Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Table Five Wants a Chicken Sandwich ❯ Zoe's Tip ( One-Shot )

[ A - All Readers ]
Ichigo: Um, guys.... this is my first fic. Like, ever. And ever. Is that OK? o.O *dodges kitchen knife* EEK!

This is 4 mah cuz foeva, ZWEE.
Oh yeah, and Koneko is me, by the way.

The evening was late, the time of night when not so many customers came to eat at "Chigo Diner". Zoe wiped her brow and whipped her handy-dandy notebook from her pocket. "Koneko-kun?" A girl with dark skin and brown eyes shaded by glasses turned. "Oh, hi Zoe." ((Guess who Koneko is! ME! Nyan!)) She owned the diner and named it after her cat Ichigo, who was lazily sprawled on the counter. Zoe worked for her from nine p.m. until one in the morning because she needed the money. Her parents lived in the Philippines and didn't have enough money to move to Japan. They had illegally gotten her to Japan with the last of their money as an infant and she lived on her own. The only job that accepted her was a waitressing job five miles from her home. Though she was one smart cookie, she didn't have the money or time for school and dropped out.
"Zoe, can you wait on table five?" Zoe nodded. She made her way over to a lone boy with sky blue hair and gray eyes. She immediately identified him as the captain of the Bladebreakers beyblading team. "What would you like to order?" she asked. "Just a coffee, two sugars three creams. I'm in a hurry so step on it." Zoe placed her hands on her hips. "Yes King Hiwatari," she huffed. He smirked. "So you've heard about me?" "Duhhhh. So has every other person on the freakin' earth. What're you doing here anyway? Why aren't you wallowing in your success and money?" "Why don't YOU go scrape gum off a table?" With a defiant flip of her hair, she strutted to the kitchen. "One coffee, two sugars three creams, four salts." "...'Salt'?" the chef echoed, a tinge of confusion in his voice. "You heard me, make it snappy," Zoe growled. She delivered the coffee to the indignant Kai, who sat with his arms crossed. "Here's you coffee oh apple of my eye and delight of my life," Zoe chirped, then scurried to the kitchen before she could receive a reply, dropping the bill on his table.

A few minutes later she came back with a wet rag to find the table deserted, the bill paid. She was about to wipe the table when an envelope caught her eye. Curiosity finally bit her last nerve and she emptied the contents onto the table. In it was six dollars and a note:

"Good job on your waitressing, gum scraper.
Coffee was great.
-Kai Hiwatari"


"ZOE!!" Koneko called, running into the "coffe break" room. She tripped over Ichigo and her black hair was strewn in every direction possible. Sitting up and blowing a strand of ebony out of her face, she pushed her glasses farther up the bridge of her nose. "Zoe, table five is waiting. Hurry. The customer is impatient." Zoe groaned. "Do I have to go?" she moaned. Koneko scowled. "Do I have to pay you?" Zoe groaned again and heaved her body off the comfy couch. She trudged to table five, and to her utmost horror, Kai was waiting, an impatient look on his face. "Oh, it's you," he mumbled. "Thanks, I know you're ecstatic!" Zoe chirped sarcastically. "What would you like to order, sir?" "Just a chicken sandwich and water." "To go or to go?" "For here," Kai scoffed. "Now hurry." Zoe stormed into the kitchen. "PIERRE!!!" she yelled. ((note: Pierre's the cook)) "Pierre's on coffee break," Koneko replied, frying an apple. "WHAT?!! BUT I HAVE A RUDE AND IMPATIENT CUSTOMER WAITING FOR A SANDWICH!!" "Well, do it yourself and stop yelling," Koneko replied, sprinkling soy sauce and chocolate sprinkles on the sizzling apple. Zoe grumbled and half-heartedly slapped together the sandwich. She practically slammed the plate on Kai's table. He looked at her, then bit into it cautiously. "Not bad," he mumbled. Zoe beamed without noticing. "Really? Thanks!" Kai smirked. "Hey, you're kinda cute when you smile." Zoe blushed. "Ah--I--what are you talking about, you jerk?!" she retorted. "No, I'm serious," he replied. "You should smile more often." "Stop being such an idiot and eat your stupid sandwich," Zoe snapped. Kai's eyes had a hint of hurt. "Why are you so bitter?" "Look who's talking Mr. I'm-So-Cool," she retorted. "Hn. I admit, I'm anti-social, but why do you have to bite at me just because I'm famous?" Zoe shrugged. "Maybe because some of us aren't as lucky as you. I'm not exactly swimming in money, ya know." Kai sighed deeply. "I'm sorry, OK?" Zoe sighed also. "Fine. I'm sorry too." "ZOE, YOU'RE ON BREAK NOW!!" Koneko screeched, her glasses fogged from the smoke billowing from the burnt apple. Kai pulled a chair from a nearby table. "How about some coffee?"

Zoe stared into her cappuccino, white swirls of milk swirling in the frothy liquid. "So why are you working?" Kai asked. "You're pretty young." Zoe looked away from him. "I'd rather not talk about it," she replied dryly. "Come on, let's hear it," Kai prodded. Zoe gave in and told him her story. In the end, tears bit at her eyes, but she held them in. Kai's eyes held genuine pity. "I-I'm sorry," he murmured. "It's all--" "ZOE, TABLE THREE WANTS A MEDIUM-RARE STEAK!! MEEP!!!" Koneko screamed, ducking from a flying burnt fried apple. "B-but--" "LET'S MOVE IT!! YEEK!!!" Koneko wailed again, running from a customer with a pitch fork. Ichigo jumped on the customer's head and Koneko poked him excessively with a stick, laughing evilly. Zoe sighed. "So... bye, I guess," she murmured to Kai. He nodded, standing to leave. "SUCCESS!!!" shrieked Koneko as the fried-apple-flinging-pitchfork-bearing customer ran out the door, his hair on fire.


"Sorry I'm late!" Zoe huffed, bursting through the door. "Well, you just missed Kai," Koneko replied, scraping strawberry ice cream-covered noodles off the wall. ((obviously Pierre's on break again.)) "It's all right, I'll see him tomorrow," Zoe replied cheerfully. Koneko shrugged, boiling a pineapple juice soaked eggplant. "I doubt that. He left for another tournament today. Won't be coming back for... well... ever." Zoe's heart dropped into her stomach, and she felt light-headed. "Wh-what?" "He went to some beyblading thingy in Australia today." Tears bit her eyes and thoughts of anger pounded in her head. 'Traitor! He didn't even say goodbye. He--' "By the way, can you collect his bill over at table five?" "Yeah, sure," Zoe whispered back. She trudged to table five, and her heart leaped into her throat. An envelope with her name lay on the table. She tore it open. A check for thirty-thousand dollars spilled out, and a note in hurried handwriting.

I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to you. I'm leaving today for Australia and I won't be back for a while.
But I will come back. I promise.
At first I didn't really want to... until that night you served me salty coffee.
That night, I felt something in me that I didn't know I could feel before.
Just think of my "little" tip as a thank you for teaching me how to love.
Say hi to your parents for me.
PS: When I get back, you'd better have another chicken sandwich for me.