Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Rainbow Cards ❯ Hyperspace? (aka Trapped in Another Dimension) ( Chapter 31 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi everyone! Enjoy this next exciting chapter!

The Rainbow Cards

Chapter 30


Sakura and Syaoran had made it to another dimension.

"Wow! This place is awesome!" exclaimed Sakura. She was busy watching the stars. Syaoran was also amazed. But he knew they couldn't stare much longer. "Sakura! Snap out of it! We only have ten minutes to catch this card!"

Sakura shook her head. "Right!" The Lasin Board pointed north. They started walking.

"Hey Sakura?"


"You do remember what I told back there, do you?"


"Well, if it's not too much trouble, can you tell me your answer?"

Sakura thought for a moment. Yugi didn't have feelings for her anymore, he would probably never get them back.

Sakura stopped.

"What's wrong?" asked Syaoran.

Sakura walked towards him and kissed him passionately. The kissed lasted a few seconds.

"Come on. We can make out after we catch this card!" yelled Sakura.


They started running.

"I hope they find the way soon." Said Eriol. "But, there's something we can do to help this mission… Big time!"

"What is it?" asked Tea.

"Well, I hid the Orange and Indigo Cards in the same location. And it won't be so hard to get to them."

"How? Sakura's the only person who can capture the cards. Isn't she?" asked Joey.

"Yes. But when she gets the Violet Card, I can teleport her where we are."

"Cool! But aren't you tired?" asked Yugi.

"Not at all," answered Eriol. "Sakura has to find this card on her own."

The Lasin Board now pointed west. It was like a maze!

"How much longer?" asked Syaoran.

Sakura looked at her watch. "We have about seven minutes left."

"So where are the cards?" asked Yugi.

Eriol smiled. "In my castle."

"What?" asked Joey, Tea, and Yugi at the same time.

"That's right."

"Why?" asked Joey.

"It doesn't exist unless I say the magic word."

Yugi sensed something. It was Dark Power. It was far more powerful than Diamond.

Sakura and Syaoran had finally found the card! It was time for a capture.

"If I can get very close to the card, then maybe I won't have to fight it." Said Sakura.

"Maybe." Replied Syaoran.

Sakura took out her wand. "Rainbow Card, return to true form, RAINBOW CARD!!!"

The card was way too powerful for Sakura to capture without weakening it. The card transformed into a hideous monster.

Sakura gasped. "How the heck are we suppose to capture this thing?"

"I have no idea." Answered Syaoran. "All I know is that we'll do it together."


"So, are we going or what?" asked Eriol.

"I don't know." Said Joey.

"It sounds dangerous, especially without Sakura." Said Tea.

Eriol frowned. "HELLO! I am Clow Reed."

"Yeah. I guess it won't hurt. So where are they?" asked Yugi.

"They are in a temple. A HUGE temple."

"Wow!" exclaimed Joey.

"All right then, let's do it!" exclaimed Tea.

The card kept growing and growing every second.


So Sakura and Syaoran's surprise, it turned into a card.

"Whoa! That was too easy." Sighed Sakura.

The ground began to shake.

"How much time do we have left?"

"That's weird! Like six minutes."

"Why would it begin shaking? Eriol said it would start after nine minutes!!"

"We'll kill him later! Come on, let's get out of here!"

All of the sudden, the Violet Card starting flying away.

"What's it doing?" asked Sakura.

"Don't let it get away! It's trying to escape!"


The Violet Card returned to Sakura's hand.

Eriol gasped.

"What's wrong?" asked Tea.

"Something has gone wrong! They got off too easy capturing the card! Something big is going to happen! They're going to go into Hyperspace!"

Everyone gasped.

"They'll be trapped in there forever!"

"Why is this happening?" asked Yugi.

"That's what scaring me," answered Eriol. "I don't know."

Oh no! Hyperspace? Will Sakura and Syaoran escape? Or will they be stuck forever? And why is this happening?

All these questions will be answered on the chapter of The Rainbow Cards! Don't miss it!!!

Author's Note: HEY! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know it's short, but I'm trying!!! Bare with me, ok? Great. I want to thank all of my readers who have been following me during this story! THANK YOU!!!!

And a special thanks for Kay, Sailor Mau, MYST Lady, Maria 225, Diana, Li's Princess, Terry, KAY, Kawaii Grl2000, Greg, Pandapants182, and fanficchild, Adolfo, Hector, Cory, Brittany, Rachael, Vanessa, Jonathan, Sammy, Alex, and the rest of my e-mailers. THANKS!!!