Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Journeys of the Orbs: Journey#2 ❯ JOURNEY#1: A REVIEW ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Hello and thank you so much to all those reading this fic right now. I hope you enjoy it. This first chapter is a sort of review on what happened in the last part of this quartet. Sometimes I can be a little boring but work with me. The story is basically pretty cool and interesting. A little surprise here and there. But enjoy!

Konnichiwa! My name is Adrian Hiiragizawa. Yes, if you look at my last name you've probably guessed by now that Eriol Hiiragizawa is my otou-san. My okaa-san's name is Tomoyo and my younger twin's name is Haruka. Ahem! Since you probably didn't read the last story [KEYWORD: probably] I'll make the first part of my story [YES MY story!!] a little bit on what happened on our first search. So remember this is ONLY a summary.

Adrian, his twin sister, Haruka and Terou Li [Sakura and Syaoran's 12 year old son] were surprised to learn about the 2 new transfer students: Redhead and brown-eyed Irish boy, Akira Tsukishiro and Goth Kaho Tajomo. Akira was the son of Yukito who had come back from his life in Ireland. Akira's mother was Kaho Mizuki. Akira rejected the friendship that Adrian had offered to him, so the twin went home. Once they got home they found that the Sakura Cards had mysteriously stopped functioning altogether. [Freaky ain't it? That's like you're heart stops working for some people.]

Eriol held a meeting at Sakura and Syaoran's home to inform them that the Sakura's Card's energy, which lasts for about a 100 years had run out. The Cards got their energy from three powerful orbs hidden by Clow. [Orbs.. glass now.. crack Cards go BOOM.] The orbs had to be recovered by Adrian, Haruka, Terou and if possible Akira, son to Yue. Akira refused to participate. [*co*jerk*ugh] So the three children set off unaware thatthey were being watched by a set of twin brothers.

On their journey to find the Elemental Orb [which was hidden the ruins of a temple in the Brazilian jungle] Haruka was kidnapped by the twin brothers Yoji and Sukare. Yoji did the dirty deeds while his twin, Sukare whom looked ALMOST exactly like Eriol except for his green eyes, performed the magic needed. So Terou and Adrian continued onto the temple and I can tell you they found it. Well, they fell into it! A hole in front of the gate gave Adrian a broken arm. They soon found that the Elemental Orb was missing. Why? Because Yoji and Sukare beat them to it.

Once Adrian and Terou [lost his sword in the jungle, people] realized the twin brothers had Haruka as a hostage, they knew that was it. Then a mysterious warrior with golden armor and angel-like wings known as the Fallen Demon protected them, got Haruka and the Elemental Orb back home. At the end of the story after he got his arm healed Adrian realizes that the reason why Akira has such a cold heart has something to do with his mother, Kaho. And Adrian is right. Akira, fights Adrian away, but after a while finally gives in. He tells Adrian that his mother left him for America when he was only 3. Ever since then Akira stayed away from the people who cared for him because he was afraid they'd leave him too. He was hurt. So Adrian promised never to leave Akira and formed a friendship with the boy.

Okay people, that was what happened in the first story B4 dis one. For all the baboozes who already read the first story and are reading this one NOW, couple of slaps 4U! Oh yah! If anyone is reading this now, I want u to know that this is the last summary I'm going to write. I'm not going to keep on tell you wut happened earlier in the upcoming stories! Read em and weep people!