Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ When Ice and Lava Meet ❯ I Have a Night Job ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I dont own Avatar: The Last Air-bender, the very talented team of Mike and Brain own the show and characters. The rating maybe wrong but I did try to get it right.
By: year of the snake (at fanfiction) aka. crescentmoon (at mediaminer). And now Opal-Dreams on DeviantArt.
Chapter Eighteen
Three days later 'Jen's' heart still pounded with a new intensity whenever the Blue Spirit was brought up. A large part of her wondered what she had said to him just after kissing him, but she couldn't remember. All she remembered was that she had kissed a man whom she didn't even know anything about. She didn't even know if he were truly a spirit or not.  It made her feel like kissing him was probably the wrong thing to do, yet, that kiss, she couldn't bring herself to regret it. Her lips tingled again as she walked beside 'Mai Ling' on their way to indulge in a cup of tea made by their favorite tea maker.
'I really need to stop thinking about that. It was a foolish little thing that I had to get out of my system, that's all.' Katara thought to herself. 'I'll be fine soon.'
They walked into the ruff and cracked little shop Iroh worked for.
Iroh spotted his beloved friends and smiled. It was always the highlight of the day to receive a visit from a friend. And today he needed that highlight. A few unsavory men had lost their jobs that day and were being vindictive in their requests. Added to that was that the tea shop was getting busier every day. On top of those problems was his nephew's escapades and his strange mood, he was brighter and mopier than normal, at the same time! He couldn't even escape from his nephew at work because he had been hired on temporally to ease Iroh's larger work load.
Iroh was almost temped to allow Zuko to serve the unsavory men and watch them flee his wrath, but he hoped that this might be Zuko's opportunity to jump back into honest work. He couldn't risk that by making the boss angry at Zuko.
So he was relieved when he saw 'Jen' and 'Mai Ling' enter the door. There was a breath of fresh air in seeing them if he'd ever had a breath of fresh air. He looked around for free seats and sighed. The only free seats were in Zuko's jurisdiction. He would have to abandon his post to talk to them unless they sought him out.
Table three was calling him again, demanding fresh rolls be made just for them, from scratch, and they had better be ready in five minutes. 'Impossible.' thought Iroh yet he said nothing. If he ignored them maybe they'd leave.
Iroh covertly watched as Zuko talked to his new costumers. Mai Ling said something that caused Zuko and Jen to blush. Zuko scurried away from the table to the counter. Iroh went on serving his costumers.
Toph pouted she had been so sure her question about how a lady goes about kissing would do more then just make them blush and drive Zuko away. She had hoped one of them would start to explain and set the other one off. This little plot had been to garner a fight. 'Drat it all!' thought 'Mai Ling'.
While Zuko was gone a young couple walked through the door. The young man was laughing at what he had said. The young woman smiled a fond, indulging smile but didn't laugh.
Toph was surprised to note that her companion's heart jumped and skittered happily at the sight of the two.
Katara jumped from her seat and ran to the door, drawing attention from everyone there. She flung her arms around the nineteen year old man and kissed his cheek. It's so good to see you again Li! she exclaimed.
Katara? the boy whispered lowly so no one else would hear. Li was shocked to see her. But he was happy too. Until he looked at his girlfriend's unhappy face.
She nodded. Then said to the nineteen year old woman at his side, Hi! I'm Jen! And you are?
The man cleared his throat and said, Jen, this is my betrothed, he scrambled for a name, Sapphire! He looked very proud of himself.
Hello Sapphire.
Hi Jen.
'Jen' almost giggled at the jealousy in her tone.
Across the room at the girls' table Zuko asked, Mai Ling who's that guy Jen is talking to? I haven't seen him around before.
Oh, I'll just peek over my shoulder and spy on my cousin. When I see this guy I'm sure I can tell you who it is. She didn't move to do what she said she would. Zuko didn't get her sarcasm. So Toph spelled it out for him. I'm blind Sparky-Pants.
Zuko shyly said, Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, I forgot.
Happens all the time.
Really? he asked a little hopeful that he wasn't the only one.
Zuko felt really stupid after that was said.
Hey guys let me introduce you! came 'Jin's' excited voice. Li, this is our cousin Mai Ling, Mai Ling this is Li and Sapphire.
Yo. Mai Ling' jerked her hand in a wave.
Jen, don't forget your manners, who is this? He glared at the server.
'Jen' groaned. Li this is Zuko, he's a nephew of Iroh, she gestured to the large balding man at the door. He's helping out here today.
Li took Zuko's hand in a firm shake while challenging the older man with his glare. Then he put his arm around 'Jen' and the other around 'Sapphire' and guided them into chairs at the table.
When Zuko left with an order for tea and sweet cakes to celebrate, 'Mai Ling' leaned over to 'Jen' and asked who the two really were.
Li is my brother and Sapphire is his fiancé. I'll tell you more when we can talk in private. she whispered back. Noticing that 'Li' and 'Sapphire' were occupied with the sweet cakes Zuko had just dropped off 'Jen' continued, Don't let them know about our little nighttime charade. At least not yet.
What are you two whispering about? 'Li' asked as he contently downed another sweet cake.
Mai Ling just wanted to know more about you two and I was explaining to her that you're my brother and that I don't know much about your bride-to-be. answered 'Jen'.
After learning that she was his sister 'Sapphire' relaxed in her seat and reached for her own sweet cake. Soon everyone was eating one. Jen? she asked after swallowing her current bite.
We will need a place to stay the night. Would it be alright if we bunked at your place?
'Mai Ling' and 'Jen' looked at each other, even though that act was useless for 'Mai Ling'.  Well, you see, began 'Jen', Our place is small and run down...
That's okay. 'Sapphire' assured.
'Mai Ling' supplied the next deterrent. Don't forget stinky, very, very stinky.
The other girl said, I'm sure it's not that bad.
It sounds like you don't want us there. 'Li' said. If he wasnt eating hed probably be suspicious.
It's not that Li! burst 'Jen'.
I'm sure we can make do. insisted 'Sapphire.
'Jen' sighed in defeat. Allow us to go back and clean up first. We'll find you when we're done.
How? inquired Li around the food in his full mouth.
We have our ways. 'Mai ling' said mysteriously.
Li just nodded entranced by the food and the mystery.
'Mai Ling' and 'Jen' left the building after 'Jen' generously paid the whole bill. Truly it was out of Tophs earnings of the day. They rushed home so the two inside wouldn't have the chance to follow.
We can't do anything about where we live but we can hide the things from our escapades. said Katara as they ran through the side and back roads.
Where? asked Toph although she was certain of the answer.
It will have to be underground.
We probably shouldn't tell them I can bend. Toph said.
Katara agreed.
We'll need a story for where you go at night as well. the earth-bender pointed out.
I have a night job. Katara said simply. But what requires work at night? They were in their neighborhood and so had slowed down.
A barmaid!
Oh-no my brother would kill me.
That's probably the most socially acceptable job for a young woman at night. Toph explained as they walked into their apartment.
What about an entertainer? They often have night shows.
Young single women don't work respectably in the entertainment industry, at night its even more unrespectable. Unless you think your brother would be pleased to have you work as a dancer or singer in a bar or nightclub, and that would be the best of it. Plus, if you were to say you have a respectable night entertainer's job in a theater he'd want to come see your show. Something you wouldn't really have. Ladies rarely work at night.
Wait I have it, a night guard.
A night guard? Toph was about to shoot the idea down when Katara asked her to think about it. As they headed to the hole in the flooring with the first load, the paintings and Katara's uniform, the Blind Bandit asked, What would you be protecting that someone would hire a woman to protect?
Katara thought for a moment. For a few minutes the tunnel Toph was leading them down was quiet except for the scuffing of their feet on the earthen floor. Then she had her answer, A girl or a woman, maybe a future bride or a wife or daughter of some rich somebody.
Toph stopped. That's actually not a bad idea. Then when you're out of sight I could earth-bend you down into a cavern where your Painted Lady clothes are and you could still do your real job without making your brother any wiser.
Katara chuckled, His head's so thick you could come out and tell him some things and he still wouldn't understand.
Toph laughed with her.
They quickly set up their secret base, filling it with the clothes and paintings they brought. The following trip they brought the tubs of Katara's smelly paint. They only left a small amount at the house to account for the smell and also for an emergency. Katara would pretend tonight was her night off and get some lanterns for her 'secret base' the next day.
Next they went back to their rundown apartment. Then 'Jen' sent 'Mai Ling' out to find her brother and his fiancé.
'Li' was walking down the road, bragging of course. I tell you Suki, my tracking prowess is immense! We will be reunited with my sister in a moment!
Suki rolled her eyes. Whatever you say, 'Li'.
Hey you lost or somethin'? 'Mai Ling' called from behind them. She was leaning against someone's parked cart. Cause you're going the wrong way.
I knew that! I was... trying to see if Suki would pick up on it.
Sure you were. scoffed the blind girl. Now if you'll follow me, Jen is making supper.
Great! I'm starved!
Suki eyed 'Li'. How can you be hungry, you just ate more then a horse?
Yeah, but that wasn't meat.
His girlfriend didn't know whether to laugh or slap her forehead.
'Mai Ling' laughed loudly. Sounds like you and I will get along just fine.
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Hi everyone! I know it has been a long time since I last updated. Im sorry. Ill try to be better. And all that wait for a chapter the feels like a filler. Sorry again! But Ive been trying to get so much done with the computer and most of the time Im either babysitting (Not a good idea to write while doing that.) or its late (Mostly this one, I usually dont have access to the computer unless its after 9:30-10:00. I hope this will change soon.). I have written yesterday and today so hopefully I will get back into being able to write more often.
A Special Thank You to All my Reviewers: At fanfiction()net; Rhiannan365, and The Girl Wit The Dragon Tattoo, and from deviantART()com; tmmdeathwish, Curmudgeonduo, and Bambi428.
Thank you all for reading. Ill Write again soon.