Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Playing With Fire ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

(Hug your dads!)
Playing With Fire
The life of a Water Tribe girl is a horribly dull one. She is forced to listen to the men, until there are no men left to listen to. She is forced to heal and not fight, and for Kanna this had always been binding.
Who wanted to live a life where you couldn't even choose your true love?
So Kanna had run from the north to the south, seeking refuge in her sister tribe.
Kanna had found someone to love in the South Water Tribe. She bore a daughter from the marriage, and her daughter bore two more offspring: a boy and a girl.
The boy would have each opportunity open to him, Kanna had thought. The girl would too, if she could help it.
Of course, things had gone horribly wrong, and the children had been left with nothing but a village of women and children, and a grandmother to care for them.
But Kanna had striven to teach her grandchildren all she knew. The boy had no talent for water-bending, but the girl took to it like a fish. She was a born fighter, Kanna thought. There was no reason to hinder this.
And then her grandchildren had come to her saying they needed to leave, to help the Avatar. Who could say no to that?
Kanna had never thought that giving her grandchildren every opportunity might mean giving them away.