Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Majesty ❯ Chapter 22 ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authoress' Notes: Welcome to another installment in this impromptu saga… @__@ I had no idea this thing would mutate. Anyway, I have nothing to say, for once - except to say this chapter's about reunion! ^__^;; Enjoy!
Warnings: Yaoi, language, violence, lemons, dramatic angst, etc.
Disclaimer: I don't own Beyblade. Only this fic and its OCs (if any).
Chapter 22
Daichi and the rest of the crowd stared in stunned silence and amazement.
“By the Gods…he is demi-human!” someone cried.
“A dragon! The Kinomiya is a dragon!” someone else exclaimed.
Behind Tyson, Kai watched in surprise as everyone in the crowd fell to one knee and bowed their hands in respect. HE glanced at Dragoon. “The Clans revere dragons that much?”
The Dragon purred and bobbed his head in the affirmative, looking quite pleased with everything.
Kai got up and walked up to join his lover. He lay a hand on one large coil and stroked gently. Tyson's purr filled the room and he touched Kai's cheek with the tip of his tail.
{I think they're finally coming around to my way of thinking, love.} Tyson said, raising himself up on his coils. {Tell them to stand up, please.}
“Hn. Why can't you?” Kai asked. “Not that they'd listen to me.”
{Because I haven't mastered talking to more than one person at a time this way, that's why. And yes, they'll listen to you.}
Kai crossed his arms and looked out over the crowd. “Okay. Enough of that. Get up, people. I think you all get the point.”
Slowly people rose and looked up at Tyson and Kai expectantly. Tyson looked around at them thoughtfully, then closed his eyes and shifted back.
“I trust that's enough proof for you.” He said. “Now, does anyone still have a problem with me taking my grandfather's place?”
“It is very good that you are back, Tyson, and a miracle that you are such a magnificent dragon..” one of the elders stepped forward and gave the bluenette an apologetic look. “But we cannot be led by a nameless teenage boy.”
Tyson smacked his forehead and threw his hands up in the air, walking off behind the throne and muttering to himself. Kai tapped his fingers on his arm and rolled his eyes.
“Let me get this straight…” The prince pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on. “You're all actually deaf? Because I could have sworn we've been calling him `Takao' all this time. Did you think we were doing that just to be cute?”
Daichi warily approached and looked up at Kai with a strange expression on his face. “But, Prince Kai, you must understand…among our people a person's name holds everything of ourselves - our honour, our ancestry, our identities. Until my cousin has gone through the naming ceremony, he can't be the Kinomiya.”
Max was frowning as he stepped forward. “Daichi, he did go through the ceremony…kind of. Rei and I were there. So was Kai and his squire, and Hilary, too. In fact, she's the one who named him. I mean, there were extenuating circumstances, after all…”
Daichi shook his head. “I'm sorry Max, but until Lady Hilary can corroborate that, we can't accept your word on it. And technically, Hilary can't name Tyson either, because she has no authority to do so.”
Kai's foot began to tap, his temper beginning to fray. “And who can, then?”
“It has to be an older relative, or the Kinomiya himself.” Daichi answered.
“The Kinomiya did name him. With his last breath he named Tyson `Takao.'” Kai stated, an eyebrow twitching.
Tyson stomped back up beside Kai and laid a hand on his arm. “It's my own fault, Kai. I should have anticipated this. And really there's nothing I can do about it.”
“Perhaps you can not, Takao, but I most certainly can.” A voice behind them declared. Blinking, the royal pair turned around to see Dranzer and Dragoon in their human forms, occupying the throne. The two deities were dressed in their full regalia, practically draped over the chair, and were looking almost bored. Tala, Rei, and Max immediately backed away, bowing low, and Tyson and Kai stepped off to the side.
“Ah…your Divine Lord and Lady…” Tyson greeted them. “I wasn't sure you would be making an appearance.”
Dragoon waved that away. “I wanted to give you a chance to explain things to the Clans, young dragon. And I had hoped they were not going to give you a hard time.” He pushed himself up and stood, his sheer presence making everyone in the room feel small and insignificant in comparison (excluding Dranzer, of course). “But I see that my hopes were perhaps too high.”
Daichi's eyes were impossibly huge as he feel to both knees before the dais and prostrated himself in abject respect. “A Dragon God!” He gasped in an awed voice. For the second time in only a few minutes, the Clans were on their knees.
Tyson sighed and announced in a formal tone of voice, “May I present His Divine Lordship, God of Wind and Storm, Dragoon.”
Dragoon shook out the sleeves of his robes and looked around at the Clanspeople. “Okay. Enough of that. Stand. I do not want to tell you what I have to say while speaking to the backs of your heads.” He waited while everyone scrambled to their feet and looked up at him expectantly, and with that respectful fear lesser beings have of higher ones. Dragoon held out a hand to Tyson and waved him over. “Come here, Takao.”
Tyson stepped up and took Dragoon's hand. “My Lord?”
“Hear me, people of the Dragon Clans. I had to do this several hundred years ago, and I am going to do it again - let this never be forgotten: the Kinomiya Clan have led you justly and faithfully until now. From this day on, they will continue to lead you. There will be no more technicalities or wavering on this. I name my Chosen, Kinomiya Takao, as the Kinomiya - Protector and Guardian to the Clans, our ancestral lands, and to our kin, the dragons of this world.” Tyson's ancestor gave a warning glare at the crowd and they stepped back, most nodding frantically in compliance. “Good. Now that this is settled,” Dragoon continued, gently shoving Tyson forward. “I believe you have an announcement you'd like to make?”
“I do?” Tyson glanced at him in confusion. Kai came to stand beside his lover and the two looked at Dragoon in question.
“Uh, your future lifemate?” The Dragon reminded Tyson. “The joining of the Clans and the Empire?”
“Ooooh yeah. That.” Tyson laughed sheepishly. “Boy, we're just dumping shock after shock on them today, aren't we?”
“They can handle it, Takao.” Dranzer smiled, patting them both on the shoulder. “I think you can handle things for now. Come along, Dragoon. Let our boys do their jobs.”
“Yes, dear.” Dragoon followed Dranzer to the doors leading to the antechamber, and the two deities disappeared though it.
After a few moments of silence, Kai handed the bluenette his sheathed sword. “Here, Takao. You might as well take this back.”
“Thank you.” Tyson took it and belted it back onto his hip, drawing the sword and giving his attention back to the Clans. “Well, Dragoon was right. Kai and I have come to an arrangement. The Dragon Clans and the Empire will be ruled jointly by us both.” Tyson announced, taking Kai's hand in his own. “Kai will be my lifemate, and I will be his.”
Murmurs and whispers ran through the crowd and Daichi ran his hands through his hair as he tried to process everything. “Wait a second.” He finally said. “You're letting the Clans stay within the Empire's control?”
“No.” Kai shook his head. “Not exactly. I've returned sovereignty to Takao. The Clans and all your lands will remain yours. We will be as any lifemate would be to each other. But in general, I will continue to run the Empire and Takao will continue to lead the Clans. Of course if one of us can't perform or are absent, then the other will act with a Regent's powers, until we can pick up the reigns again.”
Tyson nodded. “We have nothing to fear. And if you still want proof that Kai is trustworthy, then perhaps you'd agree to trust in the Kinomiya Sword as the Clans have always done.” He offered, dropping Kai's hand to pick up the Sword and to offer it to him hilt first. “No one but the Kinomiya and his/her lifemate may handle the Sword, correct?”
Daichi nodded. “That's the tradition, yes.”
“Uh…Tyson?” Kai said in a low voice. “Are you sure about this?”
“Very. Take it, love.” The Kinomiya smiled and the Sword began to glow blue softly. Kai swallowed and grasped the handle, taking the Sword.
Immediately the light enveloping the blade turned from blue to red and flared brightly. Kai's own powers responded and he, too, began to glow red. There were gasps in the crowd and Tyson smiled peacefully.
“Told you so.” He couldn't resist saying. Kai looked at him and rolled his eyes, swallowing back his abilities with difficulty and handing the Sword back to Tyson.”
“How'd you know?” Daichi wanted to know.
“When I woke up, the Sword was between us - a bare blade. Anyone can touch it when it's sheathed, but not with the blade bare.” Tyson explained. He glanced at Kai with a tiny grin. “And Kai was touching it with his bare hands. Remember, love? You were playing around with it when it responded to you. I knew then.”
Kai stared at him, a smile slowly crossing his face. “I see. No wonder you didn't seem at all surprised at the time.”
“Nope.” Tyson agreed cheerfully, sheathing the Sword again. He looked out at his people. “Does anyone have any further concerns? No? Good.” He didn't give anyone a chance to voice any if they had one. “I think we've all had enough for a while. Go home, folks. We all have lives to rebuild and families that need us.”
“Tala, will you see our guests out?” Kai nodded to his cousin, who bowed shortly.
“Certainly, Your Highness.”
“Wait, Kai.” Tyson pulled him aside. “Does the army keep food-stores for emergencies?”
“Well, of course. And lanterns, blankets, etc.” Kai blinked. “Oh…I get it. Good idea, love.” He waved Tala over, whispered a few orders to him, and shooed the Royal Guards' Captain off. Then the phoenix and Tyson left the throne room, satisfied that things had been taken care of for the moment.
Once they were in the privacy of the antechamber, alone, Tyson let out a shuddering sigh of relief. Kai brushed a lock of his hair from Tyson's eyes and looked down at him in concern.
“Ty? Hey…you okay?”
“Yeah.” Tyson caught Kai's hand and held it to his cheek, nuzzling. “It just feels like a great weight's been lifted, you know?”
“I do.” Kai smiled and listened to Tyson's purr, pulling the younger teen into his arms and letting him snuggle in happily. “You were magnificent, by the way. How you handle your people is quite impressive.”
Tyson's chuckle was muffled by Kai's shirt and tunic. He raised his head and smiled at his lover. “Thanks, love. Say…what time is it?”
Kai looked over at the grandfather clock in one corner. “Hmm…almost 7:00. Time to get something to eat, I think.” The dragon's grumbling stomach agreed with him and he laughed. “Come on, Tyson. Let's have a meal brought to our rooms and enjoy some peace and quiet after today.”
“Sounds like a great idea, Kai.”
Two days later, the royal pair were sitting on their newly installed throne - made for two - with their heads bent together as they planned the coronation ceremony and celebration. It was to be held in a week and a half, on the next new moon, and there were a lot of decisions that had to be made, and orders to be issued and carried out.
Tala was presiding over a table nearby where maps of the city were laid out, and was going over security with the Guard commanders. Rei was off in another corner of the throne room with the head chef and the head baker planning the meal, desserts, and snacks for the coronation feast. With them were the Palace's head servants, who were concerned with where to put which guests who were staying in the Palace for their stay.
As for Max, he'd recruited Daichi to help him deal with the decorations for the ceremony and such, and had dragged the young boy out into the city with him to visit various shops to look for suitable decorations.
It was early afternoon that day when Max and Daichi returned. The blonde master craftsman had two baskets of flowers in his hands, and Daichi staggered along behind him, burdened with packages and bolts of cloth, spools of ribbons, and other such things.
Kai and Tyson eyed the whole mess warily, and Kai set aside the scrolls he'd been using to explain to Tyson what the ceremony would entail and what to expect.
“What in the world did you two bring?” Tyson stared at the fabric and ribbons.
“Well, for one thing we're all going to need some formal clothes. Rei and I didn't come prepared with such outfits, and Daichi doesn't have anything appropriate either.” Max informed his best friend. He sorted out the pile of material and set a couple bolts aside. “Not those, though. Those are for tablecloths and napkins.”
“Did you find a tailor, Max?” Rei asked, coming over to inspect his mate's shopping results.
“Yep. He's coming with a team of tailors and seamstresses that work under him to take measurements and whatever tomorrow morning. But he wanted us to choose our fabrics ahead of time.” Max began laying out the different materials and fabrics for inspection. “So pick which ones you want to use for your robes, Tyson.”
“Hold it! Robes? What robes? I'm wearing my traditional Kinomiya clothes.” Tyson frowned and looked at his lover for an explanation.
“We're supposed to wear these ceremonial robes for the coronation itself.” Kai mused. “They're heavy, and dreadfully hot, but it's traditional.”
Tyson, who did his best to respect tradition, frowned deeper. “And what do they look like?” He asked suspiciously.
“Uh…like fancy dressing gowns - mutated. Very ornate, too - hence the heaviness.” Kai admitted.
“Oh hell no.” Tyson shook his head adamantly. “No way. I am not wearing a dress.”
“It's not a dress, really. They're robes.”
“Still not wearing it.” Tyson crossed his arms stubbornly. “I'm sorry, beloved, and no offence, but no.”
Kai sweatdropped. “Fine. Me either. I hated those things with a passion anyway.” He smirked at Tyson's surprised expression. “What? Traditions need to be updated on occasion.”
Tyson grinned, leaning over and planting a loud kiss on Kai's lips. “Thanks, Kai.” He looked down at a snickering Max and Rei, and a slightly scandalized Daichi.
“But…you'd be inviting the Gods' wrath if you just change a tradition like that, won't you?” The flame-haired youth squeaked. Since Dragoon's appearance two days prior, he'd become very respectful and obedient toward Tyson and Kai. Strata Dragoon, who was always somewhere near to the boy, had remarked to Tyson once that he wasn't sure how humans could vacillate so much and stay sane.
“Well, I'm 99.9 percent sure that Dragoon won't care what we're wearing.” Tyson reassured his cousin dryly. Kai shrugged.
“I doubt Dranzer will either. And they'll be the ones putting the crowns on our heads, so…”
“Well, this white silk will look really good on you, my love.” Max held up a bolt of pristine white silk to Rei. “With some of that green there, and some of that gold here and there…”
Rei's fangs flashed briefly as he took the material from Max. “Good choices, Maxie.”
“Heh. Sure! Now…I like this purple one.” He piled that onto Rei's arms, too. “We could set some of this green aside for a dress for Tabi, too.”
“Tabi?” Tyson raised an eyebrow. “You think Hilary's bringing her all the way here?”
Rei nodded. “Yes. Let's just say Driger's been keeping an eye on her for us while we've been gone. He drops by on occasion to interrupt our sleep in the middle of the night to give us reports.”
Max laughed. “Drives Rei nuts. Not that we don't want to hear about our daughter, but in the middle of the night?”
Tyson snickered, too. “Poor you. Oh, and Daichi won't need any new clothes, either.”
Daichi looked at him, confused. “I won't?”
“Nope. You'll be in traditional Clan garments just like me, Kid. Leave it to me.” Tyson patted Daichi on the head and the boy scowled.
“Cut it out, Takao. I'm not a four-year-old.”
“Thank the Gods. You were probably an absolute terror at four.” Tyson made a face and gave an exaggerated shudder.
Tala appeared at Kai's side, and the two observed Tyson and Daichi's latest squabble with interest.
“They're an awful lot like us, aren't they?” Tala blinked at the realization. “Scary.”
“Very.” Kai agreed, sweatdropping. Daichi was much more respectful, yes, but it didn't stop him from voicing his opinions or arguing with Tyson every chance he got.
At that moment, the throne room doors were flung open and a large white wolf bounded into the room, followed by a familiar group of people. Wolborg raced up to Tala and jumped on him, knocking him to the floor with a crash and an excited yip of greeting, covering his face in wet doggy-kisses.
“Ack! Wolborg, you overgrown mutt! Hey! Cut it out!” Tala shoved the wolf off him and sat up, scratching Wolborg's ears fondly. “I missed you too, old friend.” He looked up as a shadow fell over him and accepted Bryan's outstretched hand. “Welcome back, Bryan.”
“Thank you, my Lord.” Bryan smiled faintly and gave him a small salute. “Mission accomplished, sir.”
“Smart ass. At ease, Bry.”
“Takao!” Hilary's cry rang through the room as she picked up her skirts and ran to her cousin, throwing her arms around him and hugging him hard. “You're really alright! I was so worried about you! Bryan told us everything, and…”
“Whoa! Easy, cousin.” Tyson hugged her back awkwardly. “We'll have plenty of time to catch up. I promise.”
Kenny put Tabitha down and pointed at Rei and Max. “Look, Tabi. It's your Daddy and Papa. I bet they've really missed you…”
“Daddy!” The little neko-jin squealed, toddling at break-neck speed toward her parents. “Papa!”
“There's my girl!” Max caught her on the run and swung her up into his arms, beaming. Rei immediately began to purr and was soon joined by their daughter, who managed to glomp onto him and still keep her tail curled around Max's wrist.
Kenny approached Kai and gave a deep bow. “Your Highness.”
“Welcome home, Kenny. Just in time, too. I think you're going to be very busy over the next few days.” Kai laid a hand on his shoulder. “We're planning the coronation ceremony.”
“Oh! How wonderful, Prince Kai.” Kenny shuffled his feet and blushed slightly. “Ah…would Your Highness permit me to ask a favour?”
Kai blinked. “Of course, Kenny. What is it?”
Kenny turned to look back toward the doors where Emily was standing, looking very unsure of herself, for once, in her new surroundings. “Lady Judy sent Emily with us, Your Highness. On the way here, Lady Hilary asked her to stay - as her handmaiden.”
Hilary joined them, still clutching Tyson's hand. “Oh yes! I was about to ask that myself, Kai. Would it be alright?”
“I don't see why not. You're going to need one anyway.” Kai shrugged. He eyed Kenny, who blushed even more. “She can stay. Kenny will show her the ropes around here, show her where everything is, that kind of thing.”
“Thank you, Your Highness.” Hilary curtsied briefly and gestured for Emily to enter and join the group. As the brunette approached, Kai gave her a brief nod.
“Welcome to the Empire, Emily. I think you'll enjoy yourself here. And with Hilary and Kenny around you'll do just fine.” He greeted her.
She gave him a low curtsey and replied, “Thank you, Your Highness.”
The two happy parents and kitten strolled over. Tabitha was chattering excitedly to her parents, and both Max and Rei were looking a little lost at the flood of stories.
“Well, everyone's together again.” Tyson grinned. “We're glad everyone's here in time for the coronation ceremony.”
“Wouldn't miss it, pal.” Max grinned, too.
“Not to break up the reunion, but we've still got plans to make. Tala, would you show Hilary and Emily the suite that's been prepared for her? And let the staff know that we have a new member of the family for meals.” Kai glanced at Kenny. “Kenny, go with him so you can show Emily around.”
“I'd be thrilled to.” Tala smiled and offered his arm to Hilary. “Welcome back, my Lady.”
Hilary blushed and laid her hand on his forearm. “Thank you, my Lord.” Kenny rolled his eyes and exchanged a glance with Kai, before turning to Emily and escorting her as they followed the two aristocrats. They walked silently behind, pretending not to listen to Hilary and Tala's conversation.
“Did you have a safe trip, Hilary?” Tala asked.
“Yes. Bryan makes a very good escort. So does Wolborg.” She replied, smiling and patting the wolf on the head. Wolborg trotted along happily between his two favourite people. “We had no troubles at all. Tabitha travels well. I was a little concerned about that, but she did fine.”
“That's good. I'm glad everything went so smoothly.”
She looked up at him with pink cheeks. “I am quite relieved to see you are well, Tala. I got quite worried about you when Bryan told us of all that happened when you fought Boris.”
“Ah…there's no need to concern yourself. I was a little bruised up, but I'm fine now.” He shrugged and smiled wryly. “I'm afraid I was of very little help to my cousin and the Kinomiya.”
“Oh, but that's not true!” Hilary protested. “You were of great help, according to Bryan. He told us you were the one who rallied the Royal Guards and convinced them to help overthrow Boris.”
Oh. Well, I did my best. But I'm sure Kai and Takao would have done just fine without me.” Tala sighed. “I've seen their power, Hilary. It's amazing.”
“Perhaps.” Hilary shook her head. “But I think you understand how much just knowing you were there and that they had your support would have helped them.”
Tala smiled, but said nothing. He couldn't really argue with her about it, after all.
Back in the throne room, Kai was lounging on the throne, eyes closed, patiently waiting for his lover to wind down as Tyson paced back and forth in front of the throne.
“Tyson, love, you know Tala has a thing for Hilary. He wouldn't hurt her.” Kai finally said.
“And you sent him with her!” Tyson ignored him, still ranting. Max and Rei, going through the material again and showing it to Tabitha, both rolled their eyes.
“If he was lifemated to her would it settle your worries?” Kai asked.
Tyson stopped pacing. “Quit trying to placate me. She's my cousin, and Tala's reputation precedes him.” He gave Kai a hard stare. “I've heard the tales of his exploits around the Palace, Kai.”
“Some are true, some aren't, Kinomiya.” Bryan felt he had to defend Tala some. He scratched his head absently. “He's not as much of a rake as the Palace maids make him out to be.”
“That's not what worries me!”
“Well, what's the problem then?” Kai demanded.
“She's of the Dragon Clans. Sure Tala's interested in her now, and if he's determined enough, he could probably seduce Hilary. She's got a soft heart.” Tyson frowned. “I'm not saying she's easy, or anything like that - `cause there have been a few who have tried…and failed miserably. But she genuinely likes Tala for reasons beyond me.”
“What are you saying?” Max asked.
“Let's say he does seduce her or even takes her as his lifemate. He's it for her then. There won't be anyone else, and what should happen if Tala lost interest in her?” Tyson looked at Kai solemnly, with a meaningful expression. “Your people don't form bonds as we do, Kai.”
“I see. You're right. I hadn't thought of that.” Kai rubbed his face and sighed. “Look…I'll talk to him. I don't want anything to get started if it's not going to last.”
Tyson flopped down beside him. “Okay.”
“Speaking of lifemates…” Rei handed Tabi a ribbon to play with. “Have you two decided on your own ceremony? Because it should probably be held before you have the coronation, don't you think?”
Kai and Tyson stared at him for a moment, then looked at each other.
“Oh yeah…”
“I knew we forgot something.”
“Um…Rei?” Max's voice drew their attention. One look at him and Tyson burst out laughing.
Rei smothered his own laughter. “Uh, wow, Maxie…” Snicker. “Aren't you just the cutest thing…”
“Shut up, love.” Max advised pleasantly.
Even Kai couldn't help a chuckle. “He's very pretty, Tabitha.” He said to the chibi, who beamed, giggling and clapping her hands in delight.
What she'd done was to tie various ribbons in Max's blonde hair, and onto his clothes.
Still snickering, Rei took Tabi from Max and stood. “Oh yes. Very pretty. Come, Kitten. Let's go for a walk.”
“Daddy pwetty!” Tabitha agreed on her way out the doors.
“Someone help!” Max winced, trying to pull the ribbons from his hair. “Ow!”
Daichi, who'd been rolling around on the floor laughing, picked himself up and went over to lend a hand. Inspecting the chibi's handiwork, he declared, “Wow…she's got these knotted in really well. Hold still and let me try to get them out, Max.”
“We'd better work out something for our lifemating ceremony, huh?” Tyson leaned back against the throne. Kai ran a hand through his hair.
“Yeah. I can't believe we forgot it.”
“I don't think we forgot…” Tyson turned in his seat so he could lie on his back with his head in Kai's lap. “We just put it off to deal with everything else.” He closed his eyes and purred quietly when Kai pulled out his hair tie and began finger-combing it with one hand. Tyson reached up and took Kai's other hand to hold it to his chest, Kai's arm draped over his shoulder. “I don't want to wait much longer, though.”
“No. Me either.” Kai agreed. “So what shall we do about it?”
“Save time.” Bryan suggested. “Have the lifemating ceremony before the coronation. On the same day, I mean.”
“You'd save a lot of money on the preparations and all.” Max pointed out. “Two large celebrations like that would be wicked expensive.”
“Ah…that's a good enough reason for me.” Kai nodded. “Will there be time for it though?”
“I think so. The ceremonies themselves don't take all that long.”
Tyson brought Kai's hand to his lips and brushed a kiss over Kai's knuckles. “It sounds fine to me.” He purred, holding Kai's palm to his cheek and nuzzling. “Hmm…I wanna take a nap.”
Max rolled his eyes. “Yep. He's a dragon.”
Kai smiled, looking down into Tyson's sleepy, storm blue eyes.
“Yes. And he's mine.” The phoenix declared in a soft voice, getting lost in those eyes. “My dragon.”
Tyson sighed in perfect contentment. “That I am, love.”
Authoress' Notes: All together again! I think I may be close to wrapping this fic up in another couple of chapters…O.o Stay tuned, folks! Please R/R!!!!