Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ I Love You ❯ Dreaming of a Boy ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"I Love You" - By EcuaGirl

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Sakura and Li haven't seen each other since they were 12 years old. Now, it's been four years later and Sakura couldn't stop thinking or dreaming about Li. But one night, she had a romantic and intimate dream about him and it came true the next day.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of Cardcaptors. They belong to Nelvana and Kodansha. Card Captor Sakura belongs to Clamp. I also don't own the song "I Love You" by Faith Evans.

"text" - character's dialogue

`text' - character's thoughts

text - song lyrics

<AN> - Author's notes

~*~*~* - Flashback

~~~~~~ - Dream Sequence

***** - Scene/Time Change

Chapter 1: Dreaming of a Boy

One starry night in Tomoeda, there lived a beautiful 16-year-old girl in her yellow house in Blossom Street. <AN: I made up the name of the address that girl lives just to let you know! > This honey-brown haired lady with bright, emerald eyes sat on her bed, in her room, looking at the night sky outside her window. It's already 11:45 PM, yet she couldn't sleep, thinking not only about what to do tomorrow, but also thinking about a certain amber-eyed cutie who left Tomoeda four years ago. The girl, Sakura, may be the mistress of the Star Cards, have a loving family, have best friends, and be a sophomore from Tomoeda High School. However, she's missing one thing, or person, who she desires and loves the most. Knowing that Sakura can't stop thinking about the brown-eyed boy from Hong Kong, she turns on the radio and switches it to her favorite station. She's currently listening to a romantic song on the radio, which made Sakura think even more about her love interest. She sighed as she's listening to the song, thinking about the boy that she met six years ago.

~*~*~*~* Flashback~*~*~*~*

<AN: This flashback took place after the events of the Final Judgment. During that time, Sakura wore one of the battle costumes Madison made for her and Li wore his green Chinese robes. >

After the Final Judgment was over, 10-year-old Sakura became the new owner of the Clow Cards, in which she later transformed them into Star Cards. As she turned around, she saw two people her age behind her calling out her name. One of them was the dark-haired, blue-eyed girl named Madison, who was Sakura's best friend. The other person next to Madison was none other than Li, the brown-eyed, chestnut-haired Clow descendant who Sakura was thinking was about now.

"Sakura!" Li and Madison hollered at Sakura. She turned around and saw her two friends running towards her. Sakura smiled at them, happy that the judgment was over and that her friends were worried about her safety.

"I did it!!" Sakura yelled happily as she's running towards Li and Madison with arms wide open. She grabbed Li's hands and twirled him and herself around. Madison was watching in humor and amazement as she saw Sakura and Li holding hands and spinning each other around, while they are laughing and giggling. The celebration didn't last very long, though, as Sakura accidentally tripped Li, causing him to fall literally on his back. The laughing stopped abruptly while Sakura kneeled down next to the young Chinese boy.

"Are you okay?" asked Sakura worriedly.

"'s okay," Li replied while seating himself up. Sakura was shocked because she expected Li to snap at her, but he didn't. Instead, he looked into Sakura's eyes and smiled at her. The look of shock on Sakura's face changed into relief and happiness as she smiled back at him.

~*~*~*~* End of Flashback ~*~*~*~*

Ever since then, Sakura couldn't stop thinking about Li, even though she had a crush on Julian, her brother Tory's best friend. Well, that was back then, and this is now. Sakura felt a bit depressed and lonely, even though her teddy bear-like sun guardian, Kero is with her right now. The romantic song is still playing on the radio and Sakura is distracted by it. Even Kero got distracted by the melody of the song, which it's making his mistress even more hypnotized. He started to get worried about her as he waved his paw right in front of her face. Suddenly, Sakura sang the chorus before Kero expected it, causing him to gasp and fly a few inches from surprise.

"I love you, I want you..." Sakura's eyes became glossy as she sang.

"Waaah! Sakura, you scared me!" Kero exclaimed at her, but she didn't pay any attention to him.

"You're the one that I live for, I can't take it anymore, I love you..."

"Sakura," Kero called her name, but still didn't respond.

"I need you, what can I do to make you see, you're the only one for me..."

"SAKURA!!!" Kero yelled as loud as he could; as he did, he got Sakura out of a trance-like state.

"Aaaaahh...huh... what?" Sakura cried; she just got back to consciousness.

"Sakura, do you know what time it is?!! It's 11: 55 at night!!" Kero shouted as he pointed to Sakura's alarm clock that says 11:55 P.M. Sakura gasped as she realized that she has a lot to do tomorrow (which is Saturday). The song is still playing, so Kero shuts the radio off so Sakura can get to sleep. He had an idea as to why his mistress would put a romantic song on the radio at the middle of the night. The reason was that Sakura was still thinking about Li. Instead of ignoring his suspicions, Kero decides to get the truth straight from Sakura.

"Uh...Sakura? Are you still thinking about that kid again?" Kero asked in disgust, due to the fact that he did not like or trust Li.

"Kero! His name is Li and he's not a kid anymore!" Sakura exclaimed. She felt bad because not only did she feel that she won't see Li again, but Kero's constantly insulting him. "And to answer your question, yes I am," Sakura answered quietly.

"Opps... sorry about that, Sakura. It's just that..." Kero was going to finish his apology but Sakura stopped him.

"It's ok, Kero. It's just that I feel that... that...I won't be able to see him again," Sakura replied gently and sadly. She let one tear escape from her left eye and sighed. Kero felt bad for her that Sakura was so sad and lonely, despite the fact that she's hiding her feelings from everyone she cares about and pretends to be cheerful all of the time. He sighed, knowing he can't do anything about Sakura's dilemma. Sakura sighed also, knowing that she can't be depressed 24/7 and must learn to get over it. "Besides, Kero, I might as well get over with it because I might find someone I love more than him," Sakura said proudly while wiping her tears away.

"That's the spirit, Sakura!" Kero cried happily. "Besides, I hate it when you're sad because the way you miss the kid is kinda the way I miss chocolate pudding!" Sakura sweat dropped at that remark her cute, little guardian made.

"Oh Kero," Sakura scolded and giggled at him. Then, she and Kero laughed with each other. The young green-eyed teen's face brightened as she laughed. Kero was glad that he could at least make his mistress happy. Then, the laughing stopped and they sighed.

"Ok, Sakura, it's time for you to go to bed. It's midnight already," Kero said, pointing at the alarm clock that says 12:00 A.M. This made Sakura gasp loudly.

"Aahh!" Sakura cried. "I forgot that tomorrow I'm going with Madison to go shopping!" She and Madison already planned what they're going to do tomorrow, which includes: going shopping, eating at Tori's restaurant, and spending time at the Penguin Park. <AN: In my fic, Sakura's brother Tori and his buddy, Julian own a restaurant. > Therefore, Sakura went to bed and wrapped her blanket around herself. Kero went back to his "bedroom", which it's really a drawer with little furniture on it. They said their "good-nights" and went to sleep.

However, Sakura couldn't go to sleep because she's still thinking about Li. Obviously, she wanted to see him so badly. It's been four years since she saw him; the last time was when they were 12 years old capturing the 53rd card. The card had an ability to take away precious feelings from a person and equals the power of all 52 Clow Cards combined. It almost took away Li's ability to love, but Sakura's made-up Star Card prevented it. Thus, it turned the sealed card into the "Hope" Card. Sakura thought that Li won't be able to love her again as she said her love confession; but she was wrong when he said that he loved her back. Sakura was so glad that his feelings were still there that she jumped to him with arms wide open, yelling, "I love you". Right now, all is about to change as she had one of those dreams about Li. Only this time, this dream was much different and feels very realistic...and intimate.

~~~~~~ Sakura's Dream ~~~~~~

`Where am I?' Sakura asked herself. She looked at herself and saw that she was wearing a flowered mini skirt, sunflower sandals, and a baby pink tube top that shows her belly button. Sakura blushed because the outfit she wore was a bit skimpy. She shrieked when she suddenly fell backwards on a bed of cherry blossoms.

"Ow!" Sakura shrieked as she rubbed her butt. Then she noticed the surroundings in front of her. Sakura realized that she was in Penguin Park, sitting on a bed of cherry blossoms, smelling the scent of cherries and fresh air, and seeing the beauty of nature. All of a sudden, she saw a cute Asian guy in front of her, wearing a denim jacket, green shirt, light blue jeans, and white sneakers. He reminded Sakura of Li because he had amber-brown eyes, thick eyebrows, and messy, chestnut hair. <AN: Wait a minute! That is Li!! > Sakura saw the handsome guy and she quickly blushed, while he smirked at her. She cutely pouted at him, and as she did, the Asian teen kneeled in front of her and he stopped smirking. Li saw the teenage girl's beauty and he blushed as he smiled at her. Sakura looked into his eyes and smiled back at him. Then suddenly, they wrapped their arms around each other and pressed their lips together. Sakura had her arms around Li's neck while Li had his arms around Sakura's waist. Their kiss suddenly turned completely different. Li parted Sakura's lips with his tongue so it can enter inside them. Sakura gladly accepted his tongue and deepened the kiss. Then, Sakura parted Li's lips with her own tongue and their kiss deepened even more. Their tongues were already inside each other's lips while their hands were somewhere else. Li's hands were rubbing Sakura's back while her fingers were stroking Li's hair. The next thing the two 16-year-olds know was that they are now lying on the cherry blossom bed, with Li on top of Sakura. They broke off the earth-shattering kiss and stared at each other, out of breath. Li breathed on Sakura's neck as he placed butterfly kisses on it. Sakura felt his breath and kisses on her neck and she moaned in total bliss. Her fingers were still stroking his hair as Li continued to move his lips down to Sakura's collarbone. They groaned in unison as they continued to what they were doing...well...not for long.

~~~~~~ End of Dream ~~~~~~