Batman Fan Fiction ❯ The Dark Knight Triumphant ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
chapter 2

while the super heros prepated to fight crime an evil dynamic trio ploted there move. there leader was none other then professor crane better noen as da scarcrow(who is played by jeff goldblum). he was once a respected teacher at gotherm unviercity but was kicked out for experimentin on pepols with far gas. no he sed wen da deen kicked him out my fear gas goes more then jus make pople scared. no sed the deen its too dangerous your fired. ill show you sed crane as te threted the people of gortham ill show you aal. thats why he had teamed up with harly quin (who is played by madonna) mad hatter (played by some guy) and the man bat (who is played by some other guy). harly quin was jokers daughter and she was probised buy scarcrow that he cog bring her father bak to life with his fear gas. next was mad hatter who was a college of scarcrow at da kolleg whi was also kiked doubt to untethical xperidents. his waork was with mind control dow. and last was man bat who was a human who was given the power to transform into a monster that was half man half bat. they were all bad guys and planed to destroy batman robin andd bat giurl and take over gotdam city. but there was one missing in ther group....................the jokir111111111111111111111111111