Sayonara Yoite

Nabari no Ou © Kamatani Yuhki. Original Line art of Kamatani Yuhki “Yoite’s Profile”/Corel Painter X Coloring practice/trial activity and additional detailing by Sanrin “Rio” Naika. Since I couldn’t upload any hand-made fanarts because of no scanner availability, I decided to self study on digital coloring as I save money to buy a new scanner again. I decided to put snow on the background since I’m inspired on how he died in the manga and sorry for the coloring, I still need to improve more. About Yoite: Yoite is a 16-yr old boy who acquired the Iga’s kinjutsu-kira, the jutsu that able to control user’s ki and shot to their targets and manipulate their bodies from the inside. He was one of the Kairoushuu and wished to be ERASE through Shinrabanshou’s power. He was referred as DEATH GOD or REAPER.His past name was Sora and Yukimi Kazuhiko was the one who called him “Yoite” or lit. “Evening Wind”

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