Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Rei's Journey ❯ The Beginning Of A New Life ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Tyson; even Max isn't that hyper!!


Rei; were saying?

Blue; Ok, I know you all want me too hurry up and update my other fics, but I got this idea and I really do think it's a good one!

Tyson; hm, Blue and good ideas, nah, I don't think they go together

Blue; shaddap Tyson. *hits him with her spatula* ^___^ I feel so much better!

Kai; can I try?

Blue; ok! *gives him her spatula*

Kai; *hits Tyson* ^___^ I feel better too!

Tyson; x____x glad to be of service

Blue; I own nuthin cept my ideas and my spatula!!!


My story starts when I'm first born. My parents were fur traders who hunted not that far from a village in the middle of China, they also sold to the people in the small village around our normal hunting area. When I was born they taught me everything I would need to know in life right from the beginning.

My father was a very nice man, handsome, a great warrior, and a (of course) hunter. My mother made some of the finest clothing out of the furs he captured. She was very pretty, kind, gentle, so it's no wonder how they came together, they were made for each other.

I can remember my mother teaching me things that the children in the village didn't learn until they were 10. She told me that if I was to grow up to be a strong, life-living person, I would need to know these types of things.

There are a couple of things though that I still do not understand but I still keep to their wishes to this day. One wish from them happened one morning. It was my first trip into the village when my mother and father called me from my usual beyblade practising.

"Young one," my mother started as she seated me down next to her, "in the village we go today, they do not treat you and I fairly."

"What do you mean, momma?" I asked as I watched my dad pull out a few peices of cloth from a trunk

"Well, you and I are women, are we not?" I nodded my reply. "Well, in this place, women are not treated with the same respect as your daddy or other men."

"They do not think women as strong or smart as men." my father stated. He knelt down beside me and took my hand. "Rei, we want you to have more opportunities than your mother and I, but to even gain a little of the villagers respect, you need.." He hesitated, looking at my mother with partially sad eyes "you need to pretend to be a boy."

Since I was young and I only wanted to please my parents, I agreed, not knowing what I was getting myself into.

After the talk, my mother showed me what to do when I became an adolescent with breasts and my time of the month and how to conceal myself from the world. They did, however, take one last photograph of me as a girl after that before we headed down to the village. My mother and father acting as if nothing had changed and me in a young boys clothing.

We got to the village in the early afternoon and that's where I first met the White Tigers. Lee was the first one to greet me as I sat on the back of my parent cart, we became friends at that instant. He invited me to go play with him and his friends for a while.

"Mommy, can I?" I pleaded with her. She knelt down, kissed me on my forehead, and nodded yes.

After playing and meeting new friends Mariah, Gary and Kevin, the 5 of us headed back to my cart where we would say goodbye and that's when I saw it. Well, not right away. There were many men and women running around yelling commands and heading towards a large light where my parents cart used to be. That's when I realized it, my parents cart was on fire! I immediatly went up to the nearest adult I could find and tugged at her skirt.

"Miss, Miss, where's my mommy and daddy? Please, where's my mommy?" I asked. The lady looked down at me with tears in her eyes and took me in her arms.

"Oh, you poor thing." She said, "Your mother and father are dead, son."

That hit me like a ton of brinks. I couldn't belive it. I struggled out of the ladies grasp and ran into the firy inferno that was the cart.

I couldn't breath very much through the smoke, though I did see my father right away, we was already dead. I tried to wake him, but he didn't move. I then went in search of my mother. I found her alive underneath a burning trunk that had fallen on her.

She reached and brushed a tear from my face "Don't worry, little one. I will always love you." She coughed and I could tell she was letting go. "I will be with you always. So will your father. We love you Rei." She pulls me a little closer "No matter where, I'll be with you." She also added with one last gasp before she left me "Just listen with your heart." Her head slumped and her body went limp. I cried after that, ignoring the dangerous surroundings until the blackness took me.

I woke up to see Lee sleeping in a chair beside my bed and an old man patting my head with a wet cloth

"ah, I see you have awakened," he spoke to me cheerfully. These types of people should be arrested.

I sat up and rubbed my head. "Where..where am I?" I asked

"You are with my grandson and I in our hut."

He must've know what I was going to ask next, because he took my hand in his. "Where's my mommy and daddy?"

Lee's grandfather looked at me with sincear sorrow filled in his eyes. "Young Rei, I am terribly sorry. Your parents were killed when your cart set fire, they didn't survive and I speak for everyone when I say that it's a miracle you did." I layed back and stared at the ceiling as I felt him get up. "You must eat little one, I will fetch you some food." He left me to drown in my own thoughts, which was a very good idea since I probably would have forgotten my promise to my parents.

Lee woke up just after I had finished eating and started to jump up and down

"YOUR ALIVE! YOUR ALIVE!!!" WAY too much sugar for this kid. "You've been asleep for 4 days. You were pretty bad lookin when they brought you here, but you got better very quickley!"

After that, we didn't just become friends, we became best friends. He and his grandfather let me grow up in their house and in return I taught Lee some techniques I had learned with my parents. I took all challengers who came to our village looking for trouble and taught them not to mess with us and with my friends backing me up all the way, I never lost. Lee and I could always be found working on either the Tiger Claw technique or beyblading altogether or doing our chores with the other White tigers.

It hit me so hard that I should watch myself though, when Mariah turned 12 and started having humungous mood swings, the rest of us during that week hid from her as best we could. Very scary stuff.

It was great life until I turned 14 and Lee's grandpa decided to turn everything upside down.

The others and I were down by the river. Lee and I skipping rocks, Gary and Kevin chatting under a large tree, and Mariah standing beside me, looking at me weird. I had just shown Lee how to get 7 skips when a messenger from the village found us.

Panting he relayed his message. "The Lee's grandfather wishes to speak with you, Rei." Completely confused, I agreed to accompany him back, the others came too, they were as confused as I.

We entered the hut. It was only illuminated by candles all around, and that was what gave me the creeps. When Lee's grandpa stepped out of the back room with a brown box in front of him, I got even more worried.

"Rei, you are a phenomenal blader, a great warrior, and a perfect example of a man to our young ones. It is only fitting," he holds out the box, I went stiff, knowing what was coming and that Lee was SO going to kill me, "that you receive the symbol of the village and great power that is Driger." He gives me Driger, I take him, then look to Lee, who is about as shocked as I am, but then holds out his hand and congratulates me.

"Thanks Lee." I said softly.

"If our friendship can withstand this, Rei, it can withstand anything." he replied with a smile

After that the other bit's were given out. Lee got Galeon the lion, Galzzy the bear went to Gary, and Galman the mokey went to Kevin. I, personally thought that all of them got the right ones, but I think I was the only one who wasn't surprised when Mariah got Galux even though she was a girl she is probably more of a warrior than I will ever be, after all, look at what I have to be.

After congratulating the others and celebrating with them we all said our good bye's and good nights and headed to bed. I stayed up though, waiting for Lee to fall asleep. As soon as I knew he was, I crept out of my room and taking my precious few belongings with me; my cloths (all the same), a hairbrush, and the two things that only survived the fire over 6 years ago, my beyblade with Driger safely in the bit part, and the last picture taken with me as a girl. I found it when I searched the area after the fire, nobody else saw it and they never would see.

I took one last look at the life I was leaving and sighed. It wasn't fair, but I had to learn more about beyblading if I was to keep Driger, or even have the right to have him in my blade.

I took a deep breath then turned down the long road ahead of me and whispered to myself "I will return one day and be worthy, even if I am a girl." I don't know if I was imagining, but I think I heard a women's voice over the wind say 'good luck'


Rei; I'M A GIRL!!!

Kai; shut it, it's only a fic

Rei; BUT I'M A GIRL!!!

Blue; it's only acting!

Rei; what about Kai!

Blue; Kai will be in it, don't worry

Kai; yeah, but as my usual bad-tempered self

Rei; this is so unfair! I get to go through monthies and he gets to sit on his behind insulting Tyson all day!

Blue; -____-U RnR peeps, don't worry, Rei will be just fine, I think I'm gonna have fun with this one! My other fics will be updated soon! I hope.