuYuHakusho story called 'Demon Drugs'. I'm trying to give DD a real story as it didn't have one when I first came up with one. There are a few others that I kinda work on off and on.

Dec. 5.

Well, now I have new things to add. I still dislike my roommates, but I think that's something that'll never change.

Other news, is that I have a new time consuming hibby! This past Yaoi-con, I got a pair of Ball Joint Doll. Their names are Ryuu and Kei and I absolutly love them! ^u^ But now I'm trying to make them all kinds of cloths and am having a hard time finding small zippers and buckles and things. Sigh... I still love them!
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