Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Cardcaptors: Clow Reed's Mistake ❯ Cardcaptors: A Diamond in the Rough-Ch.21 ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By Maurynna
Author's Note: VERY IMPORTANT!! I replaced this chapter with different text because of one lousy mistake! Instead of writing 'Disease' I wrote Famine instead when Sakura was thinking about the painting of the Four Horsemen!! I had to change it back because I said Disease came off like a weasel...well Famine certainly doe NOT!! I couldn't leave it there...poor Famine! Another little boo-boo, and I thank Shevey for pointing it out. When Sakura captures War...Rage is not on the card. Geez, when I'm writing about the cards I seem to have the others stuck in my head and then I end up typing the wrong name! Hehe...^.^a Sorry.
Okay...hmm...I'm a bit stumped. You see, I have a pretty good idea how things in the past-with Sakura and Clow Reed-are going to turn out...but, I confess, I'm in a bit of a pinch with the present. Hehe ^_^a...I've been completely into the past stuff and hadn't been thinking about what's going on in the present. Well...I guess I'll have to pull myself together and type something. ^__^ Let's see how this turns out.
Now...for the beginning of my ramblings(that I'm beginning to enjoy ~.^) to my reviewers. Did I say you guys were nice in chapter nineteen!?! Wow, that's nothing compared to chapter twenty. ^.^ Again, a BIG thanks to all of you guys who make this fun!! ....... Umm... *scratches head and grins like an idiot* Shevey, I will so try to add a 'spice of romance' as you said, but probably not with the couple you think, ;). Also...I'm sorry I can't bring Sakura and Rage together!!! ^_^ It just isn't meant to be. Hey! I want them together almost, ^_^ almost..., as much as you do. Now, maybe, miraculously! you'll oh-so-kindly stop flinging it back in my face, you make me feel more than a little guilty for Rage!! HE doesn't like to be reminded either! *points finger* do you see him?! He's over there, sulking in the corner! because you've made him miserable! And we all know what happens when he's in a foul mood! *lowers voice* if he freezes my computer room, I'm blaming YOU!
Okay!! Now that we're done with the good natured teasing!! *smiles with twinkle in eye* we'll try to get things moving...^_^ I would like to thank Teardrop for her effort...:) I don't think I know the meaning of all those nasty words! I'll try to fit some of them in, even, when I've got War playing his part in this chapter. And I'm SO glad you hold him in as much high esteem as I do! ^.^ *psst!* And I do appreciate it! ~_^ Same goes for Kitty in her feelings about War.
Oh!! Do any of you have any tranquilizers? O.oa...Why you ask? I'm afraid, that ~*~Starlight Princess~*~ likes this fic a little too much...have you seen her reviews!!! I will not be responsible for death by heart attack!!! ^_^ But other than that...thank you for your enthusiasm Starlight!! ^___^
I would like to thank Ashandarei for wishing me luck on my exams! You're the best!! And I'll TRY my best!! Thank you!!!
~*~Sakura-chan~*~, ...*shakes head, exasperated* GET SOME SLEEP!!! Oi! On a school day no less?! I hope you were able to catch up on sleep in Math class ~.^ Same goes for you dreamyblue. Except, I'm sorry, but...there is no WAY War is going to be a good guy. Uh uh. Even though both of you are insomniacs!! ^.~ I thank you for reviewing nonetheless.
To Suzaku no Miko(and for everyone else, case you don't read what I write at the end of each chapter!!! ;p I can't bring Eriol in, Suzaku, on account of the fact that I haven't see the second season of know...the one with Eriol? I'm sure, though, that I'd have included him if I'd seen him. Maybe next Cardcaptor fic I write? Who knows?
Sue...those are some very great questions. ^_^ Unfortunately...they relate to future issues and I'm hesitant to say anything...but here's what I WILL say! ^.^a You're right...I have been hinting at Sakura's great power...and I do something about that...but you'll have to be patient. And as for the times that she cusses...come on...she's, what did I say? eighteen in this fic? She's still good and everything, but, an eighteen year old tends to be allowed to cuss when angry, ne? ^_^
For all of you that I didn't mention...well...I CAN'T GET ALL OF YOU IN HERE!!! Please don't feel neglected, I appreciate you guys just as much as everyone above. Again, I only take care of the, reviews. Thank you to EVERYONE who reviewed!!!
(And don't mind all my just shows that I love you all!!!)
Oi!!!!! Get ready for a LOOONNNNGG chapter! *whines* my fingers are cramped!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Cardcaptors, nor do I claim to. I am not getting paid for this so please do not sue me.
Cardcaptors: A Diamond in the Rough-Ch.21
"Come on, Tory," Madison cajoled softly, tugging on his arm. "This is more important than you know."
Tory was being dragged along towards the Avalon(Kinomoto) residence against his his opinion. They had left the fateful scene of Sakura's disappearance fifteen minutes ago. As they walked away from the place, Tory had slowly, ever so slowly, regained his thoughts and the ability to use them properly. He still didn't have the faintest clue as to what was going on...flying, talking stuffed animals, winged angels, a man straight out of a Medieval Times movie. And most unbelievable of all...his sister, Sakura, was some sort of captor, that had magic and the lot. He still didn't believe it, even with the proof to back it up. When he saw Sakura again, he HOPED he'd see Sakura again, he was going to have a nice, long, talk with her.
The further he walked, the closer he got to his home, one thought made it's way to the forefront of his mind...he was about to lie to his father. How could they have asked him, told him! to lie to his own father? And why...? to cover up the disappearance of Sakura, something, in his opinion, his father should know. And all because a little stuffed animal told him to.
He dug in his heels suddenly, right in front of his front lawn. Madison was forced to stop as well, her grip on his arm not letting her go any further. She looked up at him with a frown, and Tory couldn't help but wonder how she'd gotten messed up in this madness. "I'm not going to lie to my father, Madison." he explained, in a no nonsense tone of voice.
Madison let go of his arm, sighing in exasperation, and running her fingers through her shoulder length hair. "Look, Tory," she said slowly, "I know not much of this probably makes any sense to you right now, but you've GOT to do this."
"Why?" Tory crossed his arms over his chest and regarded her curiously, and not a bit confused. "Wouldn't it be best to let my father know? I mean, if there's any sort of truth to anything I've been told in the last little while, don't you think Sakura's family should know about it?"
Madison regarded Tory much the same way he did her, only there was no confusion in her gaze...only steely determination. "You don't understand. The reason why you can't tell Mr.Avalon is because he won't know how to handle it, like you don't know how to handle this now. Also, what do you think telling him will accomplish? Nothing besides worry. There's nothing either of you can do to help Sakura, whether you want to admit that or not. That's the other reason why you were never told. The only thing that could be gained by that is worry. Kero and Yue will find a way to bring her back, trust me. If anyone can, they can. And, unless you've gained some Magical abilities since the last time I checked, what could you do?" Madison knew she was being brutal, but she had to make him see.
Tory glanced about, unsure. Did she have to keep bringing up the fact that there was nothing he could do? She did have a point, though, and he didn't want to worry his father. However, he still couldn't get over the fact that NOT telling him was wrong somehow. "I'm telling him, Madison." he said quietly.
Tory headed towards his house resolutely and with determination, an anxious Madison trailing behind him. Opening the door, he headed straight for the kitchen where you were ALWAYS guaranteed to find Dad, seeing as how he was always baking. He was right, but Mr.Avalon wasn't baking. He was wearing his work clothes and it was obvious he was just about to go out the door and TO work.
Looking up from the cookie he had just grabbed as a quick snack on the go, Mr.Avalon took one look at Tory's face and was asking, "What's wrong?"
Tory opened his mouth, opened his mouth to tell his father everything, "Sakura's sleeping at Madison's tonight, Dad." whoa... that was NOT what he had planned to say. He could feel Madison's eyes boring a hole into back of his head and he tried to take no notice.
His father looked at him for a long moment before saying, "Why isn't Sakura here to tell me herself?" he asked.
It was Madison who replied to that, "Well...I couldn't leave Rodney, my hamster, alone in the apartment by himself...he gets lonely, don't'cha know...and...I would have watched him myself, but, getting to spend so little time with Tory, Sakura suggested I go out and spend a couple hours with him." Madison walked up beside Tory and hugged his arm. Grinning up into his stricken face, Madison reached up and pinched his cheek lightly, "Isn't that right, Touya-kun?" (couldn't write Tory-kun... didn't sound right)
Tory didn't say a word and Mr.Avalon's eyes narrowed slightly. Madison prodded him in the ribs. "Uh...yeah."
Madison smiled sweetly at Mr.Avalon. "He's shy, doesn't like to show public affection...makes him nervous."
"I didn't know you were a couple." he commented.
"Neither did I." Tory murmured quietly. Madison prodded him again.
"Well..." Mr.Avalon looked at his watch. "If Sakura should happen to call, Tory, tell her that I love her and not to stay up too late. I'll see you tomorrow."
As Mr.Avalon walked by, Tory said, "I'll tell her, Dad." and then he was out the door.
Giggling, Madison looked up through her lashed at Tory, acting coy, "So, Touya-kun...what did you think of my performance?" In truth...this was probably the only time Madison would get the chance to do something like that to she'd played it for all it was worth. She wanted to kiss him, on the cheek only! but she figured that might have been going too far, even for her. The cheek pinch had just been teasing.
In response, Tory glared at her, even though he had to admit to himself, that it was a fake glare. He'd never say so, but he had enjoyed having Madison so close to him, and had liked the way she'd said his name. "I'd better not do that again." walking into the living room, he looked over his shoulder and said, "Although, it was quick thinking." he admitted.
Madison grinned behind his back.
Sitting down on the couch, Tory felt pretty awkward being alone with Madison in his house. Whenever he's seen the girl, she'd always had his kid sister with her, and he could get over his nervousness by teasing Sakura. Now, however, he had no one to tease...except Madison, but he didn't know how she'd take that or how it would be viewed.
So, he said the one thing that came to mind, "I suppose now that you've gotten me to lie to my father, you'll be going now?" Tory winced mentally. Oh yeah, real smooth idiot.
Madison came into the living room and sat down on the chair, wanting to sit on the couch but not daring to. "I'm sorry about that, Tory, but I told you, it's for everyone's own good." then she grinned. "As for leaving..." she looked around the living room. "I like it here. Besides...where would I go? I'm not going to my apartment with no one there, I'll just end up worrying myself to death about Sakura. In case you hadn't noticed, taking helps me calm myself down when I'm nervous, and at the apartment, I'll have no one to talk to."
Tory's lips twitched. "I hadn't noticed." he said seriously, though he was amused.
"Yeah, well, not many people do...except Sakura. But she's an exception because I've known her, for like, ever! And there's no WAY I'm going back to watch those four tear each other to pieces. Boy, if you've seen Rage and Kero together...they're like oil and water...I'm not sure which is which. Besides, they'd just be talking a lot of Magic mumbo jumbo, and I don't get that stuff. So...I think I'll just stay here, that, is, if it's okay with you." Madison added as an afterthought.
"It's fine with me." Tory said, but this whole 'Cardcaptor' thing was bothering him. "You can't honestly believe this nonsense about Magic and you?"
Madison nodded. "Of course I do. Trust me, I've seen enough of it. In fact, I have almost all of Sakura's captures on film. Except for the most recent ones," she grumped. "Sakura wouldn't let me come for one and didn't tell me about the other. Hey!" she exclaimed, a thought just coming to her. "Do you want to them?"
"See what?" Tory asked, not having been paying that great attention, Madison's black, glossy hair having caught his attention.
"The videos." Madison explained calmly. "The ones of Sakura capturing the Clow cards."
"Yeah, I'd like that. Clow cards? What are those?" Tory asked, confused.
"Those, are what make Sakura a Cardcaptor. They're creatures she had to seal so they didn't cause any trouble. I'll explain later, after you've seen the videos and gotten a better idea of what they are. tapes are at my apartment, would you like to come over?" she asked shyly, fearing he'd say no.
Tory stood up. Holding out his hand to her, he said, "I'd love to."
Madison took his hand and heaved herself out of the chair. They stood, almost face to face, staring into each other's eyes and holding hands. Tory snapped out of it first, cursing his stupidity. Taking his hand back, he walked to the door and opened it for her. "Shall we go?" he asked.
Madison giggled heading out the door. "Such a gentleman."
It was Tory's turn to grin behind her back.
Rage thanked the stars that Love had slapped some sense into him earlier, literally, or he'd have been way past the breaking point now.
Right after Sakura disappeared, Rage had been shocked speechless, which didn't happen often. At first, he simply refused to believe his eyes. She couldn't just disappear, she didn't know how to teleport. Then had come the blame. He began to think it had been his fault she'd disappeared, that, he had forgotten to tell her something, that he wasn't watching her closely enough. Then Kero Beros had been kind enough to put his two cents in and he just ended up feeling worse. Then, the anger came, the rage, a welcome block against the guilt and shame assailing him from all sides. Of course, that Spawn of Clow Reed hadn't helped there, and he was back in the blame game again.
He was fearing he would drown in the guilt when another spectator made himself known. At first, Rage hadn't a clue who he was, and the thought of killing him ran through his head as something to do to relieve the guilt. Then he'd sensed the boy's aura, it had been very weak, apparently, the boy had not much Magic to speak of, if any. But the sense was clear...this was another descendant of Clow Reed.
Again, he couldn't believe what his senses were telling him, but then the boy spoke up, reveiling that Sakura was his sister! That's when the anger began to come back again...only to be swept away once more at the realization that this one knew nothing about all.
He had never had a day in his life when his feelings played such havoc with his mind. came Love's antics with the human, and even though Rage disapproved, he was amused at the same time... although, he'd never let Love know that...he'd never hear the end of it. That's when the human decided to grab Love. Knowing very well Love could have handled the boy with next to no effort, Rage still found himself with his sword drawn and against the foolish man's throat before he could think. Sometimes...the protectiveness he felt for Love exasperated the hell out of him ...and then, of course, there was the 'why' of it. He didn't know why Love evoked such protectiveness in him...Love really was a jackass.
That's when that girl...what was her name?...Sakura's best friend, Madison, had kindly reminded him that Sakura would not be too happy with him if he killed her brother. Just the thought of Sakura never talking to him again made him feel sick to his stomach. So he did the only thing he could...he let the boy go. Then Love proceeded to wink at Madison...he'd seen that.
When he'd begun to think out aloud about his thoughts on Sakura's disappearance, he only began to worry more. Kero Beros helped him in that regard by angering him once again, which was an easy feat since his worry was easily converted to anger. More thinking out loud brought his emotions under control and he succeeded in acting rationally. Lucky thing, too, or he might have missed the clues pointing to Sakura's trip through time...and then they'd still be wondering where she'd gone.
Then the boy had to open his mouth and ruin everything. His complete ignorance, bigotry, and ridiculous naivety, grated on Rage's last nerve. Having his emotions warring with him since Sakura disappeared-anger, guilt, shock, shame, surprise-he had just snapped.
That was when Love had intervened.
Love knew him so well...although Rage still couldn't figure out how. He did so well hiding his emotions, except the anger, so how did Love know so much? Anyways...Love knew exactly what was bothering him. His worry over Sakura. Love had kindly pointed out, at first, that anger would only cloud my thoughts and I wouldn't be able to find a way to bring her back. Then Rage pointed out that he couldn't get any thinking done with children(Tory) setting his temper alight. Rage thought he might have raised his sword, but he couldn't really remember. That's when Love had began speaking more intensely, telling Rage that if he didn't calm down...he'd have to resort to drastic measures. He didn't, of course...and that's when Love had done the prudent, but not so safe, thing, and slapped him.
Rage remembered his mind had just gone blank for a moment, completely shocked that Love, Love! had slapped him! Then his thoughts began rearranging themselves and got back on track.
And now, here he was, sitting down with two former Guardians of Clow Reed, trying to figure out how to bring Sakura back through time. In his opinion, his very bleak opinion, it was impossible. There was no way to cast a time spell...there just wasn't! Clow Reed had confirmed that. But...Rage would keep trying, for Sakura, he would keep trying.
Just then, right in mid sentence, Kero suddenly stopped talking and stared into space. Yue, who hadn't been talking, did likewise. I exchanged puzzled glances with Love, who shrugged, indicating Rage's guess was as good as his. Suddenly, Kero started laughing like there was no tomorrow, and Yue's face turned as pink as Rage had ever seen it. Love grinned, willing to join in on any joke, but no one seemed to be sharing. Still laughing, Kero just pointed at Yue, shaking his head. Yue sat up straighter on his air seat and attempted to pretend to ignore Kero.
When Rage judged Kero had enough breath to speak, he asked, "Would you mind sharing what's so funny?"
That sent Kero off again. In-between guffaws, Kero managed to get out, "I's safe to say...I didn't end up eating Sakura." taking a deep breath, Kero got out, "I just saw her in a memory, and judging by Yue's reaction," Kero snickered, "He saw it, too."
"What? What is it?!" Love asked, quite exasperated by now.
Kero, his face entirely straight, said, "Yue just hit on Sakura...about a thousand years in the past." and then he was laughing again.
Rage stiffened in his seat. Love glanced covertly at him from under his long eyelashes, wondering if he was going to be angry.
But Rage said nothing. He could admit that he respected Yue too much to say anything about the situation to him. Besides, by the look on Yue's face, he wasn't proud of the fact now. Instead, he decided to pick on Kero, "If you're quite finished, now, Kero Beros, may we get on with it?" Rage asked, seemingly impatient.
Kero nodded, managing to get his laughter under control. "Okay...I'm done..." he had to take several more deep breaths, though, before he could go on, "All right, since we've determined that none of us have the power of Time, then taking a short cut is out of the question. The way I figure it, then, is to either wait for the Kid to come back, see if he found anything in his texts, which I highly doubt, considering how secretive Clow Reed was on the subject...or! We can create a Time spell."
Love stared at him. "And here I thought I was the joker."
Kero glared at him. "I'm serious."
"Wizard, do you have any idea how to create new spells...from scratch?" Rage wanted to know.
"Of course I do!" Kero replied indignantly. Then he scratched his head. "But I've never actually done it before." the others sweat dropped. "Hey! Clow Reed taught me's just, I never had a reason to practice."
"Well...that helps immensely." Rage commented dryly. He watched as Kero opened his mouth to retort, waiting to see what the Wizard could think up this time...when his skull suddenly felt like it had been hit with a ton of bricks. Flinching back, Rage toppled over onto the grass, grunting from the pain in his head. The memory came after the pain did. It hadn't hurt quite so much, he mused to himself, when he'd been wearing his helmet. Without it...well...being sent a flying kick to the head full force is something you don't want to happen to you.
Love leaned over him, completely confuzzled, although Rage could tell he was worried...the damn idiot showed too much emotion through his'd be the death of him someday. " okay there, Rage?"
Sitting up, he grabbed the side of his head and glared, "I'm fine." he managed to grit out.
"What happened?" Love wanted to know.
Rage glanced around at the other two, one wary, the other concerned. "I just met Sakura for the first time...compliments of her foot. Thank God she wasn't wearing boots." he muttered.
Everyone blinked.
Smiling wryly, Rage said, "I was just delivered a roundhouse kick to the side of the head. Apparently, Sakura wasn't too happy with me." he omitted the part about being anywhere near Clow Reed, seeing as how the others, beside Yue, would never believe he ever fought for the sorcerer even if he was willing to tell them...which he wasn't.
"What were you doing with Sakura that she'd think it was necessary to harm you?" Kero asked, suspicious.
Rage narrowed his eyes at the implication. "Minding my own business, Wizard, I swear. She just thought I was dangerous because I was a card."
"But...she knows you're 'teaching' her right now and not a danger...sort of." Kero amended. The jury was still out on that one.
"She knew me in the future, Wizard, not then. For all she knew, I could have been a murderer who killed people with abandon."
"Aren't you?" Kero asked quietly.
Rage didn't reply to that.
Love, hating awkward moments-unless he was the cause of one-got the conversation rolling again. Rage paid no attention. Come back, Sakura. Find a way...before you decide to kick me again, he thought, amused.
Sakura and Kero appeared back in her room in Linth manor. Sakura hopped off Kero's back lightly, noting the fact that she didn't feel dizzy this time. Sighing to herself, she glanced around her room resolutely, cursing Clow Reed, cursing herself, and most of all, cursing War and his little pals for making her be here. She figured, as long as she didn't have to see any of the servants, or anything else, she should be relatively long as Death didn't glide by, that is.
Sakura glanced over at Kero, and, raising her eyebrow, she asked, "So...I suppose you're going to disappear now?" she asked dryly.
Kero nodded. "Of course. Do not worry, I shall be nearby and watching." he reassured her.
Sakura sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. "You know, you were a lot more fun to be around in the future." she pointed out.
To Sakura's surprise, instead of teleporting out without a comment, Kero abruptly sat down. "Is that so?" he asked, sounding amused, yet curious. "I find this all rather perplexing," he confessed, "that you could know me, and yet, I do no know you. Tell me," he said slowly, " my future self like?"
Staring at Kero for a moment, as this was the most amount of words she'd heard out of his mouth yet, Sakura slowly sat down on the chest by the foot of her bed. Scrunching up her nose in thought, she began, "You're...dedicated to your work." she started. Smiling fondly, she continued, "You were always there to help me when I needed it," she frowned, "Although, you never actually TOLD me anything you weren't supposed to. You don't look like you do now. You have a false form, something that keeps you from being noticeable by people who are near me." she smiled even more as she was about to go into more personal things. "You're a very good friend to me, Kero, one of my best friends. You have a great sense of humour but are quickly angered when your 'sensibilities' are insulted." Sakura grinned. "And you LOVE food. You can't get enough of it. Speaking of loves, you have this addiction to videogames. A sort of false reality where you can be other people, or things, and take on certain quests." she quickly explained. "Mostly, you watch out for me while always reminding me that I have many faults and you have none." she joked.
Kero sat there, staring at her. Sakura was beginning to think he wasn't going to say anything, when he finally opened his mouth, "I find this very hard to believe. That does not sound like myself at all." he pointed out, frowning.
Sakura rolled her eyes. "Apparently." she eyed him critically. "Maybe you mellow over time?" she suggested. When Kero gave her an unpleasant look, Sakura muttered, "Maybe not, maybe the word I'm looking for is cynical. Well, it's true." she said, shrugging. She grinned suddenly, making Kero a bit uneasy. "I know what you need! A good night out on the town! Well, what I mean is, you need to have some fun." she said cheerfully.
Kero looked like he thought she was insane. "And when will I have time for this? I must look after my Master."
Sakura's breath whooshed out of her in a great gust. Exasperated, she exclaimed. "Oh! Come on Kero! Clow Reed isn't going to fall apart if you're not there twenty four seven. When all of this is done and over with, I'm taking you somewhere...ooh! Yue can come, too!" she said, as an afterthought.
Kero stood suddenly, and Sakura watched him, wondering if he was going now. "I must leave you now." he said, but Sakura noted that he sounded a bit apologetic and tried not to grin. It was an improvement!
Instead, she said, "Well...what am I supposed to do for the rest of the night? You honestly can't expect me to sleep in this God forsaken place."
Kero shrugged and with an, "It's none of my concern," blinked out.
Sakura stared for a moment, and then muttered, "I'm going to get you for that." looking about her again, she couldn't help but sigh again. Gee...she seemed to be doing that a lot lately. Bending down and untying the Key of Clow from her ankle, Sakura retied it around her neck. She didn't know why she did it, she just did. Then, remembering that she was supposed to reapply that potion of Clow Reed's, Sakura walked around the side of the bed and opened her bag. Rummaging through her dresses, she took out Clow Reed's book of Magic, and then took out the vial. Putting the book on the bed, she unstoppered the vial and, very gently, placed her index finger over the rim. Then, being very careful, she upended it quickly, making sure only a little of the mixture got out, very aware of what Clow Reed hinted at would happen if she put on too much.
When that was done, she replaced the vial in her bag and hid it under her gowns. Then, picking up her book, she made a quick decision. If she had to stay here, she might as well try and make the most of it...she'd catch up on her reading. Verata Noctus Feramus. Sakura had memorized those three little words, just like Clow Reed had said. She was still immensely curious what they were for or what they do...but...she'd just have to continue being curious, because Clow Reed obviously wasn't going to tell her, or he already would have. She was very tempted to just say the words out loud, just to see what would happen, but, remembering that Clow Reed had told her not to say them until the time was right, Sakura kept them inside her head. Sakura smiled wryly. Not that NOW couldn't have been the right time for all she knew.
Sakura walked to the door that led out into the hallways. She remembered how War had said there was a garden inside the castle somewhere, Famine's garden. And, also remembering the fact that War said Death was forbidden from going there, Sakura thought it was a spectacular place to spend the night. Also, she wouldn't mind seeing a bit of greenery in this place.
Opening her door, Sakura wondered how she was going to find this place. Sakura briefly considered searching War out and asking him, then dismissed the thought for the insanity that it was and made a mental note to have her head examined when she got back to the future. Her problem was solved for her, however, when she closed the door behind her to see a servant standing quietly right beside the door.
After getting over her startlement, Sakura asked, "Could you please show me to Famine's garden, please?" she whispered. She didn't know why she whispered, but she had. Maybe it was because of the fact that she felt guilty that she was able to speak and the girl wasn't.
After nodding quickly, the girl set off. Sakura followed closely behind her, trying to ignore the intimidating stone on all sides of her that practically reeked of dark times. She was so glad walls couldn't speak. Distracting herself, Sakura began to think about what may be going on in the future. However, from no desire of hers, the image of that great painting in the dining room came unbidden to her mind. Why had War kept that painting of them all in there, where he could view it anytime he wished? Easy answer, probably form some sort of twisted sense of humour. He was a horsemen of the Apocalype...why not advertise it?
She remembered how real the thing was, how she thought the four cards in the picture could have jumped out at her at any moment. The artist was very good. Not only was his skill superb, but the detail, the likeness of each and every one of those four was entirely accurate. You could tell from the painting that War was powerful and arrogant, uncaring for any that stood in his way. Disease had his own air of danger about him, but he came off more like a weasel in the painting. Death was menacing and downright terrifying, but the sense of danger around him was a very quiet sort. Not that he was any less dangerous than War, just that, you'd never know anything was coming for you until it was too late. Sakura shuddered slightly, thinking that Clow Reed's speculation that he might have come too close to the real thing in Death, was right.
But then...then there was Famine. Out of the four of them, Famine was the only one Sakura hadn't seen up close. If the painting was anything to go by, and it was, Sakura would have to say Famine was...different. His was a patient sort of danger, kind of like Death's, but unlike the rest of the group, Famine had something they did not. As Famine had his back arched, his wild red hair blowing through the breeze, ready to let the arrow fly, there was a sort of...serenity...on his features. It wasn't peace, Sakura wasn't foolish enough to assume that, but, compared to the others, there was a calm about him.
Sakura came to a stop suddenly, going up on her tiptoes to avoid running into the girl in front of her, having not been paying attention where she was going and not taking the time to notice the girl had stopped. Curtsying slightly, the girl stood rigidly beside a set of double glass doors. Eying the girl for a moment, Sakura slowly reached forward and pushed the door open, thinking as she did so that glass in this time was very expensive and hard to come by.
Letting the door shut behind her, Sakura steeped into the room...and then stood frozen, gaping. The cold, empty gray walls of the castle were turned into a veritable greenhouse. All around her was greenery of all shades and sizes. She vaguely noticed that the floor under her feet ceased to be floor...and was, instead, green grass. Pulling herself together, Sakura walked slowly, almost reverently, down a narrow path in the foliage, going deeper into the garden. Her head turned left and right, noting all of the bright colours around her from the flowering buds on various branches of small trees. On the ground, near her feet, were several sets of flowers; daisies, petunias, geraniums, and other species she couldn't identify. There were even bunches of tall sunflowers set along this pathway. She didn't know where this path was taking her, and, to be frank, she didn't care.
If Sakura thought what she was viewing now was spectacular, that was nothing compared to what greeted her when she reached the end of the path. The greenery parted here, and the plants were swept into a circle, surrounding a clearing in what was sure to be the centre of this dense little forest. There was a babbling little brook running through here, and it emitted a nice, soothing sound as the water ran over the rocks. There were little water cresses surrounding the little pond that were sharing their chosen spaces with water lilies. Next to the pond, overshadowing it, was a small cherry blossom tree.
Smiling with delight, Sakura bent down and placed the book clutched in her arms on the soft grass. Then, as a second thought, she took off her soft shoes and put them beside the book. Grinning, she wriggled her toes between the cool blades of grass. Looking around bemusedly, Sakura caught sight of some pink, white, and red roses among the edges of her little hollow. Stepping up to them, she grasped hold of one, very gently, and inhaled deeply, her smile melting into one of bliss as she caught the alluring scent. Spotting some yellow tulips that matched her dress, Sakura moved over to them. Sitting down on her knees, she leaned towards them with the same intent she had with the roses.
Sakura sat back in surprise as, when she neared one of the flowers, something came darting out of it. Her surprise turned to awe, though, when she realized what the thing was. It was a hummingbird. Watching in amazement, Sakura stared at the little bird, it's wings flapping a mile a minute, in complete stillness, not wanting to scare it away. The little myriad of colours hung in the air, just in front of her face, darting from left to right. Sakura wasn't sure, but she could have sworn the bird was watching her much as she was watching it. After a few minutes of observing each other, Sakura finally got up the nerve to try and touch it. Lifting up her hand, slowly, she extended her index finger towards the creature. She was so close, merely a few centimetres from the bird's feathers, and the little thing waited, regarded her curiously, no fear evident in it's stance.
"I see you like my hummingbird."
Sakura whirled around at the quiet voice, the hummingbird darting away from her. Famine crouched near the pond, his hair in a loose ponytail, watching her curiously, if a little bit warily. He wore no shirt and his skin was bronzed from being in the sun for long periods of time. He wore buckskin breeches, much like those indians in the movies, and he had doeskin moccasins covering his feet.
Sakura swallowed a scream and couldn't help but feel she was in trouble now. She watched him for any sudden movements, fighting the urge to reach up and grab her Key. He didn't move, and neither did she, so there they sat, staring at each other.
The little hummingbird Sakura had been admiring a few moments before suddenly darted back into view. It flew straight towards Famine and settled comfortably on his bare shoulder, chirping happily. Famine absently reached up and stroked the bird's chest affectionately, gazing at her all the while. "I'm sorry, My Lady," he said quietly, "I did not mean to startle you."
Sakura continued to stare, but this time, it wasn't so much from wariness as it was from startlemement. At first, when the bird had flitted over to Famine, Sakura had been deathly afraid for it, fearing Famine would crush the poor thing as soon as it got within arm's length. Imagine her surprise when, with infinite gentleness, Famine had simply reached up and pet the creature.
"Um..." Sakura said for lack of anything better, the single syllable sounding more like a squeak. "I...I didn't know anyone was in here."
Famine smiled a bit shyly, "That was my aim, if you had known I was here, I would be very embarrassed."
Sakura eyed him a moment, wondering at his almost...shy attitude. Determining he was no threat, for now, Sakura settled down on the grass. "My name's Sakura," she said softly, "What's yours?" she asked, sticking to the playbook.
"Why are you here?" Famine asked curiously, not answering Sakura's question.
Sakura blinked. At any other time, Sakura would have considered his abrupt change in topic rude, but...the question had been phrased so softly, so curiously, that Sakura found it impossible to take any offense. "I...wanted to find someplace quiet and out of the way so that I could be alone." she confessed honestly. For some reason, she wasn't picking up any danger signs from this card, nor did he make her extremely nervous as the others' did...namely War.
Famine didn't say anything at first, just crouched there, staring at her, blinking every thirty or so seconds. Then, as if suddenly coming to some sort of internal decision, he said in that quiet way of his, "My name is Famine."
Smiling gently, like she would when approaching a skittish horse, Sakura murmured, "What an odd name."
Famine wrinkled his nose slightly and sat down, sitting cross-legged. "I didn't exactly have a choice in what I was to be named." he smiled thoughtfully, "But you get used to it."
Sakura smiled at him, she really couldn't help it. There was something...nice...about this man, as insane as that sounded, considering he was one of the Forgotten and all. Not to mention the fact he was in cahoots with War, Disease, and Death.
The hummingbird had hopped off Famine's shoulder and was now sitting on his wrist, eyes closed blissfully as Famine continued to pet it. Sakura noticed that Famine kept glancing in her direction every so oftten, and then looked back down at the bird quickly, frowning slightly. At first, she thought this was because he was suspicious of her. But then, thinking about it, Sakura realized he just didn't know what to say to her. She wanted to smile comfortably at him, but she didn't think he'd take it too well and only view the gesture as patronizing. So, instead, she said,
"Maybe I should go."
"No!" Sakura, in the motion of getting up, abruptly sat back down, blinking at Famine in bewilderment. Sighing, exasperated with himself, Famine looked all around them, as if willing the right words out of the air and straight into his mouth. "It-it's been, a long time since...since I spoke with anyone...remotely hospitable." he said, sighing again.
Sakura's mouth formed a silent Oh of comprehension. Looking into sea green eyes much like her own, Sakura's suspicions were only confirmed. Famine was lonely...but he would never admit it. Clow Reed may have been right when he said Famine cherished his solitude, this garden was testament to that, but, even the most secluded of people crave human contact at some time or another. Sakura didn't think that with companions like Death, Famine got in too much conversation time.
So, smiling as gently as possible, Sakura murmured, "I like your garden. How did you manage to grow all of these exotic plants? Some of them, by rights, are impossible to grow this far north."
Famine looked at her for a few moments before the tension seemed to drain out of his shoulders. Shrugging uncomfortably, he said, "It was not so difficult. Besides, when you have Magic, growing these plants was easier than growing them the old fashioned way."
Eyes widening in fake astonishment, Sakura murmured, "Magic?"
Shrugging, he said, "Yes." then, leaning forward, the hummingbird taking flight and disappearing into the bushes, he planted his thumb firmly onto the ground. Leaning forward herself, Sakura watched him curiously, wondering what he was up to. His thumb began to glow, a light, green light surrounding it, and Sakura watched, fixated. Glancing up into Famine's eyes, Sakura noted that they had darkened and turned to a forest green. Pulling away his thumb, Famine sat back with a satisfied air about him. In the spot where his thumb had been, a little sprout began to slowly make it's way out of the grass. As Sakura watched, the little thing grew until it was about fifteen centimetres from the ground, a little bulb forming at the top. Sakura blinked, startled, as the bulb suddenly flew open, a yellow flower unfolding from the green shelter it had been incased in.
"I tried to get the colour just right." Famine murmured, glancing at her yellow gown.
Sakura's gaze remained on the flower. "It's beautiful." she said honestly. Pulling her eyes from the small flower, Sakura looked up at Famine.
Ducking his head slightly, Famine said, almost too quietly for Sakura to hear, "I am happy you like my sanctuary."
"How could I not?" Sakura looked down at the flower, "God, I wish I could do that." she was thinking of her inability to create Magic of her own and perform spells, but she figured Famine would take it to mean that, because she was human, she had no Magic, period. Which was just as well.
Switching the subject, uncomfortable with Sakura's praise, Famine said, "How did you get here?" he wondered. Sakura's head snapped up in his direction, but there was only curiosity in his gaze. "I mean, there really aren't any people living here." he explained.
"Well, War brought me here." Sakura said, watching for Famine's reaction.
Famine's gaze became shuttered. "War...brought you?" he repeated, his voice suddenly hardening.
"Yes, he really has been very kind." Sakura lied, eying Famine.
"Is that so?" Famine's gaze was distant and it looked like he was thinking of something. His mouth was set in a downward arc as he said, "Has War mentioned anything about a ceremony, or anything of the sort?" Famine asked slowly.
Sakura's brow furrowed. Looking at him in puzzlement and wondering at Famine's sudden swift change of expression, Sakura said, "No. Why?"
"Has he mentioned his collection at all?" he asked, ignoring her question.
By now, Sakura was as curious as hell. Why was Famine asking all these questions? What was the point to it all? "No. Why?" she asked again.
Famine shook his head slightly and smiled. "It does not matter. But, if War should happen to offer you a tour of his collection, politely refuse." Famine advised seriously. Sakura opened her mouth to try and ascertain the reason for Famine's odd line of questioning, but Famine's attention suddenly fixed itself to something just below her chin. "That odd piece of jewelry you are wearing." he commented.
Sakura's hand moved up and reflexively covered the Key of Clow. She had forgotten she was wearing it! Trying to act casual, Sakura said, "Yes, it was a gift, from my father." she said lamely.
Famine arched an eyebrow but said nothing. Finally, he commented, "It is unique." and that was all.
A bit unnerved, Sakura said the first thing that popped into her head, "Don't you get lonely here?" then her eyes widened in horror as she realized what she'd just uttered. "I mean! don't have to answer, I don't want to pry..."
Famine shook his head at her, chuckling softly. "It is all right. I do not mind." staring in to the trees over her head, Famine said, "I think it is about time I told my life story, as it were, to someone." he smiled wryly at her. "I have my trees, and my animals, and Cherlindrea," when Sakura looked at him in puzzlement, he clarified, smiling, "My hummingbird." Sakura grinned. "And while I care for these creatures of nature, I fear that, they are not enough." he grimaced slightly, thinking. "I do not particularly care for large crowds or many people, but I also do not mind sitting down and talking with just one person."
"Like me." Sakura said softly.
Famine's gaze slid towards Sakura and then quickly back up into the trees again. "All of this time, living with characters like War, Death, and Disease...I do not care for them." he finished lamely, looking sheepish.
"Then, why do you stay with them?" Sakura asked, exasperated but not letting it show. Famine, even though he was one of the Four Brothers, seemed like a nice guy. So what was he doing with the other three? Famine opened his mouth and Sakura leaned forward, wanting to hear the answer.
" not have anywhere else to go." he looked down at the ground and his eyes were infinitely sorrowful.
Sakura sat, frowning at him. "Surely you have somewhere to go. Someone you must know." Sakura stressed, thinking of Clow Reed. If Rage could make the decision not to betray Clow Reed, so could Famine.
Famine looked up at her, meeting Sakura's eyes for a very rare moment. "I did have someone...once." he sighed wearily, staring into the pond. "But that does not matter. I can never go back to that person."
If Sakura leaned forward any more, she'd be face to face with the ground. "Why not?" she asked softly.
"I have done too many things, betrayed his trust too much. He would never take me back. Never. He is the epitome of goodness and light, and I...I have shadows surrounding my very soul."
They sat in silence for a time, Sakura staring at her hands in her lap thoughtfully, Famine staring blankly into space. Finally, shaking herself out of her funk, Sakura made a decision. Putting all of her emotion into her next words, and throwing caution to the wind, she said earnestly, "He would take you back, you know." awareness came back into Famine's green eyes and he fixed Sakura with an intense look. "No matter what you've done, he'd forgive you. As long as he knows you regret what you've done. You shouldn't be here, Famine, you don't belong here." she finished quietly. And, Sakura thought, he really didn't belong here.
Famine continued to stare at Sakura, all of his awkward shyness apparently forgotten, trying to get inside her head. Noticing this, and thinking perhaps, that she'd made a huge mistake, Sakura laughed nervously and looked everywhere at once. "I mean, I'm sure that whatever you've done, it can't be nearly as bad as you say. And...I'm sure that this...person, whoever he is, would forgive you."
Famine, his gaze unreadable, didn't say anything. His gaze moved down and his eyes narrowed on Sakura's Key. Then, his eyes moving over her face and taking in the colour of her hair, he seemed to scrutinize every inch of her. Sakura sat in silence trying not to fidget, waiting for some sort of reaction.
Famine blinked, and then, shrugging, reclined back on his elbows and seemed to forget about the whole thing. Watching him in bemusement, Sakura relaxed a little. They both sat in companionable silence, just thinking. Sakura figured she should have felt uncomfortable because of who Famine was, that and the fact that she was never a quiet person to begin with, but just sitting here, listening to the babbling brook and the sound of songbirds off somewhere in the trees...Sakura couldn't imagine another place she'd rather be.
Famine snapped out of his thoughts and he turned his head in the direction of the path. Before Sakura could wonder what had grabbed Famine's attention, War came striding into the little hollow, a look of distaste on his face. His eyes lighting upon Sakura, he said, "Ah, my dear, there you are. And I see that you" War nodded his head at Famine and smiled, though it looked so much like a sneer. Famine regarded War without expression. "Whatever are you doing here?" he asked, addressing Sakura.
Reaching over and grabbing her slippers, Sakura said, "I was just leaving." she glanced covertly at Famine, trying to say good bye with her eyes. Lips twitching, Famine nodded almost imperceptibly.
War looked from Famine to Sakura. "Good," he said at last, "It is late, or early, depending on how you want to view things. I think it is far past time you retired. You're going to need your sleep, we have a long day tomorrow."
Shoes on, Sakura stood up and looked at War curiously. "Do we? What are we doing?"
"It is a surprise." War said vaguely, smiling with his own secret. Extending his arm to Sakura, he waited.
Placing her hand in the crook of his elbow, Sakura took one last look at Famine, the one nice person in this entire place, and then left.
Famine watched the trees where Sakura had disappeared. Then, looking down at an object in the grass, Famine raised his eyebrow. Picking up Clow Reed's book that Sakura had forgotten with the appearance of War, Famine stared at the cover and it's title. His gaze returning to the path, he tapped the book with his index finger, an amused smile playing about his lips.
The next morning, Sakura woke up to the sunlight streaming in through the window by her bed. Sitting up slowly and letting out a huge yawn, Sakura pulled the covers off of her and heaved herself out of bed. Walking like a zombie over to the washbasin, which the servants had filled earlier that morning, Sakura stuck both her hands in the water, cupped them together, and splashed the water over her face.
Sucking in a sharp breath, Sakura cursed and exclaimed, "That's cold!" fully awake now. Blinking, Sakura looked around her room, trying to remember where she'd put her bag. Finally locating it in the chest at the foot of her bed, Sakura opened it and extracted her sky blue gown, the yellow one having been taken by the servants to be cleaned after she had gone to bed yesterday.
Currently, she was only dressed in a shift, the one she had worn under her dress the day before. To Sakura, it was like wearing one REALLY big undershirt. Sitting down on the edge of her bed, Sakura began loosening the strings on the gown so that she'd be able to actually fit into the thing...not that she exactly fit into the other one. Sakura made a wry face.
Yue suddenly appeared out of the blue right in the middle of her floor. They stared at each other for a moment before Sakura yelled, "Yue! Get OUT!!"
His cheeks flushed, Yue abruptly whirled around, "I am sorry, Mistress! I did not know."
Glaring at his back, Sakura quickly began pulling the gown on. "Yeah, well...can't you like, knock or something before you orb in here?"
Yue, back in his white ceremonial robes once more, quickly explained, "Kero Beros had just gotten back to the Master's labyrinth and it was time to change shifts. I had not thought that you might be...Kero Beros had said you were still sleeping..." he said, flustered.
Sighing in half exasperation, half amusement, Sakura said, "It doesn't matter, Yue, truly. But, since you're here," Sakura turned her back and asked, "Can you help me tie this thing? It's annoying as hell."
Yue immediately turned around and began fastening the lace strings on the gown from almost her tailbone to her shoulder blades. Sakura grinned, knowing Yue couldn't see her, as she wondered how it was that Yue knew HOW to lace up women's garments. Yue didn't say a word throughout the entire thing, but Sakura noticed his hands were shaking slightly. She decided it might be prudent if she didn't mention that fact.
Tying the last string into place, Yue stepped back as Sakura turned around. After staring for a second, Yue abruptly shook his head as if clearing it, and got down to business. "Have you anything you'd like me to tell the Master, Mistress?"
Walking over to the bed, Sakura sat down with a thoughtful frown. After grabbing the Key of Clow from the table by her bed, where she'd put it after taking it off, Sakura asked, "Yue? Have you ever met Famine?"
Yue gazed at her questioningly, but when Sakura didn't volunteer an explanation, he said, "No, I have not met him directly. I've seen him on the battlefield and from afar, but we've never come across each other." tilting his head to the side, Yue asked, "Why, Mistress?"
Sakura shrugged slightly. Thinking back to yesterday, she smiled slightly. She had to admit, she liked Famine. He was all right. Judging by his facial expression when they'd talked yesterday, Sakura thought he was rather regretful of his situation. In Sakura's opinion, she thought Famine would much rather not be here at all. But, the fact is...he IS here, and his guilt won't allow him to go back to Clow Reed. Sakura grimaced. Yes, when Famine had been talking about that one person who he knew in the past...she knew he had meant Clow Reed. Apparently, he thought that because of the things he'd done with the other three cards, he was no longer good enough to fight with the sorcerer. To Sakura...that sounded like a load of bull. But then, she wasn't inside Famine's head and didn't know how he thought. All she knew was that he wasn't going to allow himself to go back. Of course, the real question was, why did he leave in the first place? If he regretted his decision so much now, why had he left in the first place? Sakura didn't think she'd ever know, she doubted Clow Reed himself knew.
Blinking herself back to the present, Sakura took in the absolutely confuzzled look on Yue's face. "I just...don't think Famine is like the other three."
Yue frowned. "Mistress, I may not know him, but I can assure you, his actions speak louder than anything else. If his battles alongside War, Death, and Disease do not prove he belongs with them, I do not know what does."
Sakura shook her head. "You don't understand." sighing in frustration, she said, "It's hard to explain. If you listen to him speak, watch him and the calmness that seems to surround him almost as thickly as sadness does..." Sakura trailed off.
Yue watched her, concerned. "Mistress, you must be very careful with Famine. You should not heed anything those four say. Famine is one of the best in concealing himself, I would imagine that applies to his emotions just as well. If he did not want you to see something, or if he wanted you to see something specific, then you would only see what he would let you."
Tying the Key of Clow around her ankle, keeping in mind that War was planning on seeing her today, Sakura said, "It is possible you're right, Yue. But I don't think you are." straightening back up, she looked him square in the eye.
Yue nodded slightly, "Whatever you decide, of course, is the best course. But what I said still stands."
Smiling at him, she said quietly, "Thank you, Yue."
Just then, a knock sounded at the door. Turning her head slightly, thinking it was a servant, Sakura was about to yell that she'd be just a minute, when a voice sounded through the door,
"Sakura? My dear, I hope you're awake for it is late."
Sakura winced. War. Great.
Sakura turned around to tell Yue to go, but he had already gone. Sakura took a deep breath and took a step towards the door. Halfway there, she felt like she was forgetting something. Stopping as a sense of dread seemed to assail her, Sakura tried to think what she might be missing.
"Sakura?" War sounded like he was quickly losing patience.
Then it struck her...the potion! Sakura looked over her shoulder, ALL the way back across the room, her eyes wide in the beginnings of panic. Clow Reed had said to reapply it every twelve wasn't quite twelve hours yet, but it would be soon. Sakura stood, like a deer caught in the headlights, trying to decide whether or not she could make it back, take her bag out of the chest, find the vial, put everything back, and make it to the door without looking suspicious.
"Sakura! Are you all right, my dear?"
"Just a minute!" Sakura called, making a split decision, already turning to get the potion. "I have to get something!"
The door opened suddenly, and War strode through, unmindful of the fact that he'd just come in without an invite. Smiling, he greeted, "Ah! Good morning, Sakura." his smile widened when he noticed Sakura's stricken expression. "Ready for that surprise I promised you?"
"Uh..." Sakura said lamely, stalling, "Of course, War, just give me a moment while I go and get something."
Walking forward, War gently took Sakura's elbow in his grip and tsked. "Nonsense, my dear. What could you possibly need? Whatever it is you can get it later." he said, ushering her to the door.
"But..." Sakura stuttered.
"Nevermind that, Sakura. Come, must see something."
Quelling any other protests that tried to lodge their way up through her throat, Sakura went quietly.
Walking towards the huge staircase that led from the second floor to the first, Sakura thought that whatever War wanted to show her, must be on the first floor. She hoped that whatever it was, she would see it, say it was nice, and then high tail it back up to her room to put on the perfume. Much to her surprise, however, they walked right by the staircase with slowing their stride.
Looking back over her shoulder, Sakura asked, "Where are we going? I thought we were going downstairs."
War, who had been unnaturally quiet, smiled distractedly, apparently lost in his thoughts. "I do not think you have had time to explore the east wing. That is where we are going. I reside in the east wing."
Deciding it would be unhealthy to start pulling her hair out from frustration, Sakura settled for sulking in silence, angry over the lack of sharing War seemed to be doing with this 'surprise' of his. That was another thing...even though Sakura suspected that War was a lot more friendly, or appeared to be, with her than he probably was with other women...she didn't think she was getting much of anywhere. She was supposed to get War to trust her, right? well...she wasn't doing too well. She didn't know if that was because of something to do with her, or, as she suspected, War never trusted anyone...period.
Walking down a long corridor without tapestries, candles, tables, or carpets...Sakura frowned, wondering why this part of the castle seemed so bare. "War, why isn't this part of the castle furnished like the rest?" she asked, deciding there was no harm in following through with her thoughts.
Turning the corner, War waited until they had stopped in front of two, huge, double doors with some sort of winged demons in the centre of both wood structures. Turning towards Sakura and smiling brilliantly, War said, "Why, because, Sakura, I cannot tolerate any sort of form of beauty within my sight that does not live up to my standards. Most attempts to create beautiful things turn out to be nothing but...insults to the real things." War sneered, obviously getting caught up in his ranting.
"Oh." was all Sakura could say, thinking War would do just fine locked up in some mental institution.
"But," War said, coming back to the real world, "That is one reason why I have brought you here." at Sakura's puzzled look, War smiled, a gleam in his eye. "Would you like to see my collection Sakura?"
Warning bells went off in Sakura's head as she remembered what Famine had said about War's collection. Politely decline, he said. Well...she'd try. "War, I-I really don't have time. I should be asking around the marketplace, try to determine how long it will be before my Aunt gets word of my predicament." she lied smoothly.
War waved away her dismissal impatiently. "Nonsense. That can wait."
Raising his hand, palm towards the door, war muttered a few words under his breath. With a red shimmer, a force Sakura hadn't been aware of being there before, made itself known. It lasted but a second, and then vanished. "Just a little something that ensures no one but myself should...accidentally, stumble into my sanctum unawares." he explained without Sakura asking. Then he placed both hands against each door and pushed the heavy wood open.
With not so subtle urging, War prodded Sakura into the room. Sakura stood inside, blinking owlishly in the complete pitch black. No lights shone in the room and Sakura had just enough time to feel more than a bit nervous about why she was alone with War in a pitch black room. Then the lights blazed on suddenly, more than a hundred candles flaring to life with no small amount of Magical assistance. Sakura shut her eyes tightly, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness. When her eyes were good enough to take the light, she opened them...and stared. She felt like she'd just stepped into a museum.
All around her were glass cases standing on thick, wooden stands. Inside the cases were an assortment of various items from one place in the world or another...and all beautiful enough to take Sakura's breath away. There were paintings, sculptures, tapestries, vases, statues, and too may other things Sakura couldn't name. Moving farther into the room, the objects fascinating her so much that she forgot who she was here with, Sakura noticed that as she went the objects got larger in size. When she was fairly close to the end of the room, she began to the inanimate objects began falling away, and Sakura began to encounter living things.
Parts of plants were kept in the glass cases, and Sakura quickly noticed things like roses, orchids, and lilies. Wondering how War managed to keep the flowers alive, Sakura walked on. The next 'exhibit' practically had Sakura's mouth hanging open... there, separated from the other cases, in a class all it's own...was a white tiger. As bright as any light and the exact colour of snow, the beast was very impressive and quite large. Walking over to the glass, Sakura reached her hand up and traced the outlines of it's fur near it's face. In her time...War could get a life's worth for this, white tigers were nearly extinct.
Turning her attention to the case right beside this one, Sakura took in the next display with just as much wonder. These cases had no podium to stand on and went down straight to the floor, like those cages in Superman when Lex tried to clone him. Which was a good thing, too, otherwise, Sakura didn't think there would be enough room to house this display. A sleek, black, Arabian stallion stood, rearing it's hind legs in this case. It's eyes were intense and it almost looked alive, it's lips were pulled back from his teeth and Sakura thought this horse looked ready to come down on someone full force. His coat was full and thick and shone with black radiance. This horse easily stood feet above Sakura's head, and even if it hadn't been rearing, Sakura thought it would still stand feet above her.
Sakura turned from the cases and saw War standing directly behind her. Swallowing a gasp at her surprise, and remembrance that he was still here, Sakura asked, instead, "How do you get such a likeness from these creatures.'s almost as if they're alive. It must have cost a fortune to have these made."
War's lips twitched. "Have them made?" he murmured. Shrugging, he said, "I guess you could put it that way. They are remarkable, are they not?"
"Yes." Sakura said quietly. She noticed an empty space beside the stallion's case, and Sakura supposed at any other time, it could be considered just another spot on the floor. However, Sakura suspected something was supposed to be there. Turning to War, she inquired, "Are you putting another display case in?" Sakura really liked his collection and was beginning to wonder why Famine had been so serious when warning her away from it.
" could say that." War said quietly.
"What do you plan to put here?"
Gesturing towards the spot, War said, "Why don't you read the inscription and find out?"
Looking back to the spot, Sakura saw a sort of sign post standing erect on the floor. To be honest, Sakura had to admit that every display case here had one of those, and they all had the names of the objects in the was just that Sakura had been too preoccupied to notice.
With a backward glance at War, Sakura moved slowly towards the sign, her curiosity getting the better of her. Reaching the sign, she stood directly in front of it and looked down, reading the inscription. In bold, gold letters, CHERRY BLOSSOM stood out. Sakura thought that was nice, she liked the trees herself, then she noticed something else was written just below that...SAKURA.
The only thing Sakura managed to do was whirl around before War had lifted his hand and said an incantation that had the air shimmering around her. Then, the air solidified and changed into the same glass casing that surrounded eveything else in this room. Pounding on the glass with her fist, Sakura yelled, "Let me go!"
War, a smile of pure triumph and glee on his face, strolled up to the case and just stared at Sakura until she stopped pounding on the glass. Then, "You're beautiful when you're angry."
Sakura glared at him, anger and panic warring for dominance of her emotions. "Let me out of here." she said more calmly, her teeth gritted together.
War shook his sadly. "I'm afraid I cannot do that, my dear." he said, sounding sad. Then he grinned and dispelled the illusion. "I thought you liked my collection, Sakura? And you, being the most beautiful thing in this room, belong here."
"I belong where I choose. And I certainly don't belong to you."
"Sakura, everything of true beauty belongs to me." War said, as if this was law. "You should be proud! I am a very picky critic."
"Let me out." Sakura said again.
"I'm doing you a favour, my poor girl. You see, this is a two way deal. Not only will I be able to gaze upon you for all eternity, but you will not age in there. I will cast a spell that shall put you into an eternal sleep, and while you sleep, you shall lose none of the perfection of your youth. So really, we both get something out of this."
"Yeah...I get to be gawked at for a thousand years or more while in a coma...oh yeah, I can see the benefits." Sakura said sarcastically.
War shook his head, exasperated. "You really do not get it. No matter, you really do not have a choice in the matter."
"Like hell I don't." anger was winning over the panic, mostly because Sakura knew Yue was somewhere nearby, and that any second now, he'd be coming to save why wasn't he here yet?
The case next to her caught her attention again and Sakura stared at the horse, wondering if they'd be neighbors for the next millennia, wry humour making itself known. The horse's eyes caught her gaze again, and Sakura still couldn't get over the fact of how real they looked at War in dawning horror. "They were alive. You put those poor creatures here when they were alive."
War looked at her as if to say, 'Duh!' "Of course, the only way to capture their true beauty is to get them alive. If you trap them dead, they're essence had already gone or is fading fast, along with their appeal." War raised his hand again, "Now, say good night Sakura. I'll be visiting you every day, I promise you."
Sakura glared stubbornly at him, was in truth was very afraid. So much for Yue...if she ever saw him again, she'd let him have it. Same went for Clow Reed for getting her into this mess. And she'd have to thank Famine for trying to warn her about this, even if she hadn't heeded that warning.
War opened his mouth to start the spell...but never got a chance to utter the words. A soft plunk, and then an arrow had embedded itself into War's hand. Sakura stared and War swore. Yanking out the arrow with apparently no concern over the fact that his hand was bleeding, War looked around for the intruder, looking quite pissed.
Famine materialized a few metres away from War, bow in hand, another arrow already nocked and ready to fly. The other arrow had been an ordinary one, but the tip of the arrow on this one glowed with a blue light. Sakura did not doubt that arrow was meant for something other than a hand.
"Famine!? What is the meaning of this?" War demanded. He started to raise his other hand.
Famine moved his bow so that if he let the arrow go it would thud right into War's heart. "I wouldn't do that, War." Famine advised softly. "I can get this, and two more arrows into you before you have time to create a fireball." War's face tightened with fury. "Let her go, War." Famine said into the silence.
With that last statement, the anger seemed to drain out of War. Smiling politely at Famine, he said, "Why, I did not know you had designs on her, Famine. But, you see, she's mine. I found her first."
"Let her go, War." Famine repeated quietly.
Snarling suddenly, War tensed, "If you want her, you'll have to fight me for her." and with a flick of his wrist, the glass cases all around Famine exploded outwards, showering him in a rain of glass.
Famine was distracted for a mere second, but that was all War needed. Springing forward, War tackled Famine, sending bow and arrow sliding across the floor. Sakura watched as they grappled with each other on the floor, taking the time to transform her Key into her wand while they were distracted. Bringing the wand back enough, Sakura swung it forward and sent it crashing into the glass. It didn't so much as vibrate. Hitting it twice more before determining that she wouldn't be able to break it, Sakura cursed the glass and crossed her arms over her chest.
Meanwhile, War seemed to have gotten the upper hand on Famine. Both hands around Famine's throat, War was choking him to death. Sakura watched in trepidation. She didn't know why Famine was trying to save her, but she didn't want him to die.
Just then, Famine disappeared. War, who had been on top of him, fell about an inch to the floor and bumped his elbows, sending sparks of pain through his nerves. Sitting up, he looked everywhere about him and growled, "Come out Famine! Fight like a man! Not some bloody shadow."
Sakura glanced about her, trying to determine where Famine had gone to, and hoping he hadn't decided she wasn't worth this and left. Both War's hands were covered in a red light now, and he stood still, tense, listening for any sign of the invisible Famine. The bow and arrow of Famine's that had been thrown to the ground suddenly disappeared, and War immediately sent a ball of red energy to the exact spot where it was. With a thud, the energy ball connected with flesh and Famine's cloak of invisibility vanished and he was sent crashing into the wall with a grunt. War sent another energy ball careening towards the motionless Famine, but Famine didn't stay there to see if he could tolerate another such blast.
Ducking and rolling, Famine managed to nock another blue tipped arrow on his bow and as he came out of the roll, sent the arrow flying into War's chest with an echoing thoing from the bowstring. Everyone froze. War looked down at the arrow in his chest disbelievingly. Then, looking back up at Famine, he slowly sunk to his knees, then fell backwards to lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling.
Famine got up from his crouch slowly. Once back on his feet, he vanished his bow and looked at Sakura, Sakura stared back at him silently. Walking over to the glass, Famine seemed to examine it, looking for a flaw.
"What do you plan to do with me now that you have me?" Sakura asked suddenly.
Famine looked at her, blinking, as if the question made no sense. "Do? I don't plan to do anything." and he went back to staring at the glass.
Sakura frowned at him, not entirely sure she believed him. "Yeah, right. You just shot your partner there with an arrow, you can't tell me you saved me for the sake of saving me. That doesn't make any sense."
"Do things always have to make sense?" Famine asked quietly, not looking at her.
Sakura shrugged. "It would be nice."
"Believe me, My Lady, there was no love lost between War and myself." he said, still looking at the glass. "I have been wanting to do that for the longest time, but never had enough of a reason to, nor an opportunity."
Sakura looked at War's prone form. "Is he dead?" she asked quietly.
Famine looked at War then back at Sakura. "No, merely paralyzed. I put a spell on my arrow to make it so." Famine chuckled softly. "To tell you the truth, I do not know if my kind CAN die, we heal very quickly." shaking his head suddenly in exasperation, Famine muttered, "I do not think I will be able to get you out of this. War is the only one who knows how to undo what he did. I am sorry."
Sakura sighed, frustrated, "Great. Well...I'll just sit here for a few hundred years while you try and figure this out." she joked. Famine didn't smile. "I know, I know...bad joke. Well...what's to be done? Couldn't you...get someone from the outside to help?" she asked, not mentioning who would be able to break this enchantment.
Famine shook his head. "There is a shield around this room, no one can get in, and if I leave, I will not be able to get back in."
"Then how did you get in here in the first place?" Sakura wanted to know.
"I simply followed both of you in when War let down the shield so you could get in."
"Figures." what she wouldn't give to be able to teleport right now. "Couldn't you just...remove the paralyze spell from War and kindly convince him to let me out of here?" Famine looked at her like she was mad. Sakura sighed. "Okay...again, bad idea."
Sakura stood there, thinking. She didn't know exactly know how to go about thinking about this, considering how there was no way she could get out of here. So she stood there, mind blank, a big fat nothing coming into her head. But that wasn't entirely true...something was in her head...right in the corner. That phrase from Clow Reed's book. Verata Noctus Feramus. Sakura tried to ignore the words, but they wouldn't go away. In fact...the harder she tried to ignore them, the more persistent they became in trying to get her attention. Sakura had a sudden urge to say them...but remembered Clow Reed told her not to say them until the time was the time right?
Getting frustrated because she couldn't think of a way out of here, couldn't get those stupid words to stop circling in her head, and angry because she had been stupid enough to let her guard down around War, Sakura finally snarled, "Fine!" startling Famine enough that he stared at her with wide eyes. "Verata Noctus Feramus! There! Are you happy?" she demanded of the words.
Suddenly, Sakura disappeared. Just as quickly, she reappeared, outside of the glass. Sakura blinked dumbly for a moment, not entirely sure what just happened. Famine slowly turned from the glass and looked at Sakura. Then, just as slowly, turned back to look at the glass again. A frown marring his face, he asked, "How did you do that?"
Sakura, coming back to herself, snorted and said, "You're asking me?"
Shrugging as if the it did not matter any longer, Famine went over to stand above War, looking down into the card's face. Sakura joined him.
War's face was firmly set in a scowl, his head the only thing he was able to move. Glaring up at Famine, he demanded, "Why?"
Famine had his arms behind his back, clasped together, and he shrugged. "I could not let you imprison the Daughter of Clow Reed." [1]
Sakura's eyes widened almost as much as War's...almost. "What?" he whispered incredulously.
"How did you know? And what are you going to do with me now?" Sakura asked him.
Famine glanced at her. Smiling wryly, he said, "I do not know why I did not catch it at first. You are so much like him," Sakura snorted in disbelief and Famine grinned. He quickly squelched the grin, though, and continued, "Also, I knew that necklace of yours seemed familiar." Sakura glanced at her Clow wand. "I admit, it looks nothing like Clow Reed's staff now, but it is undoubtedly his. And, of course, there was the fact that you seemed to know more than you said you did, especially when I was speaking about him." Famine held out his hand towards Sakura, and a book suddenly appeared in it. "And, of course, there was this."
Sakura took the book from him with wide eyes. "Thank you." she whispered, not knowing what else to say.
Brushing away the apology, Famine said, "Are you going to seal him?"
"Right." Sakura said, putting the book down and raising the Clow wand.
War's eyes widened further. "Sakura! No! Wait! I can, we can make a deal! You could rule the world with me, be my Queen! You can't do this to me! I'm War, Horseman of the Apocalypse! You cannot seal me! I'll break free, you can be sure of that!" War ranted, incensed.
"Not this time." Sakura whispered. "War card! Return to your Power, confined! War card!" and she brought the Clow wand down on the blank card that suddenly appeared below it.
"No! NO!!" War was slowly sucked into card, his rage filled voice echoing off the walls even after he'd been sealed. The card floated over to Sakura, and she took it, gazing at the picture on the front. There was War, right hand raised, red energy emanating from his hand.
After placing the War card in Clow Reed's book, not having much of anyplace else to put it, Sakura detransformed the wand back into the Key and looked at Famine. "Good...he won't be plaguing the world anymore." Looking back at the two cases with the animals, Sakura asked sadly, "Isn't there anything we can do for them?"
Famine opened his mouth to reply, but just then, every single glass case in the room began to crack. Sakura watched with wide eyes and Famine lunged towards her suddenly, pushing her down to the floor and covering her body with his just before the cases began shattering one by one, raining glass everywhere. Sakura covered her head as best she could and shut her eyes tightly. She felt relatively safe, however, cocooned as she was in Famine's arms.
When the last case had shattered, Famine slowly got up slowly, glass falling from his person in waves, and looked about the room with a frown. The whole floor was covered in jagged pieces of the sharp, clear, shards. Waving his hand, the glass in the immediate vicinity was swept back as if a gust of wind had come in and blown the shards away.
Sakura began to make her way to her feet and Famine immediately offered her his hand. Standing up, only a few shards of glass dropped off of her gown. Looking around bemusedly, Sakura asked, "What happened?"
Famine glanced around as well. "When you sealed War, you sealed away his Magic as well. The spells must have been directly linked with him for them to have broken this quickly." then his gaze fixed pointedly on something over Sakura's head.
Sakura turned, puzzled, and wondered what Famine was looking at. It didn't take her long to figure out what it was. The animals...they were...moving. Very slowly, granted, but they were moving. The white tiger was slowly flexing it's legs, trying to get them to work after so long. His tail began swishing lazily behind him, and he let out a huge yawn, showing teeth that were just as impressive as Kero Beros'. The horse was slowly lowering itself onto all fours, as if someone was controlling it with marionette strings and slowly working the strings. The stallion moved his head from side to side and his tail swished against his legs.
The animals froze suddenly, and, in unison, both turned their heads towards Sakura and Famine. Sakura gulped, not exactly comfortable with being in the same room as two very wild, very dangerous animals that could kill her with hoof and claw. She was really uncomfortable when the tiger suddenly bared it's teeth at her and the horse began pawing the ground.
There were two zings behind Sakura and, almost faster than Sakura could see, two blue tipped arrows flew towards the animals, both going into the animals' shoulders. Looking over her shoulder at Famine, she saw the bow still in his hand. "You shouldn't have shot them." she admonished.
Famine raised his eyebrow at her. "And what should I have let them do? Charge us?" he asked in a rare show of humour. "Do not worry, My Lady, I have not injured them too much, and they will not die. The arrows were only to freeze their muscles." Famine waved his hand and the arrows disappeared, then, waving his hand again, the animals themselves disappeared.
Sakura's eyes widened. "What did you do with them?"
"I simply sent them outside. They will find their own way, it is as nature intended."
"Oh." book clutched firmly in hand, Sakura asked, " do we get out of here?"
"Why, you walk, of course. War's Magic is no longer active."
Sakura grinned, even though she'd just made a fool of herself. "Right...I forgot." turning, she made for the door.
"Where are you going?"
Sakura turned back to Famine, a small frown on her face. "I thought..."
Famine smile faintly, but he looked resigned. "You have not finished here, yet."
"What do you mean?" Sakura asked, having no clue what he was talking about.
"I have one last favour to ask you." calling his bow to him, Famine grasped the weapon tightly and nocked a blue arrow, setting the bow against his side, pointing the bow and arrow towards the ground. "You have sealed War, now you must seal me."
Sakura stared at him for a moment. Then she burst out laughing, must to Famine's consternation. "Oh! That's funny! Yeah, right." when Famine didn't join in on the joke, Sakura sighed, rubbing her arm. "You're not joking are you? Well...why in God's name do you want to be sealed? I have no reason to seal you, you're not like War."
Famine shook his head. "I do not belong in this world, and I have done enough to prove I am a menace. I should be sealed, that way, there will be no chance of me doing wrong again."
Sakura shook her head at him. "You could just go back to Clow Reed, you know. Help him fight the others."
Famine shook his head again, vehemently, "No...I have told you..."
"Yes, yes," Sakura said, interrupting him, exasperated. "Clow Reed is pure, you are not...blah, blah, blah. No offense...but that's a load of bull. What you did today made the world a better place in sealing War! And if that doesn't prove you're good, I don't know what does."
"You cannot change my past, Sakura," he said, using he name for the first time. "I am what I am. Seal me."
"I'm not going to be able to change your mind, am I?" Sakura sighed, pulling the Key from around her neck and over her head.
Famine shook his head. "Seal me." he repeated.
Placing the book back on the floor, Sakura chanted, "Oh, Key of Clow! Power of Magic, Power of Light! Surrender the wand, the force ignite! Release!" taking one last look at Famine, Sakura whispered. "Bye." and raised the Clow wand. "Famine card! Return to your Power, confined! Famine!"
The pattern on the Clow book appeared below Sakura's feet and another blank card appeared under her Clow wand. watching sadly as Famine was sucked into the card, Sakura waited. When Famine had been sealed, the card floated over to her. Looking at the card, Sakura saw Famine, his famous bow in hand, arrow glowing slightly with a blue radiance. His expression had Sakura smiling, a tear coming to her eye. His expression was as calm as it always was, but he was smiling. And his eyes, his soul tortured eyes, had an emotion in them that had never been there before...Peace.
Tucking Famine inside her book, but in a completely different spot from War, Sakura picked her way carefully across the rest of the glass covered floor and made her way towards the door. Once there, she pulled the door with all her might, but it wouldn't budge. At first, Sakura thought she was stuck in here, even after all of the trouble she just went through. Then, pulling harder, no desire to be trapped in here, the door finally gave way, and Sakura walked out into the corridor.
"Yue." Sakura called wearily.
Yue appeared immediately, wings folding behind him. Seeing the expression on her face, he asked, "What's wrong, Mistress?"
Sakura looked up at the ceiling. "Oh...nothing. You missed one hell of a show." when Yue looked at her, puzzled, she asked, "Why didn't you follow me into the room, Yue?"
"The room was shielded, Mistress, I could not get in."
She sighed, feeling very melancholy. "That's what I figured."
Tilting his head to the side, Yue questioned, "May I ask what it is I missed, Mistress?"
Sakura smirked. Opening the book, Sakura pulled out War and Famine and showed them to Yue. After enjoying the way Yue's face seemed to go slack for about a minute, Sakura put the two cards back. "I'm ready to go now, Yue. I've captured War and that was all I was sent here to do."
Yue nodded, but he looked rather dumbfounded. Taking hold of his arm, Sakura said, "Oh! And we have to stop by my room before we go...I have to get the potion and the rest of the gowns to return to Clow Reed."
Yue nodded again without speaking, and they teleported to her room. Sakura immediately went for the chest near her bed, making a mental note to be proud of the fact that she hadn't gotten dizzy after teleporting this time later, and extracted the bag. Opening it, she placed the book inside, and then walked over to the nearest dresser where the servants had returned her yellow gown and place that inside the bag as well. She was glad it had been returned, but even if it hadn't been cleaned by now, she still would have left without it.
Closing the bag, she walked back over to Yue. Without a second glance back at anything, glad to be gone from this place, Sakura said, "Okay, now we! Wait!!" Sakura cried, stopping mid sentence and startling Yue. "I forgot something!" tossing her bag at Yue, Sakura hitched up her skirts and ran out the door, calling behind her, "I'll be right back!"
"Mistress!" Yue called, completely baffled. Then, he used an invisibility spell and flew down the halls after Sakura.
Sakura sprinted down the staircase, seriously hoping she remembered how to get to Famine's garden. Going around corners just as fast as she ran down straight passages, Sakura was surprised she hadn't fallen flat on her ass yet. Ignoring the startled looks the servants threw her blurry form, Sakura kept running.
Grinning in triumph as she caught sight of the glass doors, Sakura slowed just enough to stop herself from barreling into them, and then sped up again as soon as she was through. Running down the path that led to the little hollow, Sakura stopped and panted for breath when she got to her destination.
When she'd caught her breath enough so she could speak, she called, "Cherlindrea!" she didn't really think you could call hummingbirds, but, she figured she'd try. Imagine her surprise when the little thin came darting out of the trees and straight towards her. Grinning like an idiot, Sakura held out her index finger and the bird settled on it. Well...guess hummingbirds can be called after all.
Turning around to head back the way she'd come, Sakura was surprised to see Yue materialize. "Yue, I thought I told you I'd be right back."
Frowning in extreme disapproval, Yue said, "You should not have been running that fast through the castle, Mistress, especially so unaware of your surroundings. Why, you could have run into the Disease card, or..." Yue stopped in the middle of his lecture and blinked. "What is that?" he said, looking at the hummingbird.
"This is Cherlindrea." Sakura said proudly, petting her on the back.
Yue looked wary. "Why do you have it?"
"I'm bringing it with me!" Sakura declared.
"Mistress, you cannot bring stray animals back with you, I do not think Clow Reed would approve..."
Sakura cut him off. "I don't care. I have to bring Cherlindrea with me...I'm doing this for a friend, Yue. Please."
Yue sighed, giving up. "And where will you put it?"
Sakura frowned. "I don't know. Oh! I'll put it in the bag! Just until we get to the labyrinth, of course." Sakura quickly amended. At the look she got from Yue, she exclaimed, "What!? Where else am I supposed to put her?"
"How about back where she the flowers." Yue suggested.
Sakura stuck her tongue out at him. Stepping up, she tapped her foot impatiently until Yue rolled his eyes and opened the bag. Placing the bird in there gently, Sakura took the bag from Yue and closed it. "There! See? No problem."
"Are we going now, Mistress?" Yue asked, wisely changing the subject.
"Oh, yeah, of course we are." taking his arm again, Sakura said, "Okay! This time...I'm ready!"
Yue teleported.
Appearing right in Clow's room, Sakura stepped away from Yue, and, without further ado, announced, "Caught War."
Clow Reed, who had been sitting and talking with Kero, looked up. "I know."
Sakura huffed at him. "How did you know? God, you're no fun to be around. Then, if you knew must know..."
"That you caught Famine." Clow finished for her, nodding. He looked slightly lost for a moment, then shook himself and said, "Good job, Sakura. You can, of course, take those two with you when you leave."
"I was planning to." Sakura muttered.
"Well...I'm ready...let's get started." Clow Reed announced.
"Whoa! Hold it..." Sakura announced. "Back up, I thought that, you know, when I was finished with War, that I could...stay for a little while. I had planned on showing Kero what a sense of humour is."
Kero glared at her but Clow Reed had a regretful look on his face. "I'm sorry, Sakura, but the only reason I brought you here was to capture War. Now that that has been taken care of, you must go back. It is too dangerous for you to remain outside of your time for longer than necessary. You might change history without intending to."
"But...but that's not fair!" Sakura exclaimed.
Clow Reed shook his head sadly, "I am sorry, Sakura." walking over to his shelf, he reached in and behind a book and took out the Clow cards. Taking the bag from Sakura's limp fingers, he placed them inside. Then, her clothes she came here in appeared in his outstretched hand and he went to shove those in there, too, but, something darted out of the bag.
Cherlindrea flitted over and sat on Sakura's shoulder, chirping angrily. Clow Reed gazed at the bird in amusement, then looked at Sakura and raised his eyebrow. Not in the mood to explain anything to him, since she was bitter that she had to leave before she was good and ready, Sakura simply said, "Do you have a jar or something I can put her in until I get back?"
Nodding, Clow Reed decided knowing why Sakura had a hummingbird with her wasn't that important, and went to his shelf and plucked a glass jar from it. Opening the lid, Clow Reed held the jar out for Sakura. Taking Cherlindrea from her shoulder gently, Sakura placed her in the jar and Clow Reed quickly closed the lid. Then he put the jar in the bag as well, and, right after, her clothes.
"Don't I even get to change first?" Sakura inquired.
Clow Reed shook his head. "No time. You may keep everything in that bag, Sakura. Even the potion." grinning, Clow Reed said, "Who knows? You might need it someday."
Sakura snorted. "Not likely." then she frowned. "What about the gowns, I won't need them."
Clow Reed shrugged. "Take them to remember us by." he suggested.
Well...she couldn't argue with that. Looking down at the book in her hands, Sakura hesitated.
Clow Reed chuckled. "Go ahead. I won't be needing it for myself. Take it."
Sakura smiled gratefully. "Thank you. Well, I guess that's it." she said. After taking War and Famine out of the book, Sakura placed it in the bag with everything else.
As she was doing that, a white sheet of paper fell out of the book and floated to the floor. Frowning in puzzlement, Sakura bent down and picked it up, not remembering coming across any loose sheets of paper in the book. Turning it over, Sakura saw that it was addressed to Clow Reed. Handing it to him, she said, "Here. Do you know how this got in the book?"
Clow Reed took it, frowning. "No, I have not seen it before. Although...the penmanship does look familiar..." he murmured, staring at it. Putting it down on the table suddenly, Clow Reed decided he would look at it after Sakura left.
Sakura looked around at everyone present in the room. Her gaze settling on Kero, Sakura walked over to him. Looking down at him, Sakura didn't do anything at first, and he looked up at her with a question in his eyes. Then, without warning, she knelt down and gave him a bear hug. "I'm going to miss you Kero-chan. And I know you'll miss me even though you glare at me a lot and claim to hate it when I don't address you as KeroBeros." Sakura pulled back and stood up. Then she smiled, "Even though your glares are all fake and I know you love it when I call you Kero-chan."
As Sakura turned away, Kero smiled.
Walking up to Yue, Sakura had a gleam in her eye as she watched him nervously shift from foot to foot. Then, smiling evilly, she glomped him. Trying to back paddle, but finding he couldn't, Yue yelped as Sakura attached herself to him. Kissing him on the cheek, Sakura whispered, "I'm going to miss you, too, Yue."
As she whirled away from Yue toward Clow Reed, Yue simply stood there, staring into space. Kero silently laughed at him from his corner.
Sakura stood awkwardly in front of Clow Reed. "I don't want to go just yet, you know." she said quietly.
Clow Reed smiled gently, "I know, Sakura, and I don't want you to go. I would have enjoyed teaching you the craft of Magic. As it is, you'll have to leave that to whoever can teach you in the future." he grinned suddenly, dispelling the sense of sorrow, "However, I can give you one last gift."
Moving forward, Clow Reed placed the middle and index finger of each hand on either side of Sakura's head, over her temples. Closing his eyes, Clow Reed sent what felt like sparks into Sakura's brain. The aftershocks of those sparks were huge. It felt like they traveled straight to the center of her mind and just...exploded outwards, consuming her senses and sending doors slamming open.
Clow Reed stepped back and Sakura, eyes wide, asked, "What did you do?"
Clow Reed smiled. "As you know, I've been watching you in the future, Sakura. I know that you are unable to seem to be able grasp the part of yourself needed to perform Magic. While this is certainly very odd, I've never heard of it before...either you have Magic or you do not, it is easily taken care of. You could say I...jump started..." Clow Reed smiled at his mastering of future words, "the part of your mind that enables you to use your Magic. The change will not start right away, and when it does, be careful. Usually, sorcerers and wizards are taught in the Magical arts from a young age, you are quite older than you should be. However, I am confident in Kero and Yue's capabilities in this matter. You should be fine." he assured her.
Sakura smiled gratefully at him. To think...after all this time...she'd finally be able to use real Magic like Clow Reed and Li do. She couldn't wait. And she even had the book Clow Reed gave to her to study and learn spells from. While the Magic in there was nothing big and only meant for novices, that was fine with Sakura, because, in the Magical arts...she was a novice. When she was ready to start learning bigger things, she'd get Kero to teach her, or Rage...
"Thank you." Sakura said earnestly, smiling all the while.
Clow Reed shook himself. "Yes, well, you should be on your way now. If you'll just take out the Time card." he said, placing the strange letter on the table.
Sakura did so, the Time card in one hand, the two Brothers in the other, and closed the bag. Standing, ready, Sakura asked, "Is there anything I have to do?"
Clow Reed flung his arms out in front of him, the sleeves of his robes falling back over his arms. "No, just leave everything to me. I'll have to take some of your Self again, but," and Clow Reed grinned, "That didn't seem to bother you last time."
So, Sakura fixed her attention on the Time card and waited.
Clow Reed began chanting under his breath, too low for anyone else to hear, and, Sakura thought, he probably did that on purpose. He wasn't going to share his precious time spell with anyone but himself. Sakura smile wryly...sorcerers and their secrets...
The pattern on the Clow book appeared under Sakura, but she didn't notice that as her vision was beginning to gray out. It became restricted, as if looking through a tunnel, and pretty soon, Sakura had to close her eyes.
When she opened them again, she wasn't standing in Clow Reed's laboratory anymore, but she was back in that black place she was in before, when she had first been brought here by the Time card. Speaking of which...there he was, standing a few feet away from her, and beyond him, another gateway in time, leading to HER time she hoped.
Holding out his hand, Time beckoned to her. "Hurry, Mistress. There is never enough time."
Sakura took a last look behind her, hoping to catch a glimpse of Clow, Kero, and Yue. But blackness was the only thing that greeted her. Sighing resolutely, Sakura squared her shoulders and walked forward, putting her hand in Time's. Walking side by side, Sakura and Time stepped through the gateway.
As soon as Sakura disappeared, Clow Reed slumped into a chair. Kero rushed forward immediately, wondering if Clow Reed needed anything. Waving his hand at both of his guardians irritably, Clow Reed muttered, "I'm all right. I just need a few moments. Leave me."
"Of course, Master." Yue and Kero said together, and then they were gone.
Sighing, Clow Reed glanced down at the table in front of him. Chuckling softly, he murmured, "I'm going to miss that girl. She's got quite a bit of spunk...just like me when I was that age." the letter caught his attention. Frowning, Clow Reed picked it up and started at the elegant script on the cover, still trying to remember where he'd seen such writing before. Another mystery was how it had gotten into his book...he was more than one hundred percent sure there had NOT been anything in that book when he gave it to Sakura, and judging by the look on Sakura's face, she'd never seen it before either. Shrugging, Clow Reed opened it...

Dear Clow Reed,
I'm sorry. Thank you.
"Oh, Famine." Clow Reed whispered. "I never should have let you go." folding his arms on the table, letter still tightly clutched in one hand, Clow Reed lowered his head into his arms. A single tear had escaped and made a tear mark right beside Famine's signature. [2]
As soon as she'd stepped through the gateway, Sakura felt like she was falling...because she was. "OW!!" Sakura cried, landing on her derriere...just like last time. Her bag thudded down right next to her, and the Time card floated gently down to earth, like a feather, to land by her feet. "Time..." she growled under her breath. "I'll get you for this."
Turning around, Sakura found four pairs of very startled eyes staring at her. Fighting the urge to giggle at her guardians and the two Forgotten, Sakura said instead, "Hi guys."
"" Kero spluttered.
Grinning, Sakura held up War and Famine for everyone's inspection. THAT made everyone's eyes fairly pop out of their heads. "Guys..." Sakura said, "I've been out hunting for the Forgotten."
To be Continued...
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Ye GODS!!! a seriously long chapter! I'm so glad I got it done! One more exam to go people!! I've dusted three of 'em! Geez...I don't have a clue what I'm going to do next. Well...I have a clue...but only for the beginning of the chapter, not the whole thing. So, I don't know when the next one will be out. Writer's block's a bitch. I'll try and think of something ^_^ Oh! Two more days!! Two more days and I get to see the first, brand spanking new, for me anyways, episode of Cardcaptors! I can't wait!! Until then!!
[1] Okay, when Famine said, "I could not let you imprison the Daughter of Clow Reed"...he didn't mean daughter as know...father-daughter. I mean...note the capital on the word Daughter!! What he was referring to was...that Sakura was the daughter of Clow Reed's soul, not from his loins. ^_^ Does that clear that up?
[2] Second, you can take the whole Famine-Clow Reed thing anyway you want...I don't care. MY intention was that Clow Reed and Famine viewed each other as having a father-son relationship. When Clow Reed was teaching him, Famine came to respect the sorcerer, and soon their friendship grew and he became like a father to him. Clow Reed was likewise, he viewed Famine as the son he never had.