Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Forever Gone ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Forever Gone

By: Megori

Author Notes: Gomenasai minna. I've been busy with everything lately, I haven't written much of anything. I'm still finishing up the other ficcies, which I began earlier. Anyway, no one has told me anything about this ficcie so far, so I'm not sure if it's good or not. It's still about `Nysnc's Gone, but I'm not sure if it's there yet. Like I said, this ficcie will be long. It's suppose to cover at least a month's time with, but only two days have gone by. Okay, I'll stop rambling on now. It continues with the same day. It's 6 p.m. now. Enjoy!

"Nakuru-chan! That's way too much sugar!" Tomoyo shouted, trying to hold Nakuru back from the batter bowl. It was already the 5th full cup she was going to pour in.

Nakuru stopped, staring at Tomoyo awkwardly. "Is that why my baked goodies have an odd taste to them? And why I never when any baking contests? And no one's ever told me!"
"What are you talking about?!" Spinel protested. "Eriol-sama and I have been telling you that for years now! You were just always too busy to listen!"

In the doorway, Eriol smiled, a bit relieved he had finally realized who it was and because, once more, Spinel was right. I suppose I've still got my magical touch for solving these things...

"Nakuru-chan, here..." Tomoyo said taking the cup of sugar from her hand. "I'll finish making the batter. You can start baking them now, okay?"

She nodded in a threatening glare towards Spinel.

"Hiiragizawa-kun, did you want to help?" Tomoyo asked curiously as she spotted him at the door.

Eriol snapped out of his thoughts immediately. "Huh? What was that?"

"Eriol-sama, stop playing stupid. Come on, I know you want to help Tomoyo-chan. You love baking cookies too!" Nakuru replied, dragging him towards Tomoyo's side.

Tomoyo giggled, seeing Eriol's face turn even more clueless. "Let's get started Hiiragizawa-kun."

Eriol turned towards her and nodded, his face turning a shade of pink.

Thirty minutes into the baking, six dozen cookies had already been baked, cooled and ready to eat, leaving four more to be baked and two to be cooled.

"I'm exhausted..." Tomoyo whispered, taking a seat at the kitchen table.

"I want twelve dozen cookies!" Nakuru shouted angrily. "And nothing LESS! No one gets to eat dinner until we finish making them ALL! And no one gets to rest!"
Tomoyo sweatdropped. "And how much of these are you going to eat again Nakuru-chan?"
"Nani? How much am I going to eat?" Nakuru inquired. "Well, I'm going to eat eleven of the twelve dozens! You do want some don't you?" She smiled innocently.

Tomoyo, Eriol and Spinel fell to the floor in disbelief.

"I bet she'll end up getting sick and make me and Spinel nurse her back to health," Eriol whispered, getting back up.

Tomoyo smiled. "Well, you are her creator, so wouldn't it be your own fault for making her cookie crazy?"

Eriol frowned. After a few minutes of glaring at the wall, he started to roll the cookie dough onto the pan, grumbling to himself.

Tomoyo giggled blissfully, seeing Eriol like that for the first time.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" Nakuru asked, staring at the trio in confusion.

Tomoyo turned to her with a graceful smile across her face. "No, you didn't say anything wrong Nakuru. Come on, let's finish baking the cookies before Hiiragizawa-kun melts away from hunger."

Eriol's head jerked up instantly. His face became a deeper shade of pink than before. "I don't know what you're talking about Daidouji-san."

Tomoyo and Nakuru raised an inquiring brow. "Really?" they both said in unison.

Eriol pouted, his cheeks puffing out and turned back to rolling the dough. "No one believes me, so I just won't say anything anymore."


Tomoyo sighed, walking up to the balcony of her room. Why do I feel the way I do? He's still trying to get over Mizuki-sensei. Should I ask about her? Tomoyo shook her head for a few seconds. No, it'll be best if they all thought I didn't know. Besides, he might get suspicious of why I'm asking. Or maybe they'll figure out that I do like him.

Tomoyo sighed, staring down from the balcony.

Tomoyo squinted her eyes, seeing something move down below. "What?"

Below, Eriol walked up to the fountain slowly. Daidouji-san...she's a beautiful, graceful and gentle person. She's one in a million. His cheeks started to pink up again. Man! Why do I keep blushing every time I mention her name? What's my problem?

He sat down and looked up, finding Tomoyo staring at him. His cheeks turned a crimson red immediately.

"Hiiragizawa-kun, what are you doing outside?" Tomoyo asked.

Eriol choked, trying to reply. "I uh I was just taking a walk around the garden."

"Would you mind if I joined you? I'd love to see your garden," Tomoyo asked with a pleading look.

Eriol nodded. "S...sure."

Within a few minutes, Tomoyo joined Eriol outside.

"The sky is so beautiful tonight," Tomoyo said, staring up at it.

Eriol nodded. "It's going to get cold if you want, I'll show you the garden now."

Tomoyo nodded. "Of course! I'd be more than glad!"

She followed him to a little section behind the house. "I grow wildflowers here. It's not much now, but in a few weeks, it should be full grown and bloomed."

~*~*~*~*~*25 Minutes Later~*~*~*~*~*

Tomoyo awed at everything she saw. "They're gorgeous Hiiragizawa-kun! I've never seen such a variety of flowers in one garden!"

Eriol smiled. "Arigato."

Tomoyo leaned over to smell the flowers. Wanting to show her his favorite part of that section of his garden, he too leaned in, making their faces a mere 2 inches apart. Eriol froze in fright, as did Tomoyo.

"O...over here is my, it's my fa...favorite p...(clears throat) part of this garden," Eriol said pointing towards the left.

Tomoyo held her breath and nodded, turning towards the section he had mentioned. Eriol pulled out right away. That was a close one. I...

"Hiiragizawa-kun," Tomoyo began as she too was now standing straight up once more.

Eriol looked at her immediately, his eyes full of concern. Could it be that I like her?

"What's wrong?" Tomoyo asked worriedly.

Eriol shook his head. "Nothing...shall we go in now Daidouji-san?"

Tomoyo nodded.

After Eriol saw Tomoyo off to her room, he practically ran into his room and fell onto the bed. "What a night..."

Suddenly, his window blew open and the curtains swayed in the wind.


He looked up immediately. "Nani?"

Instead of seeing the same one girl, he was now staring at two of them. His eyes widened in shock. "It can't be..."

The purpled haired female flew over to his side. "Please, don't leave me. Don't leave me Hiiragizawa-kun. I need you...please..."

Eriol's body tensed as the other female approached him.

"I don't love you anymore Eriol. Get that through your head!" the other female said once she got to the end of his bed. "You're pathetic if you haven't given up yet. Besides, I'm not here for you."

Eriol shook his head, ignoring the purple haired female. "No, don't mean that."

"Yes, I do mean it. I mean every word I say Eriol. You are the most pathetic person. And another reason why I left you was because you were too obsessive with everything that happened in Japan. And if you don't open your eyes and ears, you'll never win in the battle of love," she replied with a sneer.

Eriol raised an inquiring brow. "No, you don't mean that Kaho!"

"Hiiragizawa-kun! Listen to me! Please!" begged the other female.

"Hiiragizawa-kun! Wake up! Hiiragizawa-kun!" Tomoyo said, shaking him.

Eriol's eyes shot open at once. "NO! WAIT!" He breathed heavily.

"You have a high fever Hiiragizawa-kun. Don't worry though, I've already sent Nakuru and Spinel to get the supplies," Tomoyo said, calming him down. "You must've had a nightmare or something."

Eriol looked at her guiltily. "I can manage." He tried to move, but Tomoyo's grip on his shoulders tightened.

"No, you're going to stay in bed until you get better!" Tomoyo demanded. "I suppose it was because of me too. I was the one who asked you to show me your garden..."

Eriol smiled faintly, feeling his head becoming dizzy. "Don't worry about it Daidouji-san, it wasn't your fault."

"Here!" Nakuru shouted, running into the room with a bowl of cold water and a towel, followed by Spinel, who was carrying a tray full of soup and hot water.

After setting the supplies down, Nakuru grabbed Spinel and turned towards the door. "Well, if you've got him under control Tomoyo-chan, Spinel and I will be returning to our breakfast now."

Before Tomoyo could answer, Nakuru shut the door and a click was heard, meaning she locked it too. Tomoyo sweatdropped, along with Eriol.

"Sometimes, I wonder what's going through her mind..." Tomoyo whispered.

Eriol stared at her as she fed him.

"What is it?" Tomoyo asked curiously. "Is there something wrong with the soup?"

He shook his head with a smile. "No, I was just thinking..."

Tomoyo raised her brow curiously and continued feeding him. Sometimes, I wonder what's going through ~*his*~ head... "I see..." she replied quietly.

~*~*~*~*~*Later that Week~*~*~*~*~*

"He's only been getting worse," Tomoyo stated as Nakuru and Spinel asked for their master's condition. "And I don't know when he'll get better."

Nakuru sighed in hopelessness. "He's only been like this once...about five years ago..."

"Nakuru!" Spinel shouted, cutting her off immediately. He turned to Tomoyo and smiled politely. "I thank you dearly for taking such good care of our master Tomoyo-chan."

Tomoyo smiled faintly in reply to him. "Well, it's almost Hiiragizawa-kun's bathing time. Shall we go Nakuru-chan?"

"Sure," Nakuru replied, glaring at Spinel.

~*~*~*~*~*In Eriol's Room~*~*~*~*~*

Eriol lay still, blinking once in a while at the empty ceiling. He sighed deeply, as memories flashed through his vision. Five years ago...this same illness happened to me, but ~*she*~ was there to nurse me back...

Suddenly, the doors creaked open and two female voices were heard. Eriol instantly shut his eyes.

"But Nakuru, I have a feeling he's still ill because of his first heartbreak," Tomoyo replied, walking into the room with two wash cloths.

Nakuru followed with a bucket of warm water. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I think Hiiragizawa-kun won't let go of his first love, so it's eating him up from inside. And the only way we can know of it is his illness. It's what making him worse," Tomoyo replied once again. "Of course, that's just my opinion..."

Nakuru stared at her in shock. "No, you might just be right Tomoyo-chan...he hasn't been able to get over her for some time now...three years...what kind of moron can't get over someone in such an amount of time?!"

"Nakuru-chan, it's harder than you think to forget your true first love," Tomoyo replied, dipping the first cloth into the bucket.

Nakuru sighed. "I know, but three years is far too long. I'm just worried that if he dies, what will happen to me and Spinel?"

"You can come back to Japan with me...?" Tomoyo suggested. "But I know that Hiiragizawa-kun wouldn't die on you two. I know it for a fact!"

A faint smile spread across Nakuru's face. "What makes you so sure?"

"He's not that type of person. He's more concerned about the feeling's of others. And being a magician, he knows you two won't be so good without him, so he'll live, for the both of you," Tomoyo said smiling as she started to wash his right arm.

Nakuru's smile widened. "Tomoyo-chan, do you like Eriol-sama?"

"What?" Tomoyo's head jerked up as her cheeks started to glow a light pink. "What makes you say that?"

Nakuru giggled. "You're talking too much nice things about him. People usually don't say such things about him. They'd usually just say that he's nice and nothing more."

"Is there a something wrong with defending what you say?" Tomoyo inquired.

Nakuru shook her head. "No, but isn't just so ironic that Eriol-sama is awake?"

"Nani?!" Tomoyo's head turned to see Eriol smiling at her. Her cheeks burned a bright red. She stumbled to her feet and looked away. "Excuse me...I have to go check up on Spinel-sun now..." She quickly dashed for the door and shut it behind her. Oh my gosh! Why can't I keep my BIG mouth shut sometimes?!

Her eyes started to tear up and she ran out into the gardens. Why do I always embarrass myself in front of people?

~*~*~*~*~*Eriol's Room~*~*~*~*~*

"Go Eriol-sama!! Being sick gives you NO REASON to let her run off! She's taken care of you this entire week!" Nakuru shouted pointing towards the door.

Eriol smiled, getting out of bed. "All right, I'm going..."

"And don't forget to tell her how you feel," Nakuru added.

Eriol blushed. "What are you trying to say?"

"There's no need to hide it anymore Eriol-sama...just say you love her. You already know she loves you," Nakuru replied.

Eriol nodded, walking out of the room. "She should talk..." he mumbled to himself. He limped down the stairs in his pajamas and searched the kitchen then walking out into the backyard. "Daidouji-san, where could you have gone?"

As he turned the corner, Tomoyo let out a yelp and Eriol threw his arms around her to stop them both from falling.

"Daidouji-san..." Eriol whispered as he finally looked at the face of the person.

Tomoyo's cheeks flared immensely. "Hi...Hiiragizawa-kun? What are you doing out here?"

"I had something to tell you. And knowing how hard it is to talk to someone when they're not there, I decided to come out here and find you," Eriol replied.

Tomoyo flinched. "Why...why didn't you just send Nakuru-chan?"

"It's too important for that..." Eriol whispered. He pulled them up, so they were standing straight up now. "Arigato, for what you said about me inside."

Trying to avoid any eye contact, Tomoyo stared at his chest and her hands, which were balled up in front of it. "Is that all? It doesn't seem that important to me."

"Daidouji-san," Eriol began, a smile spreading across his face from her reply. "I'm quite sure you know why I'm here."

Tomoyo shook her head cautiously. "I don't know what you're talking about Hiiragizawa-kun."

"Tomorrow is Valentine's Day...and I was hoping you'd be my valentine," Eriol stated, his smile broadening. "It would bring me much pleasure if you said yes."

Tomoyo raised an inquiring brow. "Aren't you sick?"

"I'll be just like new by tomorrow," Eriol assured. "I promise..."

Tomoyo stepped back with a sigh. "I suppose, if you'll be fine by tomorrow."

"Arigato," Eriol replied, placing a light kiss on her hand before dawdling back to his bedroom.


"Tomoyo-chan, Eriol-sama has become a totally different person with you here," Nakuru said with a slight sound of joy in her voice.

Tomoyo looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Eriol-sama used to keep himself out of any kind of activity because it reminded him too much about his past love," Nakuru explained.

Tomoyo stared at her in surprise. "He did?"

"Yep, until you came. I don't know why, but for some reason, I think you mean a lot to him," Nakuru added.

Tomoyo blushed slightly. "Well, we are friends...he's special to me too."

Nakuru nodded with a smile. "If that's what you say..." She took the tray with Eriol's food and walked out.

Tomoyo sighed, walking towards the window. "Maybe I'm just his replacement for her...for now only..."

From behind her, Eriol sat up in bed. "Daidouji-san, you shouldn't say such things. Don't doubt what you have."

Tomoyo turned around instantly. "Hiiragizawa-kun?"

"Why don't you call me Eriol instead now? We've known each other for quite long enough wouldn't you agree?" Eriol asked curiously.

Tomoyo nodded slowly. "H...hai, but you'll have to call me Tomoyo too."

"Do you have something on your mind Tomoyo-san?" he asked quietly, not sure what was on her mind.

Tomoyo sighed and turned back to look out of the window. "Eriol-kun, who was your fiancee...I'm sorry if I'm intruding in your business, but I would like to know."

" fiancee?" Eriol repeated in horror.

Tomoyo nodded. "Was it Mizuki-sensei?"

Eriol felt his face pale and his heart beginning to drown. "W...why would you say that?"

"Because as I was going to the grocery store earlier today, she asked me how you were doing....and whether you were over her or not," Tomoyo explained.

Eriol's head jerked up. "She's here?! In England?!"

Tomoyo's heart fell tremendously. "Hai...she just came in yesterday evening...for her photography class..."

Eriol hopped out of bed, running towards the door.

"Eriol-kun!" Tomoyo began, making Eriol stop in his tracks. "Why did you lie to me?"

Eriol turned to her guiltily. "Nani?"

"About lied to me..." Tomoyo stated.

Eriol turned completely towards her, also walking towards her. "Tomoyo-san, I...I'm sorry...but I..."

"There is no reason for lies Eriol-kun....absolutely no reason. If you didn't want to tell me, you should've just said so! I would've understood!" Tomoyo said interrupting his explanation. Tears slowly made there way down her face.

"I'm sorry Tomoyo-san...."

"No, it's too late for that...I trusted you more than anything....I...I loved you more than even Sakura-chan!"

Not being able to take it anymore, she ran past him and out of the manor as quickly as she could. I can't believe I trusted him last night! I'm so stupid...

~*~*~*~*~*~Flashback to Yesterday Night~*~*~*~*~*

"Daidouji-san, there's something I've been meaning to tell you lately," Eriol said quietly.

Tomoyo turned to him, her face glistening in the moon's light. "Nani?"

"Daidouji-san, I think...I think I love....I love you..." Eriol said, quivering nervously.

Tomoyo's heart jumped, but she kept her cool. "You think?"

"I know I do," Eriol said clearing it up.

Tomoyo smiled turning away from him. "Don't say things you don't mean Hiiragizawa-kun."

"I mean it...seriously," Eriol said.

As Tomoyo turned towards him again, he leaned in and kissed her lightly against the cheek. "I mean every word I say Daidouji-san...I would die for you any second."

Tomoyo blushed heavily. "Hiiragizawa-kun...?"

"Ashiteru," Eriol repeated once more as he took her into a tight hug. "Would you be willing to give your heart to me?"

"Of course...I'll put all of my trust in you, from now till forever," Tomoyo repeated.

~*~*~*~*~*End of Flashback~*~*~*~*~*

I'm so stupid! How could I could I have fallen into his trap? Tomoyo wiped her tears away as she entered her hotel room.

"Tomoyo? What's wrong sweetie? What happened?" Sonomi asked worriedly as she heard her daughter enter with a thud of the door. Her crying wasn't loud, but it was audible. "Tomoyo...?"

To Be Continued...

End Notes: Okay, I know this chapter took me a lot longer...but it is shorter than the first chapter. This one is only eight pages...chapter one was thirteen pages. The next chapter will conclude everything and I will finally be done with this story. Please tell me what you think cause it's your opinions that improves my writing. Thanks and review!! (