Blue Submarine No.6 Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Love ❯ New Beginnings ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hidden Love

Part One

By: Prosopopeia

Disclaimer: Me don't own Blue Submarine #6, k?


The faintest bit of sunlight leaked in through metal cracks and shined down dimly on a young girl with fiery red hair. With a stir, her eyes blinked open and she sat up with a loud yawn. She looked across her small littered room and sighed. Living in a submarine for four years was suffocating, but it was her job. After the war, Earth and the remainders of it, had tried in vain to try and rebuild everything that was lost. She smiled to herself. They had done a pretty good job at it, too. In replace for all the cities lost, they built new ones on top of them that floated up into the air. It was a new beginning and era of civilization. Soon she would abandon her position as pilot for Blue 6 and join the rest of her friends in the new world above. Smiling, Kino stood up and got dressed quickly, tying up her shoulder length hair to a ponytail. She quickly entered the hall and walked down to the main corridor to get some breakfast and for a little bit of mingling.

"Finally decided to join us commoners, Lady Kino?"

Kino looked at a blond-haired girl sitting across from a table and smirked. "Yes, well you all have been blessed with my presence. Now someone bring me food!" she exclaimed, waving her hand in the air in a royal manner. Everyone else laughed and a dark-haired man threw an apple at Kino. "There! That's all you're getting, your royal highness!" he said hotly. Kino stuck out her tongue and he laughed.

Situating herself between Mimi and Jiro, Kino listened to all the conversations of her friends. A few weeks before, most of them had been released and went up to the surface to start a new life. Now it was only her, Mimi, Jiro, Shinichi, and Hayami that remained. Kino frowned slightly at the thought of the latter. She hadn't caught sight of the pilot in a few days, though she was sure that he was most likely discussing things over with their captain. They always seemed to have more of a history together than any other pilot did in the submarine. Kino sighed and propped an elbow under her chin. She was thinking too much about Hayami now. But the pilot always seemed to have such a draw to him. Kino couldn't help but feel attracted towards him. Perhaps it was because he was so mysterious and dark. Smiling absentmindedly, Kino bit into her apple. If only her sister was alive; she would be pounding Kino one question after another about Hayami.

"…I can't wait to get out of here. How about you, Kino?" Shinichi broke in, looking at Kino with a grin. Kino blinked out of her reverie and looked at the brunette with a slightly dazed look. "Hm? Excuse me?" she asked, trying her hardest to not sound like an idiot. Shinichi only grinned and everyone else at the table smirked. Kino looked around wide-eyed. "What? What??" she inquired suspiciously.

Mimi shrugged and began twirling her straw in her drink in a casual manner. "Nothing, Kino…nothing at all," she drawled on, infuriating Kino even more. She stood up and looked at her friends in accusation, but they all merely stared up at her innocently. "I have a feeling you're all plotting something against me," she said in half worry. Jiro suddenly stood up and grabbed Kino by the shoulders while pushing her towards the door.

"Well, while you ponder on our little scheme, go to your room and pack. And I am actually being serious, Kino. We're leaving this forsaken sub tomorrow and you haven't even begun packing! Now I've seen your room; it's a fucking mess! Get going and move!" he practically shouted at the bewildered girl. Kino stared at Jiro in shock. "I…" she began before he shoved her out into the hall. "Go!" he shouted before shutting the heavy door before her face. Kino turned around in absolute shock. She had forgotten how Jiro was originally a sergeant in the army before coming down to Blue 6 to become a pilot. He was young, but fierce. Kino slowly began to laugh at the experience as she headed back to her room.

Kino eyed her room in wonder. It was a small room with the smallest window, but she had been the most fortunate of all the pilots to even acquire her own room. A few rays of sunlight still peaked in through the window that opened up to the deep sea and Kino smiled to herself. She was the only one out of the entire submarine that actually got to see the sunlight through a window, though it was only because they were slowly rising to the surface. By nightfall, they would probably be only a mere twenty-five feet below. Kino glanced across the rest of her room in dismay. Jiro was right. Her room was a mess. Some clothes were stacked away in a duffel bag since she didn't have much to begin with and books and papers littered her desk and floor. Her bed was unmade and different miscellaneous items lied here and there. She shook her head. At least she didn't have much to pack, unlike Mimi. When that girl joined them, she had brought nearly every accessory she had: makeup, clothes, and shoes. It was much to everyone's amusement when the captain ordered her to return them for she would be have no use for them.

Silently, Kino began heaving everything she owned into a large suitcase. Slowly she began wondering if everything was going to fit. She had acquired a good few things during her four-year stay in Blue 6. Grunting, Kino shoved down her spare uniforms into a corner. Neatness was never her friend. She then grabbed her blue duffel bag and tossed in the books with her clothes. Most of them had been gifts from friends before the war started and the world flooded. Kino looked at one in particular. It was a book of poems that her sister had given her right before she died. Kino blinked several times to rid the tears that crept at the corner of her eyes. There was barely a day that passed that she didn't think of her family that was now buried deep in the ocean along with their hometown. One day she would go and pay her respects. That one visit long ago had not been enough. Suddenly she dropped her book and was flung to the floor as the entire submarine shook. Kino reflexively covered her head with her arms to protect it. That was one of the very first lessons she was taught when she joined Blue 6.

After a few seconds, the shaking stopped and Kino slowly lifted her arms. She glanced across the room and noted with a scowl that the contents of her suitcase were now sprawled about her. Kino stood up and huffed out of her room, ready to yell at the navigators of Blue 6 when she bumped into someone rather abruptly. For the second time that day Kino felt herself falling before whoever she bumped into grabbed her arm and steadied her. Kino looked up and found herself stuttering. Standing before her was the one pilot that lingered on her mind, Hayami.

"Hayami…?" Kino started before Hayami interrupted her. "We grazed a cliff of rock. Tell the others not to worry and that we're still heading up towards the surface," he said sternly while staring at Kino intensely. Kino only nodded, still recovering from her "almost fall." With a slight frown, Hayami turned around hastily and left Kino to herself once again. She then turned around slowly and headed down the hall to where her friends roomed. Kino shook her head. "Since when did Hayami become the message boy?" she wondered to herself.


"What?" Kino reflexively replied. She looked up and saw all three of her friends panting before her, as if they had been in a marathon. Kino eyed them suspiciously as Shinichi spoke. "What happened, do you know?" he asked breathlessly. Kino nodded. "We grazed a rock cliff, but we're still on schedule," she answered seriously. Shinichi and the others then sighed in relief.

"Thank God! I don't know if I can stay in this place any longer!" Jiro exclaimed, shaking his head. Then he and Shinichi headed back towards their room, leaving Mimi with Kino, who eagerly bounced on top of her. "So how did you find out that little tidbit of info?" she asked with a glimmer in her eye.

Kino stared at Mimi strangely. "From Hayami…" she murmured cautiously. But Mimi only grinned and propelled her back to her room. "Come on, I'll help you pack," she offered nicely. Kino only stared at her oddly. That was a very sudden change in subjects and she began thinking again at what they had said earlier at breakfast. What were they planning against her?

"Don't worry, Kino. We're not going to kill you."

And Kino couldn't do anything but worry.



So here marks the beginning of a new story! Yes, well, I hoped you all liked this bit. I'll try and have the next part up as soon as I possibly can! Romance will come up soon! I promise!! ^^