Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ can u forget the past? ❯ the past returns ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
disclamer: i do not own beyblade or it's chracters but i do own heather/panther and her bitbeast pantherla

so you realy are going to start beyblading, oliver said in amusment. like i said there is nothing else to do and anyway as much as i hate to admit it, it was fun. so i wonder who is at the door, didn't enrique tell you all the teams from the league are comming it's probobly some of them. great more people to annoy me, so after this you want a game of chess robert? you asked. sure, i'll win this time though. cool, was all you said. you walked into the entrance hall to see loads of people, many teams where there although some still needed to arrive. man look at them all, wait i know them you said walking up to one of the teams, hey miguel, you said tapping his shoulder. hey heather what are you doing here i didn't think you were a blader? he asked. well i thought about it and i'm going to start and this is my house, my brother invited everyone. you know them? robert asked. uh huh we met in russia, when i went on my travels, i also met the f dynasty team. everyone was talking and you decided it was far too loud for you, enrique i'll be outside if you need me. sure. you walked around the gardens it had been ages since you had been out in your garden, you sat with your sketch book in a tree, and stated drawing the garden below. it was fine until a meowing sound starteld you and made you lose balance, you steadiyed your self for the landing but it never came, instead there were two arms under yours and they pulled you up, thanx you said looking up you came face to face with a pair of bright purple eyes, that seem to peirce into your sould, you blushed and turned back to where you were sitting before, thanx kai you said with a slight tinge of pink still in your cheeks, kai also turned around so you wouldn't see him blush. um, how come your not in there with the others? u inquierd, hm, he replied. you went back to drawing, kai was still sitting in the treewhen a cat came up, nightshade you said as you picked her up, you sat her on another branch of the tree and started to draw again, you looked in the direction of kai to see nightshade on his lap. wow, she likes you she doesn't like many people enrique being one you giggled. kai just sat there and opened his eyes, his eyes met with yours and you both blushed again, fifnished you said, gosh look at the time 9'pm i've been out here allday, ain't it beautiful, the sky i mean, you said. yeah, kai replied, huh you said expecting an hm from him. you picked nightshade of his lap and jumped out of the tree, are you comming dinner should be ready soon, you placed nightshade on the floorand started walking into the house, kai followed close. as you walked in you could tell there were a load more teams then before, and you could hear enrique bothering the girls, you made your way over to where he was speaking with julia. enrique what have i told you don't bother them, panther is that you? julia shouted. yep hey, it was only then enrique noticed nightshade, behind you. the devil cat he shouted. enrique leave nightshade alone just because you don't like her, she don't like me, he said with a scared tone in his voice. what ever, lets just go for dinner, you said to julia as you showed her into the dining room, seating was like this.
kai-you- bryan-spencer-tala- ray-lee-julia-raoul-mariah-gary-claude-rick-emily-michel-eddy-
enrique- oliver-robert-jhonny-miguel-tyson-mathilda-max-kenny-kevin-hiro

yo u quickly noticed hiro and went up to him, hey hiro or jin is it???? you laughed. panther i didn't think you were a blader, well i'm not but this is my house, so well you know, well we'll catch up after dinner, walking through the hall you saw all the bladers most of which you never recognised, untill you saw a flicker of red hair. no it couldn't be, you thought. you sat in your seat and everyone sat down. you turned and saw bryan, what is he doing here, you thought. bryan was thinking the same thing, hey guys look panther, he said to the others. tala leave me alone, you shouted. you know each other? oliver asked. unfotunatly yes and i'm trying to forget him so don't talk to me or call me panther. you all ate in silence for the rest of the meal. after dinner everyone went into the lounge and startde talking, while you were glareing at tala. (this means speaking in russian * and* ) *twerp* you said, *what was that?* he asked, *twerp, git mother fucker* you smirked. since when can u speak russian heather? enrique asked. *bog off* you snarled, what, i don't speak russian, you faced him and you ahd your panther eyes on. *as i was sying snot face*, *dewb*, *is that the best you got tala after all these years* you smirked. *SHUT UP!!!!!* kai shouted. fine, you said and sat at the chess table, anyone want ago? you asked. i will, emily said, great. after numerous moves you beat her, how'd you beat emily sweetcakes? michel asked. *fuck u* u said. i would listen to her, bryan said. *you 2 birdy* you smirked. watch it panther, he said back, what ya gonna do? beybattle? gladly, you said getting your blade of your belt. i hope you do better this time, tala said. you beybattled them before? robert asked. yeah i had no choice, now lets go, and i am so not even using (this means a bitbeast is talking / ok/) /wait i want to beybattle/ /you sure/ / yep/ actually i might use pantherla, you smirked, and bryan gulped. your using your bitbeast? oliver said. yep and i am so going to enjoy trashing his blade. any last words, you asked *say good bye to that little kitty of a bitbeast*, hm you seem to forget cats eat birds like your budgie, you laughed. 3.....2...1 let it rip. go fallborg, pantherla attack now, your blade hit his and it went out. come on you can do better than that, can't you? *weakling*, that is it, do not insult my team members panther, tala said. what ya gonna do wolf, you asked. *dork*, *tala you never change and i am going to rub that smirk of your face* you said. *well get on with it* kai said. *kai get lost*, uh you want to take this in the beystadium, kai asked. sure. you both walked over. 3....2....1 let it rip, dranzer, pantherla. so you have a pheonix, huh, i like them so i'll go easy, pantherla pounce, your blade jumpde ontop oh is, now use talas attack, novea rog, hey panther get your own or are they too weak. you should consider it an honour. *freak*, he said. *thats it walk away chicken* you shouted. can we get back to the battle, kai said. oh right, pantherla try your new move, night swipe, darkness filled the dish and knocked kais blade out. i knew it!! enrique said. well that is something new, jhonny said. she has been blading that is why her blade has marks on it, he said. *no shit sherlock* you said. kai smirked and walked of. so you going to tell me how you know them? enrique asked. nope, you said. ok so why'd you have to beybattle them? i'll tell you that, tala said. you wouldn't dare? try me. *what do you want* you spat. *u back on the team*, he smirked *fine just don't tell them*, *they're going to find out soon* i can't be dealing with this, you said. he smiked. tala you are going to pay, what ya gonna do now panther, wait don't you only call team members by their code names, spencer smirked. yeah why? tala asked. *i swear spencer you say anything i'll...* you were cut of by robert saying something. so you were on they're team and you got the code name and now your back on it. graet now they know so i don't have to be on your team, yay, you said. ok just forget everything, you said. ok, i ma confused anyway, tyson said. thats good, you said *you will come back to the team* tala said. *thats what you think i'd never work for him again* *we don't work for him anymore*, kai said comming in *you don't?* you asked. he shook his head, well that is different then, you said. how is it different, kai asked, just is *i won't do anything again not for him* *well now that you know we don't work for him friends?* tala asked. tala valkov wants to be friends? you asked. sure, you asid and walked off, enrique you have one weird sis, ray said. hey don't dis her, robert said. looks like someone has a crush. no they only like each other as brother and sister not anymore, oliver said. so what were you talking about kai, do you know her? tyson asked. *you are far too nosey for your own good* tala snickerd. what did you say. he said you are too nosey, you said comming back in, where'd ya go? to get this, you asid showing them a set of 5 blades. mine, tala's, kai's, bryans and spencers, you said. you still have these? bryan asked. of course budgie, you smirked. and i have a new blade anayway say hello to pantherla excel, not that thing, spencer said. you remerber them of course that thing is a monster even black dranzer was no match, *do not remind me of that thing* you ahouted. touchy, tala said. valkov, if you savour your blade then shut the fuck up, wow one minute she is nice the next she is hard, max said. i have never seen her like that, enrique said. maybe it's because i was their old team captain, you smirked. you were captain of the blitkreig boyz? everyone asked. yep hiro knew, and they woulodn't change the cruddy name but i don't care. how does hiro know? tyson asked. i hepled jin out a few years ago and since they are the same person, even you can figure that out, you laughed. so you all no each other? tyson asked yes i know hiro. so you knew her? enrique asked the others. yeah so, if she hadn't left we would of won the world championships, tala sanped. i never knew she was on the team, they would of won if they had used those blades , the ultimate ones that i made i to have one but they never could use themit was so funny *seeing them fail over and over*, bryan laughed. as i remeber you didn't do that well either birdie, you said. he shut up. ok so who wants to play.........

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