Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Cardcaptors: Clow Reed's Mistake ❯ Cardcaptors: The War Card-Ch.20 ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By Maurynna
Author's Note: Oh my God! I read all of the reviews you guys wrote for the last chapter and let me tell you...I almost cried! From happiness...of course. ^_^ Geez! I had no idea you guys like my fic THAT much! And you're all so encouraging!! What would I ever do without you? And thanks to everyone who said they liked my little mini-plots! I like them, too. And thank you to everyone who has me on their favourites list!! You're all grand!! (can you tell I'm in a good mood? ^.^)
Geez, I have so much to I suggest you skip the next little bit if you really want to read the chapter...or scroll back up here later! ^_^ Okay, first things first, to Enchantress101...I will get to doing what you asked me to do, I promise! I just don't know when. ^-^a You see, I shouldn't even be writing this now, gotta do my homework! I'm kinda swamped time-wise, so, as soon as I get a minute, I'll swing by and grant your request! See you then!
*Grins like a maniac* I'm so happy that you liked my poor attempt at humour with Yue. That was rather fun...although, I must say, I'm rather ashamed. Teasing Yue like that hurt his feelings. I think I'll go comfort him...~-^ Aaannyywaaays...I'd like to pat CreatiStar on the back. No need to feel bad, you didn't know! I act like an idiot most often than not! So, in the wise words of Maurynna! join the club!
And Shevey...I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!!!!!! Hehe ^_^a... it's been such a long while since you reviewed! I was starting to feel neglected! I think of you as one of my best reviewers because you write such good ones! I don't mean the parts about how you think my fic is good, (but those are nice, too ^_^) I mean how you always seem to put your two cents in. Thanks!
As to why Sakura's last name in this fic is Avalon instead of Kinomoto...well, that's because I watch the dubbed version of Cardcaptors...considering how I don't speak much Japanese. >_< Avalon is the name they use for her in the English version. I'm only goin' by what I hear! Does that answer your question, Sakura1301? ^_^ Even though you said it doesn't matter.
And I want to thank Misa(Suzako no Miko) for her suggestions. I know I've been cheating you all of Li and Tory. I'm sorry! I'll TRY to get them in the story more...but I make no promises!!
Oh! And one last thing. For those of you who said you were beginning to miss Rage already...I am, too! Oh...*rubs hands gleefully* but do I have a surprise for you! I'm bringing him back people! and in this chapter! his PAST self! And boy, are you gonna get a kick! *whispers* You see...I'm going to reveal Rage's past! Aren't you all excited!?! That secret past of his I've been leading up to is going to be revealed! Mwahahaha!!! Well...I'm overeating because I'M excited!
(Next time! I am SO just e-mailing all of you! This is taking up too much room!...I talk too damn much.) Oh! And some important news people!! Well, for ME anyways!! But...I'll leave it until AFTER the fic as this is getting ridiculous! Read on!
Watch for the bit at the end!!! I changed the rating for a reason!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Cardcaptors, nor do I claim to. I am not getting paid for this so please do not sue me!
Cardcaptors: The War Card-Ch.20
Sakura titled her head back, waaay back, and looked up at the huge monstrosity of stone in front of her. So...War and party lived in a castle as well? Why was she not surprised? But this place wasn't so much of a castle as a place from hell. It looked bleak, and the stone the structure was built out of was black. The very presence felt foreboding. Sakura didn't think she'd be able to go in there. Hadn't Clow Reed said something about a Linth manor? If this was it...where was Lord Linth? Sakura shivered slightly, trying not to think what might have happened to the former owner.
War leaned towards her and smirked slightly. "Welcome to my home." he said quietly.
Sakura turned slightly and looked back at him. He wasn't too bad to look at, and he had golden locks of hair that glinted in the sunlight, but, Sakura suspected his true colour was black...he certainly acted that way sometimes. It wasn't big things, just little hints that showed through War's carefully concealed hospitality and gentlemanly behaviour, that tipped Sakura off. Sometimes, when he couldn't help it, War let his more...sadistic side show through.
Sakura turned back around on the mount the two of them shared, and looked over the castle again...and the dried, bleached ground. "It looks so...empty." Sakura whispered. "Where are the flowers, the water that used to be in the moat, the leaves on the dead trees?" she couldn't help but ask, for this truly was a dead place.
War grimaced in distaste, though Sakura didn't see it. "I suppose someone as lovely as yourself would crave things just as lovely, but, unfortunately, I do not like things of beauty to be outside my collection." Sakura looked up at him, puzzled, but War didn't elaborate. "This place used to have greenery, but I didn't think it gave the right impression of me." smiling in good humour suddenly, War said, "Besides, Death doesn't exactly have a good effect on living things."
Sakura looked at him blankly, remembering that she wasn't supposed to know about Death, or any of the others. "Who's Death? And what an odd name for someone." she commented as an afterthought.
"Death is someone who lives here with me. There are four of us in all. The other two are Disease and Famine." Sakura went back to studying the landscape in sorrow. War, seeing her expression, suddenly felt sorry that she was sad. Why? He didn't know. That sort of behaviour was unlike him. He quickly stopped worrying about it though as he thought of something that might please her, "Famine, has his own private garden near the other end of the castle, inside." War sighed, sounding exasperated. "He so does crave to be alone among his trees, why I'll never know." he grinned suddenly. "And he has expressly forbade Death to go anywhere NEAR his solitary confines. It was rather amusing watching those two glare at one another. Well, watching Famine glare at can't really see Death's eyes." War murmured.
War kicked his heels into the chestnut stallion's side and they set off at a canter towards the castle. Riding into the courtyard, and through the permanently lowered drawbridge, they entered the castle grounds. War deftly hopped down off of his horse and a servant boy appeared from nowhere to take the horse's reins. Drawing Sakura off of the beast gently, War placed her on the ground. He then untied her bag from his saddlebags and offered to carry it inside for her. The boy then began leading the horse away. Sakura followed his progress across the courtyard and spied what surely must be the stables in one corner.
"Are you ready to enter, My Lady?" War asked pleasantly.
Sakura shook herself briefly and looked back at War, smiling. Placing her hand in his outstretched one, Sakura murmured quietly, "But, of course, My Lord." and they proceeded to walk up the steps towards the front door.
War smiled down at Sakura politely and said, "You really don't have to be so formal with me, My Lady. You may call me War, if you like."
Well, I wouldn't like. But Sakura just kept on smiling, smiling that fake, plastered, smile. "How silly of me. War, yes, that holds some amount of power in it." talk about buttering up "And while we're on pleasant terms, you may call me Sakura."
War nodded, satisfied. "Sakura," he said slowly, as if savouring the sound of her name on his lips. Sakura fought a grimace. "A lovely name for a lovely lady. And the meaning to it suits you as well. Cherry blossoms...yes, they do suit you."
Before Sakura could reply, they had reached the top step and the door was abruptly yanked open from the other side. Sakura blinked as a cart load of servants appeared in the entranceway, all bowing and scraping. And they all looked like they expected to be yelled at...or worse.
War tossed Sakura's bag at one of them and said promptly, "I have a guest. See that she is properly looked after. And anything she wants is hers. Understood?" they all nodded mutely. "She will be staying with us for quite some time, so see that she has an adequate room. After dinner, you can haul a tub upstairs and place it in her room. Bring some of that rose water we have, it will match what she is wearing now." War made to sweep past them when something apparently occurred to him. "And have the tub in my room filled as well. I would like a bath."
War, Sakura's hand still firmly placed in the crook of his elbow, walked swiftly away from the quickly dispersing servants. Sakura had no trouble keeping up with him due to her long legs. She didn't have much time to glance about at her surroundings since everything whizzed by her too quickly for her to make out.
War spoke unexpectedly, "I am sure you are famished. Spending the entire day with me in the market must have taken energy out of you."
"Actually, I am a bit hungry." Sakura replied slowly.
"Good, good. It is around dinner time and I did not want to eat without you."
War lead Sakura through more passageways then she could keep track of. Eventually, they came to what Sakura took to be a sort of dining room. There was an immense table in the middle of the floor and Sakura quickly counted the chairs, coming to the conclusion that forty people could sit at that thing. Not that the four who lived here probably ever had company, that is.
War brought Sakura over to one of the head chairs and pulled it out for her. Sakura sat down warily and War pushed the chair back in. Striding to the other end of the table, War pulled on a cord that hung just beside the other head chair. Almost immediately, servants came bustling out from a door that Sakura had passed over when she came in. Each had a tray in one hand, some had silverware and dinner plates. Sakura watched, bemused, as tray after tray was brought out. After each one was set on the table the top was lifted from the tray and more food than Sakura had seen in her lifetime was revealed. Meats, and cheese, and fruit, and bread...everything she could ever want any day of the week was set on this table! When the food was set, the servants stood lined against the wall, poised, waiting. Sakura glanced at them discretely and wondered why they hadn't gone yet.
Sakura frowned mentally, thinking that this food could have gone to better use in the streets of that little town where Yue had transported her. This food would have fed the many homeless people sitting on those streets, hoping to get a hand out. What did War do with all this food?
"The others very likely won't be joining us today. Famine likes to dine alone, Disease is probably out somewhere, and Death isn't a people person." War said, interrupting Sakura's train of thought. "What does the Goddess feel like eating this evening?"
Sakura eyed the food in disbelief. "Is there soup?" she squeaked. Clearing her throat, she repeated, "I think I'll try the soup." she really didn't feel like eating anything, she was too nervous. But she couldn't just NOT eat, that would cause suspicion. She figured she could down some broth fairly easily...hopefully.
War snapped his fingers and a servant came scurrying across the room and picked up the soup tureen from the table. He ladled out a fair amount of the soup into Sakura's bowl. Then he scurried back to the wall again after putting the tureen back on the table. Sakura watched the servant unblinkingly before turning her attention to her soup. It looked like a nice vegetable soup with bits of meat in it, and it smelled good, too.
Sakura picked up her soup spoon and took a sip. She ate for a few more seconds before she realized War wasn't eating. Putting her spoon down, Sakura looked at him, "Aren't you going to eat something?"
War, who had just been staring at her throughout the meal, smiled slightly, "I'm not that hungry." he said simply, denying his claim of hunger earlier.
Sakura smiled politely at him, but secretly, being watched while she ate was creeping her out. There was no way she was ever going to feel comfortable. As Sakura was lost in her thoughts, her gaze wandered to a point above War's head. Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head as she realized what, exactly, she was looking at. And then the irony of it hit her and she felt like saying something that would probably blow her cover.
Behind War, and slightly above him, on that huge expanse of gray stone, was one of the largest paintings she'd ever seen. That, however, was not what caught her attention. In the painting, there were four horsemen riding four noble steeds among billowing whisps of fog, like riding on clouds. Behind the four, several sparks of lightening flashed, heralding their arrival. And the horsemen were undoubtedly the Four Brothers.
First came War, riding a chestnut stallion. The horse was quite large and no doubt a war horse, the same one Sakura had ridden here on. His shoulder length blond hair billowed behind him in an invisible wind, and his face was set in an intense, focused, expression. He looked like he was about to go into battle. His right hand was raised and in it was one of those red fireballs she had seen the first day she came here. The other hand tightly gripped his horse's reins. She could just make out part of a scabbard that held a sword, strapped to his side.
The second horsemen was Disease. He rode a gray, dappled stallion. The reins, saddle, and bit were all very expensive by the look of them, and Sakura thought the horse looked more like a show horse than a horse suited to the battlefield. Disease himself was all dressed up in fancy, colourful clothing, and he looked every bit the spoiled paramour that Sakura knew him to be. The expression on his face was rather gleeful, and Sakura couldn't help but think that he was looking forward to whatever battle he was going into, and the potential lives he might take, with joy. In his right hand was one of those shiny, showy blades that Sakura knew weren't just for show. Light glinted off the blade of the dagger and Sakura thought it might be from the sun.
The third horsemen was Famine, and his horse was an indian red, his misted breath escaping his nostrils in a great gust. There was no saddle adorning his horse, he rode bareback. The colouring of his steed matched Famine's hair almost exactly, and both horse and rider's manes were shaggy. Famine's hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail and a few stray wisps escaped to brush the side of his face. He wore no such fancy clothing as Disease or anything as gentlemen like as War. His look was much more casual and relaxed, loose. In both hands he held a handsome looking bow. One hand held the bow itself and the other held an arrow, nocked and ready to fly. The bowstring was pulled back and it looked like Famine had sighted his prey and was about to deliver a deadly blow.
The last was Death. His stallion was impressive. Just as large as War's war horse, and as black as the blackest of nights...or Death's robes. The stallion had it's teeth bared and looked ready to snap at anyone that came near. The horse's eyes seemed to glow with an unholy light and Sakura could have sworn they looked red. Again, she couldn't see anything of Death's face, his hood concealed everything perfectly. Instead of his robes billowing in the invisible wind like the others' hair and clothing, Death's robes were still and unmoving. It was an odd sight as his horse's mane was billowing the same as everyone elses'. One of those seemingly dead, bony fingers grasped the dark reins and the other held the terrorizing Deathscythe. The two yellow arcs of energy seemed to flare and crackle through the painting, and it looked almost as frightening as it had in real life...almost.
If Sakura hadn't been absolutely sure she was looking into something created by human hands...she would have thought she was looking at the real Four Horsemen...and that they were coming for her soul.
"Does that painting interest you, Sakura?" War asked suddenly, sounding amused.
Sakura blinked and pulled herself together. Smiling slightly, she said, "It certainly has an incredible likeness to real life. I recognize you, but I do not recognize the other three." she lied. Secretly, she was wondering why War had a picture of himself and the others, a very large picture, hanging above him in the dining room.
Just then, a coolness seemed to enter the dining room and Sakura shivered. War frowned, he looked annoyed. A second later, Death came gliding through the arch leading out to the hallway Sakura and War had come from. Sakura stared at the figure swathed in black, completely fixated. She had seen Death on the battlefield, but, she hadn't really got a good look at him up close. And the painting had surely been interesting, but that couldn't prepare her for the real thing. He had to be the most perplexing thing she had ever seen. There was just something about him that drew your attention.
Death stopped just short of the table and the cold increased. He turned towards Sakura, his hood hiding his face. Sakura couldn't help but get the impression that he was staring right at her...through her?...even though she couldn't see his eyes. After a few moments of that, Death turned towards War.
War smiled, but it looked more like a sneer. "Death, how marvelous to see you. Would you like something to eat?"
Death didn't look like he moved a muscle, but the slow, whispery voice definitely came from him, "You know I do not eat, War."
War leaned back in his chair, "Ah, yes, how foolish of me." Sakura could see he was smiling. "I assume, then, you're here for a reason?" he asked mildly, almost like he didn't care...almost.
Death lifted his arm and his hand, which had been concealed up his sleeve, appeared when the black material slipped back. Sakura's attention switched from the hood to his hand. Thin, bony fingers appeared, the skin gray and stretched tight over the bones underneath. Sakura didn't think there was any muscle on that hand. "Your experiments are disturbing my peace." that whispery soft voice told War.
War sat up straight and folded his hands on the table. "Is that so? Well, I've told you before, switch rooms."
The hand disappeared back in the robes and Death seemed to shrug. "I prefer the dark, War. You know this."
War snorted. "That's not my problem."
The cold in the room seemed to get slightly worse. Sakura wrapped her arms about herself and took the decrease in temperature to be a bad thing.
Death's voice didn't sound physically different, but something definitely changed, "You will remove them, War. I cannot tolerate them. If you do not move them, I will kill them."
Thunder. That was what changed. There was thunder behind that soft voice, ready to be unleashed.
War abruptly stood up from his place at the table. "You will not touch them, Death. They are mine to do with as I please. If you kill them and ruin my fun I'll make you find me new playthings."
"You will make me?" Death repeated. He sounded amused, well, as amused as that unchangeable voice could be. After a slight pause, Death said, "Move them soon, War, or I will kill them." then he turned and glided out of the room.
Sakura let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding. She seriously didn't think she could handle another encounter with him. She glanced warily up at War and noticed his fists were clenched.
Turning towards her, War smiled, his teeth gritted together. "I'm sorry, my dear. I have urgent business to take care of." Sakura stood up as War walked towards her. War reached for her hand and then placed a kiss on the back of it. Looking into her eyes from that position, War said, "I'm truly sorry, Sakura. Death can be...unpredictable. I will not be back before dawn I do not think. You have the run of the castle, you may go anywhere you like." releasing her hand and bowing, War abruptly took his leave. At the last moment, he turned and said, "If you wish to retire, or need anything else, just tell the servants, they'll get it for you." and then he was gone.
Sakura stood there, unsure of what to do. What exactly had War meant when he said...playthings? As the servants moved to take the food away, Sakura managed to snap out of her trance. She noticed a young serving woman had come up to her and was standing silently, apparently waiting for some sort of orders. Sakura smiled reassuringly at her, but the desired effect was lost when the girl simply lowered her eyes quickly, afraid to meet Sakura's eye. Sakura tried again, "It's okay," she whispered reassuringly, "I won't hurt you." the girl said nothing. Sakura sighed, exasperated. "Don't any of you talk?" she demanded, more to herself. The girl peeked up at her. Sakura placed her hands on her hips and smiled again, "Suppose I was to order you to speak? Would you speak then?"
In reply, the girl opened her mouth and attempted to talk. That was when Sakura got a good look at the inside of the girl's mouth. Placing her hand over her own mouth, Sakura attempted to keep her lunch down. The girl's tongue was had been cut out.
It took Sakura a moment to realize the girl was still trying to speak. When she found she couldn't, she began to look distressed, even panicky. Sakura removed her hand from her mouth and attempted to speak herself. "I-" Sakura cleared her throat and tried again. "It's okay, you don't have to say anything." she whispered.
The girl smiled gratefully and Sakura felt like crying.
Trying to smile over the tears gathering in her eyes to reassure the girl, Sakura said, "Please show me to my rooms." and without hesitation, the girl turned and began walking away. Sakura followed resolutely behind her.
Sakura walked with her gaze on the floor all the way to her room. She didn't feel like looking up, didn't feel like seeing the poor, abused girl in front of her. Had War done that himself? If so, for God's sake why?! There was absolutely no reason, no reason! for that kind of treatment. And she knew with a horrible sense of truth, that the rest of the servants had been given the exact same treatment.
The girl stopped outside of a door on the second floor...Sakura thought it was the second floor, she vaguely remembered going up a staircase...and opened the door. Curtsying, the girl gestured for Sakura to enter. Sakura did so slowly, and as soon as she'd cleared the threshold, the girl closed the door behind her with a low thump, making Sakura jump.
She glanced about her quickly. There was a large canopied bed of silk and feathers against the right wall. At the foot of the bed was an ornate, oak chest. A white tub was set in the middle of the floor, filled with already heated water and rose petals. There were two mahogany dressers in the room, one by her bed, the other on the opposite side of the room, near another doorway leading to the closet. On this dresser was a finely sculpted, porcelain pitcher with very pretty purple orchids painted on the surface. Beside this was a washbasin to match the pitcher to wash one's hands and face in. The floor was covered with very thick, very expensive, very colourful persian rugs.
At any other time, Sakura might have taken some notice of all of these things, as it was, she only had one thing on her mind, "Yue!" Sakura whispered urgently, then louder, "Yue!"
Yue suddenly appeared in front of Sakura. "Do you have something you wish me to report, Mistress?"
"Do I have something to report?!" she asked incredulously. "I thought you were supposed to be watching me! Didn't you see what happened in the dining room?"
Yue regarded Sakura with slight confusion. "No, Mistress. I was keeping an eye on you, but I was not so close that I could look over your shoulder. I didn't want to take any risks, so I stayed in the corridors."
"Well, you missed a grand show!" Sakura exclaimed, still getting over her shock. "Yes I have something to report! To Clow Reed directly. I'm not staying here another moment! Take me out of here!"
Yue looked like he wasn't too sure what to do. "But, Mistress! You told my Master you would do this! You cannot leave now! And furthermore, I cannot take you to my Master, he has left explicit orders that he is not to be disturbed."
"Well that's too bad. Yue, do you know what kind of sick person War is? He cut out all of his servant's...I'm sorry, I should say slave's...tongues! That's beyond barbaric! I can't stay here with that lunatic! You HAVE to take me to Clow Reed. Please?" she begged.
Yue took one look at those green puppy dog eyes and relented. "As you wish, Mistress." Sakura quickly went over to Yue and grabbed hold of his arm. "But, just in case, Mistress, are you sure War isn't going to miss you for a while?"
Sakura shook her head. "No...he's busy doing other...things." Sakura shivered, thinking about War's conversation with Death.
With a last parting remark before Yue teleported, he grumbled, "I hope I do not get reprimanded for this."
Sakura and Yue appeared back inside the labyrinth. Shaking her head as if trying to dispel some unwanted image, Sakura muttered, "I think I'm getting better at this," seeing as how the halls only spun a little.
Yue backtracked and said, "I will leave you now."
Sakura looked at him sharply. "What do you mean, 'I will leave you now?' Where are you going?"
Yue gave her a look that begged her to understand his predicament. "I have disobeyed direct orders, Mistress. I will venture no further. You will have to continue on your own."
Sakura was half sympathetic towards Yue, and half annoyed. Come on...just what was Clow Reed going to do, huh? So what if Yue disregarded an order...he could blame it on her and she'd be the scapegoat. Sighing as she realized there was no way she was going to get Yue to get any closer to Clow's rooms, Sakura said, "Okay, fine...but I still don't know where I'm going in this place. Care to give me directions?"
"Just follow the corridor until you can go no further, then turn right. The Master's rooms are the first on the right of that corridor." and then he was gone.
Sakura wasted no time on being impressed with Yue's Magic as she would have been had she had time. Instead she immediately started in her way, wanting to get this business over with. There was no way she was going back to that God awful place with that sadistic man. Uh uh.
As Sakura turned right down the hallway Yue had said to and she got closer to Clow Reed's rooms, she heard voices coming from behind his door. At first, she paid no attention to it, assuming it was Kero talking to Clow about something Magic, or card, related. But as she got closer, and the voices became clearer, Sakura realized that whoever Clow Reed was speaking with, wasn't Kero. Sakura frowned at the slightly familiar, yet not Kero~ish, voice, wondering who else could, or would, come down here. She knew it was rude to eavesdrop, but it was even ruder to just barge in and interrupt the conversation. So Sakura walked quietly, with no intention of eavesdropping mind you, to Clow Reed's slightly ajar door...
" that still remains a mystery. However, what I don't understand, is why you've suddenly become a recluse here. What is going on Clow Reed?"
Sakura's frown deepened. She recognized that voice...she should, she'd heard it threaten to kill her more than once. Sakura abruptly brought her hand up to her mouth to stifle a gasp. Peeking through the crack in the door, Sakura's suspicions were confirmed as the man with Clow Reed walked by...
It was Rage!
Rage, in full battle regalia, his sword on him but unsheathed, his clothing the same as it was in the future. His boots were different though, they looked like a tough lot, top quality and made to handle treks through God knew what kind of terrain. Gauntlets decorated each hand and looked like they were made out of some sort of greenish metal. Every time he passed a candle, the light shone faintly on them and was reflected with in an eerie sort of way. The thing that surprised Sakura most was the mighty looking war helm sitting perched upon Rage's head. It was a black affair and contrasted quite sharply with his bone white face and hair. Dragons swooped around on either side and their eyes were a polished ruby, making them look demonic.
Sakura didn't know why he was here, or why he was in Clow Reed's room, but she was more than a little nervous about it. What was worse, she couldn't see Clow Reed through the tiny crack in the door. Not once had he walked by, as Rage had done. Was he tied up somewhere? Had Rage restrained him to a chair? or his bed? Or worse...was Clow Reed injured? Had Rage appeared like Yue and Kero do, straight into Clow Reed's room, unannounced and unexpected, sword drawn and looking for blood? Had they fought and Clow Reed come out the loser? He could be dying on the floor, bleeding to death this very instant...
The only thing that stopped Sakura's quivering muscled from launching her up and through that door was the sound of Clow's voice, sounding calm and normal, answering Rage's question,
"I'm afraid, Rage, that that is none of your business. What I do does not concern you." Clow's voice sounded disapproving, and Sakura could tell there was a warning there.
"None of my concern? Just what had gotten into secretive?" Rage sounded highly amused, like he was playing some sort of game. "It would be so much easier if you just told me what you're hiding. It will save both of us a lot of trouble in the future."
Sakura tensed at what she believed was a threat to Clow Reed, "You have no idea..." she heard Clow Reed mutter to himself.
"What was that? Something else I don't know about? All these secrets are giving me a headache." Rage commented dryly. He stepped where Sakura could see him again. She saw him rest his left hand perilously close to his sword, and say, "Come now, don't make me have to use stronger means to get the information I want."
That was enough for Sakura. Reaching down and lifting her skirts up, she pulled the Key from her ankle where it had been resting all day, "Oh, Key of Clow, power of Magic, power of Light! Surrender the Wand! The force ignite! Release!" she whispered quietly, not wanting to give herself away. As much as she liked the Rage in the future, if he was going to harm Clow Reed in any way, she had to stop him...
Gathering herself, and praying for nothing to go wrong, Sakura counted to three...and then burst through the door. There was only time to see the complete look of surprise and shock on Rage's face before Sakura delivered a flying kick to the side of his head, knocking the war helm off and skidding across the floor. Rage only staggered back, the helm taking the brunt of the hit, and raised one hand to clutch at his head. Sakura brought her Clow Wand across to hit him again, but Rage had gotten over the momentary surprise and brought his right hand up to block the Wand. Sakura opened her mouth to call on a Clow card, and then cursed as she realized she didn't have them. She'd have to yell at Clow later...if she lived. As a second option, she brought her left hand up, as her right was attached to the Clow Wand held in both her and Rag'e fists, to deliver a solid punch to his chin. The blow never landed. Rage used his other hand to intercept her punch, and now both of her hands were trapped in his.
Sakura decided to use her feet, but Rage was quicker. Hooking his foot behind Sakura's legs, Rage tripped her and sent them both crashing to the ground, and the Clow Wand went the same way Rage's helm had. Sakura grunted as her shoulder blades took the damage, and then fought to breathe as Rage's weight made it hard to draw breath through her lungs. Sakura looked up and stared into his eyes in defiance. His own gaze stared into hers, anger, curiousity, and interest shining plainly in the blue depths.
"Stop, stop, stop!!" Clow Reed yelled, suddenly appearing. Placing his hands on his hips and giving both a look of extreme disapproval and consternation, he said, "Do get up, both of you! and stop this rough housing! Rage! You're crushing the poor girl!"
Sakura found she could breathe again as the weight miraculously disappeared. The confusion reigned as, instead of attacking Clow Reed, Rage replied, "In case you hadn't noticed...she was the one who came at me!"
Clow Reed's attention turned to Sakura, still lying prone on her back, and he exclaimed, "He has a point you know. Why ever did you do that? Did you ever hear of knocking?"
Sakura stared at him for a full minute before finally exploding, "Because he's a Clow card!! That's why!! What the hell is going on here?!? I thought he was going to kill you! Or something like that!!"
Rage stared at her and muttered, "Such language..."
Clow Reed smiled brilliantly as he said, "I thank you Sakura for looking out for me. But, really, that wasn't necessary." then, surprising both Sakura and Rage, Clow Reed waved his hand towards the door and said, "You can go now, Sakura. I'm fine. I'll see yo later."
Sakura stared at him, google-eyed. "I'll see you later?!" she echoed incredulously.
Rage eyed Clow Reed with suspicion. "But she only just got here, even if it was under interesting circumstances."
Clow Reed shrugged. "No matter. Really, Sakura, run along."
"I'm not going anywhere!" Sakura cried. This was making about as much sense as one of Kero's videogames.
"Who is she Clow Reed?" Rage asked, firmly, not to be deterred now that he knew there was something to be known.
"As I said, it's none of your business." Clow snapped suddenly, a scowl appearing on his normally cheery face.
Sakura sat up and gave Clow a sharp look. "Okay...forgive me for being so ignorant...but...would someone please tell me what I'm missing here?" Sakura looked Rage over and then looked back at Clow Reed. "He's a card, so why aren't you two at odds? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're both acting almost civil to each other."
Clow Reed stood immobile for a moment, just looking back and forth between card and descendant. Then, sighing with no small amount of exasperation, he said, "Neither of you are going to leave this alone, are you?"
Rage smirked. "Not bloody likely."
Sakura just shook her head.
Clow sighed again, as if searching for patience from somewhere. Sitting down wearily on his bed, he gestured for everyone else to make themselves comfortable. Rage merely leaned against the wall, crossing one booted foot over the other. Sakura eased herself up off of the ground. She walked slowly over to her Wand and picked it up.
Sensing she was being watched, she turned and found Rage eying her warily, his attention fixed on the Clow Wand. Suddenly feeling mischievous, Sakura grinned and said, "I don't bite."
"Could have fooled me." Rage replied, a smile tugging on his lips.
Taking Clow Reed offer, Sakura sat herself down in one of the chairs surrounding the small table and waited.
Clow Reed rubbed his temples, trying to relieve a sudden headache that was forming behind his eyes. "I did not plan this," he muttered quietly, "This was not supposed to happen." lifting his head, he looked at Sakura. "I know that Kero and Yue both have told you things about the cards, none of them pleasant. And, normally, everything they said would be true, except..." Clow Reed stopped suddenly and blinked once as something occurred to him. "Why are you not...where you are supposed to be?" he questioned curiously, and a bit worriedly.
Sakura winced. "That's why I'm here." gathering herself for an argument, Sakura straightened her spine. "I can't stay there a moment longer. No way. Do you have any idea how completely unpredictable W..."
Clow cut her off. "Yes...I realize this. I told you you wouldn't come to any harm. What's the problem? Have you been harmed?" he asked genuinely curious.
Sakura stared at him a moment. It occurred to her that he didn't want Rage to know about War and the fact that she was staying with him for the moment, and that was why he had cut her off. Fine, she'd go along with that...for now. "No, but that's not the point. He's a menace. Do you know what he does to his servants? And the conversations between himself and...his 'friends' is not exactly encouraging." she leaned forward in her chair, "Do you know, I think he has people being held somewhere in his home...and I don't think they're there of their own free will, either."
Clow Reed frowned slightly, but said, "We will discuss this later." Sakura began sputtering, "I said...we will discuss this later." he repeated firmly, casting a quick glance in Rage's direction. Sakura's mouth snapped shut.
Not missing the look pointed in his direction, the corner's of Rage's mouth turned up, "Oh, this is simply extraordinary. What HAVE you been doing while I was away?"
Clow Reed gave him a look that silenced him, but didn't banish the amusement in his eyes. Returning his attention to Sakura, he said, "As I was saying, everything Kero and Yue told you is true, but there is something even they do not know." smiling dryly, he muttered, "And neither should you, but I suppose that can't be helped." waving his hand vaguely in Rage's direction, he said in his normal, blunt manner, "Rage is my aide. Much like Kero and Yue are."
"Yes, and I still have to meet this Yue of yours." Rage said idly from his spot against the wall.
Sakura's mouth dropped open. What? How? Why? Sakura may have been speechless, but her mind was going a mile a minute. This was unexpected...and made about as much sense as everything else in this bloody time frame did!! "But! but I thought all of the cards had rebelled against you?!" she asked, finding her voice. "Kero told me they all wanted power for themselves and hated being governed by you."
Clow Reed grimaced, "Yes, well, that's true enough."
"Then what in the hell is going on?" Sakura was nearing her patience's end.
Rage watched Sakura with no small amount of curiousity. "Did you honestly think I would betray my creator? The one who gave me life? That would be the ultimate disgrace." his face hardened. "I admit...playing with such things as lives is something no one should be allowed to do," he cast a look in Clow Reed's direction, "But, ultimately, if it was not for him, I would not be here. None of us would." he meant the rest of the cards.
Well...that sounded like the Rage Sakura knew. His honour was playing the role once again...and maybe some gratitude was rolled into the mix. Sakura quickly dismissed that, though, as she remembered the look on Rage's face when he spoke about his creation. He may have been glad that he was alive, but Sakura got the impression that Rage didn't think any of them, the cards, should be alive. about an oxymoron.
"So...what you're saying is, Rage is on your side?" she said slowly, addressing Clow Reed.
Rage shrugged and answered for the sorcerer, "If you must choose sides."
Sakura sat back with a frown. Clow Reed chuckled, "Having a bit of a time there, Sakura?"
Sakura glanced at him. "This is just a bit much to take in. I mean, I don't get it...Rage was so bent on revenge concerning you, but that doesn't make sense..." Sakura realized her slip as Rage suddenly straightened from the wall, giving her an intense look. Clow Reed didn't react.
"What is this?" Rage inquired. "I do not know you...but you speak as if you know me."
Clow Reed sighed, and, once again being frank, said, "Rage, this is Sakura Avalon...she is my descendant, from the future."
The way Rage's eyes seemed to go all doe~ish would have been comical to Sakura at any other moment in time...but in this moment, she had too much to wonder about. If Clow and Rage were so chummy now...what happened that made Rage do a complete one eighty on his views? With as passionately as Rage seemed to hate Clow Reed in the future...Sakura thought she might not want to know.
"You must be joking." Rage finally said, his voice slightly strained but otherwise sounding relatively normal.
Clow shook his head. "No. If you do not believe me, try to sense her aura." he frowned and looked at Sakura. "You didn't apply more of the perfume, did you?" Sakura shook her head numbly, "Good, the potion should be wearing off then. It might be difficult to sense her, Rage, but with me shielding my aura to stop any interference, and if you concentrate, you should be able to pick up something."
Looking at Clow Reed like he was mad, since Rage didn't know anything about the potion or about Sakura's secret mission with War, he slowly shook his head. Opening his senses, Rage tried to latch onto anything coming from the girl. He frowned when he picked up nothing, confirming his suspicions that Clow Reed was truly losing it.
Sakura saw the frown, and knowing that Rage was skeptical to begin with, and would never believe Clow Reed without proof, Sakura tried to raise her energy level and extend her aura. Like when she was fighting, her aura was stronger, that's what she was trying to do now. Trying to grasp that centre, that core in her mind that Rage said was there when he was trying to teach her a thing or two, Sakura delved deep into herself. Again, she could sense that tingling in the back of her mind, but it was like she was blocked off from it, and she couldn't grasp it. Instead, she reached for her Clow cards as a second option. She didn't know where they were, but she tried anyways. She had them suddenly, and Sakura thought they must be close, somewhere in the room, and Sakura used their power to make her aura stronger, drawing their energy into herself like she had that day under the willow tree.
Rage blinked and took a step back suddenly as an aura that hadn't been there a second before suddenly burst forth from the motionless girl. Next came the surprise and not a bit of shock as he realized he recognized that aura. He switched his attention to Clow Reed and stared at him. Clow Reed simply raised his eyebrows, as if daring him to deny the proof.
"" Rage asked, closing off his senses and blocking out the aura that he could have sworn had a distinctly flowery feel about it. "Brought from the future, you say? How did you manage that? You always said time travel was impossible." he accused.
Clow Reed folded his hands inside his robes and looked up at Rage, his face revealing nothing. "How I managed it is none of your concern. And for your is impossible." he stated.
Rage didn't comment on the fact that Clow Reed had just contradicted himself, he was too used to Clow's odd temperaments. "So she's your descendant." Rage smiled slightly, "Why is she here?" he asked, feeling very close to territory he knew he was forbidden from accessing.
Clow Reed watched him with blank eyes that concealed his thoughts very well, those same eyes had been the ones that Rage studied to create his own mask into his mind. "I think, Sakura might have some questions she would want answered." he said, not answering the question.
Rage became annoyed for a moment, but then brushed the feeling away, as it would get him nowhere. "I take it you want me to leave?"
"That would be nice." Clow replied amiably.
Rage bowed mockingly, advertising just what he thought of this. "You do realize that I shan't rest until I find out what you're hiding from me."
Clow Reed smiled wryly. "I gathered that."
"In that case, is there a particular spot you want me to disappear to?" he asked, bending down to pick up his war helm that was still on the floor.
"As a matter of fact...yes." Clow's face turned serious. "I want you to pay a visit to Disease for me."
Rage looked like he'd rather not. "Are you serious?" Clow just looked at him. "Of course...I forgot who I was talking to. Is there something specific you want? or is this another one of those blind voyages?"
Clow smiled. "Blind voyage."
Rage swore, then quickly glanced at Sakura and apologized. Looking back at Clow, he said, "You know how I despise Disease."
Clow's smile disappeared. "I know, but that's often the case when strong meets weak. Now, get going."
Rage placed the helm on his head. "Just one more thing, I take it your descendant knows me in the future?" Clow nodded warily, "What did she mean when she said I wanted revenge?" he asked, completely serious.
"It is not important." Clow said in a no nonsense tone. "Now go."
Rage took one last look at the implacable gleam in the sorcerer's eyes, and then dissolved into a white mist, and was gone.
Clow Reed turned to Sakura, who was still sitting as she had been, arms on the table and frown firmly in place. "Is there something you wish to know, Sakura?" he asked gently.
Sakura blinked, snapped out of whatever trance she was in. Looking over at Clow Reed, she asked, "Why did you send him to Disease?"
"I need to know as much information about what is going on in that place as possible. The more eyes and ears I have the better. I would have sent him straight to the source, War, but I didn't want him to bump into you."
Sakura eyed him curiously. "Don't you trust him?" she whispered.
Clow Reed looked around the room, and Sakura thought, amazed, that Clow couldn't meet her eyes. "It is not that I do not trust him," he said slowly, "I know Rage would never betray me, he has already proven himself more than once. It is simply that, with what I do and the way I am, I am naturally secretive. I do not like the idea of someone, no matter who they are, knowing everything that I do." he laughed shortly, "I guess you could say the idea makes me nervous." he admitted.
Sakura choose not to comment further on that, "Do the other cards know? Do they know that Rage is...with you?"
Clow Reed looked at her as if she should know better, "Of course not! If they knew, they would never allow Rage to get close to them at all, and they'd try to kill him with as much determination as their wish for MY death." Clow smiled wickedly, "As far as they know, Rage wants me dead as much as the rest of them do."
Sakura smirked. "To think, that even now, you guys have spys. I feel like I'm in a James Bond movie."
Clow tilted his head to the side. "Something to do with the future, I take it?"
Sakura blushed slightly, embarrassed that she hadn't realized Clow wouldn't know what she meant. "Yeah. James Bond was an excellent British spy."
"Ah...I begin to understand. He must be very good."
"No, you don't understand, he's not real...he's a movie..." Sakura trailed off. The really was no real way to explain this. "Yeah, he's very good." she said, smiling.
"Is there anything else you would like to know?" Clow inquired.
"Well...yeah, just one, for now, I guess." Sakura's face scrunched up in puzzlement. "Rage has never met Yue?" she asked, recalling what Rage had said about wanting to meet him.
Well, that was odd. Then they haven't fought, yet. Something else occurred to her, "So, he's met Kero?" she asked.
Clow shook his head. "No. They do not know about Rage, I have not told them."
"But, it sounded like he had. He didn't ask to meet Kero like he did Yue." Sakura said, confused.
"Let me explain. Kero is here so much more often than Yue is. I send Yue off on more excursions in battle than I do Kero because I know Kero likes to stay close to me, even though he'd never admit it," Clow said, winking conspiratually. "As I was saying, since Kero is here almost always, he's often here when Rage is. Rage is...rather curious about my two wizards. I talk about them often enough and he hears about them often enough. So when he is here but cannot appear because someone is with me, he takes to watching Kero. I've seen him, shrouded in his mist, invisible to everyone's eyes but mine. I think Kero fascinates him for some reason. I do not know why, maybe he is confused about the affection Kero has for me. Rage may be loyal, but I know he could never care as much for me as my guardians do. Sometimes," Clow said sadly, "I think caring about things is beyond him."
"Now, Yue has never been here when Rage has. Rage feels like he knows Kero, but he has never caught a glimpse of Yue. He is curious. I speak highly of the Moon Guardian." Clow shrugged. "That is why he wants to meet Yue, mere curiousity."
"You know that they end up meeting, don't you? I mean, meeting meeting." Sakura stressed.
Clow nodded. "Yes, I had heard snippets of conversation through my looking glass when the three of you were talking; you, Kero, and Yue."
"Do you know HOW they meet?" Sakura asked again.
Clow frowned. "No. Should I?" he asked, becoming interested.
Sakura shook her head. "Not really, I was just wondering." when Clow gave her a look, she grinned and said, "Better not to know too much about the future, don't want to change it for the worse now do we?" using his words against him.
Clow nodded his head slightly, letting it go.
The real reason why she was here suddenly popped back into Sakura's head. "I'm not staying at War's." she said.
Clow blinked at the abrupt change in topic. "Oh yes, the reason why you are here. Why ever not, Sakura? What is so horrible that you cannot tolerate staying with him until you get a chance to seal him?" he asked, a bit exasperated.
Sakura leaned forward in her chair, "I'll tell you what's so horrible. Did you know he cut out the tongues of his servants? That's monstrous! And I happened to witness a very pleasant conversation between himself and Death...and let me tell you... Death is even more creepy than War. If I have to put up with HIM for the remainder of my stay, I'll end up going mad. And about that...I think War has people being kept in his castle somewhere. I think they might be being tortured, it wouldn't surprise me, the way Death commented on the amount of noise. And War referred to them as his 'playthings.' How healthy can that be?"
Clow leaned forward himself, "Sakura, I know all of these things are intimidating, and I know that War does some unimaginable things, but you need to stay there." he said firmly.
Sakura crossed her arms over her chest. "I do, do I? I don't think so...YOU try staying with him."
Clow Reed scowled, and Sakura realized she'd managed to annoy him, something that probably didn't happen too often. "Listen to me, Sakura. How many more lives do you think will be lost because of your selfishness...including your own? How many more will have their tongues cut out, or worse? How many more will become playthings if you do not seal War? Just because what you have seen does not agree with do you think the people who have to LIVE in the same place as War feel?" he finished.
When put that way...Sakura felt rather ashamed of herself. He was could she whine and complain about herself when those poor people had to endure pain and terror every day? "You're right...I am being selfish." she said quietly.
"Does that mean you're going back?" Clow asked hopefully.
Sakura laughed, but the sound held no mirth. "What choice do I have when you so expertly place the lives of thousands of people at my feet?"
Clow looked genuinely sorrowful. "I am sorry, Sakura, if there was some other way to go about this without bloodshed..."
Sakura sighed. "I know."
Clow stood abruptly, "You should get back. War does not know you are missing, I hope?"
Sakura shook her head, "He's off doing other...things."
Clow nodded. "Kero." he whispered. To Sakura's surprise, Kero suddenly appeared. How had he heard Clow Reed? "Kero Beros, would you please take Sakura back to Linth manor as it is now your watch."
Kero bowed his head, "Of course, Master, but how did she get here?" he asked, confused.
Clow Reed studied Sakura with still eyes. " DID you get here? Kero certainly didn't take you, for he's as surprised to see you as I was when you came bursting through my door. And I left explicit instructions that I was not to be who brought you?" he wondered out loud, staring at her.
Sakura looked everywhere but at Clow Reed. " one brought me." Sakura lied, trying to keep Yue from getting into trouble.
Clow Reed arched an eyebrow. "Is that so? Then how did you get here?"
Sakura got the distinct impression that Clow Reed was enjoying himself. "Um...I walked?" she supplied.
"Oh," he whispered, "I see." but those eyes kept on staring at her.
"Hey! Kero...let's go!" Sakura said, a bit too enthusiastically.
"It's Kero Beros." Kero stressed.
"Of course, Kero, I forgot." Sakura said, grinning. Kero growled at her. She just continued grinning and leapt lightly onto Kero's back, just below where his wings met. Patting Kero's shoulder gently, Sakura said, "You need to lighten up, Kero-chan." she added the last bit for her own merciless pleasure. She'd break his serious control yet!
As Kero was about to teleport out, Clow Reed suddenly spoke, "One more thing, the next time you see Yue, tell him not to disregard my orders again." he grinned at Sakura's surprised look. "It was rather obvious. Normally, Yue would never do such a thing, but you seem to have this effect on the poor man. He's head over heels for you, you know."
Before Sakura could reply to THIS interesting bit of news, Kero teleported.
Meanwhile, back in Linth manor, War was currently down in the dungeons, attending to some business. "Move you half wits! I want this rubbish cleared out and moved to the East wing before dawn!"
Servants, all utterly terrified and sick to their stomachs, obeyed quickly.
War turned and surveyed his surroundings with regret. This had been such a perfect place to conduct his little experiments, and Death had to go and ruin it for him. The dungeons stank of urine and rotting, burnt, and decaying flesh. Blood was splattered on the walls, staining the stone a deep red. Stained and matted straw littered parts of the floor and giant rats ran about as they pleased, completely unmindful of the humans walking by. There were stands set in various places around the prison, and on these stands were bloody pieces of metal. Some were blunt, some sharp, and all used for torture. There were cudgels, scalpels, knives, hooks, maces, and other such things. In the cages, and the hooks sticking out from the walls, were men and women in various degrees of dismemberment. One man had been crucified to the wall, another's head had been cut off and set on a pike in front of the cages for all to see. A woman was strapped to the table. She was naked and her legs had been broken in five different places. She was missing a hand and had been severely whipped across her entire body. Blood matted what was once blond hair but was now red, and pools of the stuff had seeped down from the table and into the floor...
and she was still breathing.
War looked his little prison over and tsked. It really was a pity...where was he going to find such a place again that echoed the terrified screaming in the best possible way? "Be careful with the live ones...I'm not done with them yet."
The door to the dungeon opened and footsteps suddenly appeared on the stairs. War watched the staircase in interest, wondering who it could be. A moment later and Disease appeared, whistling a merry tune.
Strolling up to War, he grinned and said silkily, "How go's it, War?"
War didn't bother smiling in greeting to his guest. "Well enough. Why are you down here? You'll get your fine, expensive clothes dirty." he remarked lightly.
Disease tsked but otherwise ignored the barb. "So...Death got you to move them did he?" he asked, seemingly unconcerned.
War glanced at him sharply. "He did not MAKE me, no one makes me do anything." he said quietly.
Disease nodded quickly. Then he grinned. "Must have been quite a little show. What'd he threaten you with?"
"If you know what's good for you, you'll shut your mouth." War advised.
Disease shrugged. A moment of silence, then, "So who's the girl?"
War smiled slightly, showing his teeth. "Something I found in the marketplace. Quite a lovely specimen. Have you seen her?"
Disease nodded. "For a moment only, when you two first arrived on horseback. I admit she is very lovely."
"Isn't she though?" War sighed. Then shaking his head slightly, he said, "She is the only thing about humankind that does that race justice. She is most definitely a gem."
"Hm...coming from you, that sure is a compliment." Disease remarked.
War looked like he was considering something, then, "I think I'll add her to my collection." he said.
Disease smiled appreciatively, "She MUST be good then. Have you fucked her yet?"
War shook his head. "Hadn't had the time."
"Can I fuck her then?"
War looked sharply at him, "She's off limits. Besides, I think I'd rather have her preserved as a virgin, seems more...holy that way." he smiled.
Disease pouted. "Where's the fun in that?" he demanded. War glared at him. "All right! All right! It's your call. I'll find my fun somewhere else. But, uh, when are you going to do it? I want to be there." he grinned.
"Tomorrow night, I think. Yes, there's a full moon tomorrow. I like full moons."
Disease nodded. "Right. Shouldn't you be preparing for tomorrow then?" he asked.
War nodded, but then glanced about him in frustration.
"Don't worry, I'll look after this for you." Disease offered. At War's sharp look, he said, "Don't worry! I won't further damage your damaged goods!"
After a moment to consider, War nodded curtly and headed for the stairs.
Disease rubbed his hands together joyfully. "This should be fun!" and turned back to supervise the moving of bodies.
To be continued...
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I think I dislike War. He's a bloody bastard. ^_^ Good...that's what I was aiming for. Hmm...I think this turned out better than last chapter. Oh! Did you like what I did with Rage? Instead of having him fight against Clow Reed...I had him fight WITH him! Nice twist, ne? Okay, I don't know when the next chapter will be out 'cause I have exams to study for. Until then!
The thing I said I was going to put at the know...the thing I'm excited about? Well, I haven't told you, but I haven't seen the second season of Cardcaptors! You know, with Eriol? And I didn't ever think I was going to because, living in Canada and all, I don't get to see too many Japanese Anime. Well!! Guess what?!? On June 23rd...the second season is coming out on T.V.!! I get to see the second season!! YAY!!! ^_^ I'm really excited about this!! I've been going on about it since I found out. And I've seen the previews for the series and...damn!...they look good! And you know what the best part is? I get to see Yue, Yue, and more Yue!!! Hurrah! ^_^a I'm gonna go now...
One last thing, I don't know when I'll check up on the present. I'll try to get there next chapter, or the one after that. I know one of you in particular want to know what's going on there. We'll see... ~.^