Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Forever Gone ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Forever Gone

By: Megori

DISCLAIMER: Like I've stated in the rest of my ficcies, Card Captor Sakura doesn't belong to me no matter how much I wish it did. In other words, just don't sue me cause I already disclaimed it. Thanks Clamp for creating it!!

Author Notes: Alrighty peoples! I've finally come out with a new Eriol and Tomoyo ficcie. Of course I came up with the topic while listening to a usual. This time, it was from `Nysnc's "Gone." The characters may be out of character a bit, but don't I always do that?? Well, this is another one shot with no sequel. And I'll try not to end it like For the Sake of Friendship. Okies, this is after everything in the third season of Card Captor Sakura. Eriol has returned to England and Sakura and Syaoran is an official pair, though you might not see them much. One last note, I don't seem to remember Eriol, Nakuru or Spinel telling the others about Eriol and Kaho, so in this ficcie, no one knows about her being Eriol's fiancè except for those three.

The tall 15-year-old boy frowned as he stared at his coffee. His once warm and friendly azure eyes had now grown cold. Strands of his navy blue hair fell before his eyes, making his vision of the cup less visible. Why did you leave me? What did I do wrong? You never told me how far apart we became when I returned until you left. How was I supposed to know? What am I supposed to do now? Now that you've gone and left me alone? "Kaho..."

Around the corner, a 21-year-old female sighed hopelessly. She turned to the blue floating creature next to her. "Spinel-sun, we have to help Eriol-sama!"

The blue creature frowned. "How? We've been trying to help him for the past three years already anyway! Nothing worked remember?!"

"Think of something! You're the smart one!" she shot back.

Spinel smiled with satisfaction. "Of course! I am the smart one aren't I, Nakuru?"

"Yes Spinel, you are," Nakuru replied through gritted teeth.

Spinel nodded happily. "Well then, in being the smart one, my plan is..."

"Your plan is??" Nakuru repeated questionably.

Spinel turned to her with a serious look. "I don't know...let him take care of himself?"

Nakuru fumed in anger. Her glare at the moment was more dangerous than all of the world's greatest sorcerers put together. "Argh! Suppi! Take this smartie pants!" She threw her arm out and stuffed Spinel's mouth with cookies.

In the other room, Eriol slammed his cup to the table, quieting the two noisy guardians. "Nakuru, Spinel, I'm going out for the day. Try not to bring the house to the ground." A few seconds later, a loud thud was heard and Eriol was gone.

What am I still doing here? I've completed my mission years ago already. Why am I still living? What is my purpose now? My magic abilities are diminishing everyday. Eriol frowned once more, pulling his coat closed as he walked towards the gates.

~*~*~*~*~*7:00 P.M.~*~*~*~*~*

Eriol stared over the bridge carelessly. "Everyday is the same now...there's never anything new. Nothing at all... No more reason to live..."

"Excuse me..." came a soft whisper from behind him along with a light tap on the shoulder.

Eriol turned around immediately.

The long purple haired 15-year-old female smiled at him warmly. "Gomenasai. I didn't mean to scare you," she said in her native language, Japanese. Her amethyst eyes shone brightly through the darkness of the night.

Eriol merely stared back in amazement.

" English is no good...I uh..." the girl began in her best English.

Eriol smiled. "Daijoubu. You can speak Japanese," he replied in Japanese.

"Sugoi! You can speak Japanese so clearly!" she commented. Looking at him closer she gasped. "Ne, you look like someone I know..."

Eriol raised his brows. "Do you remember his name?"

"Hai, Hiiragizawa Eriol," she replied with a bright smile. "He was always smiling and filled with joy, but after he finished what he came to Japan for, he left back to England."

Eriol's eyes opened in shock. I knew it! It's Daidouji-san! But what's she doing in England? "So, you came to visit him?"

"Not really, but I would like to meet him again. My mother has a business meeting in England, so she decided to bring me...saying I could show the other business people my fashion drawings. Anyway, it would be awfully nice to see the face of an old friend again," she answered with an even bigger smile.

Eriol smiled faintly. "Oh, well I do have to agree. It is nice to meet old friends again..."

The girl glanced at her watch with a sigh. "Ne, I should get going...but..."

Eriol raised a questioning brow. "But...?"

"Unfortunately, I'm lost and I can't remember where the London Hotel is...and I was hoping you'd help me out a little..." she replied with a sheepish smile. "I got lost while touring the city by myself..."

Eriol smiled delightfully. "Well, it's not far from here, so I'll walk you there myself."

"Hontoni? Arigato! I really appreciate it!" she chirped, full of bliss.

Eriol beamed and placed his arm out, like a gentleman would and took a small bow. "Shall we go my Lady?"

Tomoyo stared at him curiously. He looked like Eriol. He acted quite similar to Eriol too, but what made him seem so different were his eyes. Eriol's eyes were mysterious and happy, but this person's were filled with sadness, anger and doubt. "Hai..." Tomoyo reached her arm out and placed it into his arm.

After a short thirty-minute walk, they had reached the hotel entrance. Eriol took yet another bow as Tomoyo let out a few giggles. ""

Eriol raised a brow and finally remembered she didn't know who he was yet, or he didn't think she knew. "Is it all right if I leave myself nameless?"

"Hai...well, arigato again. I'm Daidouji Tomoyo. It was a pleasure meeting you. Oyasumi-nasai," Tomoyo replied with a questioning look.

Eriol bowed once more. "Oyasumi-nasai..."

Tomoyo nodded and turned around to walk in.

"Daidouji-san," Eriol finished.
Tomoyo gasped. "Hiiragizawa-kun?" Turning around, she found herself all alone.


"Your love one left you?" Tomoyo repeated.

Eriol nodded. "Hai...she left me three years ago..."

"You should let your feelings go. I mean, I've been through that before too. I loved someone with all of my heart, but that person didn't love me back the same way. Eventually, I got over it because if I didn't, my life would've never moved on," Tomoyo replied.

Eriol frowned. "That doesn't seem the same to me. She was my fiancè."

"She might've been your fiancè, but she eventually lost her love for you because you were so far away from her. The person I loved never actually loved be back in the same way. Not even once," Tomoyo stated.

Eriol stared at the ground, not knowing what to think anymore.

"Just let your feelings go. Go with the flow...make your day more enjoyable by forgetting about how the two of you had so much fun together. But don't completely forget her," Tomoyo added.

Eriol opened the door and it with a sigh. How can I?

"Eriol-sama? You feeling any better?" Nakuru asked hoping he was.

Eriol looked at her, his eyes filling up with tears. "I'm sorry..." He hung his coat on the rack and walked quietly all the way up to his bedroom.

"Kaho...why?" Eriol whispered after he shut his door. "WHY?!" He threw his fist forward and created a hole on the floor of his bedroom.

Nakuru shuddered in fright downstairs as she and Spinel heard a deafening thud. "Spinel-sun, he's not getting any better..."

Spinel nodded sadly.

Eriol flung himself onto his bed wearily.

~*~*~*~*~*Flashback 3 Years Ago~*~*~*~*~*

"Japan was a lot more fun Eriol-sama," Nakuru complained for the hundredth time already.

Kaho, the tall elegant reddish brown-eyed woman and fiancè of Eriol, smiled joyously. Beside her, a 12-year-old Eriol beamed at his creation. "Oh Nakuru, stop complaining already. Besides, it's probably only Touya you miss."

"Touya-kun? Actually, I had almost completely forgotten about him! But, he is still rather cute," Nakuru replied, swinging the picnic basket here and there. "Oh the good old days..."

Kaho smiled at Nakuru softly. "Nakuru, why don't you take Spinel on a walk? You can even buy ice cream."

"Ice cream?! Let's go Suppi!" Nakuru shrieked as she grabbed the blue creature from Kaho's hands, leaving the basket with Kaho.

Kaho turned to Eriol with the same soft smile. "Eriol..."

Eriol raised an inquiring brow. "What is it?"

"It's been a few months ago now...and I've finally decided that I will tell you," Kaho began as the smile faded into seriousness.

He nodded, listening intently.

"My feelings for you has changed quite a bit over the past year and..." Kaho stopped as she eyes Eriol worriedly. "What I mean is...I don't think I love you anymore. The longer we were apart, my farther I drifted from you. And even if we spend every waking hour with each other now, it won't be the same anymore."

Eriol stared at her in confusion as his eyes slowly began to water. "So, you're ending it just like this?"

"It's not that easy for me Eriol!" Kaho said with a frown. "Besides, I've received a scholarship for an American college and I'm going to take it."

Eriol frowned. "I see. Well, best of luck to you and hopefully...we'll meet again."

Kaho's frown deepened. "So do I and I thank you for being so kind to me Eriol." She handed him the basket and left the park immediately.

I don't think I love you anymore.

Eriol turned the other way and headed to an open area under an apple tree.

It was done so quickly. He had a premonition about it, but didn't want to believe it because he didn't want to stop loving her. Of the three grieving years, he spent the entire first year lying to himself. "She'll comeback," he would tell himself. "Because deep down, she still loves me and I know it."

Then, the second year came and left; no letters, phone calls...nothing, just like the first year.

~*~*~*~*~*End of Flashback~*~*~*~*~*

Eriol threw his pillow across the floor angrily and was about to fall headfirst onto his bed when his eyes caught sight of an unopened envelope.

From: Tomoyo Daidouji

A teardrop fell onto the envelope. Eriol shut his eyes and shook his head for a moment, to clear his mind. He steadied his hands and carefully opened the envelope.


O genki desu wa? It's been quite a while. I hope you're doing well. Sakura and Syaoran gets more and more kawaii everyday!!

Well, I think I should get to the point of this letter now. Do you remember when you asked me about the person I love and dreams? Well, I think that when the time comes, you'll understand the full meaning of your dreams. Everything will come together piece by piece. Don't worry about it and go with the flow. Don't let your dream destroy your happy life.

Let things flow freely and you'll see what I mean. Don't worry too much about it. Good things will come of it. I can feel it. I will have to close now. Best of wishes to you always. Sayonara.

Tomoyo Daidouji


My mother has a business meeting

in England next year. Don't be surprised

if we meet cause I do hope so.

Go with the flow? Let it all go free? I wish I could... He dropped onto the bed and rolled to his side. He closed his eyes and steadily fell into a silent slumber. The letter fell from his hand and dropped to the ground like a feather.

Slowly, Eriol reopened his eyes and found a young lady's back facing him. She was looking out of the window as her long hair fell to her waist. All of her features were shrouded in darkness.

"Who are you?" Eriol whispered quietly.

She turned to him, her eyes were deeply saddened as they glistened a light purple through the moon's light. "Open your eyes and all of your questions shall be answered. Everything you need right before you. Have faith and believe in it. Don't question your feelings and most importantly, don't hold yourself back." She walked over to him, still in the darkness. Leaning over, she kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Free yourself from your misery Hiiragizawa-kun...for I will always be here for you."

"ERIOL-SAMA!" wailed Nakuru as tears fell from her eyes. "Talk to us! Don't be dead! NO!"

Eriol's eyes quickly jerked open. "Nakuru?"

"Ahhhhh!" Nakuru shrieked, throwing Eriol out of her arms immediately. "You're alive?! But you had stopped breathing for five minutes! Suppi and I heard you hit the ground too..."

Spinel nodded in agreement. "Yes, we thought you had died for sure. We don't know what we'd do without you Eriol-sama."

"Thanks you two," Eriol whispered with a smile. "Now then, let's go enjoy a home made dinner! I think I'll make something special tonight..."

Nakuru and Spinel stared at each other in surprise. Ever since Kaho's departure, Eriol has rarely eaten. He had grown so skinny, that even the weakest sorcerer would've been deceived about Eriol being the greatest sorcerer alive.

Eriol was already on the stairs when he realized his two guardians weren't behind him. He smiled brightly to himself. "Come on! I'll even let you make dessert Nakuru!"

"Yay!" Nakuru chirped as she grabbed Spinel from the air. "We're coming Eriol-sama!" Nakuru jumped up from her sitting position and ran down the steps, gliding into the kitchen. "Let's get cooking!"

After 30 minutes of pure heat showering from the stove and oven, Eriol and Nakuru finally sat down to eat.

"Not cooking for so long sure did ruin my cooking abilities a bit," Eriol commented with a sigh.

Nakuru nodded. "Yeah...three years does do a lot." She picked up her fork, slowly dipping it into the Chicken Alfredo. "It's been so long since I've eaten your cooking Eriol-sama. I was beginning to think I'd never eat it again." She stuffed it into her mouth with a smile. "Ack!" Nakuru shrieked, coughing and gagging.

Eriol frowned. "It's not that bad." As he picked the chicken with his fork and ate it, he too stated gaggling. "'s about we go straight to dessert?"

"No! Eriol-sama! Don't do it! Your life is to precious to me and I will not let you die from her cooking!" Spinel shouted in complete fright. "DON'T EAT IT!"

Nakuru frowned, smacking him straight in the back of his head. "You're just jealous of me Suppi. Eriol-sama is allowed to eat anything he wants!" She smiled and placed the pumpkin pie on the table. "Go on's safe to eat!"

Eriol nodded and ate a piece. His face paled instantly. Pulling out the fork, he faked a smile weakly. "Ne, why don't we go and eat out just for tonight?"

"Yeah! That way, I have a greater variety in desserts!" Nakuru shrilled joyously.

Spinel frowned. "But master..."

"Don't worry Spinel. I'll order some vegetables for you. And you can sit with me so Nakuru won't stuff you with her desserts," Eriol replied before Spinel could fully explain.

Spinel nodded. "Thanks..."

Nakuru frowned. "That's not fair Eriol-sama!"

Eriol smiled broadly.

~*~*~*~*~*At A Family Diner~*~*~*~*~*

"Eriol-sama, would you hurry it up?" Nakuru complained as Eriol dawdled from the restroom.

He had been in there for at least five minutes already, doing who knows what. "I'm coming...don't be so impatient Nakuru." Eriol walked to his seat with a smile.

A waitress walked up to them. "Ah, Mr. Hiiragizawa, it's been quite a few years since I've seen you here. It's nice to see you again. Now, what would you like for dinner?"

"The special!" Nakuru shouted. "With one of each kind of desserts you have afterwards!"

The waitress smiled. "Seems your still the same Nakuru."

Nakuru and Eriol smiled. "Unfortunately, she is..."

The waitress smiled once more walked off with the order.


"Yes?" Nakuru said while turning around to answer whoever was calling her name. Seeing who it was, she let out a loud blissful shriek. "Oh my goodness! Tomoyo-chan! You're here?! What are you doing in England?"

Tomoyo smiled, hugging her back. "Okaasan has a business meeting here and she brought me with her."

"It's so nice to see you again!" Nakuru shouted once more. "Eriol-sama! Look, it's Tomoyo-chan! We haven't seen her for three years! Aren't you happy?!"

Tomoyo's smile softened. "It's all right. Hiiragizawa-kun and I have already said our hellos. Haven't we Hiiragizawa-kun?"

"Yea..." Eriol replied, wishing he would vanish into nothingness.

Nakuru shrugged her curiosity away. "Tomoyo-chan, why don't you eat with us? I mean, you just got here right?"

"Just in time to hear your order," Tomoyo replied with a giggle. "But, I'm here with my mother and one of her business friends."

Nakuru sighed. "Well, maybe they'll let you eat with us. I'll go and ask right now!" Within the next second, Nakuru was gone.

Tomoyo smiled brightly at Eriol. "Ne Hiiragizawa-kun, why didn't you tell me it was you earlier?"

"I don't know..." Eriol replied hesitantly. "Why did you pretend to not know how to speak English?"

Tomoyo's smile brightened. "So, you know I can speak English?"

"I've seen you talking to the old English instructor back in Tomoeda," Eriol replied, still trying to hide his eyes.

Tomoyo sighed in defeat. "Well, I shouldn't have underestimated you. I should've known you knew."

"Tomoyo-chan!" Nakuru said as she appeared in front of her in a flash of light. "Your mother said you can even stay with us for the night! I'm so happy! We can do so much catching up!" Nakuru plopped down and tugged on Tomoyo's hand, making her sit beside her.

Spinel poked his head out of Eriol's pocket and flew under the table to Tomoyo's side. "Tomoyo-san! It's quite nice to see you again!" He darted up to her shoulder, where her hair was able to block him out of sight. "You don't mind do you?"

Tomoyo shook her head with a smile. "No, it's all right with me Spinel-sun. It's nice to see you again too."

~*~*~*~*~*1 Hour Later~*~*~*~*~*

Tomoyo gasped in pure shock. "My goodness! It's so enormous! Doesn't it get rather lonely with just the three of you?"

"Nope! Or not for me at least. I can't say for the other two. It's always fun to play with Suppi," Nakuru replied happily.

Spinel let out a snarl. "It's Spinel, not Suppi."

"Nuh uh! It's only Spinel in your true form. Rather than that, it's SUPPI!!" Nakuru replied, shouting the name Suppi rather loudly.

Eriol frowned. "Nakuru, keep it down. It's quite late, meaning people are asleep."

"Nine o'clock is late?" Nakuru and Tomoyo mumbled at the same time with confused looks.

Nakuru smiled, turning to Tomoyo. "Tomoyo-chan, once we get to the front door, I'll show you around the house and tomorrow morning, Eriol-sama will show you his garden!"

"That'd be great!" Tomoyo exclaimed.

Why can't I forget Kaho? The answers are right in front of my eyes, but yet, I don't know what they are?! What kind of sorcerer am I? Eriol's frown deepened at this thoughts.

"My old math teacher moved here a few years ago. Have you guys seen her? Her name is Mizuki-sensei. Well, it Mizuki Kaho really," Tomoyo said as she practically skipped along the walkway.

The other three froze in place. Nailed to the ground due to the horrifying name in which they all dreaded more than ever. Spinel and Nakuru turned to see their master's condition.

Eriol's eyes were completely tear-filled, though he tired his best to hide the pain. "No, we know no one of that name."

Tomoyo stopped and turned towards the others, curious of their silence. Her smile disappeared immediately, seeing the expression on Eriol's face. "Hiiragizawa-kun, I think it'll be best if I just returned to my hotel. I do have a bit of designing to get done."

"No, please don't," Eriol replied instantly.

Everyone stared at him awkwardly. "What's up with Eriol-sama?" Nakuru whispered to Spinel. In reply, Spinel shrugged just as clueless as the two females.

Realizing what he had just said, Eriol blushed ever so slightly. "I meant, we haven't had a guest in a long time and would really appreciate it if you did stay for the night. Besides, it'd be nice to catch up on a few things."

"I don't know..." Tomoyo replied with a shrug.

"Come on Tomoyo-chan! If you won't stay for Eriol-sama, then stay for me...please?" Nakuru pleaded.

Eriol frowned.

Tomoyo let out a little giggle. "I never said that I didn't want to stay because of Hiiragizawa-kun..."

"Is that supposed to mean something?" Nakuru inquired with a smirk as her eyes moved from Tomoyo to Eriol.

Tomoyo smiled innocently. "Of course it does! Hiiragizawa-kun is my friend...and I care for all of my friends, including you Nakuru-chan and you too, Spinel."

"Liar...I bet you have something more than just a friendship kind of caring for my master," Nakuru teased.

Spinel cleared this throat loudly as they came upon the, rather large, front doors. "Nakuru, stop trying to pry things out of our guest's mouth. If she says that she cares for him as a friend only, than that's that!"

"Suppi...come on! I was just curious," Nakuru replied pleadingly.

Spinel's frown deepened. "It's NOT SUPPI!!! AND STOP..."

"Spinel, it's all right, really. It's natural for females to be curious of such things," Tomoyo said softly as she took a hold of him.

Eriol sighed in relief. All of the loud shouts and screams were starting to really irritate him. "Let's go in and we'll deal with everything from there."

"Hai!" chimed Nakuru and Tomoyo joyously.

Eriol unlocked the door and let the ladies in first.

"Arigato Hiiragizawa-kun. You're always such a gentleman," Tomoyo commented before she walked in.

Eriol blushed slightly. "It's nothing..."

After Eriol stepped into the living room, Nakuru jumped up from the love seat, beaming brightly. "I'll make some tea!" And before anyone could reply, she snatched Spinel from beside Tomoyo and ran into the kitchen.

Tomoyo let out a another group of giggles as she watched them disappear into the kitchen.

"Daidouji-san, why don't you take a seat? Nakuru will show you around in a little bit," Eriol stated, finally recovering from his blush.

Tomoyo nodded and sat across from him with a smile across her face. " have you been Hiiragizawa-kun? Did you miss us in Japan?"

"I uh..." Eriol replied hesitantly, which wasn't like him. He hadn't even thought of the, but he was afraid of offending her to say that.

Tomoyo's smile widened. "It's all right to say we haven't been on your mind. I can understand that such a sorcerer as you have much more important things to think about."

"Yeah..." Eriol replied with a sigh. "I guess..."

Tomoyo sighed, leaning back into the couch. "Well, I've really missed you. Ever since your left, there's really been nothing to do."

Eriol's eyes opened in shock. "You"

", is that a problem?" Tomoyo replied curiously.

Eriol shook his head. "No, it's just odd for someone to say that they've missed me."

"Nani? So no one's ever said they missed you?" Tomoyo stated in complete shock.

Eriol didn't reply.

"It's all right Hiiragizawa-kun. At least you know I missed you," Tomoyo said happily.

Eriol smiled faintly for a second. "Daidouji-san, do you still love Sakura-chan or have you gotten over her...seriously?"

"Nani?" Tomoyo inquired as her smile too faded. "Sakura-chan? Well, it's been a few years now...since she and Syaoran-kun became a pair. At first, I couldn't believe it, but now, I've become happy for them. They are both my friends."

"Could you help me do that too?"

"Do what?"

"Get over someone that doesn't love you back?"

"It depends on you only Hiiragizawa-kun."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it's up to you if you want to let it go or not."

"But I've tired so many times."

"You would've been happy for her if you really wanted to let her go."

"So...I'm not happy?"

"I don't know. That's up to you to decide."

"Then, I guess I haven't been happy for the past three years...and more years to come."

Tomoyo's eyes saddened. "Don't worry Hiiragizawa-kun. You'll have to get over her eventually."

"I wish I could...and if only it was that easy...I loved her because she was the first person to treat me like a human, not a child or a sorcerer," Eriol replied dully.

"So, you'll never love anyone else?"

"What are you talking about Daidouji-san."

"Because she treated you like a regular'll never love another person. Am I correct?" insisted Tomoyo.

Eriol leaned back into the couch, not knowing what to say. "I..."

"Tea's ready!" Nakuru chirped, bringing in the tea. "Tomoyo-chan, why don't we do the tour now?"

Tomoyo nodded. "Hai, let's go." Tomoyo glanced back at Eriol guiltily. What was I doing? I'm supposed to help him, not torture him.

Spinel flew in and sat down beside his master. "Eriol-sama?" Spinel whispered after the girls had gone.

"I don't know if I can ever love another Spinel," Eriol mumbled.

~*~*~*~*~*Tomoyo and Nakuru~*~*~*~*~*

"Okay, our first stop will be Eriol-sama's bedroom," Nakuru announced as she pulled the enormous doors open.

Tomoyo stared in complete awe as the doors opened completely. "It's huge!"

"Yep! Come on, let's go in," Nakuru added with a light push onto Tomoyo's back.

The first thing that caught Tomoyo's eyes was the large painted picture of a man with small wired rimmed glasses, above the fireplace. " that Clow Reed-san?"

Nakuru nodded with a smile. "Yup! Eriol-sama admires him...even though you can say that's him too." Nakuru looked up towards the picture quickly before walking into the bathroom.

Tomoyo, curious of all of the upturned picture frames, she picked one up gently. "Nani?"

In the picture, there was a long reddish brown haired female with a young navy blue haired boy. They were sitting right next to each other and his arms was wrapped completely around her. She was also leaning her head on his small shoulder.


Her hands began to tremble in confusion. What's this supposed to mean? Mizuki-sensei...she's the person who broke his heart...I just know it. He lied to me...why would he lie to me?

"Tomoyo-chan, let's continue," Nakuru shouted as she stepped out of the bathroom.

Panicking, Tomoyo placed the frame back down and turned around with a fake smile plastered onto her face. "Ne...I'm feeling rather tired. Is it all right if I could just go to my room?"

"Huh? Uh...hai. I guess we could continue tomorrow," Nakuru replied.

Tomoyo nodded thankfully. "Arigato Nakuru-chan."

"Just follow's not that far from here," Nakuru instructed.

Tomoyo followed quietly as Eriol passed them. Eriol looked up at her curiously. Does she know? He frowned. What does it matter if she does? Kaho was merely a figure of my past...

"Here it is Tomoyo-chan. Oyasumi-nasai. I'll see you in the morning!" Nakuru said blissfully.

Tomoyo smiled and stepped inside. "Thanks a lot Nakuru-chan. Oyasumi-nasai to you too..."

Tomoyo shut the door behind her and fell onto the bed with a light thud. "He lied to me."

Seeing a few more upturned pictures, she sat up quickly. She took a hold of the three on the desk and flipped them over. Each one was of Kaho. One was a sneak shot of Eriol placing a ring upon the woman's finger.

How can this be? She's never mentioned anything about him to us. He's never mentioned her to us either...he had always pretended to not know her...

Tears slowly crept up her eyes. Why does it seem to hurt me so badly?


After changing into his pajamas, Eriol walked over to the fireplace and picked up the same picture as Tomoyo did early. "'ve built me up, but you broke me into even smaller pieces...what am I supposed to do? Who am I supposed to turn to now?"

Tears trickled down his face slowly. Angered, he slammed the picture back down, cracking the frame into pieces. He turned abruptly around and dropped onto his bed as he came upon it. Closing his eyes, he soon fell into a deep sleep.

Eriol's eyes shot open once more. It was that same female hidden in the darkness that he had seen earlier. "Darre?"

As she turned towards him, he noticed that she was now crying. Tears trickled down her cheeks endlessly. "Hiiragizawa-kun, why can't you see? She doesn't love you anymore. Your stubbornness will destroy what fate has created for you. If you don't listen to me...please..."

Suddenly, the windows blew open and a plum blossom fell into Eriol's hand. "A Tomoyo?" He looked up once more, but the female had disappeared completely. He sat there, cluelessly. "What fate has created for me?" He looked down at the plum blossom in his hands once more. "What's it supposed to symbolize?"

Eriol's eyes jerked open as the sun's rays penetrated through his eyelids. "Nani?" He looked down into his hands and found a plum blossom.

"Eriol-sama! It's almost 10 am! You had best come down for a really late breakfast now!" came Nakuru's voice from behind the door.

Eriol sat up immediately. "Yes...I'm coming Nakuru!"

He shook his head and placed the plum blossom on his bed. "I'll figure this out later."

Quickly, Eriol dressed and ran downstairs. "Eh?"

Tomoyo was completely dressed and was putting on her coat.

"Daidouji-san, are you leaving already?" Eriol asked worriedly.

Tomoyo nodded. "Hai, my mother just called and said that she wanted me at today's meeting."

"She'll be back though...because I'm going with her," Nakuru announced happily. "She'll have to return me to you, so she'll return for sure!"

Tomoyo smiled. "Yes, I suppose so."

"Eriol-sama, you're breakfast is on the table. Spinel will be with you, so you're not alone," Nakuru added before she shut the door behind her and Tomoyo. "Ja ne!"

Eriol nodded, walking into the kitchen to see Spinel stuffing a dozen cookies into his mouth. He sighed. "I should've known. It's just like Nakuru to get him drunk first and then leave him with me..."

"Eriol-sama! More cookies! MORE COOKIES!!" shouted the blue creature before darting towards the other cookie jar.

Eriol threw up his arm and froze Spinel in mid air. "Spinel-sun, you will not have anymore sweets. You hear me? Now, you had best calm yourself otherwise I will not take the spell off you."

The blue creature let out a low moan. Eriol smiled as he sat down to breakfast. Finally, some peace and's a good thing I put a freezing spell and a quieting spell on Spinel... "But my powers are vanishing more each day..." he whispered.

~*~*~*~*~*Later that Day 3:00 p.m.~*~*~*~*~*

"Eriol-sama! We're back!" Nakuru shouted as she entered the manor followed by an exhausted Tomoyo.

Nakuru hung Tomoyo and her coats quickly and walked into the kitchen. "Suppi-chan?! What happened?"

Tomoyo followed in quickly, hearing Nakuru's remarks. She gasped, finding the blue creature frozen, floating above the kitchen floor. Not even his eyes blinked.

In his room, Eriol was deep in thought. "Plum blossoms...? That girl looks so familiar, but who is she?"

"The answer is right before your eyes..."

"What?" Eriol's head jerked up from the plum blossom in his hand. Why do I keep on hearing her voice? It sounds so familiar...but who is it?

Suddenly, there was a knock on his door, bringing him out of his concentration. "Darre?"

"Nakuru, Eriol-sama," Nakuru replied. She opened the door and walked in, followed by Tomoyo. "Ne Eriol-sama, why is it that I leave you and Suppi-chan for a few hours and when I come back home, I find him frozen in mid air?"

Eriol gasped. "Oh my goodness! I forgot all about him!"

"Well, you had better undo your spell now," Nakuru said as she held out the blue creature.

Eriol smiled sheepishly with a nodded and a wave of his hand. "I'm sorry Spinel."

"It's all right master...everyone makes mistakes..." Spinel replied before taking a deep breath of air.

Nakuru and Tomoyo bursted out in giggles. "Eriol-sama, Tomoyo-chan is sleeping over again." Nakuru took Tomoyo's hand and walked out with Spinel closing the door, following the girls.

Eriol's smile disappeared, looking down at the flower once more. He sighed. Walking over to his drawer, he opened the top left corner drawer, revealing a pile of letters in which he hadn't replied to...all from the same person, Tomoyo Daidouji. He had read every single one and had also taken each one's advice, but he had never written a reply of thanks. Eriol's eyes shot open that instant. "It's Daidouji-san!"

To Be Continued...

End Notes: Well, I know I said I was going to make this a one shot, but I decided that since it was going to be forever long, I'd just make it into a trilogy. So, there'll only be three parts with probably the same length or more...maybe less. Just tell me what you think. And I know there isn't much of Sakura and Syaoran, but I don't think there will be anything more about them besides a few words...Review...or I'm not writing the next two parts for anyone!! hehe...Thanks for reading!