Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ New Life? ❯ Home? ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Yo, it's Xanjos :D Finally, I decided to give some Ichiruki love in this chapter, although it is not very clear. Hooray for Ichiruki!
Pardon for my bad English, people. And once again, thank you for reading my fanfic!
<<Chapter 4>>
“Dreams? What dreams?” Ichigo asked.
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It was another new day for Kurosaki Ichigo. He first visits the flower shop, and then heads off to the Karakura hospital for the rest of his day.
“Hey kid! Came to visit your girlfriend again?”, joked the receptionist in the counter while registering Ichigo's name. Ichigo blushed, “Hell, she is not my girlfriend. How many times did I tell you that?”
“Well, kid, if you come and visit her everyday with flowers then I think I am pretty much right.”she said as she hands over the guest ID card for Ichigo. “Here we go… how long will it take for her to wake up anyways? She's been lying there for ages!”
Ichigo's dark eyes darkened with sorrow. “I…don't know….”
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Should I tell him? But why would I…?
“N-nah….” Kami, I feel so stupid….
“Hey, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But I'll always be here for you, okay?”
His eyes were filled with something more than pure sadness this time, as Rukia discovered. She felt like she could trust Ichigo…well, a little bit, at least.
“Well, I guess you are new around town. Want me to take you around?” Ichigo suggested. Rukia was looking gloomy now… he will need to take his chance to help her spark of her memories.
“Okay, then…. What did you say your name was? Ichigo, right?” “Yup.”
“ Let's go…Ichigo…”
Their conversation was so…. nah, she couldn't find a word to explain how she feels. Questions, questions… will this help her answer them?
“I am going upstairs to my room for my things. Wanna come and look around?” “Sure…”
Why? I feel that I've been here before… everything had a..homey feeling in it. What's wrong with me?
“Here we are.”
Rukia looked at the door. What is going on inside her head? What is this that she is feeling?
And when she entered the bedroom, she felt like she was here for months or even years already. Why? How? Her heart was pounding so badly. It was racing…Casually, she opened the closet door.
Girl pajamas, girl dresses and clothes that would actually fit her! She could easily recognize the closet. How?
Her head is spinning, she felt like she would collapse any second. “Ku..uh…”
Ichigo turned around in concern. “Rukia? What's wrong? Are you okay?”
“I'm… just… dizzy…..”
Rukia sat down on Ichigo's bed. In a split second, she felt like she was going to collapse again. Shocks were sent from her nervous system. What is her heart trying to tell her?
Rukia took the pills that Ururu gave her…..
Her eyelids were so heavy….
So heavy that they could close any second….
Now, Rukia's world was black.
“Rukia! Are you alright?”
He reached to feel her forehead.
The instant their skin made contact, Ichigo fell into a world of emptiness.
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Really, for as long as I can remember, I've been able to see ghosts just like I've been able to see other human beings. That's why…. I never thought about.. the existence of shinigami.
A hole appeared in the wall as a petite but beautiful girl climbed out with a black butterfly. She was wearing a pitch black kimono and carrying a sword.
Ichigo could never forget how she looked.
“Wha-?” Was he….blushing?
“It's near….”
What duh? What kind of burglar is this?
Swiftly, he delivered a kick towards that girl.
“It's near my ass, you retard!”
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“Are you serious about coming back here?”
“Definitely!” replied Rukia cheerfully. “It's been a while since I've entered this small, tiny room!”
“What are you calling it tiny for? You can't compare it with Byakuya's house!”
“Ah, excuse me good sir! I couldn't control myself!”, smirked Rukia, swinging her legs up and down leisurely.
“Is that so…Hey! I told you, don't sit on my bed!”
Rukia glared at Ichigo mischievously: “Wow, you sure are grumpy today, aren't you?”
“Shut up! In that case, you can sit on the floor!” yelled Ichigo.
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Rukia opened her eyes as saw Ichigo's worried face.
“..huh?”…Did I faint again?
“You all right? You just collapsed. What's wrong?”
“…nothing…” How can I tell him?
“Really? Okay then… it's getting dark now. I'll meet you tomorrow and take you around, okay?”
Rukia got off the bed and started heading outside: “Yeah… thank you, Ichigo. See you tomorrow then….”
After Ichigo sent Rukia back to the shoten, he sat on his bed and lied down. He felt those bursts of memories that Rukia experienced…. Those days when they used to be so closed to each other…. he missed them all…
He looked at the crumpled bed sheet and laid his head on it. Rukia was here just now…. Smelling Rukia's scent was so comforting, so familiar. Only if she was here with him…
He is a man, he wouldn't cry. But he felt like crying right now, as tears are already swelling up in his eyes. Just when will Rukia regain her memories?
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“Regain of memories because of familiar items and people? Now that is new…” Urahara was working for the past how many hours already. There were so many things that were new. Memories…such a mysterious thing…
The information that Ichigo is providing him is increasing each day, to his surprise. The cons of artificially created and implanted memories are so complicated, as he had discovered.
“Urahara? When is Rukia's reiatsu returning?”
“Ah, Kurosaki-san!~ They are rising in a steady level. I could tell from analyzing her memories that she had been seeing “shadows”, which are possibly hollows around the area. Seated shinigamis are already here to send away the spirits, so she wouldn't be able to see them very soon. However, hollows are attracted here easily because of what happened in the..winter war. Karakura town is like a hollow magnet, and I am not sure about her safety. As for your trip tomorrow, make sure you befriend her and gain her trust again~”
“Urusai, old man. I know what I have to do!”
Urahara adjusted his favorite striped hat a little. “I am glad to hear that, Kurosaki-san…”
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Ichigo was my first friend in Karakura town. Surely, he seemed weird at first, but he was so….familiar…I felt like I could trust him even though I just met him a couple of days ago. The answers to those questions are getting closer and closer…….
Well, at least I think so. He had been taking me on trips around the town everyday for a week now. I am still seeing those strange shadows lately… what are they?
I snapped out of my thinking as I looked at Ichgo. “Yeah? I was just deep in thoughts.”
Ichigo smiled. “I am glad to hear that, Rukia. It's time to go home now, and we've been sitting in the café for ages. Let's go.”
Rukia glared at him, “What are you pulling, Ichigo?”
“What do you mean what am I pulling?”
“Exactly that, KUROSAKI.”
“What did you call me that for, you bitch!”
“Oh excuse me, good sir, I couldn't control myself!”
HUH? That just jumped up at me for no reason… the dreams…. But arguing with Ichigo feels so…habitual to me… what?
“Why you…idiot!”
Arguing with Rukia…man, I missed times like this….
“Why you….”
The two glared at each other in rage for a few seconds, then they started to burst out in laughter.
This feeling…is so warm…….
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I took way to long arguing with Ichigo. Hell, If I got home a little later than any other people today, I'd be in charge of the dish washing for a week or too. Let's hope that Jinta is too busily playing so that I can get home before him….
Suddenly, a loud roar ripped the sky of Karakura town. “What is that voi-- what?”
In front of Rukia was a monster with a huge hole in its body. It had an ugly mask in front of it's face and it stood a toweringly…approximately 3 stories high.
The monster lowered its head and stared at Rukia.
What the hell?
<<Chapter 4 End>>