Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Journeys of the Orbs: Journey#2 ❯ ALL ALONE ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Wazup! Thank for all those who read the last fic. I hope that you find this one more interesting than the last. Please review and tell me what you think! Please R+R!

So as usual another transfer student appeared out of nowhere about a few weeks later . Dad said that although we were running against time each orb had a certain day it had to be taken. Guess what day it THAT was. Correct, today. I swear. Sometimes I think he's making this up!
The new transfer student's name was Yumi Muraoka. She came from the US, but she was Japanese. Her parents were killed in a car accident so she went to live with her grandmother in Japan. She was a tall, a bit muscular under her long sleeves, with red hair and blue eyes. She wasn't a Goth like Kaho Tajomo, but she was a troublemaker like Kaho. So the two became friends quickly.

Adrian felt so exhausted when he learned it was time to find the next orb of power that afternoon. As Terou Li, his sister Haruka, and his best friend and son of Yukito/Yue, Akira Tsukishiro made our way home they stopped at the bakery. Haruka stepped out into the back of the shop and Terou followed her. Adrian nudged Akira. It was a lovey-dovey scene they couldn't afford to miss. Adrian took out camera that his mother had just bought him and snuck out the back of the shop with Akira at his back. It was time for a little fun.

Haruka turned when she sensed someone at her back. Terou blushed when she looked at him, "What?" he asked. Haruka blinked, "Terou I-I want to tell you something." She said.

Adrian turned on the camera and saw the two speaking and blushing. "Aww. Ain't that cute?" he cooed. "Maybe." Akira whispered and shifted from his spot in the tree. Adrian clutched his camera and zoomed in on the photo. "Adrian, what if they hadyou know AHEM!" Akira whispered. Adrian flinched and looked at his best friend. "Aw, man that's nasty! Nasty minded boy." He hissed. Akira grinned, "What if we had" Adrian turned green. "Sex?! Don't make me puke, 'Kira. Cuz' if I do, you're the first thing I'm aiming for." Akira scooted away from Adrian in case he was serious. "Kiss my ass." He retorted. Adrian grinned into the camera, "Oh you wanna talk about kissing huh? There's a little kissing about to come up! Besides, I wouldn't dream about it!" he said snickering. "Are you filming? Then shut up and film!" Akira said. "Well you're the one who started it you suck up!" Adrian shot back. Akira smiled.

Haruka smiled at Terou. Terou turned away with his face burning crimson. Haruka eased in and began to kiss him. Terou's eyes bugged but he was soon kissing her back.
Adrian's blue eyes widened and he fell out of the tree in shock. There was a THUD! And Adrian whispered, "I don't believe she made the first move!" he said blankly. Haruka looked up and saw her twin on the ground with a CAMERA. Terou saw this as well. Adrian grinned sheepishly, "He-ey! What's up? You guys gonna get a room soon?" he asked and made a break for the tree. He shinnied up the tree like a rabbit and leaned back on the branch. "Oh my gosh!" Akira whispered. Adrian laughed, "No need to panic! Haruka can't climb." He assured Akira. Terou began to climb the tree. "Okay PANIC!" Adrian yelled and jumped out. Right into Haruka. Adrian tumbled over head over heels. Then in a rush of air he disappeared, taking Akira with him. "Bwahahaha!" he cackled as they ran for the hills.

When they got to Eriol's mansion Eriol swept them into the house. "Now now now. You have to go NOW." He handed Adrian and Akira a backpack. When Adrian protested, Eriol shook his head, "I'm sorry son there's no time. You'll have to go without the others. Time is running out. You have two hours to get the orb." He said and pushed the two boys into the awaiting portal.

Sukare stared into the globe and watched Eriol push the two boys into the portal. He chuckled to himself thinking how stupid the two had been. It was their fault they were being sent on a quest all alone. Then he thought of something and whispered, " Evasachek reversibad Eriol Hiiragizawa freechedf." The image of Adrian flying from the portal faded and was replaced by and image of Eriol with his chin on Tomoyo. Sukare looked at the two with a strange look in his eyes. Then he looked at Yoji who was busy leafing through a book that Clow Reed had written about the Fallen Demon. "He thinks I don't know." Sukare whispered, barely audible. "But I do. And I intend to do something about it."

Then with a shout of triumph, Yoji jumped up. "I've GOT it!" he yelled. Sukare fell of his chair in surprise. "What?" he yelped. "Salt! All it takes is salt!" Yoji replied happily. A smile flitted onto Sukare's face. "He made it too easy for us." He said smoothly and leaned back against the chair from his place on the floor. It was all over, and from here on, everything would be like taking candy from a baby! The orbs were as good as theirs.

Adrian flew out of that portal like a rag doll. He slid across the dirt ground and over a cliff nearby. He was hanging by his fingers over a boiling pit of lava. He waited for Akira to come sailing out of the portal and come to help him. He waited and waited. Akira never came for what seemed like forever. Sweat gathered under his palms as he stared getting nervous. Where was he? He started to slip and he struggled to hold on. Finally he slipped, and fell backwards into the boiling inferno to meet his death. And still as he fell there was no sign of Akira coming to his rescue

Freaking you out huh? Well I can tell you one thing. I'm not so sure whether I'm gonna let him live. I dunno yet. I think he might die here. Pending decision is the term. Well if you wanna know what happens you have to wait to find out. This second story is gonna be a short one! But there are 2 more on the way! So wait 2C what happens! I'm working on it!