Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Rise of the Past ❯ Of Flame and Venom ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: The only thing of this I own, are the OOC characters and their bit beasts

Reviews... all my reviews are from one person... so depressing.. and almost feels like a waste of time.

Of Flames and Venom

As they ran through the woods, Kai could almost feel Ishizu falling off to his side. He had to stop several times to reset her.

"Ishizu, are you awake?" asked Ray. Ishizu could only mumble as her head was on fire. Ray could see it in her eyes, even through the shadow that case over them. Kai looked at Ray with an inquisitive look. Ray knew exactly what Kai was asking. And he could also sense there was more to this than Ishizu just being sick. "We should probably be there soon." Together they took off again.

At the docks, Tyson, Hilary, Max, and Kenny ran on the wooden planks. Kenny stopped them before anyone got on to the ship.

"We first have to make sure that those scientists don't interfere. Dizzi, its up to you," he stated.

"On it chief!" stated Dizzi.

"What exactly are you doing?" asked Max.

"You'll see."

As the scientists kept a close eye on the kids at the docks, Dr. Kay looked at the kids funny. [What are those brats up to?] "I want you too keep a close eye on Tyson and his friends at the docks. They are not getting off this island." Back on the docks, the kids were waiting for what Dizzi was doing. Tyson couldn't keep his eyes off that boat, and the radio that was hooked up to it. It took a bit, but Dizzi finally chimed in.

"Got it!" shouted Dizzi. Suddenly all the cameras to the area that they were in turned off. The scientists were running around trying to figure out what just happened. "Now, you may go on that ship, but hurry." Tyson ran into the boat, Max right behind him.

"What did you do Dizzi?" asked Hilary.

"Well its simple really. I just deprogrammed all the computers that are in this sector, so those scummy scientists can't see or hear what's going on here. We figured if they can't see us, that buys us enough time to use that radio and not get any interference." Hilary nodded at the concept and Kenny and Hilary followed the others into the boat. Tyson picked up the radio.

"Hello, is there anyone out there? Hello, we need help! SOS!" he shouted into the radio. Kenny set down his laptop and took the radio out of Tyson's hands.

"Give me that. The radio is set to the island right now. It's only logical. I just need to hook this cord to that..." Kenny took out a plug in the boat and placed it in the laptop. "That it Dizzi?"

"You're on the money chief," stated Dizzi. "Now, let me get to a radio station that's going to be helpful.. there. Talk into it now." Tyson grabbed the radio from Kenny, who shouted a "hey" at him.

"Hello, is anyone there?" Tyson stopped pressing the button and a static was heard. "Anyone there?" Still just static. Dizzi was about to root to another channel when a voice chimed on.

"Who's out there?"

"Its the Blade Breakers. We're trapped on an island and one of our friends is really hurt," stated Tyson.

"Blade Breakers? I thought my kid said you had a tournament yesterday," replied the man's voice through the static speakers.

"Well, the plan changed. Could you get Mr. Dickinson?"

"I'm sorry, but he's not here. Give me your coordinates and I'll get help out there right away!" Tyson handed the radio over to Kenny and Dizzi who were figuring them out as they spoke.

"What do you mean we can't get a single thing working in the waterfront?" cried out Dr. Kay.

"This seems to be a problem, doesn't it Doctor?" asked Zagart. "You know I don't tolerate failure." Dr. Kay spun around to see Zagart.

"I won't fail you. Dranzer will be in the bag. With all that data and energy Milo collected from Dragoon, Tomi's bit beast can't be beat. Dranzer won't stand up to it. And I will get those cameras and speakers working in no time sir." Zagart's face remained emotionless.

"Doctor Kay, we have a tracing on the other three." Dr. Kay turned back to the screens as the scene of Ray, Kai, and Ishizu running came into plain view.

"Get Tomi out there, and stop them. They are almost at the docks!" shouted Dr. Kay. On the computers that were supposed to hold the images of the waterfront were repeats of last night's event with Kai and Ishizu. Dr. Kay watched the images intently. A smile crossed her face as a plan ensued in her mind.

Ray and Kai were running through the woods, passed the smashed trees from Dragoon and Hexatross' battle. They continued to run, and Ishizu continued to seem to slip away. Running next to them, but still hidden, Tomi was running with them. A malious grin on his face, as he kept his eyes trained on Kai and Ishizu. They continued to run through the woods, until they finally got out of it. Stopping to catch their breaths a second, Ishizu seemed to wake up a bit.

"Kai... Ray..." They turned to her. "Leave me here," she mumbled. "I'm dead weight." Ray looked forward and saw the docks. Tyson and the others were waiting outside of the boat.

"You're coming with us," stated Ray. "We're almost there. TYSON, MAX, KENNY, HILARY!" He could see the figures turning their heads to see them. Ray took off first, Kai needing a second to reset Ishizu on his back, and then he went again. Tyson and the others were running towards them.

"Hey guys!" shouted Ray.

"What took you?" asked Max.

"We got a hold of someone, there's a helicopter on the way, all expenses paid by Mr. Dickinson!" shouted Tyson.

"How's Ishizu?" cried Hilary.

"You have more to worry about now!" shouted another. Out flew a blade in between the group. Ray had made it over to the others, but Kai was a bit behind, and caught on the other side. Out came Tomi from behind Kai. "Well well, I guess it's my turn to clean up the trash my teammates have left behind." Kai turned around, and watched as Tomi started to circle around Kai, blocking him between the rest of the kids.

"Move," he stated. Tomi shook his head, and the blade flew back in his hands.

"That isn't very nice Kai," he stated. "Its time to teach you some manners."

"Doctor, the computers are back up and running!" shouted a scientist. The screen flipped to see Tomi in between Tyson, Ray, Max, Kenny, and Hilary, and Kai and Ishizu.

"Go to Phase Q," stated Dr. Kay. Tomi heard the command, and laughed at them, as Kai went to move around Tomi.

"I wouldn't move a muscle if I was you, actually, I take that back. I'd back up if I was you," he laughed. Kai growled at the command. He was not a dog. He took a step forward, and suddenly the ground broke and fell just a few inches in front of his foot. Kai quickly stepped back. His glare went up at Tomi, whose ground around him broke off.

"AH, what's happening!" shouted Hilary. The others had to run back away from the three, until the ground stopped breaking.

"Hey!" called Tyson. "What's the meaning of that!" Tomi just chuckled.

"I warned you all and Kai better get back if he knows what's good for Ishizu there," laughed Tomi. Kai growled.

"Get back Kai!" shouted Max.

"I hate to say it but you have to listen to Tomi!" cried out Ray. Kai continued to growl. Ishizu closed her eyes [I am just dead weight. Please Kai, just do it.] Kai reluctantly started to back up, away from Tomi. Then the ground started to break up. Turning Kai ran the other way.

"This can't be happening!" cried Hilary. "Kai!" As Kai and Ishizu ran back, he noticed the ground in front of him breaking up. Sliding to a stop, Kai turned around, to see Tomi with his own circle of land, there was another, and then Kai noticed his own.

"There is no escape from this Kai," stated Tomi. He positioned him self with a blade in hand. "Lets get rumbling then." Kai just glared at him. "Its your only way off the island Kai." Kai just stood there.

"But how is he suppose to blade while holding Ishizu?" asked Hilary.

"I don't know," stated Ray. "But he's going to have to find a way." Kai found his launcher with one hand in his pocket, and then held it in his teeth. Trying hard to hold it, and find Dranzer, he almost dropped it. Ishizu managed to grab it and hold it in her hands. Kai turned his head to her. He nodded a 'thank you'. Ishizu didn't look at Kai, or at least he couldn't tell because of her hair falling over her eyes. Finding Dranzer, he handed it to Ishizu who set him up as best as she could. Kai held up Ishizu who was ready to send Dranzer in with the last of her strength.

"Ah, isn't that cute?" asked Tomi. "Getting your girlfriend to blade for you... how sweet." Kai just stared at him.

"You ready?" he whispered to Ishizu, who didn't reply.

"LET IT RIP!" shouted Tomi, pulling the ripcord, sending the red beyblade into the area before him. Ishizu pulled the rip cord and Dranzer went flying into the area, just making it in. Ishizu dropped the launcher, falling to the ground.

"Go Dranzer, finish this quickly." The blue beyblade went charging at Tomi's. There was a big gust of wind as the blades crashed together. The dust kicked up and they had a hard time seeing what had happened. Kai was certain that Tomi's blade was trashed. A smile came across his face. Ishizu started shifting to the side, he had to rebalance himself so she didn't fall. The first thing Kai could see was Tomi, and instead of the face of defeat, all he saw was something evil. Tomi couldn't help but start to laugh. "What are you laughing at!" But Tomi never answered. The others were trying to not inhale the dust cloud.

"How's Kai doing?" asked Hilary shielding her eyes from the dust.

"I don't know," replied Ray, doing the same. Meanwhile Kai was trying to see through the cloud of dust that was settling. His eyes opened wide at what he saw. Tomi's red blade was still spinning, even quicker than when Dranzer attacked it. And Dranzer, Dranzer was faltering with each spin. Kai gasped and froze. He... he just didn't get it. Dranzer went on a power attack, and he didn't come out on top.

"You look surprised," stated Tomi. "But you're not totally focused on this battle are you?"

"What's he talking about?" asked Max. "Kai's always focused when he battles."

"I beg to differ," declared Tomi. "Time will tell that, won't it Kai-i." Kai growled.

"DRANZER!" The blade went after the red one, and hit it. Dranzer tried to push Tomi's blade back, but the blade wouldn't budge.

"A little help Kenny," stuttered Tyson. Kenny opened up his laptop and Dizzi tuned into the beybattle.

"Give me a second to gather up some of Tomi's data." Tomi couldn't help but laugh at the immense power he had over Kai. He let out a belly laugh and pointed his finger at Kai.

"You look like you're washed up!" he shouted. "And I thought Dranzer was a worthy opponent of my bit beast. It seems that the only one who can hold a candle to it is the Ancient One." Kai stopped to think for a second. [Ancient One?] As he questioned it in his mind, Tomi's blade went after Dranzer and started to push him around the ground.

"What do you mean by Ancient One?" he cried out. Tomi was almost shocked, for Tomi that was.

"Don't tell me that you've never heard of the Ancient Bit Beast? I mean you are the so called best bladers in the world. You're kidding me right? Oh my god you're serious. Maybe you should ask that Mr. Dickinson about it, but once I get Dranzer, I will be able to go and get the Ancient One with more ease. GO HEXOBRA!" Suddenly a light shown out of the red blade and out slithered the Cobra bit beast. Hissing, it glared down at Kai and Ishizu.

"Dr-an-zer!" he slowly shouted, and out came his phoenix. [Send that snake packing...] thought Kai. Dranzer soared to the air, and came back down to attack Hexobra.

"Yea go Dranzer!" shouted Ray.

"Uh oh," stated Dizzi.

"'Uh oh' what?" asked Max.

"Dranzer is in big trouble. That Hexobra is packing powerful energy and power. I think I just got what these scientists have been doing to our bit beasts," replied Dizzi.

"I came to the same conclusion when I saw the stats," declared Kenny.

"What is it?" asked Tyson.

"Don't you remember when Max bladed with Yuri and Draceil's power drained for some strange reason?" The others nodded. "Well the same thing happened to Dragoon when he bladed against Milo's Hexatross. Those bit beasts are absorbing that power not for just that battle. They are trading all that power that they stole into each other, who's ever going to face us."

"So Kai's not just face Hexobra?" asked Hilary.

"That's correct. Kai and Dranzer are battling Draceil, Dragoon, HexLeopard, Hexatross, and Hexatross along with Hexobra. It's like 5 on 1. The odds are horribly bad against Kai," declared Kenny.

"But wait, Kai and Dranzer, aren't necessarily alone are they?" commented Tyson, glancing over at the struggling bladers.

"That's right, Ishizu's right there with him, and she has her Ra," stated Max.

"If they can some how transfer even a bit of Ra's power into Dranzer, then Kai has a fighting chance at this battle. But Ishizu doesn't seem very conscience out there," Ray pointed out.

"Come on Kai!" shouted Hilary. "You can beat this jerk!" Kai turned too see Hilary and the others cheering for him. But the shift in his weight almost lost Ishizu off his back. And there was no room for him to move more than two steps in either direction, no place to put her down. If she fell off his back, she was going down into the gorge. Quickly Kai caught her back and shifted her back into place, but she kept constantly shifting.

"Got your hands tied there a bit eh Kai-i?" asked Tomi, grinning. Then it hit Kai.

[ Tomi's red blade was still spinning, even quicker than when Dranzer attacked it. And Dranzer, Dranzer was faltering with each spin. Kai gasped and froze. He... he just didn't get it. Dranzer went on a power attack, and he didn't come out on top.

"You look surprised," stated Tomi. "But you're not totally focused on this battle are you?"

"What's he talking about?" asked Max. "Kai's always focused when he battles."

"I beg to differ," declared Tomi. "Time will tell that, won't it Kai-i."]

It hit Kai that what Tomi was talking about was Ishizu. He couldn't launch the blade himself, and Ishizu was terribly weak from her leg and her raging fever. He was fighting so many battles right now. Blading against Tomi, fighting the urge to put Ishizu on the ground, and keeping her from falling off his back. He growled. Looking up, he noticed as Hexobra attacked at Dranzer and wrapped himself around the red phoenix. Twisting around Dranzer's entire body, and around its neck, Hexobra contracted and squeezed Dranzer. The bit beast cried out in the choking pain he was enduring.

"NO!" shouted Kai. "DRANZER!" But the bit beast couldn't get out of the grasp of Hexobra. The snake bit beast bared his fangs and sank them into Dranzer. Slowly he started to absorb Dranzer's own power. Tomi was laughing as he watched Dranzer become his with each passing second. Dr. Kay and Zagart were beaming at the thought of getting Dranzer, and that this one was going to happen. Ishizu rose her weary head and watched as the venom of Hexobra drained into Dranzer.

"Ra..." she mumbled and seemed to faint almost. Then a bit burst of light drew out of Ishizu's pocket. Kai glanced back towards Ishizu as a light in her pocket started to illuminate the two of them. The light was blinding and a bright white light filled over Dranzer. Slowly the bit beast's wings spread apart and he looked down towards Kai and Ishizu. Kai glanced up at Dranzer.

"Whoa, where did that come from!" cried Kenny. Tyson, Max, Ray, and Hilary turned to him.

"What?" asked Tyson.

"Dranzer, he just got a temporary upgrade!" explained Dizzi. "I think Ra lent Dranzer some of his power." Tyson turned back towards the battle, and noticed the worried glance on Tomi's face.

"Do it Kai!" shouted Tyson. "You have Ra on your side!" Kai looked over towards Tyson for a second and back at Tomi.

"It's time you faced true power!" shouted Kai. "GO DRANZER!" The bit beast, still with Hexobra around lit up into a bright fire. Hexobra quickly let go and retreated, only to attack again. Dranzer was ready this time and went back. The bit beasts bashed and smashed into each other. The battle seemed to be pretty even match and neither bit beast would let up. Tomi's fists were clenched as he continued to bark out commands to Hexobra, who kept fighting back. Ishizu slipped again, and Kai fell to his one knee to catch her. He growled and reset her again. Her head fell in between his left shoulder and neck. Her right arm hung down the front of his chest. He hoped she was set for at least a bit. Standing up, his eyes flared a bright flame of fire. Some how, Hexobra wrapped himself tightly around Dranzer again. And this time, no matter how the flames came off of Dranzer, it wouldn't let go this time.

"True power Kai?" asked Tomi. "True power is something you've never seen before. But get ready to see this, your Dranzer become mine!"

"NEVER!" shouted Kai, as Hexobra went to sink his fangs into Dranzer again, [I can't use Ra's gift in vain!]. Instead, Dranzer's wings quickly spread and Dranzer soared to the sky. "Higher!" Dranzer kept going up.

"Gravity is going to hit soon, and so will the fact that you've lost!" mocked Tomi. But Dranzer didn't stop and Hexobra's grip was starting to slip as the altitude rose. Dranzer looked down to see Hexobra falter. Flapping his great wings once more, he went higher. And Hexobra, couldn't handle it anymore. Letting go, the Cobra started falling to the ground.

"Finish him off DRANZER!" cried Kai. Dranzer spun around and went faster after Hexobra, who was extremely vulnerable. Dranzer cried out and the flames around him soared, with a golden white aura around him shining bright. Dranzer pierced Hexobra, who shrieked like a banshee. The impact only brought out a bright light, and no one could look. Everyone shielded their eyes. When the bright light diminished, they could only see Dranzer spinning and Hexobra still as the grave right in front of Tomi, who was staring in disbelief. Kai only grinned as Dranzer soared back into his hand. Tomi picked up the blade and jumped off of his area, onto the bigger section and ran.

"Yea Kai!" shouted Hilary.

"Yea, run like the chicken you are!" shouted Tyson at Tomi. Kai sighed and almost felt like a burden was taken off of him, but glancing at his blade, it was damaged. The attack ring was splitting. Quickly putting it in his pocket, they heard a sound coming at them. Turning it was a helicopter. Tyson and Hilary started jumping to get their attention. Kai looked up and back at Ishizu, who was still pretty much motionless.

"Hello Mr. Dickinson!" shouted Max.

"Hello boys. We're going to drop the ladder for you to get up here!" Mr. Dickinson told them. Doing so, they started to climb up, Hilary last, of course. Tyson was first and he made it up next to Mr. Dickinson.

"You need to land closer, Kai can't climb up. Ishizu's really sick," he stated.

"Oh my!" replied Mr. Dickinson. Once they were aboard, the pilot made it over towards Kai, and carefully lowered the helicopter as close to them as he could. Kai came over and turned around so Tyson and Ray could grab and pull on the unconscious Ishizu. Kai jumped in and shut the door. Tyson and the others lied Ishizu down on the only row of seats that they had to themselves. Kai walked over towards Ishizu's face, and her eyes were still closed.

"Tell me my boys, what happened!" begging the sorrowful Mr. Dickinson. The boys went on to explain their 'adventure', as Kai knelt down next to Ishizu. Placing his hand over her forehead, her fever had gone down just a tab bit, but still her head was a flame. And she wasn't waking up.