Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Rise of the Past ❯ Knock First Please ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Meep I just want to make it clear that Kai left his launcher on the island, and that he's borrowing one of Tyson's old ones!!!! Please Read and Review... and any suggestions would be cool!

Knock First Please

Trying to keep a low profile with the others, Kai couldn't help but wonder how Ishizu was doing. Also the thing with Ozuma. What was between them? He just couldn't put his finger on it. It wasn't until the next morning that Kai wanted his answers. He woke up early, before any of the others were. Getting up, he wrote a quick note, and stumbled over a bump in the floor, but he looked around, no one seemed to have taken notice to it. So he left in silence, but Ray, he heard the thud to wake him, and notice Kai leaving them in the morning.

Making it to the hospital, it was still early morning, he had walked all the way, which was a about a 45 minute walk. Tiring it was, but Kai kept going and made it there, just as a few nurses were leaving, and the next shift arriving. Kai walked over to the receptionist.

"Do you know if Ishizu's awake, in room 334?" he asked. The receptionist turned to one of her computers.

"Actually, yes, she's awake-"

"Is anyone scheduled to be with her?"

"Nope, she's not due to see the doctor for another couple of hours." But the receptionist never got to finish, as Kai dashed down the hall way to her room. "Hey you can't!"

Kai made it to Ishizu's room, and entered without knocking. Suddenly there was a loud scream, a slam of the door, and Kai was flung into the hall way, rubbing his head. A few nurses ran out to see what happened, and a doctor came up to Kai, as he looked at Ishizu's closed door.

"What happened? Is there something wrong with Ishizu?" he asked. Kai shook his head and stood up rubbing his head. Looking towards the room, Kai put his head down to hid the blush.

"Nothing's wrong, just knock before you enter..." he replied. The doctor and nurses looked at him funny. What had he done?

"What happened?" asked the doctor.

"Well, I... uh... kinda... walked" The nurses started to chuckles. The doctor rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Kids these days..." he mumbled as he left. Kai rubbed his head once more and walked back to the door. Ready to open it, he reached for the handle. And stopped. Blushing, remembering the site, he instead knocked. Leaning his head to the door, he listened for an answer.

"If that's Kai, then I don't want to see him EVER AGAIN!" shouted Ishizu from inside. Kai winced at her words, but instead walked in anyway. Ishizu glared at him, pulling the covers over her head. Kai walked in and sat down in the chair that Ozuma had the day before. Resting his elbows on his knees, Kai glanced over at Ishizu, whose eyes were popping out of the sheets. As soon as he looked over, the sheets flung over her head and she was completely covered. Kai chuckled a bit. Maybe he shouldn't have. After all he did walk in on Ishizu walking back to her bed, and she had on one of those hospital aprons on, the doctors were sterilizing her clothes, and her entire backside had been exposed.

"Kai." Kai looked up and Ishizu was speaking through her sheets. And then she flung them open and sat up, spinning towards him. "Didn't your mother ever teach you any god damn manners!" It was a serious question, but Ishizu's bright red face was almost smiling. Kai looked down between his knees and then back at her.

"I'm sorry."

"Well, you should be." Ishizu's face and Kai's matched in its redness. They both looked away and Ishizu covered her face again. The bed shifted around, and Kai turned to see it. What the hell was she doing? After a few seconds, Ishizu hand popped out the side with a launcher in her hands... her launcher. She was holding it out, pointing it at Kai. Then her head popped out slightly and she looked at Kai. He just looked at it curiously. "Here." Kai looked at her funny.

"But its yours," he stated, pushing her launcher back towards her. Ishizu sat up and gave him a hard stare, but then she softened a bit, placing the launcher on his lap.

"The last thing I remember on that stupid island is that I launched Dranzer and dropped your launcher. I remember seeing it fall down into the darkness, and then I blacked out. So its only fair that I give you mine." Kai looked at her.

"But what about you? You won't be able to blade with Ra." Ishizu looked away a second.

"Well, maybe it's a sign that I shouldn't be blading anymore."

"You can't say that," he replied. Ishizu looked at him.

"Maybe it is... because everyone I blade, everyone I get to be close too..." Ishizu couldn't finish her sentence. "What happened that night Kai?" She looked at him all sincere like. Kai looked down to the floor, and at the wall across the room, chewing the air a bit in thought.

"I'm not exactly sure," he replied very slowly. Ishizu nodded and glanced down at her folded hands.

"How are you feeling? How's your leg?"

"OK I guess, I mean, I am alive."

"Is that your response every time you're asked that question?" asked Kai, joking a bit. Ishizu glanced at him and her sulking face disappeared into a smile.

"Well, it's better than being dead, no?" Kai chuckled a bit.

"You have me there," he stated. Ishizu glanced at him, and couldn't help but look at him... maybe Ozuma was right... "What's with you and Ozuma?" Ishizu bit her lip and looked away.

"" Kai bent his head to look at her face.

"You can tell me... who am I going to talk to, to tell?" he asked. It was true and Ishizu had notice how quiet Kai was around the others. She fumbled with her Ra blade in her fingers.

"Well you see... when I was little, a baby, I was found in a basket. A young couple with a kid of their own found me and took me in. It was Ozuma's parents. I became his younger sister. I grew up with him and his family until..." Ishizu stopped going on. Kai didn't push her, and just thought back to something she had said to them a bit ago.

"So that kid you use to blade with and used the Millennia attack against, wasn't just some kid. It was Ozuma?" Ishizu nodded her head.

"I had heard you guys were encountering him, trying to get your bit beasts, and I must say I am glad he didn't get them in the stupid rock."

"But he's your brother. Why don't you support his choice? He told us it was his destiny." Ishizu just broke down.

"Because, ever since I can remember all the elders of our community were always talking about how special Ozuma, Dunga, Joseph, and Miriam were. How that they were the chosen ones to get the four sacred bit beasts. How special and lucky and perfect they all were. The people I grew up with... they could give a rat's ass about the little baby that Ozuma's parents found on their steps. A baby who they knew nothing about, origin, why, how. I just was viewed as a nuscience. You couldn't understand what it's like to be living with people who looked down on you and belittled every little thing you did. So I... I ran away a few years ago. I haven't gone anywhere close to that village again. And I'm not going back anytime soon."

Ishizu broke into sobbing tears as the years of built up depression and anger let out. Kai didn't know what to do again, he so wanted to comfort her, and he didn't like her crying at all. Why should she cry? Kai got up and sat down next to her on the bed. Wrapping his arm across her shoulders, Kai pulled her into him. Kai kept his eyes away from her, as he felt her bare back against his arm. He pushed the image out of his head. Ishizu just turned into his chest and kept on crying. She cried for a few minutes.

"Listen, you can at least say that you weren't raised for pure evil," he whispered softly. Ishizu looked up at him, her tear scared face and the unshed ones clinging to her eyes. Kai looked back at her. "You at least can say that you were raised well. And not at BioVolt."


"Have you heard of it?" he asked. Ishizu nodded, and sat back, wiping her tears away.

"It was before I went to Europe. I was in Russia for a few days blading some of their kids. And some freaky guy with purple hair and dressed like he was a priest came up and offered a place to stay and train. It was with BioVolt at some abbey." Kai's rage rose a bit. "But I turned him down. I don't take any charities. He wasn't too happy with me. And so I managed to sneak out that night. I've never heard or seen of him since." Kai pulled her and hugged her, relieve that Boris hadn't done a thing to Ishizu. Ishizu wanted to pull away from his hug, but it felt so.... right. But eventually she did have giving him a bit of a squeeze. "What was that for?" Kai eyed her.

"And what would you say that was?" he asked her, meaning the end of it. Ishizu blinked. Leaning closer, Ishizu moved in towards Kai. He moved in towards her. It seemed like forever, but eventually their lips met and their eyes shut tight. The kiss was soft and no tongue. Slowly they pulled out of it. Only moving a bit away from each other, noses still close, Ishizu looked at Kai.

"Kai..." But she couldn't speak as he leaned forward and kissed her softly again. Ishizu took the kiss and returned it slowly back. There was a knock at the door, and both jumped up, smacking each other in the head.

"Oww," both said at the same time. What a way to end the moment! Kai quickly jumped back onto the chair as a nurse entered. She looked at the two, but made no assumption.

"Um, its time for an evaluation on Ishizu now," she stated. Kai looked at Iz and then got up to leave.

"Kai wait!" He stopped and turned around. Ishizu held out the launcher. "You forgot your launcher." Kai smirked and walked back to grab it. Ishizu pulled it back, as he grasped it. "Now, don't go throwing it down some hole." Kai just smiled and the nurse ushered him out.


Phew, that was actually like my shortest one of these chapters. And I didn't expect to get Ishizu and Kai together so quickly.... PLEASE READ AND REVIEW... if you have any suggestions to make more like twists or plots I can work off of [my muse isn't working right] it would be great!!!!!