Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Playing With Fire ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Playing with Fire
They fought like lovers.
In battle they knew each other's moves as if they had fought each other a thousand times before (and it was probably adding up to that.) They could counter and block and strike, and they knew their weaknesses and their moves, and watching them fight was like watching a dance, something ritualistic, something that couldn't be described, or described in too many words.
When they weren't battling and just arguing, it was the same. Sometimes they would scream insults that actually might've hurt (they always apologized afterwards, because as much as they disliked each other, the rest of their feelings went towards liking each other. Platonically, she would snap as her brother teased her. He would just ignore the jaunts.) There were times when it wasn't screaming, but silence. (He did silence well, and she just fumed until the shouting started again. Shouting was their main way of communicating.)
They made up like lovers as well.