Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Azula´s motives ❯ Azula´s motives ( One-Shot )

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Azula´s motives

Princess Azula awoke in her huge red silk canopy bed crowned with the land of fire symbols. She arose and called her maid to help her dress, a nuisance of being in the royal palace.
‘Another boring day at the palace’ she thought, making a mental list ‘chasing away Dads would be brides, torturing the servants, at least Zuko use to put a fight a worthless one but still a fight, but he had to be so stupid to be exiled.’ She sighed; back when that had happened she had thought it a big joke, he had it coming for ages her only regret was that she had not taken part on it. Nowadays however she was no fool to believe she could become Fire Lady on account of being the prodigy child of the current Fire Lord. With Zuko out of the throne race things had gotten complicated. Zuko, she could manipulate as she always had, make him marry the right girl Ty Lee or Mai and force him to make her coregent he was not fit to rule anyway. However, Lord Ozai marrying someone and giving her a new baby brother would be more troublesome.
She meditated on her options ‘I could marry the appropriate candidate to secure my rightful place in the throne’ though no optimal candidates came to her mind, as the mythical Empress Lien who despite being the second daughter became Full Fire Lady;
After the convenient demise of her brother, father and later her husband, of course, those were different times and conditions Azula could not dream to repeat, like the previous Emperor disposing of all possible suitors to the throne including cousins and distant relativesto secure the throne right of a sickly older brother. ‘The resemblance is uncanny however the Fire Lord was not easy to fool into her biding, I obviously take after him. Option two the new bride will make sure I am married of to a nobody in a far away land, as she would do if it were the case. There was no way she would go with something like this poison was always handy but it had it’s limits.
Fortunately, her father was still much of a sentimental towards the issue of Lady Ursa and that had given her time. ‘Mom’ she thought ‘always protecting little Zuko I wonder if Dad had the nerve to dispose of her’ She quickly dismissed the thought.
You really did it wrong mother, had it been the other way around I would be the heir prince, a talented prodigy child, and Zuko would be the convenient princess to marry off to the best suitor. She was meditating on those issues when she was called to the throne room, retrieve both her traitorous uncle and brother, ‘maybe I can still make this balance move towards me’ she resolved with a smile as she accepted the mission.