Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Kai's Dillemma. ❯ Kai's Dillemma:A plan A conversation And A problem. ( Chapter 7 )

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Authors Note:
I really should stop putting these here if there is nothing need to say.^^.
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Voltaire--Kai--And Boris were already in the jet and leaving by the time
the Blade Breaker's were at the airport.
In a couple of hours they had arrived in Russia.
Voltaire:Come along Kai there's something you need to do for me.
Boris:Aren't you rushing it a bit sir??
We just got here.
Voltaire:I know those brat's will come looking for him so the sooner this is over with the better.Understand.?
Boris:Yes sir!We will begin A.S.A.P. Kai reluctantly followed them. ================================================================
On the plane...............Tyson:Hey Hiro are we almost there?
Hiro:We will be there tomorrow around 9:00 am.
Max:I just hope we aren't to late.
Hiro:He'll need Kai alive so you don't need to worry about that.
=========Back in Russia==================
Voltaire Boris and Kai were in the abbey..Lab 1 to be more specific.
Voltaire:Kai i need you to get in that tube.
Kai didn't like the sound of that at all plus the green stuff looked icky.
Voltaire:It's just for a day.
Kai:I don't wanna go in there...It's scary.
Voltaire:You don't have much of a choice in the matter Kai.
Kai tried to turn and run but before he knew it Voltaire had picked him up put an oxygen mask on his face and put him in the tube with the icky green-water.
This happened so fast..Before he fell asleep he said
Kai:.....Why.... Kai then fell asleep.
Voltaire:You'll soon see young Kai.
=========The next morning after the plane landed.============================
Hiro:I already arranged a room for us in case we need to be here a extra day or two.
The next morning they decided to head out at 8:00 am and so with that they left for the abbey.
=============At the abbey============
Voltaire:Is he ready??
Boris:Yes.We are getting ready right now.
Voltaire:Excellent.With all the equipment here he'll be retrained in no time right. Boris:Yes sir.The project over all should be finished in a week..if all goes well. Voltaire:Good.We're on schedule.Call me before you wake him up.
Voltaire was thinking out the genius of his plan..Turn back time to a certain age.Start the training all over again.
Gradually raise his age to what it was before & he would have forgotten all of those pathetic friend's of his.Voltaire mumbled to himself If only you had listened Kai.
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While they were heading for the abbey no one seemed to notice when the blade's started to slightly glow.
========Where the Bit-Beast's are=======
Dranzer:We should have intervened earlier.
Drigger:Yes…Man is not supposed to have the power or technology of time…Just not yet.
Draciel:Then do we do it??..
Dragoon:Yes we will halve to perform a little time magic of our set thing's right.
Dranzer:If BlackDranzer is reborn we will all be in serious danger.Let's hurry.
===At the abbey's gate==
Hiro:Hmm..we'll half to sneak in.
Tyson:But how are we gonna do that?
Hiro:Just follow me.
They carefully made there way around back trying not to attract any attention.Quietly Hiro knocked out two guards..
He had a uniform for himself and the others they weren't exactly comfortable with this…The first uniform was hiro's and it was pretty much decided since Rei had better balance he would be the feet and max the head.
They were bringing in a new recruit if anyone was to ask..
And Tyson was to play that part.
A little later with a Lotta luck they managed to find out where the “Test subject” was.
Boris:Sir it's time to begin..
Voltaire:Excellent..i want to see this for myself.
After flipping some switch's they got him outta the tube.
Voltaire:Kai..wake up it's time for your training to begin.
Kai:What do I do…..
Voltaire:Follow me to the training room and I will give you that gift I mentioned yesterday. With that being said they left for the test room were BlackDranzer was.
When they got there they found out they were a little late.
Hiro:Where is Kai??
Scientist:He left about 5 minute's ago to the training room.You must be the guy who has his first test match today against him.I'll take you there.
With that being said they followed him down a couple of corridor's and entered a room where Kai was listening to Voltaire….
Over at where Voltaire and Kai were talking
Voltaire:Kai this is BlackDranzer.
Kai looked at the black blade in his hand.Interested in the power
it seemed to put out.
Before anyone could do any thing he got his launcher and aimed at the dish and let it loose….
===To Be Continued…===