Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Here with You ❯ here ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
.Songs for Satsuki to sing... If only she knew, Everywhere, Unsung, You get me, I'd Rather Be in Love

SONG- One Shot Sequel

One Shot Sequel to Everything You Want. A year has pasted and it is time for the kids to say good-bye. What if things haven't been said, what if they had been? (Satsuki and Yaoki centrated)


Dear Diary,

Last year was a blast! When Sensei told me that the Sirens were needed to help the Blade Breakers, I never expected us to all fall in love with them and vice versa. Well I shouldn't say ALL. Funny how things like that work out, no? We were only in Sensei's plan to stop the Revolution, not to find our hopeful "soul mates". And boy was that a zoo! I still don't think Yaoki or Charlie will ever truly get over what happened though.

Charlie really did feel bad about ever even thinking about joining a group like the Revolution. World domination? Raising ancient Atlantican bit beasts to use to destroy all the world's leaders and take the power for themselves... Man those guys really were on crack. But Charlie was the VIP when it came to facing the Revolution one on one. Boy, without her knowledge of the Revolution, I don't think it would have been possible for us to win. Plus, Drikia kicked some butt! Well, Charlie can't dwell in the past anymore, Rei won't let her. They are so cute together...

And Yaoki, poor Yaoki. I think she found a deeper hole to hide in after we found out Yukio, once the love of her life, was the leader of Revolution. That bastard. I thought Yaoki would be over that creep, especially after he had raped her. I was so sure Tala had finally won over her heart. That "cold shoulder" idea was brilliant! And Yaoki seemed happy and secure when they danced together at the junior prom. I still don't understand why she ran off after that dance. I haven't seen much of Yaoki since that night. She stopped coming to practices and skipped school a lot. Tala is very worried about her, so am I...

Kami, Takao and Vega are going at it again. You would imagine that those two would quit their bickering permanently after they admitted their feelings towards one another. There, another happy part brought to you in part by junior prom! Takao better learn some table manners before Vega knocks him to the moon!

Clover and Max are how can I put it... inseparable, joint at the hip. They are always holding hands, kissing, and showing more PDA than I could ever get Kai to show. They have been working at this new beyblade training school that Max's dad had set up. I had to drag Kai with the chains of life to get him to come with me to visit this school. It looked really good, Max and Clover had put a lot of hard time and effort into the old Revolution warehouse.

It was really sad when Kathy had to move away in the middle of the year. Kyouju took it very hard. For the first few weeks, I never saw him. He was always busying himself with homework and drowning in denial. But now, he's constantly on the computer, talking to her online. He's making sure that she doesn't fall for anyone else! Ha! Like that is possible!

As for Kai, and me well... lets just say we both have come to the same conclusion that ice-skating just is not for us. I couldn't believe it when Charlie and Vega told me Kai had never left my side while I was in that coma. That was just WAY too sweet of him. Our bond to each other (if you want to call it that) has grown more and more. And best of all, he's opening up to me! That made my day; now we just have to work on our public displays of affection. And he's been so supportive of me about my --er-- "condition" and family issues. I have gotten help from a therapist and even she considers Kai as my best medicine. Nope, still not talking to Dad. Like he's ever home anyway, then again, he's always out with his "wife". Stupid Yuna, always trying to replace Mom. There is no way she'll ever do that.

Anyway, senior year went by like a blur. Clover became president of the class and organized this new concert, Last Band Standing. It was so cool, kids at Baraki who had bands participated in this contest to see who would be named the best. It was a total hit! The classes were hard, and college shit was even worse. Kami, it was way too hard to get all the applications out in time.

I got into the same college Kai did, I was ecstatic. I am majoring in fine arts and music. (You know I'm going to be a famous singer... no?) Kai is planning on majoring in business management. He already has a job in mind for when he's done with college... Mr. Dickenson's. Vega is going to college in Italy (I didn't know she wanted to study abroad) and is majoring in journalism. She plans on working on the next big time newspaper, and having a front-page column. Takao, I don't know what he wants to do, but he got accepted in this
tiny college back in his hometown. Clover is going to some fashion school. I think it's called the Institution of Fashion. Its somewhere in America. Max is also going to college in America, near his mom. I think it was the University of Arizona. Kyouju is going to school at Harvard in Massachusetts. Need I say anymore? Charlie and Rei also got into the same college, back in China near his home village. Tala (for some reason) wanted to go back to Russia. I have no clue way, neither does Charlie or Kai. Yaoki... I haven't seen her to know where she's going.

But senior year. Great times. It went so quickly and before we knew it, graduation. Kyouju was the valedictorian. Could you have guessed? And his speech was great. After we got our diplomas and threw our stupid hats, we were free. FREEDOM YA!!!! Well, free for another two months. Damn, summer is so short. Why can't it be like five months instead of three? I have a picture from that day packed up in one of the boxes. That and I have a picture of all my friends. The best one of Charlie is the one where she and Rei were crowned Prom King and Queen. Boy you should have seen Rhianna's face when Charlie beat her out on it. Clover was sure to rub it in her face, especially after the way Rhianna criticized and tried to ruin Clover's reign of the student council. Dumb bitch. Vega was there to lend a helping hand; I think Rhianna had one black eye... maybe two... I can't remember. I think that is one of the memories I lost when I got drunk.

Hahaha, me... Satsuki Hikari, sensible young girl, reliable to take care of my broken family, never do wrong, me... I got drunk at the beach after senior prom. And boy, Charlie and Takao were quick to tape my antics. I was sucker punched into that stupid move. Yea. I'll probably be able to tolerate a few beers. Never doing that one again. Charlie and Takao have copies of my "drunkenness". Damn, I'm going to burn those tapes one day. And on the tape I saw Kai laughing his ass off at me. He really changed... no?

The summer went by way too quick for me. I ended up selling Katana and Yoshi, they both were going to good homes. I miss them already, but I can't focus on school, blading, the horses, and Kai all at once anymore. College is way too hard for that. Vega wanted to kill me when I sold the horses. I know how she loved riding with me on the trails at home. Ha, would you believe me if I told you I got Kai on Yoshi? I bet you wouldn't. I call it a little pay back... I taped him trying to ride my horse. Now I have that tape to treasure forever.

Well diary, I'm all packed up for this trip to college. I don't know what will happen, I have no clue if I'll ever see my friends again. No, I don't want to think about that. I don't want that to happen. I'll make Kai stay with me at least. If he ever thought of leaving me (like he would) I would just black mail him with that tape, and a few other secrets I have learned on the way... hehehe...


Satsuki closed up her diary. It had been her therupist's request for her to keep a diary, to use to let out all the pain and frustration her family was putting on her. But the thought of it all being over, it was too depressing. They were a circle of friends, it was impossible to actually have an end to it. But Yaoki, she broke that circle. She disappeared, she wasn't there. It stabbed Satsuki in the heart, harsher than her father ever could. The Sirens, Haru, and now the Blade Breakers were her "real" family. She wouldn't let it fall apart. Suki was ready to fall into another depression episode when Yaoki vanished, but Kai and the others pulled her in before she had a chance to do some real harm to herself. Family. That's what family was. They were there, blood or not.

"BE CAREFUL WITH THAT!" shrieked a voice down the hall way. Satsuki rolled her eyes and put her diary in the backpack on the ground next to her. That was it, her room was emptied of all the stuff that they needed. She couldn't wait to be out of the house, away from Yuna. Stupid bitch. Satsuki knew she'd have to run to rescue Kai. Yuna never "approved" of Satsuki's choice in dating Hiwatari. He was mad rich, but he was too "mysterious" for her liking, and too many rotten apples in his family.

"Yuna..." started Mr. Hikari. The red head was having a heart attack as Kai was handling the precious computer Yuna had bought for Satsuki. The equipment was heavy, and Kai was handling it by himself.

"Why don't you just let Haru take it," stated Yuna. "He's stronger than you. I don't want Satsuki's expensive computer broken!" Kai rolled his eyes and Haru was choking on himself. The adult was already busy carrying the suitcases to Satsuki's Mini Cooper. The silverette walked into the foyer and cast a glance over towards Yuna, completely avoiding her father's gaze.

"I'm sorry, Kai," stated Satsuki. "I think this will be it. My room is wiped clean." Kai nodded and placed the computer down carefully, under Yuna's hawk-watch. Satsuki shifted the weight of the back pack and opened the door for Kai and Haru. Both boys helped Satsuki take the boxes and suitcases out to the car. With the car being loaded up, Satsuki never looked back into the house, where Taro was standing with Yuna. With the last thing in the car, Satsuki turned towards her brother.

They stood in a dead lock, frozen in time. Her brother was finally back to save her from the wraith of Yuna, but it wouldn't matter now, that she was leaving for college. The blonde stood firm, and Satsuki launched herself at her brother. He caught her in his grasp and held onto her tightly. Satsuki burried her face into his abdomon.

"I'm going to miss you," he stated, gazing down at her with his light gray eyes. Satsuki looked up to him with her watering eyes, tears streaming down.

"Haru..." she couldn't speak the words. He pushed her away slightly and looked at her, arms straight as he held onto her shoulders.

"It's OK," he stated. "I know. Just do me one favor, no, two. One, I don't want to get a call from Hiwatari that you regress. I must say, it's my fault you suffer from that-"


"- Two, promise me you won't drift away from me. I'm your brother. I don't want anything bad to happen to you. So you better keep in touch with me. And when you get your first platinum record, I want the first autograph. And I want it for free." Satsuki laughed and cried. A mixture of the two. She gripped onto her brother tightly, not wanting to let go. He kissed the top of her head. "You'd better go. Your friends are waiting for you."

Satsuki pulled back and nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes, and fixed the eyeliner that ran a little bit. She gave him one more kiss, and looked over towards the door. There was no one. Taro and Yuna were gone. Just as she figured. Satsuki walked over towards Kai, who held his arm open for her. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he looked back towards Haru and nodded.

"You better take care of my baby sister, Hiwatari," declared Haru. "Or I'm going to have to go over to that school and kick the ever living shit out of you." Kai rolled his eyes and flicked his hand in the air. Kai let Satsuki into the passanger side of her car, and he took the driver's seat. He had already set up his dorm at the college, and all his things, including his car were already there, so the two could travel together. Kai pulled out of the long driveway, and headed for the ice cream parlor in the entrance of the park. The park, that was where they had first met a Revolution blader, and it happened to be Xylia, an ex-Siren. Too many memories were founded there. The park, that was also where Kai and Satsuki had their first kiss, on a bench by the lake. Christmas time. But that was also the same park where the lake that had taken a month of Satsuki's life away. Kai gazed down at Satsuki when he noticed she was silent. He prayed she wasn't falling into her depression from her separation from her home.

"You OK?" asked Kai. Satsuki nodded, and looked over towards her boyfriend.

"Yea, why do you ask?" she questioned.

"It is rare that you're quiet, and I was hoping you weren't-"

"No, no, it's nothing like that. I'm just thinking. Just thinking about the future," stated Satsuki. "So its finally come. We're splitting up. I know your team did that a few times, but the Sirens' never did. I can't tell you a time when I wasn't with Charlie. Or even Vega. They were my best friends. It was me and Charlie since we were like three, and then Vega moved here in the fourth grade. We were like the Three Musketeers." Kai nodded and turned the car down the road, passing his old home for the last two years. "You going to miss it?"

"Miss what?"

"What? Miss what? Aren't you going to miss living with Takao, Rei, Max, and Kyouju? I mean you guys are close, no?" asked the silverette, watching Kai's home pass by.

"Yea, I guess I will," he stated. "It's going to be strange for a bit without having to deal with Takao's stomach eating me out of house and money." Satsuki let out a laugh and leaned her head on Kai's shoulder. He looked down at her but then quickly paid attention to the road. He let his hand fall onto her thigh, and he gently stroked her. (((NO HENTAI! hehehe))) "It's going to be OK." Satsuki sighed.

"Yea, I guess it will. I just wish I could see Yaoki before I leave. I miss her," she said.

"Tala misses her too."

In the icecream parlor, there was a table set up for the gang alone. They had been spending so much time there, that they had their own table. Vega, Charlie, Clover, Rei, Max, Takao, and Kyouju were sitting at their table, eating their ice cream and sipping their floats and shakes.

"Look who finally decided to come!" shouted Charlie, toward the door. Satsuki and Kai walked over and sat down, as Charlie, Rei, and Kyouju skooched over to allow more room.

"Took you long enough," said Max.

"Sorry," said Satsuki. "We had to face the wraith of Yuna." They all nodded, knowing well about Satsuki's stepmom. "Plus, I had to rescue Kai from her." Kai rolled his eyes and the waitress came over. Satsuki and Kai put their orders down and the waitress left. Silence fell over the group, as they looked at one another. They couldn't say anything. The slightest set of words could only lead to the fact that the wouldn't see each other for a very long time. The Sirens, the Blade Breakers, they were over. Nothing would be left of them. They were grown up, time to move on with their lives, and go into the real world soon. Then the waitress brought out the two orders, and the kids busied themselves with their ice creams.

"So, when do you leave?" asked Charlie towards Satsuki, finally breaking the ice.

"Soon," she said. "My car is packed."

"Oh," replied Charlie, her voice sounding down and down. "I... I thought you would stay until tomorrow." Satsuki shook her head.

"Oh my kami!" shrieked Clover. They all looked at her, like she was out of her mind. "Guess what I just heard last night! Rhianna didn't get into any college! They all rejected her!"

"Ooo, sucks to be her," snickered Vega, sipping her chocolate malt with a devious grin on her face. "She gets what she deserved--err--slow down Takao, before you get a fucking stomach ache!" Takao was inhaling his bannana split. Vega rolled her eyes. "What are you going to do when I'm not there to tell you you're a pig?" Takao smirked, his face stuffed with the split. He leaned over and pecked her cheek.

"I don't know," he stated after swallowing. "AHH! BRAIN FREEZE!" They all sighed and rolled their eyes. They started talking about their senior year, the highlights, and the lowlights. And before they knew it, two hours had slipped by, and Kai and Satsuki had to be going soon.

"I'm going to miss you guys!" stated Satsuki, hugging Charlie who was right next to her. Charlie was death gripping her back.

"I know, its going to be hard not being with you guys." Satsuki nodded.

"We're going to stay in contact ne?" asked Satsuki. They all nodded. "Good then we have to spend every holiday we can together! And Kai's treating!"

"Yea!" laughed Clover.

"I never said-" But Satsuki stuffed a couple of french fries that she had ordered into his mouth, forcing his silence. She smirked and leaned her head on Kai's shoulder.

"If Kai's treating, I'm so there. Skip school! I say a round trip to Hawaii or somewhere for a week!" Kai swallowed the fries in his mouth and started to say something, but Satsuki stuffed more into his mouth.

"Sounds great," smiled Satsuki. "We just need to know when we all have off. Online is probably the easiest. Chat rooms. They are finally good for something."

"Kyouju should know all about online conversations," nudged Max. Kyouju put in a half hearted laugh.

"You are just a comedian."

"Oh, Satsuki," said Clover. "When you get your first concert, I better be seeing front row seat tickets!" Satsuki laughed and nodded her head.

"All of you guys are going to always be welcomed. And I'd been be getting some clothes you design!" They all stood up and got out of the booth. "I just wish I could have said good bye to Yaoki. Then this would be a better ending," thought Satsuki. She looked ahead of her, and noticed Max, Clover, Vega, and Takao's jaws dropping. The others gave them strange looks, until they heard something.

"So, the Sirens are breaking up?" Satsuki, Kai, Charlie, Rei, and Kyouju turned around and there standing behind them was Yaoki, their Yaoki. Satsuki and Charlie squealed with joy and jump hugged her, almost knocking the neko-jin on the ground.

"Oh my kami!" shrieked Charlie. "Where the hell have you been?" They let her go, so she would be able to get the air back into her lungs. Yaoki looked a little sheepish towards them, her eyes casted down.

"I... I was traveling," stated Yaoki. "I needed time to sort out a few things."

"But you're back," declared Clover. "And back in time for maybe one last chance at seeing us as Sirens and Blade Breakers!"

"That is if you girls want me back," she replied.

"What, are you on crack?" asked Vega. "Of course we want you back!" Yaoki's shy and timid face turned into one lit up and happy.

"Thanks guys," she said. Alll the Siren's made a group hug and wouldn't let go of one another. "So you are all off to college, but where's Tala?"

"Don't tell me you've finally developed feelings for him," joked Takao. Vega closed her eyes and gutted him with her elbow. Takao bent forward, grasping his stomach. Yaoki looked towards the ground again.

"He's probably at the airport," stated Kai. "He's going to Russia." Yaoki looked up and smiled at him.

"Thank you." She turned and headed towards the exit of the ice cream parlor.

"Hey, Yaoki!" shouted Satsuki. The neko-jin turned around and looked back at her friends. "I better be hearing from you soon. Don't you go disappearing on me again. Wouldn't want any 'accidents' to happen!" Satsuki never joked about her mental condition. But this, this was the first time. And Yaoki knew that meant a lot. She smiled.

As soon as Yaoki came, Yaoki left, and it was the group again, by themselves, but together. They gave all their final hugs and good byes. Tears were shed, and promises made. Never to forget one another, never to fall out of touch. They each sheepishly pulled out their beyblades from their pockets, and held them in a circle. Here, here was the circle of friends. The Blade Breakers and the Sirens, and the bitbeasts. They were one. One team, one group, one soul.

Satsuki and Kai left the ice cream parlor ahead of the others, and went over towards the car. But standing in front of the car was Taro Hikari. He was blocking the driver's door. There was no way for Satsuki to avoid him. She gulped, and felt frozen in her footing. Taro got up and headed over towards her.

"Suki, I'm... I'm... sorry," he said. Satsuki stook still again, lost in the moment. This was the first converstation with her father in years. "It is my fault that you never got to be a kid. After your mother...I couldn't stand the thought of life without her. She was my world. I buried myself in my work and then Yuna came along. I know you never got along with her. And I'm sorry for the way she's treated you. And Kai. I forced you to grow up to fast. I am the reason you have suffered over the years. I never allowed you to be a kid. You had to raise and care for me. I tried to block you out from me because you looked so much like your mother, you have her hair and face. And it took me until today to realize that even though she was gone, my world hadn't ended. You were part of it. You are my life, Satsuki. I am sorry it took me so long to realize this."

A speech. Her father, Satsuki's father, was talking to her in more than five words. He was rambling on and on. To her. Satsuki could never remember a time when she had a conversation with her father after the boating accident that took her mother's life. No, she couldn't remember, until now. It had happened, it truly did. And Satsuki felt herself welling up with tears. She wanted to run to him, wanted to embrace him, but she couldn't force herself to move. Kai pushed her shoulders slightly, and that was all Satsuki needed to run full steam at her father.

"Dad!" She almost jumped into his arms, but latched around his waist. She buried her head in his shirt and let out a loud sherade of sobs. Taro himself was lost in his tears, and Kai just stood there, watching his love reconcile with her long hated father.

They continued to cry together, embracing each other, wanting to take back the last twelve years of their lives and start over. But they couldn't what was done was done. They only could look forward. Since they couldn't fix the past, they would have to direct the future. Finally Kai walked over towards Satsuki, really not wanting to break this up, but it was time for them to go. He placed his hands on her shoulder. Taro looked up at Kai and nodded, slowly releasing his daughter. Satsuki still clung to him, like the needy child she never got to be.

"I don't want to go," stuttered Satsuki through her sobs. "I want to start over with you."

"Me too," stated Taro. "But we cannot let our past ruin your future. You are an adult now, and you need to get into that world and show them what you are made of. If you ever need any help, with a record or anything else, I'm here. And you are always welcomed back home. When ever you want, the door will be forever opened." Satsuki smiled and looked back to Kai, and then to her dad again. "Yes, Kai's welcomed into my house when ever he wants."

"What about Yuna?" asked Satsuki. Taro softly smiled and quickly hugged her again.

"You let me handle her," he replied. "Besides. I'll do the same thing Haru told you, Kai. Except I'll be worse." Kai rolled his eyes and nodded his head. Satsuki smiled, choking on more tears. "You should let the boy drive. You're too emotional right now. Especially for rush hour." Satsuki nodded and kissed her father on the cheek.

"I'll call you when I get set up." Taro nodded and smiled. Satsuki went off to the car and got into the passanger side. Kai headed over towards the car, but Taro pulled him up a second.

"Kai, I need you to promise me that you'll take care of her," he stated. "I have been a horrible father, but that doens't mean I don't want the best for her."

"If you are talking about money, I have plenty-"

"No, not the money. Her heart," he stated. "I broke it a long time ago. I just want you to do me the favor of helping her mend what is ever left. Speaking as a father, I don't want you near her." Kai's brow raised at the comment. But didn't he just say? "But speaking as a father, I want her happy. She is happy with you." Kai nodded his head.

"I promise I will care for her. Your daughter means a lot to me," stated Kai. "She's going to be treated the best way possible. Count in it." Taro nodded.

"Thank you." With that, Kai got into the driver's side and shut the door. Satsuki buckled herself up and leaned over towards Kai, closing her eyes. The dual haired boy leaned down and their lips met at a light touch. Kai's tongue grazed over Suki's bottom lip, asking for entrance into her mouth. The silverette complied and their tongues danced together. When they finally broke apart, Kai started up the yellow Mini Cooper, and backed out of the parking space.

"What were you and my father talking about?"

"Since when was he 'your father' and not 'Taro'?" questioned Kai, shifting to first gear and leaving the parking spot. Satsuki smirked and gently nudged him with her fist. "We talked about nothing." Satsuki sat there, and nodded.

"I can't wait for this. Our whole new life." Kai nodded. "I love you."

"I love you too."

.yaoki's pov.

"I guess I do have the friends that I always thought I did."

:: And it took you this long to figure that out. Might I say you're a little slow on the uptake.::

:: Can it, Drifang. I'm going to the airport. I have to see someone.::

There was no way I am going to pass this oppertunity off. I might never get the chance to see Tala again. Wait, will he want to see me? Probably not, but I need to see him. After the way I ran out on him, on my friends, my teammates. I am a traitor to them, but they accepted me back. Charlie and Satsuku practically strangled me, but in a loving way. Wait, did I just think that. I'm losing my mind.

No, I am not losing my mind. That is why I left. I had to find my mind. I had to find myself. I thought I knew who I was when I was with Yukio, but look where that got me. Bastard took away too much of my life than he deserved. Because of him, I felt this insecurity, this need to block everyone possible out. I didn't want to get close to anyone. I couldn't get hurt again, I would die inside if I did.

But I hurt Tala. I did to him what I didn't want. That dance we shared, I knew it was too good. At the time, I didn't think I was worthy of someone like Tala. Why should I have been? After all, I am a cursed child. Everything that could happen to me that is wrong did. My parents, my virginity, my life. I lost it all. But Tala, he gave me a feeling that I never had before. When we danced together, it was like nothing else the world mattered to me anymore. I can't really explain it. I probably sound so cliché, but it is true.

I know the way to the airport. It just seems so much longer than I remember it. Each mile seems to inch closer and closer. I kept looking back at the clock in my car. The minutes were ticking agonizingly slow. Damn. I can't let this happen. I can't let him go.

I was scared. I'm only human. Well, maybe a neko-jin, but skip the technicals. I was scared. I so wanted to be with Tala. I got this feeling deep in my stomach with him. Security. I think that is what Clover would tell me it was. He gave me the security that Yukio had taken away from me. I just didn't think I deserved it. So I ran. I left this country. I ran away from everything that could possibly remind me of him. I went home, back to the village. Rai... Mao... they were shocked to see me home. I hadn't been there in ages. I think I was a toddler when I left. But they took me back in a heart beat. There I found my inesfree, or atleast I thought I did.

I would sit under that waterfall and concentrate as Drifang would spin on the stick in the middle of the water. Concentration. I had to find out who I truly was. Who was Yaoki Lienna anyway? I had no recognition of myself. I would look into the water and only notice half my face in that water. The other half was shaded black. It was empty. I was empty. It took me that entire year to finally realize who I was. All my memories floated back. And they all consisted of the Sirens and Tala. The Blade Breakers never really came into my mind. Only my old friends, and him. His cyan eyes never let go of their grip on me. It was a pleasant feeling though. Not a creepy feeling I got when I thought about Yukio.

It was Tala, he's what completed me. I imagined him next to me, his warm touch. I looked back into that water, and this time, I could see my entire face. I had found myself. I held half of me. He held the other. It was after that glance into the pool of water, that I took the next flight back here. I had to find him. I couldn't just let him get away.

Then I hit airport traffic. I am continuously and angerly slamming on my horn, blasting it for a good five minutes. But traffic is traffic. So I punch the Evanescene CD into play. I had listened to it earlier and the song left on it was "My Last Breath". " Hold on to me love/ you know I can't stay long/ all I wanted to say was I love you and I'm not afraid/ Can you hear me?/ Can you feel me in your arms?/ Holding my last breath/ safe inside myself /are all my thoughts of you/ sweet raptured light/ it ends here tonight... ". I can't tell if it was 3:23, or 8:28. " ...Closing your eyes to disappear/ You pray your dreams will lead you here/ but still you wake and know the truth/ no one's there /Say goodnight/ Don't be afraid/ Calling me calling me as you fade to black... "

Finally I get into the parking lot; I jump out of the car and slam the door. Sprinting into the airport, I run through entrance, pushing past the slow people. Damn, why when ever I'm in a hurry, no one else is? I notice the TV monitor that listed the gates and their destinations. There were two gates that went off to Russia. And the first one was leaving at 4:03, Gate A 43. Checking my watch, it was 3:55. Damn. I am running up the escalator, not waiting for it to take me up to the next level. I have to go through the metal dectector. Damnit. Shit, someone got buzzed and the whole line got held up.

Finally I'm through the metal detector and sprinting at full speed out up the next flight of stairs. I make it up and looked at the map. Gates A 40-50 were on my right. So I follow it. I get to gate 43, but it is empty. There was only the flight attendant at the door way to the airplane. It was closed.

"Wait!" I shout. She looks at me.

"Can I help you with something?"

"Did this plane leave yet?" I cry.

"Yes. It should be on the run way right now-"

"I need to get on that plane!"

"I'm sorry but do you have a ticket? But it is too late anyway, you missed it."

"No! I need to see some one on his way to Russia. I have to!"

"I'm sorry, Miss, but the only way for you to go to Russia is to take the next flight over. But we don't have another plane that flies out in a half an hour, but I think it is completely booked-"

"NO!" I grasp the attendant's shoulders tightly, and roughly shake her.

"I'm sorry, but if you don't calm down, I'll have to call sercurity and have them to escort you out," stated the attendant, looking at my hands. Quickly I let her go, but my hands are shaking. The attendant leaves with a flick of her hair, and I am left staring into nothingness. No, I lost him. It is true. I wasn't worthy of him. I can feel the tears swelling up in the corners of my eyes. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a plan ascending into the sky. I run to the window and press my forehead and palms on the glass.

"No... Tala... This can't be happening," I whisper to myself. "No. I lost him. I've lost everything. Everything I've ever wanted."

"Yaoki." I spun around, my eyes blanketted in tears trying to pertrude down my cheeks. My golden ruby eyes lock into the cyan ones standing before me. It was unmistakable who was calling my name.

"I-I thought you left...the plane...I saw-"

"My plane is at Gate 48," he said softly. I mentally punch myself in the head. Should have figured. I tend to mix up numbers when I'm panicking. (a/n: duh... should have seen that one)

"Oh, I-"

"Where have you been?" he asks me, walking closer. I bite my lip, one of my fangs overlapping. I feel my heart racing. He still cares about me. He still thinks about me. After I did that to him at the dance, in front of the school.

"Thinking," I simply reply. "I am sorry, Tala. I... I didn't know what to do. That night at the dance, I... I panicked. I didn't know who or what I was. I went home to find out those answers." He nods and walks closer towards me. His eyes still as soft and inviting as before I had ever kissed him. Before I kissed him at the dance. My kami, I really did kiss Tala Ivanov.

"And did you find your answers there?"

"No," I reply. He seems still hurt. He cares about me. He really does. I can see it in his eyes. They mourn for me. "When I first got home, I only found half of my reflection. I tried to shut out everything and everyone in my life. I wanted to concentrate on myself, but that got me nowhere. I was still not whole. And then, then I remembered Satsuki, Vega, Kai, Takao, Max, Clover, Rei, Charlie, and you. I remembered when we faced the Revolution, when I saw Yukio. When he was the leader of the Revolution. I couldn't do anything. It was you, you helped me keep my Drifang. And then at the dance-" He holds up his hand, stopping my words.


"No, no Tala. I'm not done. After I remembered you, I saw myself. I realized you were the other half of me that was missing. I finally admitted to myself that I liked you... no loved you. Not in a brother type of way, but in the real deal. Like how the other Siren's look at the Blade Breakers. That's how." Tala's sulken face turns around and a smile is beaming off of him.

"I was going to Russia, to do the same thing, Yaoki," states Tala. "I wanted deeply to forget you. To forget all the times I've tried to win over your heart. But as I was sitting here, I thought. I thought how horrible this move was. I never even said good-bye to Charlie, or Kai, or my father. I didn't. But worst of all, the thought of trying to erase you from my memory was the worst choice I could have made. I can't go... Yaoki." He steps closer, my heart is throbbing rampidly in my chest, like it is ready to explode. "Yaoki, I need you so much."

I can only stare. I look at him, my eyes filling up with fresh new tears. "I need you too." I rush over as quickly as my legs could possibly take me. I jump up and throw my arms around his neck, as he catches me. My legs wrap around his waist and I don't want to let go, for fear that if I do this will be all a dream and he'll be gone. I can't ever let him go again. I feel his arms encircle me, pulling me closer. "Kami, Tala...I love you so much." I mumble into the crook of his neck, still clinging to him.

"I love you too." I look up. There he is. Tala is mine. All mine. I've never felt like this before. Not when I was with Yukio did I feel this rush inside of me when he told me he loved me. He is mine, noone else's. My love. I close the gap between out lips and remember how I felt that night, over a year ago. Tala shut his eyes as well as his tongue slide beneath my bottom lip. Willingly, I open my mouth for him to explore and his tongue feels so right. My tongue. He was mine. We continue to french kiss until the air runs out and we pull away for a breath. I set myself down on my own two feet, still clinging to him. He looks at me with such pride, such triumph, affection. It is breathless, wordless. Finally, after all these years, I am happy. And I made the right choice. I did something right. I belong here with Tala. We are one.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to pick on the flight attendants?" he questions, laughing as his nose presses against mine. I scowl and close in for another kiss. He is willing and able to oblige as we kiss again. And through my head I hear this song I've only heard once in my life. Satsuki sang it once a long time ago, both Tala and I were there when she gave us that little concert. I'm sure he's thinking of it as well. I can see it in his eyes, and he's mouthing a few lines. And now, I can hear her voice ringing in my ears. Her beautiful voice that reflected onto me. I imagined whoever wrote it made it for moments like this. It was my song now. Mine and Tala's. And I would only listen to it with Satsuki's voice.


So... what do you think. Do you want to take back those rotten tomatoes you threw at my for the ending of Everything you Want still??? I know its centered on Satsuki and Yaoki, but I just wanted to let you know that I did that because they had skeletons still left in their closet. I didn't think I could necessarily end it with the way Everything was going. Hm.. I think this is the end of this fic. Maybe if I get some brillant dream that just inspires me for another story, then I might do that. But I'm not sure. We'll see. Keep them OCs ready... I might be needing them... better check up on my page to see if I need any!!!!