Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Fate ❯ Swimmies I ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Authoress' Note: My other stories aren't seeming to want to be creative in my mind so I started working on this fic which is on my mind. I am going to post it as I think of it, and it might seem jumpy but in the end things will make sense as to WHY they are jumpy!
Warning: Dark thoughts and speeches, Gen-X

Swimmies I

Every book is but an extension of the author's thoughts. One can learn a lot about the writer's mind by reading what she writes. It is the insight onto the life of that person no matter how significant or not. There are those who say writing is the way to easy the mind. I say that writing is the way to simply bring all those thoughts and hidden emotions, desires out into the open and express that through fruitful words and analogies that have no purpose or importance to anyone the one who could possibly write it down.
The Greeks wrote about their vision of fate. The three old decrepit women who shared but a single eyeball in which they could interoperate the past, watch the present, set and mock the future.
Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." What does he know as he sat in a chair the rest of his life because of some godforsaken disease which rendered him seemingly useless to a bystander if he happened to just merely pass by in the street? He lived the high life; he had people and a country who adored him, followed him on their tight leashes. He said "sit", they asked for how long they should. He said "bark", they never shut up. Even for his disability he never knew what it was like to be a prisoner of fate. The cruelness of a world where you have no control of what is to come and the time that passes by just merely plucks you from your mother's womb only to allow yourself to be tormented with these three hags' sense of humor.
Fate. What a funny word. Fate is nothing but a series of events preset and prerecorded by the deities that rule over us and mock us for our silly encounters with this word. They roar in their musings as people think they were lucky, they were destined for something, this was meant to be. It is not something one can control or come close to thinking that they can control. People just ultimately sit by on this shit ride of life and never seem to go anywhere that they personally choose themselves. The three women have set their futures but they are so delusional that they can't see how they are making choices not out of freewill but out of the jokes and pranks set by the deities.
I laugh along with these deities. I laugh heartily at myself when my mind drifts off into its tangent about my fate, my prophecy, my calling.
A psychiatrist once attempted to undermine me with questions. He disappeared that very same day, only to be found mysterious in the woods as I was walking down the dorm's hallway feeling pity on the man who seemingly died and just continued along my way of studies.
Did they deserve to die? Do I deserve this meager punishment, my torturous life that has led me to this closed in cell and left me to rot in until (I shall call her Ophratus) Ophratus, the Fate of What Has Yet to Come and judge of death decides that my life isn't worth living anymore? Deserving something depends on the extremity of one's actions. They tormented me, pushed me aside because I did not want fame, I did not want to live in the shadows of my father; they died. I proceeded to be the judge, jury, executioner, and undertaker to their judgment day that Ophratus has previously prescribed for my fate; and I am alive.
Publicity has become my pet hate of mine. The media following me as a child because my father was some famous figure and always gloating to the press about his past. My Lilitha, Fate of What Has Come to Pass, was probably rolling around in hoarse laughter while she listened to him cling to his past. They wanted me to talk, they wanted me to become the next World Champion. They wanted me to be the next big face in beyblade history, just like my father was.
I cannot begin to explain my relief when I was found guilty and sent to this rat's hole; no more cameras, reporters, raves. I value my solitude more than I value my own life.
I mock myself and how my fate all started many many years ago when I was too young to know the difference between good and evil, black and white, purpose and dispose.

Clinging her hands around her bare arms, and rubbing them up and down as rapidly as she possibly could, the little girl buried her face in between her kneecaps trying to forget all that had happened before. Her tears were slowly freezing onto her cheeks as the cold winter air was nipping at them and her bright red nose. The hair hanging from her ponytail rested on her numb back as her little bands covered her eyes in their shadows.
She didn't know why they had done that to her, why they told her that and lied. It wasn't like she was ever mean to them or said anything wrong. She thought she was just as polite to them as she could. She had considered them her own friends, they had been since they first met at the preschool and it wasn't like she knew people would or wouldn't like her because of who her father was. She didn't know any better, but sitting up in that cold tree with nothing but her pink swim suit and Velcro sneakers, freezing cold, little Sav didn't know who to trust anymore...

"Come on 'Anna!" cried little Taro Akiyama and Ayo Tomiga waving towards their friend. Three year old Savanna Kinomiya fixed her hat and glvoes before bounding out in the snow.
"Hwold on! I'm coming!" she laughed, easily catching up to them with her neko speed. Savanna was a half neko thanks to her mother, but she still could easily catch up to her two friends. The three of them ran over to a metal dish, their beyblades and launchers in their little hands. Taro and Savanna set up their basic blades while Ayo declared herself the judge.
"...1... LET IT RIP!" The clashing of the two blades echoed throughout the playground and brought the attention of the rest of the preschool to the three friends. Sav and Taro were cheering on their blades as a crowd of their peers surrounded them, chanting and hooting.
As recess was being called over, the kids wined as they wanted to finish their mini-tournament. They explained to their teachers they were already in the semi-finals, but Tsubani-sensei told them they would get to continue the battles tomorrow during recess. The four children in the "semi-finals" whined again while Sav and Ayo giggled towards their antics.
Coloring her picture, Sav was attempting to draw Dragoon and Drizane for her parents, knowing that they loved all her drawings. Savanna couldn't contain herself; it was a little over a month until her fourth birthday and she just couldn't wait. The little Kinomiya had invited everyone to her party, even her teacher and some kids she did not even know.
They were all going to come to her family's dojo for the celebration. Zi had gone all out for this party, Sav even over heard Tyson on the phone she could have sworn she heard the words "pony rides" and "clowns" come from her father. Of course Sav didn't let her parents know she knew that!
"Hey Savanna!" whispered Taro next to her. Leaning over, the boy continued. "Guess what I just hweard!"
"I just hweard that tomorrow, whoever wears the best swimmies is going to get fwee ice cweam!" Sav's eyes popped wide open. She loved ice cream, and there was no more of that item in her house. Seeing as her father had gained too many pound on his sweets according to her mother.
"Wow!" squeaked Sav, already seeing herslef coming dressed to school in her new pink swim suit that her grandma had gotten for her.
"But SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" exclaimed Taro quickly. "It'sa secwet! You can't tell anyone!" Sav nodded her head quickly still imagining the taste of the ice cream on her lips.
What do you think? Savanna is probably my most rounded character I've ever created. You can see when you just love her, when you pity her, when her hate her. All will come in time.
And future chapter will be longer. I just decided to split this chapter into two so the next one will be up when my mind finishes contemplating on this.
Reviews are really nice and are rewarded by quicker updates. Flames will be used for cook outs so please... lmk what you think!