Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ What Comes Out Of My Mind When I'm Bored2 ❯ Shut Up Nakago! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hotaru: (Softly) SAC forgot to mention something in the last chapter.

Heero: (Nods) As her muses, we are always around, no matter if she pulls us here or not.

Sakura: (Smiles brightly) But she's happy to have us here!

Nakago: (Cocks head) Yup, she's happy to have me here.

All: (Glare)

SAC: (Shakes head and sighs) Just continue…

Shinji: (Unsure) Alright then. Let's do the disclaimer then. SAC does not own the following animes.

Syaoran: Card Captor Sakura

Hotaru: Sailor Moon

Heero: Gundam Wing

Nakago: She doesn't own-

Hotohori: (Interrupts) Fushigi Yuugi

Nakago: (Pouts) I was going to say that!

Ashitaka: Princess Mononoke, or Mononoke Hime

Squall: Final Fantasy 8

Ken: Weiss Kreuz

Shinji: Neon Genesis Evangelion. One more thing. She pulls us out of the stories at different times. So, Tamahome might come out when he first meets Miaka, while Nuriko come out near the end of the series.

SAC: Here is the 2nd chapter of

All: What Comes Out Of My Mind When I'm Bored2

~~~Last Time~~~

Tamahome: (Whispering) Can I leave Miaka here?

SAC: (Shakes head) Nope! Besides, you love her. You just don't know it yet.

Tamahome: (Astonished) Really?

Selphie: (Grins) Yup! I read the book twice!

Hotohori: (Cocks head) Book?

Quistis: (Sternly) Ignore Selphie.

Nuriko: (Points) Look at his braid! (Runs hand through now short hair) Geez…I wish I kept my hair long.


Asuka: You're going to have to go back soon.

Sakura: (Close to crying) I'm going to miss you all!

Usagi: (In tears) I'll miss you too!

Miaka: (Smiles) Let's trade screen names!

Rinoa: (Grins) Okay!

Mamoru: (Rolls eyes)

Syaoran: (Mutters) Girls…

Usagi: (Scolds) Mamoru!

Sakura: (Scolds) Syaoran!

Yoji and Irvine: (Smirks) Hello ladies!

~10 minutes later~ (Each character is now holding a piece of paper with everyone's screen name)

SAC: (Sweatdropping) What's with everyone's screen names?

Syaoran: (Seriously) If we told you, we would have to kill you.

Heero: But isn't that suicide? That's the equivalent of a failed mission…and I'm not even on one! (Begins to panic)

Usagi: Hotaru once called her life a mission.

Duo: (Interested) Really?

Haruka: (Glares) Can't you just die?

Michiru: (Scolds) That's not nice Haruka…

Heero: (Also interested) Really though, what was her mission?

Hotaru: (Softly) To destroy the world, ending my life in the process.

Michiru: (Beaming) She's dedicated towards all of us, especially the princess!

Usagi: (Hugging Hotaru to the point where she can't breathe) We love Hotaru! ^^

Hotaru: (Choking)

Shinji: (Curious) Is she breathing?

Quatre: (Shakes head) I don't think so…

Omi: (Worried) She's not breathing?!

Yoji: (Determined) I must rescue the damsel in distress!

Wufei: (Mutters) Baka…


Irvine: (Whispering) So, Shinji, tell me, what's it like living with these fine women?

Shinji: (Blushing) Well…er…you see…it isn't like that…

Irvine: (Winks) Sure…

~5 minutes later~

SAC: Ashitaka? Could you get everyone back here?

Ashitaka: (Smiles) Sure. (Gets on a wolf and begins rounding everyone up)

SAC: We need to send everyone back now. Any volunteers to go first?

Syaoran: (Raises hand) We left a Clow card unattended.

Sakura: (Nods and waves) See you guys later!

Syaoran and Sakura: (Walk through a portal labeled "Card Captor Sakura)

San: We left during the battle.

SAC: (Pointing to the dead body on the ground) Take her with you, and revive her.

Duo: (Raises an eyebrow) Why?

Wufei: (Scowls) Baka. We won't be able to return unless she's with us.

Duo: (Complaining) But I wanna stay here with all the babes!

Quistis: (Pondering) Can't we just do a full-cure on her?

SAC: (Shakes head) Nope. That only works if you are knocked out, not if you're dead.

Rinoa: (Face brightens) I can use my new powers and revive her!

Duo: (Groans) Can you wait a while until you revive her? I want peace as long as I can.

Rinoa: (Shrugs) Sure.

Usagi: (Raises hand) We need to go back.

SAC: Very well. You can just Sailor Teleport to your dimension. By the way, try not to destroy this apartment.

Minako: (Has an innocent look) Us? Never!

Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask…er…Prince Endymion ^^: (Form a circle) SAILOR PLANET TELEPORT!

A bright light engulfs the entire room. When it fades down, it reveals a torn up apartment, with the leftover characters thrown around the room.

Duo: (Groaning and pulling himself up) Ow…

Zell: Can we go back? I didn't even get to eat a hot dog…

SAC: Sure!

The characters from Final Fantasy 8 steps through a portal, appropriately titled FF8.

SAC: (Looks around the almost empty room) Who's next?

Yoji: (Sadly) We are…although it's such a shame we're leaving a group full of fine ladies…

Omi: (Waves) Bye everyone!

Yoji, Omi, Ken, and Aya return to their dimension.

Relena: (Moans)

Duo: (Confused) Huh? When did that Rinoa-chick bring you back to life?

SAC: During the Sailor Teleport.

Duo: Oh.

Ashitaka: We need to return now.

San, Ashitaka, and the wolves exit through their portal.

Nakago: (Smirking) Well, now, I guess it's just you and me left, author-babe!

SAC: (Glares)

Quatre: (Clears throat) Excuse me, but we still need to return to the battle…

Relena: (Glomps Heero) Let's go back home, Heero.

Heero: (Turns slightly green)

Duo: (Pulls Relena off Heero) You're welcome, by the way.

Duo drags Relena over to the portal, where he shoves her in.

Duo: (Excitedly) See ya next fall!

Heero, Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei calmly enter the portal. Duo skips out, singing all the way.

Nakago: (Smirks again) Now it's just you and me.

SAC: (Has a urge to punch the blonde)

Hotohori: (Glares) Let's just go back.

Tamahome and Miaka leave first.

Nuriko: Hey, SAC, could you somehow grow my hair so that it's longer?

SAC: (Smiles) Sure! (Writes down on a piece of paper, "Nuriko's hair magically grows back to the length it originally was before he cut it.")

Nuriko: (Grins) Thanks! (Hugs SAC, and then walks into the portal with the other seishi)

Nakago: (Smirks once more) So…SAC…

Hotohori: (Knocks Naka-kun out and throws him into the portal) Sorry for all the trouble…

SAC: It's okay.

Hotohori nods and then leaves.

Shinji: So did that cure your writer's block?

SAC: Somewhat. Well, it's been great being here…but I think I'd rather be back home dressed in actual clothes…not some form of floss.

Asuka: (Waves) Ja ne!


Syaoran: SAC want's to thank you for reading her story.

Nakago: Why did everyone pick on me?

Shinji: You wouldn't stop pestering the author.

Nakago: (Shakes head) No I didn't!

Ken: (Unsheathes claws) I hate liars.

Nakago: (Pouts) I just wanted to ask her out on a date…

Hotaru: (Pulls out silence glaive) Silence fool!

Ashitaka: (To Nakago) Be glad that this is just a story, and no real harm will come to you.

Heero: (Raises eyebrow) Really?

Squall: (Whispering) No, but let's just let him think that…

Hotohori: (Remembers) Her next chapter for this will be about the chat room conversations.

Ken: It will come out on Omi's supposed birthday, February 29.

Sakura: This year isn't a leap year, so it will be on March 1.

All: Bye!