Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A crazy thing called love ❯ The Revenge And The Friendly Date ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: KONNICHIWA MINNA-SAN!! I’M FINALLY BACK! Gomen nasai for the DELAY! Kill my sensei for that, BLAME IT ALL ON HER!! It’s not my fault!! Cursed these baka exams! --;;; Okie... I

Chapter 6

It was another day, the morning light glimmered at Sakura’s soft feature. The birds were singing outside of her window, as if they were trying to wake her up. She groaned as she rubbed her eyes. Opened them and glanced around. She was in her room. The pinkish curtain hung loosely, covering the window. Soft sunlight emblazed at them, made them looked as if they were glowing magically.

Yawned again and decided it was time for her to get up. Got on her feet and pushed the warm pink blanket aside. Stretched her arms, and felt much better. Her forehead was cool, it went back to its normal temperature again. Smiled lightly and grabbed her towel, headed for the bathroom. Hmm…A warm shower would be nice…She thought and smiled again as she entered the bathroom.

After the warm shower, she dried up her silky auburn hair. Got dressed into her uniform, stared at her reflection in the mirror and sighed. She couldn’t go to school today. Her reputation was ruined by the prank Mizuki had played on her yesterday.

Crystal tears filled in her beautiful emerald green eyes. What am I going to do? What if everyone laughs at me? Many questions popped into her mind, waited to be answered.

Sighed heavily and looked down at her lap. I can’t go to school…Everyone will just laugh at me…Life is so unfair…Sakura thought sadly. Got up and walked towards the window. Opened it and let the cool fresh air breezed at her fair skin gently, as well as her silky auburn hair.

She closed her eyes and exhaled. Her mind was very clouded, filed with worries. Rested her head on the window frame and sighed again. Why was she so unlucky? What has she done to deserve this?

Suddenly she heard some knocking sounds on her door. Quickly got up and opened the door to see who it was. Not to her surprise, it was Syaoran. “ Ohayou Syaoran-Kun!” Sakura greeted and gave him a fake smile.

“ Ohayou. I’m just here to give you your medicines. You are still not fully recovered from the cold.” He responded and passed Sakura some Tylenol along with a glass of hot water.

“ Arigatou Syaoran-Kun.” Said Sakura and took the medicines, then swallowed it along with the warm water. After she was done, passed the glass back to Syaoran and smiled again.

Syaoran took the empty glass and asked curiously. “ Aren’t you going to get ready for school?”

Sakura looked down and shook her head lightly. “ Iie…I’m not going…” She replied in a small voice. “ I can’t go back to school…Not after what happened yesterday…” She added and kept her gaze on the ground.

Syaoran sighed and shook his head. “ Do whatever you want.” With that, he left. Leaving Sakura standing there all by herself.

Crystal tears rolled down her smooth cheeks as Syaoran closed the door. Her heart sunk because Syaoran was so cold towards her. Wiped off the tears on her cheeks and sat down on the corner of her room.

Wrapped her arms around her legs and curved up into a ball, with sadness filled in her eyes. How could Syaoran do this to her when she needed his comforts the most?

Sniffed and buried her face into her arms. “ Sakura-Chan…” A small voice spoke somewhere above her head, Sakura looked up and saw Kero floating beside her. He rubbed his eyes and yawned.

Sakura quickly wiped away her tears and replied. “ Ohayou Kero-Chan! Why are you up this early anyway?” She tried to hid the anguish in her voice and sound more cheerfully, but it didn’t work.

“ You were crying again…Weren’t you?” Kero frowned and asked concernedly. Sakura didn’t reply, she just turned her head around, gazed at somewhere else. She didn’t want to show Kero that she was weak.

“ Iie…I wasn’t...I was just…Laughing too hard…Err…So there are tears on my face…” Sakura stammered and laughed nervously.

Kero did not look convinced but sighed in defeat. “ Whatever you say Sakura-Chan. So why aren’t you going to your school today?” He asked curiously and looked at Sakura.

She lowered her head and slowly shook her head. Then she let out a heavy sigh. “ I don’t think I can go…Everyone in the school will laugh and tease me…I mean, after the humiliation Mizuki put me through…” She said sadly. Reached out a hand and played with the star key nickels around her neck.

“ Hey Kero-Chan! I know what I can do! I’ll use the erase card to erase everyone’s memories, so I will still keep my reputation when I go back to school!” Sakura grabbed Kero’s paws and exclaimed. But Kero didn’t look happy at all. A frown appeared on his face as she said. “ Gomen nasai Sakura-Chan…But that’s impossible…”

The bright smile on Sakura’s face has faded, replaced by a deep frown. “ Why not?” Asked Sakura.

“ Because the cards are sealed up by the regeneration of clow reed and you after your battle with Eriol. And it will takes a great power to open it again…” Kero explained sadly and placed his little paw on Sakura’s shoulders. (A/N: I made up the Sealed Up Cards part…Lame….Lame…So lame… -_________-;;;;;;)

Sakura sighed again and looked down at her lap. All of her hopes have faded, vanished. Stared blankly at her hands. Her eyes were filled with emptiness. Everything in her life seems already lost their meanings. How come everything bad has to happen to her? Why was fate so cruel to her? And why does Mizuki hate her so much?

“ Gomen nasai Sakura-Chan…Demo…This is the way life works for us…Gomen nasai…” Whispered Kero hoarsely and looked at his mistress sadly. It hurts his heart to see her acting like this. After all, she was his mistress and friend.

“ I think you should go to your school…and face your problems…you can’t ran away from them forever…Stand up to them Sakura-Chan…”

Widened her eyes, titled her head and looked at Kero. “ You know what, you are right, I can’t just ran away from them. I have to face them, and solve them.” Said Sakura and a small smile curved up on her cherry red lips.

Kero smiled back and placed his little paw on Sakura’s shoulder. “ Domo arigatou Kero-Chan! I’m going to eat my breakfast and head for school okay?” Sakura exclaimed as she get up, then headed for the kitchen.

After Sakura finished up her breakfast. Grabbed her bag as she smile on her face. She was going to face her fears, and win against them. Few minutes later, she arrived at the gates of Tokyo University. Took a deep breath before she entered. The school was quiet, she glanced around and entered the building.

The hallway was extremely quiet, she could even hear herself breathing. Her heart pounded rapidly as she arrived at her class’s door way. Exhaled before she walked in. Okay Sakura, here it goes, just ignore people’s rude comments, got it? She told herself and entered the quiet classroom.

“ Oh, konnichiwa Kinomoto-San. Glad you could make it.” The teacher greeted her and gestured her to sit down. She nodded as she smiled at the teacher nervously.

The class was quiet; most of the students were busy talking notes on the important facts. No one said anything to Sakura. Everyone was in their normal life. Again, no one made any rude comments to her or laugh their heads off.

After classes and classes, it was finally lunchtime. Sakura put away her books and took out her lunch bag, then walked towards the cafeteria. “ Sakura-Chan!” A cheerful voice called out and Sakura turned around, to see whom it was.

“ Hikari-Chan!” Sakura exclaimed and smiled widely. “ Umm…Does everyone still remembers what happened yesterday…during the lunchtime?” Asked Sakura nervously. Then heard Hikari’s giggles. “ Huh? Nani?” Sakura looked at Hikari in confusion.

“ You’ll never guess what happened this morning! It was the reason why everyone was so quiet today!” Hikari answered and giggled again as she saw hundreds of questions marks written all over Sakura’s face. “ It was something your future boyfriend did for you while you were still at home.” She teased and smiled.

“ Huh? My future boyfriend? Nani? Tell me what happened this morning! And does everyone remember what happened yesterday? Tell me! Answer my questions! Onegai!” Sakura asked urgently and started to shake Hikari’s shoulder.

Hikari stopped her teasing and giggling, then turned serious. “ Okay, I’ll tell you in the cafeteria.” She said and entered the café, with Sakura following behind closely.

They found an empty table and sat down. “ Okay, what happened was…” Hikari placed her lunchbox on the table and started…

~ Flash Back ~

Syaoran grabbed Yamaki by his uniform collar and slammed his back against the wall. A loud noise was heard. Syaoran glared at Yamaki with fire of hatred burning in his eyes and gritted his teeth, then threatened. “ If you dare to that do Sakura Kinomoto again, I will send you straight to hell.” Yamaki trembled in fear and nodded quickly.

Syaoran let go of Yamaki and sent him a glare that could kill. “ Stay away from Sakura Kinomoto! And tell that pathetic girlfriend of yours too! Also, if any of you dare to hurt her emotionally or physically. You are dead.” Syaoran glared around at the people who were watching the fight between him and Yamaki, and warned.

Everyone nodded nervously and backed off one by one. “ Good, I hope I made myself clear.” Syaoran went on, then his expression softened as he said. “ Have a good day minna-san!” With that, he left, leaving everyone standing here speechlessly. Especially Yamaki, it took him a long time to snap back to reality.

“ Man…That Li Syaoran is good…” He muttered and watched Syaoran’s figure disappeared down the hall…

~ Flash Ends ~

Sakura’s mouth opened widely and blinked few times. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Li Syaoran beat up Yamaki for humiliating her in front of the whole school. FOR HER! He went through all that just for her! That was something that Sakura never even dare to dream about.

“ Sakura-Chan, are you okay?” Hikari asked concernedly as she looked at her shocked friend. “ H-hai…” Sakura replied in a small voice, she was still too shock to say anything.

“ Li-Kun was awesome you know. He took on five strongest guys in school at once! Oh, and you should see Mizuki’s face when she saw her so called perfect boyfriend got beaten! It was priceless!” Hikari exclaimed with stars in her eyes.

“ It was good that the teacher didn’t see any of the fight, because if she did, Li-Kun would be in so much troubles by now. Or maybe even worse, like getting expelled.”

Sakura gasped and frowned. Syaoran risked so much just for her, for her pride and reputation. How could she ever repay him? Tears filled in Sakura’s beautiful emerald green eyes. They flown down her smooth cheeks silently, without letting anyone know. A small sob was heard from Sakura as she covered her face into her hands. She felt guilty, very guilty.

“ Sakura-Chan…Daijoubu desu ka? Why are you crying? You should be happy! Li-Kun got your reputation back!” Hikari murmured and looked at Sakura in confusion. “ Here.” She passed some tissues to Sakura, to wipe her tears off.

Sakura thanked Hikari and took the tissues, sniffed as she looked up at her friend. “ I feel so guilty! I was so mean to him before! How can I ever repay him?” Sakura burst out and looked at Hikari sadly.

“ Hmm…There’s a new opened amusement park in Tokyo, you can ask him to go on a friendly date with you!” Hikari suggested and smiled at Sakura.

“ That’s it! You are a genius Hikari-Chan!” Sakura exclaimed and hugged Hikari tightly. She could ask Syaoran to go on a friendly date with her he wouldn’t mind it. Got on her feet and ran towards the table where Syaoran was sitting at.

“ Hey Syaoran-Kun!” Sakura greeted and took the seat beside Syaoran. “ Oh, hey.” Syaoran greeted back and continued to read his book. Sakura took away the book and said. “ Pay attention Syaoran! I won’t take too much of your precious time!” She emphasized on the word Precious and rolled her eyes.

Syaoran smirked and looked at Sakura. She cleared her throat a little and started. “ Thank you very much for doing what you did this morning for me. You don’t know how much it meant to me. I really appreciate that-” Before she could finish her sentence, Syaoran interrupted. “ Get to the point Sakura.”

Sakura growled a little and replied. “ I’m getting to it! Gesh! Be patient!” She glared at Syaoran with annoyance. “ Before I was rudely interrupted. I just want us to be friends. Do you have time tonight? I was wondering if you would like to go on a friendly date with me.” Sakura finished and gazed at Syaoran, waited for his answer.

“ Whatever, I’ll go.” Syaoran answered in a careless tone and turned his attentions back to his book. Sakura grinned widely and hugged Syaoran tightly without thinking. “ Domo arigatou Syaoran-Kun!”

Syaoran blushed and slowly wrapped his arms around Sakura. “ Err…Sakura…We are in public…” He reminded and glanced around, reminding her that people were watching them.

Sakura quickly let go of Syaoran and turned as red as a tomato. “ Gomen ne.” She apologized and lowered her head. “ I better go now!” Said Sakura quickly and headed back to the table where she and Hikari was sitting at few minutes ago.

Syaoran watched her lump figure disappeared down the crowded café and sighed lightly. He did not know what has gotten into him. Every time he sees her, he could feel his heart beating fast, and with dancing joy. Shrugged the thought off and went back to his book.

“ So what did he say?” Hikari asked urgently. Sakura smiled brightly and replied. “ He said yes.” Hikari’s eyes widened and smiled happily as she pulled Sakura into a warm embrace.

“ Congratulations Sakura-Chan! Oh my god! A date with Li-Kun! You are so lucky!” Sakura grinned and reminded Hikari.

“ Its only a friendly date okay? A friendly one, not a romantic date!” Sakura clearfied it.

“ Yea, Yea, sure. But all couples started on a FRIENDLY date!” Hikari teased and winked at Sakura. “ Besides, you and Li-Kun will make a very kawaii couple!” She continued to tease Sakura and giggled.

“ I’m so gonna get you for that!” Sakura threatened jokingly and pretend to be evil. Then burst into laughs with Hikari.


Time passed by quickly and it was after school. Sakura packed up her stuff and headed for home. She didn’t have cheerleading practice today since it was Friday, one of her favorite days in a week. Said goodbyes to her friend and left the school, walked towards her apartment.

The gentle wind breezed at her silky auburn hair, made them waved around her smooth cheeks. The soft sunlight glimmered at her creamy skin. Smiled at the beautiful environment around her as she walked. The trees waved their branches as she passed by. A bright smile formed on her lips as she thanked Kami-Sama silently, continued to walk.

Few minutes later, she arrived at her apartment. Unlocked the door and headed towards her bedroom. Thrown her bag on the floor and ran towards her closet, started to choose the outfit she was going to wear tonight. It was actually her very first date, even though it was only a friendly one. Hummed a tune as she placed the clothes carefully on her bed.

“ What are you doing Sakura? Why are you so happy all of a sudden?” Kero flew towards her, questioned curiously and watched silently.

“ I’m going to go out with Syaoran tonight.” Sakura responded simply. “ Oh, a friendly date okay? Don’t try to get any ideas.” She added and grabbed her pink towel. “ I’m going to take a shower, you have to stay quiet okay?” Sakura informed and left the room, headed for the bathroom.

“ Okay, Sakura-Chan! I will!”

After the warm and relaxing shower, Sakura walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body. Glanced at Syaoran’s room and saw a light coming from it. Hmm…He’s finally back…Thought Sakura and smiled as she entered her room.

Dried up her silky hair and got dressed into a pretty green dress, that hung loosely around her knees. (A/N: Gomen ne, I’m not very creative, dun know how to describe dressed…Since I dun even wear them…)

Sakura put on some make up, studied herself in front of the mirror and smiled. She was beautiful. The eyeliners brought out her beautiful emerald green eyes even more. The cherry red lipstick with sparkles made Sakura’s soft lips shinning under the lights. Smiled in satisfaction, she glanced at her watch and decided to tell Syaoran that it was time for them to head to the amusement park.

To her surprise, Syaoran was already standing at the exit, waiting patiently. “ Konban wa.” He greeted her formally. Sakura’s eyes widened. She couldn’t believe that the person standing in front of her was Li Syaoran. He looked extremely handsome, even though he only brushed his hair a little bit and changed into a brown suit. (It’s kinda like the suit he wore in the last episode, when he was at the airport, waiting for Sakura’s answer. Wee!! So Kawaii!! *Starry eyes*)

“ Wow, Syaoran, You look great!” Sakura complimented.

“ You too Sakura.” Syaoran complimented back and blushed lightly. She’s wearing a green dress! My favorite colour! He thought as he studied the auburn haired beauty in front of him. She was definitely the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. The green dress she was wearing fitted her perfectly and also brought out the beauty of her eyes.

“ Ready to go?” Syaoran asked and smiled lightly. Sakura nodded and followed Syaoran. Then closed the door behind her.

When the arrived at the amusement park, they decided to buy some goods to fill their empty stomach first, then go to different activity spots. They went on the roller coaster and the festival what was held in the amusement park. They had a lot of fun this evening. Laughs of joy were heard everywhere. (A/N: Gomen ne, I know I’m rushing here.)

“ Come on Syaoran-Kun! It will be fun!” Sakura exclaimed and grinned widely like a carefree child. Syaoran sighed in defeat and said. “ Okay, Okay. I can walk by myself. Gesh, don’t ripe my arm off!”

Sakura did not look back, pretended that she did not hear any of Syaoran’s protest. “ Let’s go! You are so slow!” Complained Sakura as she continued to drag Syaoran towards the freight Wheel.

They bought two tickets and got onto the seats. On the freight wheel, they sat down on the exact opposite of each other. Sakura stared at the night sky with an amazed look on her face. “ Wow, the view is beautiful up here!” Exclaimed Sakura and smiled widely. Unaware to her, Syaoran was staring at her, in a way that she’ll never imagine in.

Syaoran couldn’t take his eyes off Sakura’s beautiful face. He did not know why he was acting this way. Syaoran, stop staring at her! What is wrong with you? You love Cherry Blossom! And that girl is not Sakura Kinomoto! A voice in his mind yelled ferociously, reminded him of his dream girl.

Yea, he’s right! I love Cherry Blossom! Not Sakura Kinomoto, Sakura is just one of my friends, she’s nothing more than a friend and a roommate to me. He thought firmly. But somehow, his heart does not agree with him.

Sakura felt Syaoran’s stare on her, blushed madly and quickly looked down at her lap. Syaoran saw Sakura tensed up a little and looked away, his face also turned as red as a tomato.

They sat there, blushing like crazy, afraid to face the other person. (A/N: Mwahahah, Love in the air! *Starry eyes* Sakura: *Wacks kanata-Chan on the head and dragged her off the stage*)

Five minutes later, they got off the freight wheel. Syaoran looked down at his watch. It was 10:35 p.m. Widened his eyes and patted Sakura’s shoulder lightly. “ Sakura, its 10:35 p.m. already. We should get going now.” Syaoran suggested and the happy smile on Sakura’s face faded, replaced by a frown.

“ Nani? Syaoran-Kun? So soon? Demo, I’m not tired yet!” Sakura protested then yawned a little. Syaoran looked into Sakura’s eyes and said. “ See, you are tired! We can come back some other time. But right now, we need to go home.”

Sakura tried to protest again, but lowered her head and nodded lightly in agreement. Followed Syaoran towards the exit unhappily and yawned once again. Syaoran called for a taxi, they got on and Sakura felt very sleepy. She closed her eyes slowly and fell onto Syaoran’s shoulder.

Syaoran felt Sakura’s head resting on his shoulder. Blushed lightly and looked down at the sleeping beauty. She looks so peaceful…He thought.

Wrapped his arms around her waist and kept his eyes on the window. The sky was dark blue. The stars were shinning brightly in the silky night sky. A quote flashed in his mind…

When you thought your world was turning upside down, fate will put a special person into your life; who can guide you through the darkness when you were lost…

Just like the stars shining brightly with hopes…He thought, then looked down at the peaceful Sakura again. Can she be the one? He questioned in his mind as he gazed at her.

“ Sir, we are here.” The driver turned around and informed politely. Snapped Syaoran out of his thoughts. “ Oh, right, arigatou.” Syaoran muttered, took out his wallet and passed the money into the driver’s hands. Then picked up the sleeping Sakura, headed for their apartment.


Back in Sakura’s room, Kero was playing one of his games on Sakura’s laptop. “ Come on! Need to defeat this guy! Must win!” He yelled as he continued to push the keyboard like crazy.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of door opening. Oh no! Sakura’s home! Ah! Must hide! He shouted in his mind and started to freak out. He closed the window of his game and flew into one of Sakura’s drawers, afraid to make any sound.

Syaoran walked into the room with Sakura asleep soundly in his arms. Placed her on the soft bed, covered her body with the blanket lying aside of her. Sighed lightly and got up, ready to leave. But then, he saw Sakura’s laptop was still on, walked towards it and was ready to turn it off.

However, before he could do so. A bunch of filed popped open onto the screen.

Hey Cherry Blossom! I’m Little Wolf. I’m from Magical Chat Room. I read your profile and saw you like sports too. Well I hope I can get to know you better!

Little Wolf

Konnichiwa Cherry Blossom! Glad you replied my message! I like math, sports and I hate Japanese, it’s too hard to learn! By the way, I’m also 21! Write back as soon as possible!

Little Wolf

Syaoran’s eyes widened, unable to speak. These e-mails were from him. Sakura is Cherry Blossom? How can that be? Questioned Syaoran. “ Oh my dear Kami-Sama…” He muttered and slowly turned around, to look at the sleeping Sakura. For once, he was speechless.

Cherry Blossom…

A/N: Holy cow! This is the longest chapter I ever written!! @________@ Me need to take a break now. Gomen ne for the cliffy, DEMO ME NEED TO STUDY FOR MY HISTORY EXAM ON WEDNESDAY!! ><;;;; Me have a math exam on Thursday, demo that’s okie, me dun need to study for math. Mwahahahaha. Anyway, review please!! Make the poor author happy!! If you guys dun like the story, I won’t write more okie? Ja ne!! ^_________^ By the way, the next update will be sometime in July. ^____^ REVIEW ONEGAI MINNA-SAN!!!


Next Chapter's Preview
After Syaoran Learns that Sakura is actually Cherry Blossom
Syaoran tries to test her if she really is cherry blossom,
and if she really feels the same way that he feels for her.
Next on A Crazy Thing Called Love "Plans And Meeting Each Other?"