Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Not Having a Single Clue ❯ prologue ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Not Having a Single Clue

Disclaimers: We don't own CCS and anything related to it.

This fic is a co-written with partner that right now has an invisible CPU. Lol :) Kazumi. Hope you people like it!!
And by the way this fic is revised FOR THE SAKE OF MY EVER LOVING AND ANNOYING PARTNER!! ^_^
who keeps on bugging me while doing this fic.

Not Having a Single Clue


A young man at around nineteen touched the pendant at his neck and then sighed 'Mother I hope your here, I really miss you a lot' he thought and then continued to read the book he was holding. Eriol Hiiragizawa was the prince and heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Normandy.

"You highness are you done with your book?" an old man said as he walked over to him,

"Not yet Apollo I can't understand this part" Eriol said as he point some portion in his book. Apollo was the great sorcerer of the kingdom and teacher of Eriol.

While Apollo was explaining the part that Eriol can not understand a knock was heard at the door, the Apollo opened the door and talked the person behind it. After they finished talking the old man nodded at what the man said and let him in.

"Your highness sorry to disturb you but your Father want's to talk to you" the messenger said kneeling in front of Eriol and looking down, "Why now can't it wait?" Eriol asked "Sorry you highness but your father said its urgent" the messenger said to him "Ok then tell my Father I will be there in just a minute" Eriol said as he stood up to fix his things.


Throne Room...

"WHAT!! I WOULD BE MARRIED TO SOMEONE I DON'T LOVE!?!" Eriol shouted shock at what his Father had just said.

"Calm down Eriol, this would be the best for you and for our kingdom, and besides your already nineteen and I think that you should already get married" his father said calmly at him

"For goodness sake father!!! I can't marry that princess I don't even know her!!" Eriol said angrily at his father. His father looked at him "Don't worry son she's a nice girl you will love her" his father said

"But...but..." Eriol said but was cut off by his father

"No buts end of discussion you will marry her no matter what happen!!!" his father said as he stood up from his throne and left his son. 'Sorry son but its for the good of our Kingdom' the king thought as he walked out of the throne room.



A beautiful young lady at around nineteen was admiring how lovely the flowers are as she tried to paint them. She really loves flowers and as a hobby she paints them.

After finishing the final touches in her work the girl sigh "I wish I'm like you" she said as she look at the flowers "Free, no one to tell you what to do or how to act" she added as tears well up in her eyes.

She walked over the flowers and touched one of them remembering what had just occurred a while ago

< "Mother I don't want to get married to someone I don't know!!!" she shouted, "Tomoyo my dear this would be best for you, don't worry the prince is one great guy" the queen said

"and besides we think its time for you to get married and also to guarantee your safety once where not here anymore" the king added. Tomoyo was the only daughter of the King and Queen and the only princes of the Kingdom of Brittany she needs to marry the prince of the other Kingdom to insure unity in both Kingdoms.

Tomoyo went over to her mother and hold her hands "But mother I don't like this prince I don't even love him, I rather stay here with Yukito till the day I die, please don't let me marry him" Tomoyo begged her mother.

"But my dear your brother won't always be at your side the whole time, sooner or later he will also move on with his life" the king said to her daughter

"But... but... father I-" Tomoyo said as she look at her father

"End of discussion we made up our mind!!" Sonomi said to her daughter "You will marry him as soon as possible!!" she added.

At what had said, Tomoyo looked at her parents hurt evident in her eyes and then run off tears falling from her beautiful face.>

She felt a hand touched her shoulder, she looked up see who it was "Oh Sakura" she said as she stood up and hugged her best friend her tears now falling freely from her beautiful eyes.

"I'm sorry Tomoyo I heard the news" she said as she rubbed her best friends back, Sakura brought her friend best to one of the bench in the garden.

"I hate them Sakura, can you believe they gave me away to someone I don't love and I don't even know" Tomoyo said to her anger now in her eyes.

"Don't worry Tomoyo, maybe they have a reason why they did this" Sakura said as she comforted her friend,

"But its still not fair I should be the one to choose the man that I would marry not them!!!" Tomoyo said back. Sakura looked at her friend sympathy her eyes "Tomoyo you will also learn to love this man, maybe he's a good man, looked at me and Syaoran before I hate him now looked what happened where getting married" she said to make her friend smile, fortunately Tomoyo smiled at what she said

"Now there I can see a smile, why don't you go with me tomorrow night we will be having our engagement party so that you would forget this problem just for a while and then after that will think I way of how to deal with it" Sakura said.

Tomoyo hugged her best friend and said "Thank you Sakura, for being there for me" Sakura smiled and hugged her back "that's what friends are for" she said.


Eriol paced back and forth at his bedroom when suddenly a voice was heard "Calm down and stop pacing your making me dizzy" at this words Eriol stoped pacing and looked the one talking.

"Syaoran!! How could I calm down at the time like this, I'm getting married to some one I haven't even met in my whole life!!!" Eriol shouted at his best friend. Syaoran walked over to his best friend and pat his back "Don't worry Eriol you will eventually know and love this girl" he said. Eriol walked to his bed swearing and saying

"I hate this damn world!!! I hate being a prince, I hate being the only son, I hate everything!!!"

Eriol sat at his bed and then buried his face in his hands "I wish mother's here" he quietly said.

Syaoran walked over to him and rubbed his back "Stop hating everything, your lucky that you have all this things" Syaoran said as he points at everything in Eriols room then he added

"Some people doesn't have the stuff and respect that you have and some of them only sleep on streets, you should be thankful"

"But its not right" Eriol said as he looked at his friend.

"I know but that's just how life go" Syaoran said as he looked at his friend.

"Why don't you come with me tomorrow night it my engagement part with Sakura, let lose and have fun even for just a while and forget this thing besides you can't do anything about it your father have decided"

Eriol smiled and agreed, 'Syaorans right I should have fun till the day of my wedding that will forever tie me to some one I don't love' he thought.

AN: Ok one long prologue, chapter 1 will be up once my PARTNER is done with it. We hope you like it!!