Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction ❯ Garm vs Belldandy: Round Two ❯ Shiho redux ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

She never heard the door swish open as a formidable presence entered the makeshift HQ dedicated to her Paranormal Club. When the lithe coed didn't acknowledge him, a simple clearing of the throat snapped her from a seemingly intense reverie.

"I was concentrating on another realm," Shiho Sakakibara, senior electronics major of NIT and resident spiritualist informed the interloper. Her doe eyes turned sideways, surveying his chiseled, impressive features.

"My apologies," he spoke in a neutral tone. The man looked like a foreigner, tall and muscular in stature with blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. He wore a dark trench coat over his chiseled body. Eyes of cobalt blue enchanted the girl at once. "I am in need of assistance only one such as yourself can provide."

"What kind of assistance?" she asked with an interested smirk.

"You are a powerful summoner," he declared openly. "I need you to evoke an entity for me."

"How do you know?" she asked, intrigued.

"I do not have time to explain," he told her impatiently.

"I take pride in what I do," she countered. "If you need my help, I need to know your spiritual background."

"I am Symon, son of Ryck, also known as the Widowmaker. I am on a quest of vengeance which has spanned the Nine Worlds," he informed her.

"You're not human, are you?" Shiho asked meekly.

"I am of Elven heritage," he replied.

She knew enough that things existed that were indeed supernatural. It didn't faze her at all that a person from another world stood now before her.

"How did you find me?" she asked.

"I had to extract certain information from demons and their ilk," he replied. "I seek knowledge and aid."

"To help you take revenge on someone? I don't someone's blood on my hands," the girl protested.

"The demon I intend to face is responsible for countless atrocities, literally thousands of deaths. He has aided my enemies, slaughtered innocents."

"Demon?" shuddered Shiho. "I don't have the power to help you kill some demon. Why do you need me?"

"I don't need you for that," he scowled. "I need you to summon the entity who will lead me to him. That is all."

"Then I will be indirectly involved in your conflict," she spoke warily. "That is something…."

"Are you not a spiritual genius?" he thundered, causing her to shrink back in alarm. "Do you use your gift fruitlessly?"

"I'm not sure about this," she admitted with a weak smile.

"I give you my word, it is my bond. After I have my revenge, you will be paid handsomely."

She looked at him with trepidation.

"What say you?" he insisted.

"I'll do it," she resolved. "Who is it you want summoned?"


She gasped in horror and he didn't blame her. The hell hound's name was only spoken in hushed whispers.

"Do not fear, lady summoner. Once you contact him, he has to carry out your directive," the elf explained.

Shino took the necessary steps, she drew the magical circle in the center of the room, then calmed herself to the necessary breathing level. Once ready, her eyes closed and her mouth uttered the dread incantation. Symon watched her carefully, surprised at how immature she seemed. He had dealings with humans before in his long lifespan and they never ceased to exasperate him. There was a surge in power that came from the circle as well as the ignition of black flame. A gateway to Nibelheim was opened and a huge wolfish shape materialized in the middle of the circle. Four inhuman predatory eyes focused on the little lady and the tall elf.

"Who has summoned Garm, dread watchdog of the Underworld?" he demanded in a gruff, baritone voice. Viscous blood was gleaming off his dark fur and he smelled of death and carrion. Soon, a look of recognition crossed his evil face. "You."

Shiho cowered in fear behind Symon, who stood his ground, hand on the hilt of his magic sword, Tristing.

"Speak the purpose of your call, female human!" the dog growled.

"Um, you are to render aid to the Widowmaker here," she said hurriedly.

"I, Garm, do a mortal's bidding? I am no Earth dog to do trick's for your amusement!"

"You will track down First Class demon Velsper for me, Hound," Symon interated.

"First Class demon?" he roared. "Many would consider it fool hardy to confront someone as strong as that."

"I've learned of his banishment. I intend to challenge him in his weakened state."

If Velsper was any kind of adversary, he would surely respond.

"I need you to lead me to him."

Garm resembled a hyena for a minute. "I will do as you request, elf, but when this task is finished, I am no longer bound and may devour you for your insolence."

"I shall not be found wanting," Symon nodded at the beast. He turned to Shiho. "Lady summoner, when this is over, you may have a stuffed toy as well."

"Keep up with me, elf," Garm snarled then ran out of the room, breaking the wall down behind him.

Symon nodded at Shiho then took off like a bat out of hell after the hound.

"What have I done?" the coed asked herself as she stared after them.