.hack//Legend Of Twilight Bracelet Fan Fiction ❯ Will of a Swordsman ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter Three

Alright this chapter is longer and I hope that you are happy! ::wipes off tomatoes that were thrown at her:: Okay well this one might be better than the last two so enjoy!

Sanjuro sat on a hill of Dun Lorieg and watched the people going to town shops then to the chaos gate. To him, this was a moment of peace from the troubles of both the real world and this one.

He was started by a little whine. He looked down beside him, seeing a familar baby grunty. Coming towards him and the grunty was Hotaru. She stopped, picking up the baby grunty and hugging it.

"Oh thank you, Mr. Sanjuro! You found my grunty. I couldn't find him anywhere," she said with a smile.

"He was the one who actually found me," he replied with a chuckle. The female wavemaster giggled while giving her grunty a piney apple.

"So what are you doing out here alone?" she asked him.

"I didn't really feel like logging off nor did I feel like going to a dungion. Besides, I don't mind being alone," he answered.

Hotaru sat down beside him, setting her grunty in her lap. "But loneliness isn't a good thing. Are you lonely in the real world?"

Sanjuro was silent for a moment before getting up. Hotaru watched him, a frown soon came across her face. He looked down at her. "Before you say it, no you did not make me upset with your question. I just remembered there is something I need to do, have a nice day." He then walked towards the chaos gate and logged off.