/ ❯ If He Only Knew ❯ Here we are ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I ran a little further up the road, but stopped short panting. I bent over,my

hands on my knees. "Trunks, I-I can't walk...any further."

He turned around. "Are you sure? I mean-we're almost there. Positive you can't go any more?"

I nodded and looked up at him.

"I guess, I'll just HAVE to carry you..." he said and flashed one of his smiles.

"Thank you!" I said and walked to stand next to him. In one fluid motion, I was in his

arms. I laughed and pushed some stray blonde hair from my face. We walked down the

path to Capsule Corp. We had just come back from having a picnic by a lake. "I don't

know how you Saiyans do it. you could probably walk 50 miles with out tiring at all,

couldn't you?"

"Probably 100."

"Well, aren't we full of ourselves today?"

He laughed and acted like he was going to drop me. I screamed and he laughed somemore. "Jerk," I said.

"Yes, I am a jerk. But, I'm a jerk that's your boyfriend!"

I looked down. My boyfriend. I closed my eyes, it wasn't fair to him. It never was. I felt a pit of guilt in my stomach. "Yeah," was all I said. "My boyfriend." I looked back up to see the 20 story building. Bulma Briefs was outside, sunbathing, in the front yard. "Hi, Mrs. Briefs!" I yelled.

"Hello, Marron!" she called back.

Trunks and I waved and recieved one back. He put me down and we both made a dash for the house. My yellow sundress whipped around my knees as I ran. When we got on the lawn, I collapsed, my legs out in front of me. Trunks offered his hand to help me up and I took it. "Thanks. Mrs. Briefs, can I go upstairs and see Bra?

"Go ahead," Bulma said and I opened the door and ran upstairs.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" a voice floated from behind the door.

I opened it and stepped in.

Bra was sitting on her bed.

"What's up B-Chan?"

"Nothing, I'm bored!" she said and flopped backwards. "What about you?"

"Not to much."

She sat up. "Let's go get Pan!"

"Sure," I replied happily. That wasn't the reason I wanted to go to Son Goku's

house.The was something else, the reason nobody knew.


We rang the doorbell and Gohan opened the door. "Hi Marron, Bra. Are you

looking for Pan?"

"Yeah, is she here?"

"No, she's at Dad's house. You can just stop by there. I'm sure Dad won't mind company," the Saiyan half-pint smiled. "I'll see you girls later, OK?"

"Bye Gohan!" we chorused and he shut the door. We ran to the house next

door and knocked.

Goku opened the door. "Hi ya girls!"

"Hi Goku-san!" I said cheerfully.

"How are you Marron?"

"Fine, thank you. Is Pan here?"

"Yeah. Would you two like to come in?"

"Yes, please!" Goku grinned and stepped to the side, allowing us to enter. He

shut the door. "Go on! they're in Goten's room."

I led the way and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" he laughed.

"It's Marron!"

"Oh! Come in!" I opened the door and swung in on the doorframe.

"Hey Marron!" both he and Pan exclaimed.

Bra leaned in over me.

"Hi Bra!" Pan said and Goten looked up. "Oh, hi Bra," he said

"Hi Goten," she said and batted her eyelashes.

I scowled at her but couldn't help noticing that Goten acknowleged my presence more then hers. I smiled in spite of my self. Tee hee Bra.

"Can we come in?" Bra asked.

"Nah," he said.

We were a little taken aback by the answer.

"Let's go outside!" he said.

I smiled and Bra sighed. I looked at her. That's

one thing I hate about her. She trips all over herself when ever she's around Goten. And

I always feel a pang of jealousy when ever he gives into it.

"Ready?" he asked. We nodded.

"Leaving so soon?" Goku asked when we walked throught the living room.

"Yeah, Dad."


"The creek," Goten said.

We walked down the path towards the creek. We had named it the Son creek, since all the Son boys had found it on a trip they took when they went hiking 3 years ago. We walked in a row. Pan, Bra, Goten, and Me. Bra kept trying to walk close to Goten and he kept shying away from her and towards me. I rolled my eyes. She is so-oh! I can't even find the right words for it. As we turned the corner the creek came into view.


Sorry about the short chapters. I wonder what will happen at the creek? READ AND LEAVE A REVIEW!

Ja ne!
