6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 7teen: Hot as a Fireball ❯ Act Two: Planet 46 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The stage lit up for the next part of the show. Jonesy and Wyatt were in the Space-City scene.
Com. Zero: “Fireball XL5, this is Space-City. According to our calculations you are now approaching Planet-46.”
(Mykan and Ameile in the cockpit… and a planet scene in the images)
Steve: “Space-City, roger. We're just going into orbit now. We'll call you when we've carried out reconnaissance.”
“Here we go. Fire main-retros!”
Venus: “Okay, Steve. Firing retros.”
(Ship model puffs smoke out the back)
Matic: “All right, Steve. We're in orbit, and Robert's in the rear control center. You're clear to go.”
Steve: “Okay, Professor. Venus and I will take a quick look around. If we need any help, we'll call you.”
Matic: “I'll be standing by, Steve. You just take care of Venus. We don't want to lose our doctor if space-medicine.”
Steve: “Sure thing, Professor.”
“Safety-belt, fastened?”
Venus: “Safety-belt, fastened.”
Steve: “Here we go... releasing nose-cone.”
(The nose-cone on the overhead model flies off)
Venus: “Steve, do you really think the missile was launched from this planet?”
Steve: “Well, Venus… that's what the computers say. We haven't any evidence if there's life on Planet-46, even though it does have an atmosphere.”
Venus: “What worries me, Steve, is that zee computers in Space-City are very rarely wrong.”
Steve: “Sure. That's why we're here.”
(Nose-cone touches down on the planet scene)
Steve: “Right. Now lets' unfasten our safety-belts, go out with our jetpacks and investigate.”
(Back to Jude)
Matic: “Okay… they've landed safely.”
Now this was the part Amelie and I had been waiting for. We just wore regular backpacks, that were fixed up to look like jetpacks, but the best thing is… wer got to float on wires.
(They exit the ship and hover around the planet scene)
Steve: “See what I mean, Venus? No sign of life. No plants. No water. Nothing.”
Venus: “Oui, but this could just e a baron-par of zee planet.”
Steve: “No, it's all like this. Professor. Matic has carried out extensive surveys of the planet from space.”
Venus: “Ooh… this place gives me zee creeps. Nothing but rocks, and craters… and boy, is it cold.” (Sees something) “Huh? Steve, look… caves.”
Steve: “That could be the answer. Gee, am I a Tooty, why didn't I think of this before? Come on, lets go.”
(They hover into he cave sceneries)
Venus: “Look, Steve. Diamonds, thousands of them.”
Steve: “Looks like we've stumbled on something big here. Let's go deeper.”
(They come up to a fire pit)
“Venus, Stop!”
(Sees something)
“Look there… on the other side. It's a door.”
“This can only mean one thing… life! I'm going across, Venus, and you stay here. If anything happens, I want you to get back to the ship and call for help fast.”
Venus: “But, Steve… Steve!”
I began to hover across the fake flames. The crowd watching in horror, and then suddenly I began to move slower and slower.
Venus: “Steve. What's wrong?”
Steve: “My forward thrust motors have failed. It must be the heat. My speed has dropped but I can still make it as long as the hover-jest don't die out.”
Venus: “Oh, Steve. Turn back!”
Steve: “It's too late… I'm almost there. I… have to… keep… going!!”(Makes it over) “I made it, Venus. I made it.”
Suddenly, bright lights flashed, knocking me unconscious. Nikki, and Caitlin came out, dressed as aliens and holding ray-guns. They laughed evilly as they dragged me off the stage.
Venus: “Zut! I must go get `elp.”
She hovered her way across the sets towards the entrance of the cave, but suddenly her jetpack was shot…and she SCREAMED with horror as she fell, and Serena came out, holding her ray gun… she too was laughing evilly.
Dramatic music played as the whole stage blacked out for the next act. The crowd cheered wildly, and there was a brief intermission before the next act.
I woke up in an alien control room, with the girls, and Jen came in, dressed as the alien queen.
Queen: “Sssteve Zodiac. It appears you have recovered from the effectssss of the coma-ray.
Steve: “Where's Venus? What have you done with her.”
Queen: “Your Earth-woman is quite sssafe… for the moment. She is out there in the rocket that will be launched against Earth in exactly eight minutesss from now.
Steve: “You're bluffing!”
Queen: “Am I?” (Sniggers)
A video-screen lit up, showing Amelie, bound, and gagged in a cockpit alongside Serena, who was holding her as a hostage.
The crow, awed.
Queen: “Commence, launch procedure… and unlesssss you want your Earth-woman to die, Zodiac, you will do as I sssay.”
Steve: “Okay... what do you want me to do.”
Queen: “Very sssimple… Inssstruct your ssspaceship to land, and do not try anything tricky.”
(Back to Jude in the ship scene)
Steve: (Over radio) “Fireball XL5… this is Steve Zodiac. Have discovered the launching bay, and have occupants held as prisoners…. Bring her down Professor. I can't carry them all in Fireball-Junior.”
Matic: “Heh-heh… that's boss, Steve. We're on our way.”
“Robert… landing procedure! Position code: 22-Zerro-Red.”
Robert: “Landing procedure, underway.”
(Back to the aliens)
Queen: “Excellent, Sssteve Zodiac. Now, instruct them to land at position code: 22-Zero-Blue, and your Earth-woman shall be ssspared.”
Steve: (Sighs) “Fireball XL5. This is Steve Zodiac…”
(Back to Jude)
(Over Radio) “That's right Professor. Land at position code: 22-Zero-Blue.”
Matic: “But… but Steve…”
Steve: “No questions, Professor. Just do as I say, and hurry!”
Matic: “Uh… okay, Steve.”
“Robert… change landing procedure! New Position code: 22-Zerro-Blue.”
Robert: “Changing landing position to code: 22-Zerro-Green.”
Matic: “Eh, correction. Zero-Blue. Repeat; Zero-Blue”
Robert: Understand… Zero-Blue!! (Head spouts steam)
Matic: “Hey, now-now-now, Robert, there's no-need to get all steamed up. We all make mistakes. You may think I'm a bit of a toot, but I'm only human.”
(XL5 lands)
(Back to the aliens.)
Queen: “Very good, Sssteve Zodiac. Now observe.”
(Screen shows the ship going down, down, down)
Steve: “Hey! They're sinking into the ground!”
Queen: “They are, indeed. All is going according to plan.”
“Your ssspaceship will sssink in the ash… the beautiful Earth-woman will die when the rocket hitsss itsss target, Earth. Then… it is your turn. You have already cost us one failure!”
Steve: “Yeah? Well so much for your word as a subterranean .”
Queen: “Sssilence, Earthman!!”
“Proceed with launching!”
This was terrible! What was I going to do. Venus… the Professor… I couldn't let them die. I had to do something and fast!!